Guns rarely used for self defence

I for one would rather have a gun and not need it than need one and not have it.

And that's what the gun in the Oh Shit! bag is for. Unanticipated eventualities. Including hunting. But I don't use it to defend my house. In fact, I usually only handle it to clean it.

My target pistol and I are much more intimately acquainted.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about twice as likely to be struck by lighting.

And yet, were I one of those who used a gun to save my life, I would be happy as hell. So would my wife and child.

I can guarantee you this, this man wishes (well not anymore) that he had had a gun so he could save his family. This is one crime that will NEVER OCCUR to my family.

"The 2015 Washington, D.C., mass murder occurred on May 14, 2015, when three members of the Savopoulos family (Savvas, Amy, and their son, Philip) and their housekeeper, Veralicia Figueroa, were murdered at the Savopoulos home in Washington, D.C.[1][2] The victims were held hostage for nineteen hours, starting on May 13. Ten-year-old Philip was tortured in order to coerce $40,000 in cash from the family.[3] The perpetrator(s) restrained them with duct tape before killing them, then set the house on fire.[2] They all sustained blunt force trauma, and Philip was also stabbed."
2015 Washington D.C. mass murder - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.
Conveniently leaving out the number of crimes stopped before anyone was killed? bet those numbers would be a bit different.different. Doesn't matter if it was just 10,those 10 people have a right to self defense with a gun ,and there is no ambiguity about that fact at all.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?
Yeah it would work great unless someone happened to notice it was a toy then not so much.

Given how fantastically rare 'pulling the trigger' is, that seems a pretty good bet. Especially since you're far less likely to kill yourself or a member of your family with a toy gun than a real one.
Well I'm not willing to bet my life or familys on the chance someone doesn't realize it's a toy gun. It's been my experience smart, responsible intelligent gun owners don't kill themselves or a family member with there own gun.
I for one would rather have a gun and not need it than need one and not have it.

And that's what the gun in the Oh Shit! bag is for. Unanticipated eventualities. Including hunting. But I don't use it to defend my house. In fact, I usually only handle it to clean it.

My target pistol and I are much more intimately acquainted.
Well you deal with your gun and home defense whatever way makes you comfortable and I will do the same.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about twice as likely to be struck by lighting.

And yet, were I one of those who used a gun to save my life, I would be happy as hell. So would my wife and child.

You're far, far more likely to be one of those that hurts yourself, is involved in an accidental shooting, has a bullet go through the wall and hit a sleeping neighbor or inadvertently put a shell into a family member. Or even more darkly, quite intentionally put a round in yourself.

And I don't think you'd be happy about that. Nor would you wife and child. As the doctors may be digging your round at one of them.

For me its a numbers game. Guns used for self defense are far more likely to hurt you and yours than some intruder. Its like swinging a sword by the blade.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.
Conveniently leaving out the number of crimes stopped before anyone was killed?

More accurately, discussing how a toy gun would work just as well in situations where you don't pull the trigger. Which is almost always.

And how a toy gun would be far less likely to hurt you or a member of your family than a real one.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.
Conveniently leaving out the number of crimes stopped before anyone was killed?

More accurately, discussing how a toy gun would work just as well in situations where you don't pull the trigger. Which is almost always.

And how a toy gun would be far less likely to hurt you or a member of your family than a real one.
Well unless you really need a real gun then it wouldn't be would it?
Only a fool would use a toy gun for any kind of self defense plan.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about twice as likely to be struck by lighting.

And yet, were I one of those who used a gun to save my life, I would be happy as hell. So would my wife and child.

You're far, far more likely to be one of those that hurts yourself, is involved in an accidental shooting, has a bullet go through the wall and hit a sleeping neighbor or inadvertently put a shell into a family member. Or even more darkly, quite intentionally put a round in yourself.

And I don't think you'd be happy about that. Nor would you wife and child. As the doctors may be digging your round at one of them.

For me its a numbers game. Guns used for self defense are far more likely to hurt you and yours than some intruder. Its like swinging a sword by the blade.

Totally untrue. Those numbers were shown to be fraudulent so why do you still quote them? The facts are I have been around guns my whole life. I am far older than you and to date there has never been a problem in my household. I have used a gun to defend myself from Moroccan bandits, a bear, and once a really aggressive mountain lion. I am pretty sure he was ill as they usually don't go near people, but my bullet at his feet changed his mind about continuing on with his stalk.

So, the evidence is very firmly AGAINST you.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.
Conveniently leaving out the number of crimes stopped before anyone was killed?

More accurately, discussing how a toy gun would work just as well in situations where you don't pull the trigger. Which is almost always.

And how a toy gun would be far less likely to hurt you or a member of your family than a real one.

The reason why you don't have to pull the trigger is because the bad guy thinks that you will. Your logic is truly amazing. And not in a good way.
Guns rarely used for self-defense in US - Yahoo News

For every justifiable homicide involving a gun, 32 criminal homicides carried out with a firearm occurred. Also, gun owners are far more likely to hurt themselves or others, than to use them for self defense.

And 90% of the homicides happened in the ghetto.

As a general rule, you need to look out for people who look like you do. As most homicides occur within one's racial group, involving folks that live nearby.

Not in my neighborhood.
The only murder i know of just happened recently and it turned out to be two negroes being where they had no business being.

Two suspects charged with murdering Cinco Ranch woman
Young woman shot in head outside Cinco Ranch CVS
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.

I personally know two people who have used handguns for self defense.

Both were white guys attacked by multiple black guys.

Both were able to deter violence/further violence by merely showing their handguns.

OF course they didn't fire their guns. THey didn't kill any of their attackers.

So, according to your slanted stats, nothing happened and they don't exist.

Except that if they did not have those guns, they would have at least been badly beaten.
Total crap because they only consider homicides to be "usage". The overwhelming majority of defensive uses of firearms the trigger is never pulled. Bad guys, amazingly enough, don't like to get shot.

For those usages, wouldn't a toy gun work just as well?

Right up till the bad guy figures you're a paper tiger and he pounds you to death.

Justifiable homicides with a fire arm account for 250 instances a year. Literal one in a million events. You're about two and a half times more likely to be struck by lighting.

I personally know two people who have used handguns for self defense.

Both were white guys attacked by multiple black guys.

Both were able to deter violence/further violence by merely showing their handguns.

OF course they didn't fire their guns. THey didn't kill any of their attackers.

So, according to your slanted stats, nothing happened and they don't exist.

Except that if they did not have those guns, they would have at least been badly beaten.

The one and only time I had to use a gun in self defense was when two beaners thought they were going to pull a home invasion on me.
They tried to pull the broken down car ploy to get me to open the door.
I've never seen a so called broken down car go so fast.
Totally untrue. Those numbers were shown to be fraudulent so why do you still quote them?

Shown to be fraudulent by who? The CDC puts fire arms suicides alone at 21,000 a year. Its literally 80 times more likely that you or a family member will kill yourself with a gun than you'll kill an intruder.

There were almost 600 accidental gun deaths in 2011 per the CDC. Putting the odds of accidental shooting at more than double shooting an intruder.

These aren't subtle numbers.

You would laugh if someone offered you those odds in Vegas. Why would you double down on them for yourself and your family? It just doesn't make sense.

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