Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech...

For ALL you right wing fuck heads.......TWO questions:

1. If the owners of the building where the NRA meets do not allow guns....Shouldn't the NRA CHOOSE a venue where guns are FREELY carried????

2. If you want to "blame" the secret service banning come after the orange stench is gone the NRA STILL bans them from their meeting???

You are ALL full of shit, and the slightly smarter among you know it...LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sometimes an NRA Convention is held in a city and ALL BIG and APPROPRIATE buildings [Convention Centers] available have the same anti gun rules Nat !! See ' san fransicko' or 'new york' city for examples of a couple anti gun areas that might allow an NRA Convention because they want the money but they would never allow guns in the Convention would they eh ?? Also , consider that anti gun state and city , county laws are also part of pro gun peoples and NRA problem . ------------------------------------------- as to yer question number 2 , as i told you . The decision is up to the PRIVATE properties owner in many cases Nat !!

I've been in the Georgia World Congress Center many times. As well as others -- Javits in NYC, McCormack in Chicago, Moscone in SF, Dallas, New Orleans, Boston, Denver, Anaheim, St.Louis, Philly, Baltimore, DC.... not one of them ever had a metal detector entry, not one ever had a "no firearms" sign.

Most are in some way connected to a public access point such as a shopping mall and/or hotel. Some have direct access from public transit. Walking in there armed would be laughably easy. That is, in normal circumstances with normal people meeting.
Here I'll type slowly so that even an idiot like you can understand....

Q. Why does the NRA hold a conferences?
A. To advocate for the 2nd amendment and to market for the gun manufacturers

Q. Why are then guns banned from an NRA convention?
A. Because they're a bucng fucked up, hypocritical scum buckets who are afraid of what they preach...i

Couldn't possibly to prevent accidents, especially fatal ones, from happening could it?

"Fatal accidents"?? :eek:

But.... but ..... I thought "guns don't kill people"!? I read that here!

So that's not true? I'm so disillusioned :crybaby:
disillusioned isn't quite the word I would use for you.

Yes, guns don't cause fatal accidents, people do.

and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

Thank you. So I can go ahead and tell these wags who wander around yammering to anyone who will listen, "guns don't kill people", that you said they're full of shit.

I keep telling 'em, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people".
"guns don't kill people", that you said they're full of shit.

Go for it.

It's rare that a firearm pulls it's own trigger

I'm sure it is. But I just learned the revelation here that having a lotta guns around somehow leads to fatal accidents. To paraphrase a Rump rape quote --- something's doing the trigger-pulling.
For ALL you right wing fuck heads.......TWO questions:

1. If the owners of the building where the NRA meets do not allow guns....Shouldn't the NRA CHOOSE a venue where guns are FREELY carried????

2. If you want to "blame" the secret service banning come after the orange stench is gone the NRA STILL bans them from their meeting???

You are ALL full of shit, and the slightly smarter among you know it...LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sometimes an NRA Convention is held in a city and ALL BIG and APPROPRIATE buildings [Convention Centers] available have the same anti gun rules Nat !! See ' san fransicko' or 'new york' city for examples of a couple anti gun areas that might allow an NRA Convention because they want the money but they would never allow guns in the Convention would they eh ?? Also , consider that anti gun state and city , county laws are also part of pro gun peoples and NRA problem . ------------------------------------------- as to yer question number 2 , as i told you . The decision is up to the PRIVATE properties owner in many cases Nat !!

I've been in the Georgia World Congress Center many times. As well as others -- Javits in NYC, McCormack in Chicago, Moscone in SF, Dallas, New Orleans, Boston, Denver, Anaheim, St.Louis, Philly, Baltimore, DC.... not one of them ever had a metal detector entry, not one ever had a "no firearms" sign.

Most are in some way connected to a public access point such as a shopping mall and/or hotel. Some have direct access from public transit. Walking in there armed would be laughably easy. That is, in normal circumstances with normal people meeting.

Wow.....look at you.
HYPOCRISY personified........The NRA....also known as the promoters for gun full of shit....

Even without the orange clown in attendance, guns are STILL banned in a venue where morons are calling for everyone (including people with mental health issues) to openly carry a weapon........EXCEPT, of course, in a venue where their own sorry hides may be in peril....after all, they'd say,".....there may be crazy people out there with guns"...............................LOL

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
Yeah, so?

Here I'll type slowly so that even an idiot like you can understand....

Q. Why does the NRA hold a conferences?
A. To advocate for the 2nd amendment and to market for the gun manufacturers

Q. Why are then guns banned from an NRA convention?
A. Because they're a bucng fucked up, hypocritical scum buckets who are afraid of what they preach...i

Couldn't possibly to prevent accidents, especially fatal ones, from happening could it?

"Fatal accidents"?? :eek:

But.... but ..... I thought "guns don't kill people"!? I read that here!

So that's not true? I'm so disillusioned :crybaby:
disillusioned isn't quite the word I would use for you.

Yes, guns don't cause fatal accidents, people do.

and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

Thank you. So I can go ahead and tell these wags who wander around yammering to anyone who will listen, "guns don't kill people", that you said they're full of shit.

I keep telling 'em, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people".
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam Colt invented the first practical revolver . --------------------- God created man but Sam Colt made ALL men equal Pogo .
and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

So, you'd be against the old west saloon atmospehere....and there and then you could add alcohol to the mix.....LOL
That you cannot answer them yourself is a really sad part of the story.

