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Guns selling like hotcakes , thank you ladies and mrobama !!

Ah....great retort........when faced with actual research....call the other side idiots...do you lefties go to school to learn that debate technique....?

Where are more women raped per capita.....the USA or Japan?
This isn't Japan, limpdick. Any woman walking around pretending she's in Japan is just as stupid as you are.

True, dummy. More guns does not equal fewer rapes. Lenient gun laws are associated with greater numbers of rapes.

Did John Lott Provide Bad Data to the NRC A Note on Aneja Donohue and Zhang Econ Journal Watch Guns crime shall-issue right-to-carry NRC

The source of the replication problem, however, was that Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang did not estimate the correct model specification—a problem that they have acknowledged in subsequent communications. However, in these later communications they do not make clear that the basis for their doubts about the Lott-originated data has disappeared.

Download the PDF....donahue and his buddies acknowledge a problem in their research...but don't correct it......they are anti gun hacks.......

Ah....great retort........when faced with actual research....call the other side idiots...do you lefties go to school to learn that debate technique....?

Where are more women raped per capita.....the USA or Japan?
This isn't Japan, limpdick. Any woman walking around pretending she's in Japan is just as stupid as you are.

True, dummy. More guns does not equal fewer rapes. Lenient gun laws are associated with greater numbers of rapes.

Now that is just stupid....actual research shows guns are the most effective way to stop stranger rape.....
And more about why donahue...the guy you use...is wrong....

Problems with the Washington Post s and Huffington Post s more guns more crime claims - Crime Prevention Research Center

2) The problem with using the 1999 to 2010 period of time is discussed extensively in this short paperavailable here (download recommended). The abstract reads as follows: “Unfortunately, many who have examined the impact of so-called “shall-issue” or “right-to-carry” laws assume that the adoption of such laws causes a large, immediate increase in the number of permits. But that is often not the case, for states differ widely as to how easily permits can be obtained. This problem is particularly problematic for studies that have looked at the period after 2000. In fact, the share of the adult population with permits increased less during the 1999-2010 period in the states that adopted right-to-carry laws than the states that they are being compared against.”

3) Despite these flawed estimates that are biased towards finding the results that Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang want, the large majority of their own results don’t show any harm from concealed carry laws. ADZ claim aggravated assaults provided by far the strongest and consistent support for their claim, but then note even then just 11 of their 28 estimates show an increase in crime and these are the primarily the results just discussed in points (1) and (2). From ADZ’s abstract:

4) Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang falsely claim over and over again that previous research failed to account for crack cocaine. Hypocritically, they then fail to actually use this data and don’t even note that Lott used the very data they recommend for all the years that it is available in the third edition of “More Guns, Less Crime.” ADZ argue that estimates that don’t account for cocaine “are marred by omitted variable bias,” but then, unlike John Lott’s work, none of ADZ’s regression estimates actually account for cocaine.


Ah....great retort........when faced with actual research....call the other side idiots...do you lefties go to school to learn that debate technique....?

Where are more women raped per capita.....the USA or Japan?
This isn't Japan, limpdick. Any woman walking around pretending she's in Japan is just as stupid as you are.

True, dummy. More guns does not equal fewer rapes. Lenient gun laws are associated with greater numbers of rapes.

As you anti gun nuts are fond of pointing out...."Links?"
Never, ever trust the data from anti gun nuts....

For example, “Stanford law professor John Donohue and his colleagues have added another full decade to the analysis.” Yet, the third edition of “More Guns, Less Crime” has data from 1977 to 2005. Moody, Marvell, Zimmerman, and Alemante have a new paper earlier this year that looked at data from 1977 to 2006. Gius (2014) looked at data up through 2009. Zimmerman (2014) looks at crime data up through 2010. And note that none of those papers agree with Aneja, Donohue, and Zhang’s conclusion. Previously even in the Washington Post, Emily Badger’s misleading column also discussed an earlier version of Donohue’s paper with data through 2006 (7/29).

Ah....great retort........when faced with actual research....call the other side idiots...do you lefties go to school to learn that debate technique....?

Where are more women raped per capita.....the USA or Japan?
This isn't Japan, limpdick. Any woman walking around pretending she's in Japan is just as stupid as you are.
True, dummy. More guns does not equal fewer rapes. Lenient gun laws are associated with greater numbers of rapes.
Men don't need guns to rape a woman. Retard.
A look at why donahue is wrong...

Confirming More Guns. Less Crime

Rebuttal of Ayres and Donohue's article “Shooting Down the ‘More Guns, Less Crime’ Hypothesis,” 55 Stanford Law Review 1193 (2003)

Analyzing county level data for the entire United States from 1977 to 2000, we find annualreductions in murder rates between 1.5 and 2.3 percent for each additional year that a right-to-carry law is in effect. For the first five years that such a law is in effect, the total benefit fromreduced crimes usually ranges between about $2 billion and $3 billion per year.Ayres and Donohue have simply misread their own results. Their own most generalizedspecification that breaks down the impact of the law on a year-by-year basis shows large crimereducing benefits.
Virtually none of their claims that their county level hybrid model impliesinitial significant increases in crime are correct. Overall, the vast majority of their estimatesbased on data up to 1997 actually demonstrate that right-to-carry laws produce substantial crimereducing benefits. We show that their models also do an extremely poor job of predicting thechanges in crime rates after 1997

And more on why donahue is wrong.....

