
The crux of the argument is that the US Constitution clearly states that to keep and bear arms is a right and is not subordinate to any other right but rather the equal of any other right.

This is the cause of the bug up your ass about US citizens owning firearms.

If you don't want to hear about our protected gun rights then don't ask about guns in the US.

So yes we have a right to own guns

In the US we do not agree that the rights of all should be diminished because of the crimes of the few

You happen to be opposed to both of those ideals

Ultimately, all that Captain Caveman has accomplished with this thread; joining Tainted Tommy as another example of a luser who has no other purpose than this, is to demonstrate very vividly why it is that we Americans kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago; and to show that our reasons for having done so then remain at least as valid to this very day.

The British filth still, after all that time, have not developed even the faintest vestige of an understanding of the essential human rights that formed the basis for America's founding as a nation, and will continue to vapidly dismiss or even condemn recognition of such rights.

We fought two wars, specifically to establish once and for all, that British filth have no say and no standing whatsoever with regard to how we Americans run our country, that their opinions on such are less than shit.

We should probably have stayed out of the European side of World War II. and just let the Soviets and the Nazis have Europe, especially the UK, to divide up among themselves. What we sent our own men over there to fight and die to protect really hasn't turned out to be very much better than what we thought we were protecting it from.
Ok Bob Blaylock , let's talk Right v Left. I want to scrap you paying $1,000 per month on health care. I want you to have health care by raising your tax $500 per month. Does that sound good? You and every American will be better off. I'm Rightwing and favour the NHS, I'm £500 a month better off.

Let me hear your retarded brain on this.
You Brits have been brainwashed to trust your government.

Americans are raised with a healthy distrust of the government because the government never disappoints in its malfeasance and corruption
The crux of the argument is that the US Constitution clearly states that to keep and bear arms is a right and is not subordinate to any other right but rather the equal of any other right.

This is the cause of the bug up your ass about US citizens owning firearms.

If you don't want to hear about our protected gun rights then don't ask about guns in the US.

So yes we have a right to own guns

In the US we do not agree that the rights of all should be diminished because of the crimes of the few

You happen to be opposed to both of those ideals
Correct, the constitution say Rights to arms. The planet knows that because you've bashed on about it a billion times. The whole purpose of the thread is, we know, so there's no need for you mention it again.

But your brain can't cope, it's unable to talk about guns in society without going over old ground a billion times, the ground that we've been over a billion times. I'm not sure of your concentration span or IQ, but when i_ve been over something, it's resolved, it's gone in, I comprehend. Yet you constantly want to go it again and again and again...wash, rinse repeat. What is mentally up with you?
Ultimately, all that Captain Caveman has accomplished with this thread; joining Tainted Tommy as another example of a luser who has no other purpose than this, is to demonstrate very vividly why it is that we Americans kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago; and to show that our reasons for having done so then remain at least as valid to this very day.

The British filth still, after all that time, have not developed even the faintest vestige of an understanding of the essential human rights that formed the basis for America's founding as a nation, and will continue to vapidly dismiss or even condemn recognition of such rights.

We fought two wars, specifically to establish once and for all, that British filth have no say and no standing whatsoever with regard to how we Americans run our country, that their opinions on such are less than shit.

We should probably have stayed out of the European side of World War II. and just let the Soviets and the Nazis have Europe, especially the UK, to divide up among themselves. What we sent our own men over there to fight and die to protect really hasn't turned out to be very much better than what we thought we were protecting it from.
Independence, wash, rinse, repeat. Lol.

Yet again, wash, rinse, repeat. That's all you can do, you are the dumbest nation on the earth.
You guys do it every 5 minutes, every day, every week, every month, every year, every decade, every century. So that issue is now resolved, no need for you to ever mention that again.

I'm here to cleanse Americans of their gun troubles.
You're going to make people stop trying to take them away? How's that going to work?
You Brits have been brainwashed to trust your government.