So, I asked the questions....You CANNOT answer them....and your half brain "concludes" that such is the "sad part of the story".....You're correct.....LOL
and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

So, you'd be against the old west saloon atmospehere....and there and then you could add alcohol to the mix.....LOL

Around here, you can carry, or you can drink. Get caught doing both, and you will be made an expensive-for-you example, and lose your permit.

My wife and I take turns being the designated driver/shooter.
and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

So, you'd be against the old west saloon atmospehere....and there and then you could add alcohol to the mix.....LOL

Have you ever posted anything, anything at all, without making it look like you had your foot in your mouth?
Have you ever posted anything, anything at all, without making it look like you had your foot in your mouth?

Well, that's for you morons to judge......I'm perfectly content with what I post about you idiots' hypocrisy.....Handle it.
NO wild west atmosphere , heck , there are lots of armed Americans that you pass on the streets everyday Nat . And as you've been told , it was the Presidents security / secret service that wouldn't allow guns at the NRA Convention because the President was attending Nat !!
NO wild west atmosphere , heck , there are lots of armed Americans that you pass on the streets everyday Nat . And as you've been told , it was the Presidents security / secret service that wouldn't allow guns at the NRA Convention because the President was attending Nat !!

So, moron (no offense) soon as Trump left, all those NRA members could go back to their rooms and bring their guns to the convention???.............LOL
don't know and neither do YOU Nat . The NRA Convention may have been held in a 'no guns allowed' Convention Center / building Nat . I don't know and neither do YOU , Course , it has been established that no guns were allowed when the President was giving his speech due to Secret Service Rules Nat !!
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

HILARIOUS. The NRA meeting is A GUN FREE ZONE. They're afraid some of the snowflakes will take a shot at drumpf apparently. But if everyone in the hall has a gun on them won't it be the safest place in town? Isn't the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun?

LOL The gigantic tremendous incredible stupendous hypocrisy of these people is epic. What a huge bunch of snowflakes.

Drumpf tells them to disarm and they IMMEDIATELY disarm. Isn't this exactly opposite of what they claim they'll do the moment the government says 'disarm'? Batshittery you have a new champion. The NRA and it's bugwit followers are the most gullible snowflakes ever.
HYPOCRISY personified........The NRA....also known as the promoters for gun full of shit....

Even without the orange clown in attendance, guns are STILL banned in a venue where morons are calling for everyone (including people with mental health issues) to openly carry a weapon........EXCEPT, of course, in a venue where their own sorry hides may be in peril....after all, they'd say,".....there may be crazy people out there with guns"...............................LOL

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
Here I'll type slowly so that even an idiot like you can understand....

Q. Why does the NRA hold a conferences?
A. To advocate for the 2nd amendment and to market for the gun manufacturers

Q. Why are then guns banned from an NRA convention?
A. Because they're a bucng fucked up, hypocritical scum buckets who are afraid of what they preach...i

Couldn't possibly to prevent accidents, especially fatal ones, from happening could it?

"Fatal accidents"?? :eek:

But.... but ..... I thought "guns don't kill people"!? I read that here!

So that's not true? I'm so disillusioned :crybaby:
disillusioned isn't quite the word I would use for you.

Yes, guns don't cause fatal accidents, people do.

and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

Thank you. So I can go ahead and tell these wags who wander around yammering to anyone who will listen, "guns don't kill people", that you said they're full of shit.

I keep telling 'em, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people".
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam Colt invented the first practical revolver . --------------------- God created man but Sam Colt made ALL men equal Pogo .

Ummmmm.... no. The Constitution did that.
don't know and neither do YOU Nat . The NRA Convention may have been held in a 'no guns allowed' Convention Center / building Nat . I don't know and neither do YOU , Course , it has been established that no guns were allowed when the President was giving his speech due to Secret Service Rules Nat !!

Sooooooo yer saying if there's an armed security force in play, then citizens don't need guns.

Well guess what.
Drumpf tells them to disarm and they IMMEDIATELY disarm.

How idiotic of you.

The Secret Service ordered no firearms in the hall, as they do everywhere the president goes. The choice is no guns or no president.

Why do you think Obama rarely made pop-in visits in Virginia?
HYPOCRISY personified........The NRA....also known as the promoters for gun full of shit....

Even without the orange clown in attendance, guns are STILL banned in a venue where morons are calling for everyone (including people with mental health issues) to openly carry a weapon........EXCEPT, of course, in a venue where their own sorry hides may be in peril....after all, they'd say,".....there may be crazy people out there with guns"...............................LOL

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
Couldn't possibly to prevent accidents, especially fatal ones, from happening could it?

"Fatal accidents"?? :eek:

But.... but ..... I thought "guns don't kill people"!? I read that here!

So that's not true? I'm so disillusioned :crybaby:
disillusioned isn't quite the word I would use for you.

Yes, guns don't cause fatal accidents, people do.

and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

Thank you. So I can go ahead and tell these wags who wander around yammering to anyone who will listen, "guns don't kill people", that you said they're full of shit.

I keep telling 'em, "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people".
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam Colt invented the first practical revolver . --------------------- God created man but Sam Colt made ALL men equal Pogo .

Ummmmm.... no. The Constitution did that.

It did?

Including blacks?

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