
You guys (pro American gun nuts) put crime high on the list of why you need guns. Now, if you take the time to look at crime, what constitutes as a reported crime etc.. crime involving a gun is a very small percentage. Yet, talk about guns, what does a pro American gun nut spout, come and criminals. And we can go over this a million times, then when the next thread appears on got it.....gun nuts resort to criminals and guns.

Your violent crime rate is higher than ours. Your gun violence rate is skyrocketing.

Hmm. Gun laws don't seem to work where you are either.
Your violent crime rate is higher than ours. Your gun violence rate is skyrocketing.

Hmm. Gun laws don't seem to work where you are either.
Yet, we've been over this a million times, and yet you want to talk crime. Are you so thick on the subject, that your brain is so empty on crime stats after the forum posts over the years?
You guys (pro American gun nuts) put crime high on the list of why you need guns. Now, if you take the time to look at crime, what constitutes as a reported crime etc.. crime involving a gun is a very small percentage. Yet, talk about guns, what does a pro American gun nut spout, come and criminals. And we can go over this a million times, then when the next thread appears on got it.....gun nuts resort to criminals and guns.
I don;t see my society as "high crime"

I correctly see it as having clearly defined small pockets of high crime in the midst of mostly areas of very low crime. These small pockets that are very well defined and that everyone knows actually skew the statistics for the entire country.

Just one area of just 3 or 4 square city blocks in IL has a murder rate more than 10 times the national average. This is one of those poverty stricken inner city areas I told you about where the powers that be ALLOW the crime rate to go unchecked. The same sixed area just a couple miles away has a near zero murder rate and a significantly lower crime rate.

Our society is far from homogeneous and the country is very large compared to your little inbred Island

And you know as well as I do that the UK beats the US in quite a few crime stats

And FYI I never thought I needed a gun because of crime rates.

I have guns for self defense not crime prevention.

Unlike you I understand that cops cannot prevent crime but rather only react to it. AND I also know that the police have no legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone so rather than put my and my wife's safety in the hands of a government agency that has no obligation to come to my aid I own guns so I don;t have to rely on the fucking government
Retard westwall said (Because he can't do replies correctly)

We have beat you senseless with facts that YOU choose to ignore. 8 percent of the criminal population commits 80 percent of the violent crime.

Only a true retard would punish the vast majority of law abiding people for the crimes of the few.

Reported crime in the UK hit 5.5 million, 6,600 involving firearms, 0.1% involving firearms. And retard Westwall is put out Brits aren't gun mad because of gun crime. I can't fix stoopid.
Retard westwall said (Because he can't do replies correctly)

We have beat you senseless with facts that YOU choose to ignore. 8 percent of the criminal population commits 80 percent of the violent crime.

Only a true retard would punish the vast majority of law abiding people for the crimes of the few.

Reported crime in the UK hit 5.5 million, 6,600 involving firearms, 0.1% involving firearms. And retard Westwall is put out Brits aren't gun mad because of gun crime. I can't fix stoopid.
And you have more crime per capita

I don;t see my society as "high crime"

I correctly see it as having clearly defined small pockets of high crime in the midst of mostly areas of very low crime. These small pockets that are very well defined and that everyone knows actually skew the statistics for the entire country.

Just one area of just 3 or 4 square city blocks in IL has a murder rate more than 10 times the national average. This is one of those poverty stricken inner city areas I told you about where the powers that be ALLOW the crime rate to go unchecked. The same sixed area just a couple miles away has a near zero murder rate and a significantly lower crime rate.

Our society is far from homogeneous and the country is very large compared to your little inbred Island

And you know as well as I do that the UK beats the US in quite a few crime stats

And FYI I never thought I needed a gun because of crime rates.

I have guns for self defense not crime prevention.