Americans are raised with a healthy distrust of the government because the government never disappoints in its malfeasance and corruption
No, I control and lead my own life. All politicians and governments are corrupt. Where there's money, there's corruption.

Drill down what you've just said. You haven't a clue have you. Your government tells you where and when to cross a road, you follow it. We don't, we look left and right and cross, we don't need "walk" "don't walk" lights.
Correct, the constitution say Rights to arms. The planet knows that because you've bashed on about it a billion times. The whole purpose of the thread is, we know, so there's no need for you mention it again.

But your brain can't cope, it's unable to talk about guns in society without going over old ground a billion times, the ground that we've been over a billion times. I'm not sure of your concentration span or IQ, but when i_ve been over something, it's resolved, it's gone in, I comprehend. Yet you constantly want to go it again and again and again...wash, rinse repeat. What is mentally up with you?
Guns in society are a neutral entity.

Guns in the hands of the citizenry do not cause murder or crime
Guns in the hands of the citizenry do not decrease murder or crime

The murder rate of the US is about what it was in 1950.

We have more guns in the hands of more people and the result is completely neutral in both crime and murder rates.

The fact is our society allows guns, your doesn't

I do not see that the US would be any different if we could magically remove all guns from society the only thing that would result in is a diminishment of freedom and choice.

You think the government must limit freedom to any extent deemed necessary for "safety" reasons

We think that freedoms should be protected and accept the risk

Americans are and always have been risk takers
No, I control and lead my own life. All politicians and governments are corrupt. Where there's money, there's corruption.

Drill down what you've just said. You haven't a clue have you. Your government tells you where and when to cross a road, you follow it. We don't, we look left and right and cross, we don't need "walk" "don't walk" lights.
And yet YOU want that same government to tell you you cannot own a gun and that your rights must be diminished because other people commit crimes
Guns in society are a neutral entity.

Guns in the hands of the citizenry do not cause murder or crime
Guns in the hands of the citizenry do not decrease murder or crime

The murder rate of the US is about what it was in 1950.

We have more guns in the hands of more people and the result is completely neutral in both crime and murder rates.

The fact is our society allows guns, your doesn't

I do not see that the US would be any different if we could magically remove all guns from society the only thing that would result in is a diminishment of freedom and choice.

You think the government must limit freedom to any extent deemed necessary for "safety" reasons

We think that freedoms should be protected and accept the risk

Americans are and always have been risk takers
If guns do not increase murder or crime, why is the US high up on the list of gun murder and crime? You don't have to be a NASA employee to answer this, it's not rocket science.

The number of guns is not the problem and not part of the equation, quantity is irrelevant.
And yet YOU want that same government to tell you you cannot own a gun and that your rights must be diminished because other people commit crimes
The government doesn't tell me I can't own a gun. Been over this with you nut jobs a million times. IT'S YOU personally that decides if you have a gun. If you led a life that doesn't warrant suitability for a gun, it's good for society you don't own a gun. If you have a place to shoot one and are of good character, then you can't be denied a gun. It's fucking simple, yet so fucking hard for you to understand. What is hindering your brain?
If guns do not increase murder or crime, why is the US high up on the list of gun murder and crime? You don't have to be a NASA employee to answer this, it's not rocket science.

The number of guns is not the problem and not part of the equation, quantity is irrelevant.
Gun murder is a stupid distinction

Murder is murder no matter how it is committed.

Crime is crime whether committed while in possession of a firearm or not.

The US murder rate is about the same as it was in 1950 despite there being more guns in the hands of more people

Unlike you I actually understand the US and it's make up.

I know that the vast majority of murders is committed in poverty stricken inner city neighborhoods and that poverty is caused by a plethora of historical reasons. You don't seem to understand this.

I know that 70 -80% of all murders that take place in these hyper-violent inner city areas are young minority criminal killing other young minority criminals. The reasons these young men choose a life of crime and violence are directly related to those same historical reasons for the generational poverty you don't understand.

