
How many mass shootings have brought down over 400 people?
You do realize that a shooting that just injures three or more people is now called a mass shooting (horrors). It used to be called 'a shooting with multiple victims'. Libs and the media turn these events into cudgels to beat gun owners over the head with. Fortunately, we are protected by our constitutional headgear. :)
So what you really mean is any rifle chambered for 5.56 mm NATO rounds should be banned right?

And you're wrong about the ranges

The 7.62 NATO round (.308 Win) has an effective range of 1000 yds

the 5.56 is about 500 yds but in reality 300 yds is about all you'll get because the bullet is so light

the effective range of an AK 47 is less because the rifle is just flat out less accurate
Ahh, another litmus test.

You best check your stats there sport. I f I have to post the proofs, you're going to learn the same lesson as M14shooter did.
You do realize that a shooting that just injures three or more people is now called a mass shooting (horrors). It used to be called 'a shooting with multiple victims'. Libs and the media turn these events into cudgels to beat gun owners over the head with. Fortunately, we are protected by our constitutional headgear. :)
Please stop the bullshit. You're dancing around now trying to avoid the truth that you're absolutely wrong. Your "constitutional head gear: has flattened your head.

1963: The M-16 is Born

With the AR-15 in the hands of the Air Force, a standard model of the rifle is born. They dub it the M-16, the most famous service weapon of the United States Military.

General Curtis LeMay saw a demonstration of the AR-15 in 1960. Impressed by the prowess of this new firearm, when General LeMay became the Air Force Chief of Staff in the Summer of 1961, he placed 80,000 AR-15's on order for the U.S. Air Force.

In 1961, ten AR-15's were sent to South Vietnam, as the United States continued to penetrate into the jungles of Indochina.

Despite a great deal of success, US Army wasn't enthusiastic about adopting the new rifle.

THAT is a single article; there are volumes written on it. You don't know what you're talking about.
Ahh, another litmus test.

You best check your stats there sport. I f I have to post the proofs, you're going to learn the same lesson as M14shooter did.

Effective range is defined as the distance a torso sized target can be hit 50% of the time

An AR 15 Firing 5.56 NATO rounds has an effective range of 400-600 meters optimally the fighting range is less than that

A .308 (7.62 mm) has an effective range of 800 meters
Please stop the bullshit. You're dancing around now trying to avoid the truth that you're absolutely wrong. Your "constitutional head gear: has flattened your head.

THAT is a single article; there are volumes written on it. You don't know what you're talking about.
There is absolutely no difference between an AR 15 and any other semiautomatic rifle chambered for a NATO 5.56 mm

How many mass shootings have brought down over 400 people?

The muslim terroris in Nice, France, using a rental truck killed 86 and injured idiot...more than the guy in Las Vegas with his rifle..........
Please stop the bullshit. You're dancing around now trying to avoid the truth that you're absolutely wrong. Your "constitutional head gear: has flattened your head.

THAT is a single article; there are volumes written on it. You don't know what you're talking about.
And again...the truth about the AR-15, the civilian and police rifle....

The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963.

It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians
You created a red herring
Now if you want to talk about rights let's do it.
Wheyyy heyyyy, Rights. If there's a thousand mention on guns, Rights come up twelve point two billion times. Yes, Rights have been fucking flogged rotten. You have Rights to guns, the fucking planet knows that, aliens on distant worlds know that, and your fucking thick skull blurts out........Rights. The whole point of the thread is gun retards blurting out the same old shit about guns. And right on cue, another retard.

Boy they're flocking in, like flies to a cow turd.
Those are all entirely valid arguments against criminal-loving filth such as yourself who want to disarm human beings to make us easier prey for criminals.

Dismissing those arguments without addressing them will not make them go away.

That you are openly on the side of criminals, openly on the side of tyrants, and openly against the side of actual human beings is more than enough reason why no human being should ever take any position of yours seriously.

And that you are a British piece of shit, a pathetic relic of the degenerate culture which we Americans rejected in order to found out country, is more than enough reason why you should just shut the fuck up about anything to do with how we Americans should run our country.
There you go, wash, rinse, repeat. That's all you can you do. That's the purpose of the thread. Guns are mentioned, and your tiny brain can only default to Rights, criminals, gun saved my life and independence. Your brain has no capability to move on from that. I have two Jack Russell dogs, they're daft as a brush and thick as fuck. But I tell you what, they're little Einstein's compared to bellends like you.

