Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech...

Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

That's what the Secret Service requires at any event the President attends. It's not up to Trump or the NRA to make that decision, you fucking dumbass.
HYPOCRISY personified........The NRA....also known as the promoters for gun full of shit....

Even without the orange clown in attendance, guns are STILL banned in a venue where morons are calling for everyone (including people with mental health issues) to openly carry a weapon........EXCEPT, of course, in a venue where their own sorry hides may be in peril....after all, they'd say,".....there may be crazy people out there with guns"...............................LOL
--------------------------------------- YOU , once again don't know what you are talking about Nat !! When the NRA and other pro gun groups hold meetings in Covention Centers the issues of guns being carried in the meeting is up to the owners of the buildings that the meetings are held in . And in this case , since it was the President the decision of guns or 'no guns' was up to the Presidents Security Rules and Laws Nat .

Remember this Pismoe.... It is all about money and power with these NRA guys. They could care less about anyone.

Super Tacky

Days after the Columbine school shootings in 1999, the NRA made the controversial decision to hold its national convention in neighboring Denver, Colorado. At that convention, Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre embraced some commonsense rules to prevent similar future tragedies.

They wanted gun free zones and then opposed them after the smoke cleared.

After Columbine Shooting, NRA Supported Gun Free School Zones It Now Opposes don't know what you are talking about....that meeting, as was pointed out at the time, was planned years in advance and could not be changed, they did cancel several events.......

Since Columbine it has been shown that mass shooters target gun free creating more gun free zones doesn't stop mass draws them like flies...
Over 100 liberals who had bit plans for the event have just demanded refunds.

Gee, I wonder why!

Note: First person to try to discredit this by whining "link" confesses to being a murderous liberal puke.
Obvious conclusion......

The NRA is AFRAID of gun toting maniacs even while they are advocating for EVERYONE to carry guns........except when their own sorry asses are in danger.

Moron....they have open and concealed carry at all of their events...except those controlled by the Secret Service...dumb ass....
FBI agents don't carry guns in the FBI training center in Quantico. Sailors don't carry guns aboard ship. Nobody gets into a federal building carrying a gun. The Army didn't even allow MP's to carry firearms at Ft. Hood when the jihad major went on a shooting spree. Why would it be strange to forbid civilians from carrying firearms inside a building with the President?
Why would a person need to bring a gun to a presidential speech?

An NRA convention

Yeah, so?

Here I'll type slowly so that even an idiot like you can understand....

Q. Why does the NRA hold a conferences?
A. To advocate for the 2nd amendment and to market for the gun manufacturers

Q. Why are then guns banned from an NRA convention?
A. Because they're a bunch of fucked up, hypocritical scum buckets who are afraid of what they preach...i

They vote for office holders and hold panel discussions....just like Comic Con, dumb ass...

And guns aren't banned...moron.
Moron....they have open and concealed carry at all of their events...except those controlled by the Secret Service...dumb ass....

So, fuckhead...AFTER Trump left, all attendees went up to their rooms, cars, homes, gutters, etc. to get their guns and parade them around the convention???

(I mean, otherwise, they'd be hypocrites, right??? LOL)
Why would a person need to bring a gun to a presidential speech?

An NRA convention

Yeah, so?

Here I'll type slowly so that even an idiot like you can understand....

Q. Why does the NRA hold a conferences?
A. To advocate for the 2nd amendment and to market for the gun manufacturers

Q. Why are then guns banned from an NRA convention?
A. Because they're a bucng fucked up, hypocritical scum buckets who are afraid of what they preach...i

Couldn't possibly to prevent accidents, especially fatal ones, from happening could it?

"Fatal accidents"?? :eek:

But.... but ..... I thought "guns don't kill people"!? I read that here!

So that's not true? I'm so disillusioned :crybaby:

Hey, dumb ass.....400 million guns in private hands, and over 15 million people carrying guns for self many accidental gun deaths....?

You are more likely to die in the car on the way to the convention center, dumb ass, since 36, 000 people died in car accidents last year....

Leading Causes of Death | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC


2013 ..... 505
2012 ..... 548
2011 ..... 591
2010 ..... 606
2009 ..... 554
2008 ..... 592
2007..... 613
2006..... 642
2005 ..... 789
2004 ..... 649
2003 ..... 730
2002 ..... 762
2001 ..... 802
2000 ..... 776
1999 ..... 824
and hundreds of armed people in an enclosed area is asking for an accident to happen, no matter how responsible the people are.