Unlike you I understand that cops cannot prevent crime but rather only react to it. AND I also know that the police have no legal obligation to come to the aid of anyone so rather than put my and my wife's safety in the hands of a government agency that has no obligation to come to my aid I own guns so I don;t have to rely on the fucking government
Been over this before. It's nigh-on impossible to compare countries because farting in one country could be a crime and not in another. If you want to compare countries, try pro rata and piss in the wind. But stick to reality, in your lifetime, how many times did you experience crime, get mugged, shot at etc.. You will have more hairs on your testicles in one square millimetre than the crime you experienced. If you've experienced more, it means you live in a shit hole 3rd world country
And you have more crime per capita

Yes, we get a lot of lawn mowers stolen per capita.
Retard westwall said (Because he can't do replies correctly)

We have beat you senseless with facts that YOU choose to ignore. 8 percent of the criminal population commits 80 percent of the violent crime.

Only a true retard would punish the vast majority of law abiding people for the crimes of the few.

Reported crime in the UK hit 5.5 million, 6,600 involving firearms, 0.1% involving firearms. And retard Westwall is put out Brits aren't gun mad because of gun crime. I can't fix stoopid.

England is THE violent crime Capitol of Europe. It has gotten so bad that the police will report multiple crimes from the same apartment building as a single crime to keep the numbers down.

Go piss up a rope clown boi.
England is THE violent crime Capitol of Europe. It has gotten so bad that the police will report multiple crimes from the same apartment building as a single crime to keep the numbers down.

Go piss up a rope clown boi.
Fucking lawn mowers.
Fucking lawn mowers.

No, bricking, stabbings are through the roof, so bad that your governments solution is to ban pointy kitchen knives.

See, it is the morons position to ban and punish the majority for the crimes of the few.

And, the solutions are invariably stupid as it takes no time all to reprofile a blade to have a tip.

But, in a world of infantile morons, what do you expect?

I am flying to Hays Kansas to visit a friend. I will rejoin when I have to use the loo!
Been over this before. It's nigh-on impossible to compare countries because farting in one country could be a crime and not in another. If you want to compare countries, try pro rata and piss in the wind. But stick to reality, in your lifetime, how many times did you experience crime, get mugged, shot at etc.. You will have more hairs on your testicles in one square millimetre than the crime you experienced. If you've experienced more, it means you live in a shit hole 3rd world country
If it is impossible to compare then why can you say the US is "high crime"

And I've told this story before.

I was orphaned at 14 and ended up in a shitty foster care situation. I decided rather than make a fuss that I just wouldn't live there and I basically lived on the streets or on a friend's couch until I was 16.

I dropped out of HS at 16 when a local restaurant owner offered me a job when he saw me collecting bottles out of his recycling bins. He said he'd seen me around and that I wasn't a trouble maker. He became a dear friend and mentor to me and in all reality he saved my life.

I lived in one of those hyper violent inner city neighborhoods I educated you about.

Anyway one night when I was 18 I was walking home late after a double shift and I was jumped by 3 assholes. One of them had a chain wrapped around his fist and he hit me from behind and when i went down he worked me over while his 2 toadies kicked and stomped me.

I ended up with a grade 4 concussion, a fractured eye orbital, some permanent vision impairment in y left eye, 3 broken ribs and a ruptured spleen. The took my cash, my winter coat and my boots and left me for dead in an alley in January.

I got myself to a hospital 6 block away. It took me over an hour and I saw 3 cops driving by in that time and they didn't bother to stop and help the beaten bloody guy walking around in his socks. I was hypothermic by the time I got to the Emergency Room. I could have just as easily died.

So yes unlike you I KNOW there is real violence in this world and naïve assholes like you instead of counting yourself lucky that you haven't experienced it would rather make stupid assumptions about the reasons some people want to own a gun for protection.

I happen to be grateful I live in a country that recognizes my ABSOLUTE RIGHT to protect myself with the best tool for the job.

Effective range is defined as the distance a torso sized target can be hit 50% of the time

An AR 15 Firing 5.56 NATO rounds has an effective range of 400-600 meters optimally the fighting range is less than that

A .308 (7.62 mm) has an effective range of 800 meters
There is true range and effective range. The velocity is still 3200 feet or so. The AR15 has more velocity than an AK47, which we all know was designed as combat weapon, so like the AR15, neither belongs in the hands of the general public.
The muslim terroris in Nice, France, using a rental truck killed 86 and injured idiot...more than the guy in Las Vegas with his rifle..........
Yeah and a guy in Las Vegas used an AR15. What's your point?
And again...the truth about the AR-15, the civilian and police rifle....