Ayres and Donohue have consistently argued over several papers that robbery is the key result uponwhich the deterrence by right-to-carry laws is based.
In contrast, Lott has argued many times that thereis no a priori reason to believe that the benefits are larger for robbery than other violent crimes.
Butputting that debate aside, the robbery results presented by Ayres and Donohue present a very clear,consistent story (Figure 2a). The state level analysis shows that robbery rates continued rising, thoughat a slower rate, for the first two years after the law was passed. However, after that, robbery rates inright-to-carry states fell relative to non-right-to-carry states for the next 9 years, and then remainedfairly constant through year 17.

The two sets of county level estimates are even more dramatic.Robbery rates in right-to-carry states were rising until the laws were passed and then fell continuallyafter that point. The pattern is very similar to that shown earlier by Lott in examining county level datafrom 1977 to 1996.
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Read on, dummy. Easy access to firearms is not an indicator of safety for women.
No, it makes them safer. You can't understand simple words.
Like the woman who shot herself dead with the bra holster? Or maybe the one shot dead by her 2 year old?
Golly, the brain found a couple of cases of negligence so that demonstrates to the brain that no woman is safer with a gun.

You and lonesomelaughter are a couple of Mongloids.

It's easy to find a lot more than just a couple.
Read on, dummy. Easy access to firearms is not an indicator of safety for women.
No, it makes them safer. You can't understand simple words.
No it doesn't.
You can't understand simple words but people are supposed to think that you can understand more complex issues? And this isn't even complex.

If a woman is armed she's going to have more opportunity to defend herself than one that isn't. The fact that you want to argue the point proves you're a dimwit.

Like talking to a 4 year old.

I'm not discussing one of the imaginary self defense scenarios that you and your nutter pals love to hang your hats on. You dummies think women are safer in places with lots of guns. It's a retarded thing to think......and you actually say it out loud.

The idea that easy access to guns is the path to a reduction in rape crimes is not supported by the facts. Do some research.

I have done research......

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

A woman using a gun is less likely to be raped and more likely to not be injured during the attack....

Guns Effective Defense Against Rape

However, most recent studies with improved methodology are consistently showing that the more forceful the resistance, the lower the risk of a completed rape, with no increase in physical injury. Sarah Ullman's original research (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1998) and critical review of past studies (Criminal Justice and Behavior, 1997) are especially valuable in solidifying this conclusion.

I wish to single out one particular subtype of physical resistance: Use of a weapon, and especially a firearm, is statistically a woman's best means of resistance, greatly enhancing her odds of escaping both rape and injury, compared to any other strategy of physical or verbal resistance. This conclusion is drawn from four types of information.

First, a 1989 study (Furby, Journal of Interpersonal Violence) found that both male and female survey respondents judged a gun to be the most effective means that a potential rape victim could use to fend off the assault. Rape "experts" considered it a close second, after eye-gouging.

Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990).

Third, a recent paper (Southwick, Journal of Criminal Justice, 2000) analyzed victim resistance to violent crimes generally, with robbery, aggravated assault and rape considered together. Women who resisted with a gun were 2.5 times more likely to escape without injury than those who did not resist and 4 times more likely to escape uninjured than those who resisted with any means other than a gun. Similarly, their property losses in a robbery were reduced more than six-fold and almost three-fold, respectively, compared to the other categories of resistance strategy.

Fourth, we have two studies in the last 20 years that directly address the outcomes of women who resist attempted rape with a weapon. (Lizotte, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1986; Kleck, Social Problems, 1990.) The former concludes,"Further, women who resist rape with a gun or knife dramatically decrease their probability of completion." (Lizotte did not analyze victim injuries apart from the rape itself.) The latter concludes that "resistance with a gun or knife is the most effective form of resistance for preventing completion of a rape"; this is accomplished "without creating any significant additional risk of other injury."

The best conclusion from available scientific data, then, is when avoidance of rape has failed and one must choose between being raped and resisting, a woman's best option is to resist with a gun in her hands.


So, again a woman's best chance for stopping the rape and ultimately surviving the situation is to use a gun.....

So have I, most aren't defendable with a gun. And most instances where they could use a gun, pepper spray would also do the job.
Read on, dummy. Easy access to firearms is not an indicator of safety for women.
No, it makes them safer. You can't understand simple words.
Like the woman who shot herself dead with the bra holster? Or maybe the one shot dead by her 2 year old?
Golly, the brain found a couple of cases of negligence so that demonstrates to the brain that no woman is safer with a gun.

You and lonesomelaughter are a couple of Mongloids.

It's easy to find a lot more than just a couple.
So your brain speaks to you and says more women get hurt with their own guns than those that don't?
Read on, dummy. Easy access to firearms is not an indicator of safety for women.
No, it makes them safer. You can't understand simple words.
Like the woman who shot herself dead with the bra holster? Or maybe the one shot dead by her 2 year old?
Golly, the brain found a couple of cases of negligence so that demonstrates to the brain that no woman is safer with a gun.

You and lonesomelaughter are a couple of Mongloids.

It's easy to find a lot more than just a couple.

but far less than people saving lives with guns....
Read on, dummy. Easy access to firearms is not an indicator of safety for women.
No, it makes them safer. You can't understand simple words.
Like the woman who shot herself dead with the bra holster? Or maybe the one shot dead by her 2 year old?
Golly, the brain found a couple of cases of negligence so that demonstrates to the brain that no woman is safer with a gun.

You and lonesomelaughter are a couple of Mongloids.

It's easy to find a lot more than just a couple.

but far less than people saving lives with guns....

We don't really know that. There is no actual statistic for lives saved, just for the accidentally dead.
No...there are 18 studies that show violent crime is stopped on average 1.6 million times a year.....quite a few lives are saved in that number.....more than the 6-700 accidental gun deaths......

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