So, you'd be against the old west saloon atmospehere....and there and then you could add alcohol to the mix.....LOL

Hey.....this is what actually happened......

Allowing guns into bars has ‘surprising’ result

When Virginia passed a law allowing concealed carry in bars and alcohol-serving restaurants beginning July 1 of last year, opponents of the change decried the dangers of mixing guns and alcohol, for fear violent crimes would escalate.

But one year later, the Richmond Times-Dispatch did a study to see if the gloomy prognostications came true.

According to state police records, not only did gun violence in bars and restaurants not increase under the new law, it decreased by 5.2 percent.

In fact, of the 145 reported crimes with guns that occurred in Virginia bars and restaurants in fiscal 2010-11 (compared to 153 incidents in the year before the new law took effect), only two of the aggravated assault cases were related to concealed-carry permit holders. In one incident, the crime took place at a restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol – thus unrelated to the new law – and in the other, the weapon was neither discharged nor withdrawn from its holster.

“The numbers basically just confirm what we’ve said would happen if the General Assembly changed the law,” Philip Van Cleave, president of the pro-gun Virginia Citizens Defense League, told the Times-Dispatch. “Keep in mind what the other side was saying – that this was going to be a blood bath, that restaurants will be dangerous and people will stop going. But there was nothing to base the fear-mongering on.”
Moron....they have open and concealed carry at all of their events...except those controlled by the Secret Service...dumb ass....

So, fuckhead...AFTER Trump left, all attendees went up to their rooms, cars, homes, gutters, etc. to get their guns and parade them around the convention???

(I mean, otherwise, they'd be hypocrites, right??? LOL)

Yeah...they did.....shithead......
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

HILARIOUS. The NRA meeting is A GUN FREE ZONE. They're afraid some of the snowflakes will take a shot at drumpf apparently. But if everyone in the hall has a gun on them won't it be the safest place in town? Isn't the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun?

LOL The gigantic tremendous incredible stupendous hypocrisy of these people is epic. What a huge bunch of snowflakes.

Drumpf tells them to disarm and they IMMEDIATELY disarm. Isn't this exactly opposite of what they claim they'll do the moment the government says 'disarm'? Batshittery you have a new champion. The NRA and it's bugwit followers are the most gullible snowflakes ever.

Moron...they allowed both open and concealed carry at the NRA controlled areas.....
don't know and neither do YOU Nat . The NRA Convention may have been held in a 'no guns allowed' Convention Center / building Nat . I don't know and neither do YOU , Course , it has been established that no guns were allowed when the President was giving his speech due to Secret Service Rules Nat !!

Sooooooo yer saying if there's an armed security force in play, then citizens don't need guns.

Well guess what.

Nope.....since the Orlando night club shooting the one guard with a gun ran away to call for help...leaving over 320 unarmed people at the mercy of a muslim terrorist.
vote for office holders and hold panel discussions

Oh, those panel discussions must be so damn entertaining.....My guess on some of those topics for discussion:

  • How can we make more money for the gun manufacturers?

  • Why we hate liberals who have all their teeth

  • Target practicing on black and brown skinned people

  • Why you cannot always judge someone's penis by the size of his guns

  • The rest of the world doesn't know what they're missing in not having an NRA
HYPOCRISY personified........The NRA....also known as the promoters for gun full of shit....

Even without the orange clown in attendance, guns are STILL banned in a venue where morons are calling for everyone (including people with mental health issues) to openly carry a weapon........EXCEPT, of course, in a venue where their own sorry hides may be in peril....after all, they'd say,".....there may be crazy people out there with guns"...............................LOL

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....


Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales To Certain Mentally Ill People

“The Republicans are so hypocritical on this issue,” said Senator Christopher Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut. He has fought for both stronger gun controls and better mental health care in the aftermath of the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn. A mentally troubled individual used a legally purchased assault weapon and shot to death 20 children and six school workers. The disability rule was a response to that tragedy after Congress refused to tighten gun safety laws.


It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy

It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy -

Huge list of a diagnosed mentally ill person buying a gun..