I can only assume it's because your family are inbred for centuries.
You're as much right-wing as Bruce Jenner is a woman.
I've voted Tory, UKIP, then Tory all my life. You are an inbred retard. You're American, you can only default between on and off, chalk and cheese, black or white. You have to pigeon hole everything in life as one or the other, you have no brain capacity to see politics on a multi axis.

Once a thick hunt, always a thick hunt.
There you go, wash, rinse, repeat. That's all you can you do. That's the purpose of the thread. Guns are mentioned, and your tiny brain can only default to Rights, criminals, gun saved my life and independence.

You only dismiss those arguments, because as a British piece of shit, you don't believe in human rights, and you are on the side of criminals against that of human beings.

Your refusal to recognize such things is not at all an argument against anything I've said, but a demonstration of how stupid, ethically-vapid, and brainwashed you are.

It puts the lie to your claim, in a previous post, to be rights wing. At least on an American scale, it puts you very solidly on the left wrong.

Human beings, as opposed to left wrong-wing garbage such as yourself, believe in and support the very essential human rights that you prefer to dismiss and disregard.
You only dismiss those arguments, because as a British piece of shit, you don't believe in human rights, and you are on the side of criminals against that of human beings.

Your refusal to recognize such things is not at all an argument against anything I've said, but a demonstration of how stupid, ethically-vapid, and brainwashed you are.

It puts the lie to your claim, in a previous post, to be rights wing. At least on an American scale, it puts you very solidly on the left wrong.

Human beings, as opposed to left wrong-wing garbage such as yourself, believe in and support the very essential human rights that you prefer to dismiss and disregard.
I don't believe in human rights, human rights gives rights to criminals. I believe in human lives, and the criminals should be shot and the responsible of society and victims should have the rights. Fucking dipshit sheep shagger.
I've voted Tory, UKIP, then Tory all my life.

So what?

British political parties are irrelevant to America or to any other civilized nation. Which aspect of a tyrannical shithole of a nation you support has no bearing on what an actual human being, in an actual civilize society, would support.

Your society is shit, the principals on which your nation operates are garbage. It's why we Americans fought so hard to become independent from you filth. And in almost two and a half centuries, your shithole of a nation still has not advanced to where we were back then, and probably never will.
So what?

British political parties are irrelevant to America or to any other civilized nation. Which aspect of a tyrannical shithole of a nation you support has no bearing on what an actual human being, in an actual civilize society, would support.

Your society is shit, the principals on which your nation operates are garbage. It's why we Americans fought so hard to become independent from you filth. And in almost two and a half centuries, your shithole of a nation still has not advanced to where we were back then, and probably never will.
And there you go, wash, rinse, repeat. You've defaulted back to independence. The whole purpose of this thread. You have a handful of sayings at your disposal and all you can do is default to the them. And if you get an adult to help you read the thread, the adult will tell you that you are just one of the many retards that repeat the same old shit day in and day out.

Let's talk about rights. You are flying over the Atlantic and crash. You're washed up on a deserted island and you will probably be there for many years. You stand up and claim your rights.

So what are your rights and how will they pan out? Go for it retard.
Wheyyy heyyyy, Rights. If there's a thousand mention on guns, Rights come up twelve point two billion times. Yes, Rights have been fucking flogged rotten. You have Rights to guns, the fucking planet knows that, aliens on distant worlds know that, and your fucking thick skull blurts out........Rights. The whole point of the thread is gun retards blurting out the same old shit about guns. And right on cue, another retard.

Boy they're flocking in, like flies to a cow turd.

The crux of the argument is that the US Constitution clearly states that to keep and bear arms is a right and is not subordinate to any other right but rather the equal of any other right.

This is the cause of the bug up your ass about US citizens owning firearms.

If you don't want to hear about our protected gun rights then don't ask about guns in the US.

So yes we have a right to own guns

In the US we do not agree that the rights of all should be diminished because of the crimes of the few

You happen to be opposed to both of those ideals
Ok Bob Blaylock , let's talk Right v Left. I want to scrap you paying $1,000 per month on health care. I want you to have health care by raising your tax $500 per month. Does that sound good? You and every American will be better off. I'm Rightwing and favour the NHS, I'm £500 a month better off.

Let me hear your retarded brain on this.

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