The powers that be choose to do nothing about this inner city violence because young poor urban minority males are not valued for anything other than being thrown into our prison for profit system where slavery is legal.

You don't comprehend any of this so you want the simplest of explanations and to you that is guns.
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The government doesn't tell me I can't own a gun. Been over this with you nut jobs a million times. IT'S YOU personally that decides if you have a gun. If you led a life that doesn't warrant suitability for a gun, it's good for society you don't own a gun. If you have a place to shoot one and are of good character, then you can't be denied a gun. It's fucking simple, yet so fucking hard for you to understand. What is hindering your brain?

You cannot carry a concealed pistol can you?

And your government tells you which long guns you can own and you have to register them so they can take them away from you for any reason
Wheyyy heyyyy, Rights. If there's a thousand mention on guns, Rights come up twelve point two billion times. Yes, Rights have been fucking flogged rotten. You have Rights to guns, the fucking planet knows that, aliens on distant worlds know that, and your fucking thick skull blurts out........Rights. The whole point of the thread is gun retards blurting out the same old shit about guns. And right on cue, another retard.

Boy they're flocking in, like flies to a cow turd.

Our Rights flog your whiney assed opinion.

Stop sniveling and either learn the true facts about guns, or piss off.

We don't care either way.
Our Rights flog your whiney assed opinion.

Stop sniveling and either learn the true facts about guns, or piss off.

We don't care either way.
Wheyy hayyy, Rights. Been over them a billion times, you have to default to Rights. No brain capacity left.
Ok Bob Blaylock , let's talk Right v Left. I want to scrap you paying $1,000 per month on health care. I want you to have health care by raising your tax $500 per month. Does that sound good? You and every American will be better off. I'm Rightwing and favour the NHS, I'm £500 a month better off.

Let me hear your retarded brain on this.

If you can get to see them. The NHS is a statisticians nightmare. Patients kept in ambulances for hours instead of being delivered to the ER.

People in need having to wait up to 96 HOURS for an ambulance to even show up!

Sorry, mate. But using the NHS to further your cause is a loser.
Gun murder is a stupid distinction

Murder is murder no matter how it is committed.

Crime is crime whether committed while in possession of a firearm or not.

The US murder rate is about the same as it was in 1950 despite there being more guns in the hands of more people

Unlike you I actually understand the US and it's make up.

I know that the vast majority of murders is committed in poverty stricken inner city neighborhoods and that poverty is caused by a plethora of historical reasons. You don't seen to understand this.

I know that 70 -80% of all murders that take place in these hyper-violent inner city areas are young minority criminal killing other young minority criminals. The reasons these young men choose a life of crime and violence are directly related to those same historical reasons you don't understand.

The powers that be choose to do nothing about this inner city violence because young poor urban minority males are not valued for anything other than being thrown into our prison for profit system where slavery is legal.

You don;t comprehend any of this so you want the simplest of explanations and to you that is guns
You guys (pro American gun nuts) put crime high on the list of why you need guns. Now, if you take the time to look at crime, what constitutes as a reported crime etc.. crime involving a gun is a very small percentage. Yet, talk about guns, what does a pro American gun nut spout, come and criminals. And we can go over this a million times, then when the next thread appears on got it.....gun nuts resort to criminals and guns.
If you can get to see them. The NHS is a statisticians nightmare. Patients kept in ambulances for hours instead of being delivered to the ER.

People in need having to wait up to 96 HOURS for an ambulance to even show up!

Sorry, mate. But using the NHS to further your cause is a loser.
Here's one of you American fellows living in the UK

Now run along pratt.
Wheyy hayyy, Rights. Been over them a billion times, you have to default to Rights. No brain capacity left.

We have beat you senseless with facts that YOU choose to ignore. 8 percent of the criminal population commits 80 percent of the violent crime.

Only a true retard would punish the vast majority of law abiding people for the crimes of the few.

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