Air Force base shooting Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington 6/20/1994 1994 Former airman Dean Allen Mellberg, 20, opened fire inside a hospital at the Fairchild Air Force Base before he was shot dead by a military police officer outside. 5 23 28 Military Yes He was repeatedly diagnosed with emotional problems during his two years of service. Yes Gun dealer in Spokane, Wash

Long Island Rail Road massacre Garden City, New York 12/7/1993 1993 Colin Ferguson, 35, opened fire on an eastbound Long Island Rail Road train as it approached a Garden City station. He was later arrested. 6 19 25 Other Yes Psychiatrists and others said he suffered from racial paranoia and was obsessed with nonexistent conspiracies. His landlord said he had "delusions of grandeur." Yes Turner's Outdoorsman in Signal Hill, Calif. One semiautomatic handgun

Watkins Glen killings Watkins Glen, New York 10/15/1992 1992 John T. Miller, 50, killed four child-support workers in a county office building before turning the gun on himself. Miller was upset about a court order garnishing his paycheck to cover overdue child-support payments. 5 0 5 Other Yes The day before the shooting, he told child-support collection office workers that he was considering suicide. He had been convicted of felonious assault for pointing a revolver at police officers responding to a domestic violence report at this girlfriend's apartment. Yes

Royal Oak postal shootings Royal Oak, Michigan 11/14/1991 1991 Laid-off postal worker Thomas McIlvane, 31, opened fire at his former workplace before committing suicide. 5 5 10 Workplace Yes Police revoked his CCW permit after determining he was mentally unstable. Yes Local gun store One rifle .22-caliber Ruger sawed-off semiautomatic rifle white Male; Monday ceremony marks 20 years since post office shooting in Royal Oak 42.4894801 -83.1446485 Mass

University of Iowa shooting Iowa City, Iowa 11/1/1991 1991 Former graduate student Gang Lu, 28, went on a rampage on campus and then committed suicide at the scene. 6 1 7 School Unclear He was described as darkly disturbed and isolated.

Standard Gravure shooting Louisville, Kentucky 9/14/1989 1989 Joseph T. Wesbecker, 47, gunned down eight people at his former workplace before committing suicide. 9 12 21 Workplace Yes Prior to the shooting, he had voluntarily checked into hospitals for mental problems at least twice and attempted suicide three times. Yes AK-47 purchased from Tilford's Gun Sales in Louisville, Ky.
Mother Jones' Investigation: US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016


images really are fucking stupid.......
vote for office holders and hold panel discussions

Oh, those panel discussions must be so damn entertaining.....My guess on some of those topics for discussion:

  • How can we make more money for the gun manufacturers?

  • Why we hate liberals who have all their teeth

  • Target practicing on black and brown skinned people

  • Why you cannot always judge someone's penis by the size of his guns

  • The rest of the world doesn't know what they're missing in not having an NRA

The only people shooting minorities are other democrat controlled voting districts.....

And show that anti gunners like yourself have twisted sex hang ups for guns.....we can't discuss guns without one of you anti gunners having sex dreams about guns......

The rest of the world murdered about 100 million, unarmed, men, women and children.......they are not the example we want to follow...
don't know and neither do YOU Nat . The NRA Convention may have been held in a 'no guns allowed' Convention Center / building Nat . I don't know and neither do YOU , Course , it has been established that no guns were allowed when the President was giving his speech due to Secret Service Rules Nat !!

Why would the NRA.......a PROPONENT that everyone should walk around armed....choose a no-gun allowed venue???

Too funny for words.

They didn't .........
HYPOCRISY personified........The NRA....also known as the promoters for gun full of shit....

Even without the orange clown in attendance, guns are STILL banned in a venue where morons are calling for everyone (including people with mental health issues) to openly carry a weapon........EXCEPT, of course, in a venue where their own sorry hides may be in peril....after all, they'd say,".....there may be crazy people out there with guns"...............................LOL

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....


Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales To Certain Mentally Ill People

“The Republicans are so hypocritical on this issue,” said Senator Christopher Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut. He has fought for both stronger gun controls and better mental health care in the aftermath of the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn. A mentally troubled individual used a legally purchased assault weapon and shot to death 20 children and six school workers. The disability rule was a response to that tragedy after Congress refused to tighten gun safety laws.


It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy

It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy -

Huge list of a diagnosed mentally ill person buying a gun..