The FOIA request itself was prompted from a Nov. 2017 article in The Atlantic in which the magazine, unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with its anti-gun bent, attempted to bolster a claim that “these rifles were meant for the military, not civilians.”

“Colt sent a pilot model rifle (serial no. GX4968) to the BATF for civilian sale approval on Oct. 23, 1963.

It was approved on Dec. 10, 1963, and sales of the ‘Model R6000 Colt AR-15 SP1 Sporter Rifle’ began on Jan 2, 1964,” one critic of the article contended. “The M16 wasn’t issued to infantry units until 1965 (as the XM16E1), wasn’t standardized as the M16A1 until 1967, and didn’t officially replace the M14 until 1969.”

Original ATF AR-15 Classification Refutes Claim that Rifle ‘Not Meant’ for Civilians
Here; The Creator Of The AR-15 Rifle Only Invented The Gun For One Purpose

Read up on the facts and then get back to me. M14 shooter got the lesson: now he's quiet...
No, bricking, stabbings are through the roof, so bad that your governments solution is to ban pointy kitchen knives.

See, it is the morons position to ban and punish the majority for the crimes of the few.

And, the solutions are invariably stupid as it takes no time all to reprofile a blade to have a tip.

But, in a world of infantile morons, what do you expect?

I am flying to Hays Kansas to visit a friend. I will rejoin when I have to use the loo!
70% of stabbings are between immigrants and gangs, thicko.

But there again, that has already been covered on the forum, yet you bring it back up again. So why didn't it feel resolved the first time in your 2 brain celled mind?
If it is impossible to compare then why can you say the US is "high crime"

And I've told this story before.

I was orphaned at 14 and ended up in a shitty foster care situation. I decided rather than make a fuss that I just wouldn't live there and I basically lived on the streets or on a friend's couch until I was 16.

I dropped out of HS at 16 when a local restaurant owner offered me a job when he saw me collecting bottles out of his recycling bins. He said he'd seen me around and that I wasn't a trouble maker. He became a dear friend and mentor to me and in all reality he saved my life.

I lived in one of those hyper violent inner city neighborhoods I educated you about.

Anyway one night when I was 18 I was walking home late after a double shift and I was jumped by 3 assholes. One of them had a chain wrapped around his fist and he hit me from behind and when i went down he worked me over while his 2 toadies kicked and stomped me.

I ended up with a grade 4 concussion, a fractured eye orbital, some permanent vision impairment in y left eye, 3 broken ribs and a ruptured spleen. The took my cash, my winter coat and my boots and left me for dead in an alley in January.

I got myself to a hospital 6 block away. It took me over an hour and I saw 3 cops driving by in that time and they didn't bother to stop and help the beaten bloody guy walking around in his socks. I was hypothermic by the time I got to the Emergency Room. I could have just as easily died.

So yes unlike you I KNOW there is real violence in this world and naïve assholes like you instead of counting yourself lucky that you haven't experienced it would rather make stupid assumptions about the reasons some people want to own a gun for protection.

I happen to be grateful I live in a country that recognizes my ABSOLUTE RIGHT to protect myself with the best tool for the job.
Listen bellend, it's called life. Your story is no different to some of my mates. If you feel a gun was the answer, you have a narrow minded brain. As Bruce Lee said, don't pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one. You and you only are in control of your life. Hunt about in bins, that's your choice, to put yourself in danger in back streets, that's your choice. Do you want me to feel concerned about you? You can fuck right off.
Yeah and a guy in Las Vegas used an AR15. What's your point?

A guy with a truck killed more people than the guy in Vegas with a rifle........knives kill more people every single year than rifles do....clubs kill more people every single year than rifles do......hands and feet kill more people every single year than rifles do....

According to your logic....trucks, knives, clubs, and hands and feet need to be banned and confiscated.........

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