guns in mississippi, one year of open big deal...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
I typed the title to this thread without if it looks like that, I don't know what the cause would be...let me know...

It has been one year since the State of Mississippi allowed the open carry of guns without a permit...and of course the anti-gunners whined and moaned that this would turn the state into a shooting such luck on their side...

Mississippi Yawning One Year Later Dire Open Carry Predictions Prove False The Daily Caller

Anti-gun advocates argued “Allowing the open carrying of deadly weapons could cause the escalation of disagreements between citizens and could lead to increased incidents of violence with deadly weapons in the State of Mississippi.” The document also speculated, “When firearms are openly carried by untrained individuals, it is less likely that these individuals will properly retain control of their weapons. Therefore, others are able to easily disarm carriers in order to use the weapon against innocent bystanders.”

Clarion-Ledger writer Geoff Pender notes just how wrong these predictions were. Pender’s piece cites the legislation’s author, Rep. Andy, Braxton as stating, “A year later, we don’t have the wild, wild West.” Director of the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police Ken Winter, who Pender explains had reservations about the bill, is also quoted on the topic. Winters stated, “It’s kind of been a non-issue.”

Mississippi joins a continually growing list of jurisdictions that have chosen to better respect the right to carry, and failed to suffer the negative consequences predicted by gun controllers. Each time anti-gun advocates are proven wrong, the efficacy of NRA’s position becomes clearer.

How many states will there need to be to show that allowing law abiding citizens to carry guns isn't the problem behind gun crime and mass shooting...

You need criminal control, not gun control...

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