Air Force base shooting Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington 6/20/1994 1994 Former airman Dean Allen Mellberg, 20, opened fire inside a hospital at the Fairchild Air Force Base before he was shot dead by a military police officer outside. 5 23 28 Military Yes He was repeatedly diagnosed with emotional problems during his two years of service. Yes Gun dealer in Spokane, Wash

Long Island Rail Road massacre Garden City, New York 12/7/1993 1993 Colin Ferguson, 35, opened fire on an eastbound Long Island Rail Road train as it approached a Garden City station. He was later arrested. 6 19 25 Other Yes Psychiatrists and others said he suffered from racial paranoia and was obsessed with nonexistent conspiracies. His landlord said he had "delusions of grandeur." Yes Turner's Outdoorsman in Signal Hill, Calif. One semiautomatic handgun

Watkins Glen killings Watkins Glen, New York 10/15/1992 1992 John T. Miller, 50, killed four child-support workers in a county office building before turning the gun on himself. Miller was upset about a court order garnishing his paycheck to cover overdue child-support payments. 5 0 5 Other Yes The day before the shooting, he told child-support collection office workers that he was considering suicide. He had been convicted of felonious assault for pointing a revolver at police officers responding to a domestic violence report at this girlfriend's apartment. Yes

Royal Oak postal shootings Royal Oak, Michigan 11/14/1991 1991 Laid-off postal worker Thomas McIlvane, 31, opened fire at his former workplace before committing suicide. 5 5 10 Workplace Yes Police revoked his CCW permit after determining he was mentally unstable. Yes Local gun store One rifle .22-caliber Ruger sawed-off semiautomatic rifle white Male; Monday ceremony marks 20 years since post office shooting in Royal Oak 42.4894801 -83.1446485 Mass

University of Iowa shooting Iowa City, Iowa 11/1/1991 1991 Former graduate student Gang Lu, 28, went on a rampage on campus and then committed suicide at the scene. 6 1 7 School Unclear He was described as darkly disturbed and isolated.

Standard Gravure shooting Louisville, Kentucky 9/14/1989 1989 Joseph T. Wesbecker, 47, gunned down eight people at his former workplace before committing suicide. 9 12 21 Workplace Yes Prior to the shooting, he had voluntarily checked into hospitals for mental problems at least twice and attempted suicide three times. Yes AK-47 purchased from Tilford's Gun Sales in Louisville, Ky.
Mother Jones' Investigation: US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016



Yeah...and how often do Americans use guns to stop violent criminals/democrats? According to bill clinton and barak obama...about 1,500,000 times a year....

Self defense with a gun......40 years of actual research...first is the name of the group that conducted the research, then the year, then the number of defensive gun uses and finally wether the research contained police or military defensive gun uses....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)

DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)

L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)

Kleck......1994...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million ( the bill clinton study)

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."

(Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18])

Paper: "Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment." By David McDowall and others. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, March 2000. Measuring Civilian Defensive Firearm Use: A Methodological Experiment - Springer




Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..

If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....
Atlanta (CNN)The US Secret Service said Thursday attendees at President Donald Trump's speech Friday at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings in Atlanta will have to leave their firearms outside.

At the rest of the yearly NRA conference -- held this year at the Georgia World Congress Center, near CNN headquarters -- guns are allowed


Secret Service: Guns banned from Trump's NRA speech -

/---- the SS is worried about a deranged Hildabeast supporter trying to take out the president so he can be a lib hero.

Now you know that I am thinking about getting a small gun, due to all of the break-ins in my neighborhood... Why should I force others to agree that it is ok to carry it around even in areas where kids were murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....
murdered by a nut job who got a gun handed to him in seconds....


Trump Repeals Rule Designed To Block Gun Sales To Certain Mentally Ill People

“The Republicans are so hypocritical on this issue,” said Senator Christopher Murphy, Democrat of Connecticut. He has fought for both stronger gun controls and better mental health care in the aftermath of the 2012 school massacre in Newtown, Conn. A mentally troubled individual used a legally purchased assault weapon and shot to death 20 children and six school workers. The disability rule was a response to that tragedy after Congress refused to tighten gun safety laws.


It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy

It's easier to get a gun than to get a puppy -

Huge list of a diagnosed mentally ill person buying a gun..

Air Force base shooting Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington 6/20/1994 1994 Former airman Dean Allen Mellberg, 20, opened fire inside a hospital at the Fairchild Air Force Base before he was shot dead by a military police officer outside. 5 23 28 Military Yes He was repeatedly diagnosed with emotional problems during his two years of service. Yes Gun dealer in Spokane, Wash

Long Island Rail Road massacre Garden City, New York 12/7/1993 1993 Colin Ferguson, 35, opened fire on an eastbound Long Island Rail Road train as it approached a Garden City station. He was later arrested. 6 19 25 Other Yes Psychiatrists and others said he suffered from racial paranoia and was obsessed with nonexistent conspiracies. His landlord said he had "delusions of grandeur." Yes Turner's Outdoorsman in Signal Hill, Calif. One semiautomatic handgun

Watkins Glen killings Watkins Glen, New York 10/15/1992 1992 John T. Miller, 50, killed four child-support workers in a county office building before turning the gun on himself. Miller was upset about a court order garnishing his paycheck to cover overdue child-support payments. 5 0 5 Other Yes The day before the shooting, he told child-support collection office workers that he was considering suicide. He had been convicted of felonious assault for pointing a revolver at police officers responding to a domestic violence report at this girlfriend's apartment. Yes

Royal Oak postal shootings Royal Oak, Michigan 11/14/1991 1991 Laid-off postal worker Thomas McIlvane, 31, opened fire at his former workplace before committing suicide. 5 5 10 Workplace Yes Police revoked his CCW permit after determining he was mentally unstable. Yes Local gun store One rifle .22-caliber Ruger sawed-off semiautomatic rifle white Male; Monday ceremony marks 20 years since post office shooting in Royal Oak 42.4894801 -83.1446485 Mass

University of Iowa shooting Iowa City, Iowa 11/1/1991 1991 Former graduate student Gang Lu, 28, went on a rampage on campus and then committed suicide at the scene. 6 1 7 School Unclear He was described as darkly disturbed and isolated.

Standard Gravure shooting Louisville, Kentucky 9/14/1989 1989 Joseph T. Wesbecker, 47, gunned down eight people at his former workplace before committing suicide. 9 12 21 Workplace Yes Prior to the shooting, he had voluntarily checked into hospitals for mental problems at least twice and attempted suicide three times. Yes AK-47 purchased from Tilford's Gun Sales in Louisville, Ky.
Mother Jones' Investigation: US Mass Shootings, 1982-2016


. It would have required the Social Security Administration to add about 75,000 people, currently on disability support, to the national background check database and deny them gun purchases

That's why. Its horse shit and discriminatory. I get disability and its not for ANY mental issue its physical,my father has the same issues plus some...can't grasp things in his hands,really bad knee issues and degenerated spine among other issues....we can own guns but this was a HUGE step towards banning MILLIONS of people on disability from owning a gun.

I get disability too.....but the SS people should at least be looked into to make sure that their disability is not mental illness.
It is wrong just to hand out a gun to anyone . can't tell the truth to save your life....
Garbage. There are many reasons that a POTUS is in way more danger than your average person. That's why he has Secret Service and you and I don't.

You have nothing there, give it up and use your brain before you speak next time.

I'll ask AGAIN for you morons.......

AFTER Trump left......GONE........did the convention organizers urge everyone in attendance to go back to their rooms to get their trusted guns????

I mean its a fucking GUN-ADVOCACY convention, after all....LOL


Open Carry at the NRA Meeting 2017 - The Truth About Guns


For the last three NRA Annual Meetings, open and concealed carry have been legal and practiced on the premises. In 2015 it was in Nashville. 2016 was Louisville, Kentucky. In the press room here in Atlanta, there were a few open carriers. From the printing that I noticed here and there, there were a significantly greater number of concealed carriers.

I was one of those. The press room was rather chilly for a Yuma, Arizona resident so I kept my jacket on. Out on the floor, there were few open carriers. Then it hit me. President Trump was scheduled to speak. The Secret Service frowns on anything they consider a weapon in the same room with the President. I noticed one gentleman with an empty holster, heading toward the venue for the President’s speech.


When I talked to people who had attempted to enter the forum for the speech, it’s questionable if even the empty holster was allowed. One man had to go to the Knife Rights knife check facility and check a penlight flashlight. So the explanation for the relatively small numbers of open carry on the first day was obvious.

I expect the numbers to increase Saturday and Sunday.


Open and concealed carry at NRA Meetings is a thing. I doubt the NRA will schedule a meeting in a state that doesn’t respect the Second Amendment enough to have a shall-issue concealed carry laws and reasonable reciprocity.

A national reciprocity law could, of course, change that, opening up the 10 to 13 states that severely infringe on Second Amendment rights.

People who live on the borders of Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, California, Connecticut, and Delaware would certainly appreciate the change. Even Illinois, Oregon, and Washington state would become much friendlier to visitors.

I expect to see a lot more more open carry here this weekend.

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