
Not a'one of you guys has credibly refuted anything I've said on the subject. All you offer is litmus tests. Having said that, of course you can't name any of the signers of the second amendment were certified firearms experts, so your arguments are further discredited.

You guys have no competent arguments against me.

Shit stains like you don't accept the truth.
Avoiding facts again.
What rifle was used by the Las Vegas mass murderer?

Who cares. He was a former IRS agent. The kind you people think should be the only ones with guns.
Criminals who did not get guns illegally:

Sandy Hook killer (shot his mother in the face then took her guns)
Las Vegas killer (Walked into the hotel day-by-day with new guns in his sack, bought ammo in Arizona gun show) - **BONUS** KILLED OVER 80 PEOPLE
Pulse Night Club killer
Kyle Rittenhouse (Not guilty, but still killed 2 - bought using COVID payment money)

Do I really need to go on? Hundreds of families and people devastated by "legal" guns.
Sandy Hook killer shot his mother and took her gun, and you call that legal????? :laughing0301:
Kyle Rittenhouse's life was saved by his weapon.

I've noticed you cherry picked a couple of examples.
I said, "Criminals usually get their weapons illegally."
I stand by that statement and it is true. So, go pound sand
Criminals who did not get guns illegally:

Sandy Hook killer (shot his mother in the face then took her guns)
Las Vegas killer (Walked into the hotel day-by-day with new guns in his sack, bought ammo in Arizona gun show) - **BONUS** KILLED OVER 80 PEOPLE
Pulse Night Club killer
Kyle Rittenhouse (Not guilty, but still killed 2 - bought using COVID payment money)

Do I really need to go on? Hundreds of families and people devastated by "legal" guns.

Dipshit…….the Sandy Hook shooter stole the guns from his mother, after murdering her….you idiot

The Las Vegas killer killed 61 people….the Muslim terrorist in Nice, France killed 86 amd wounded 435 with a rental truck…….more people killed with a rental truck than in any mass public shooting in the U.S.

The pulse night club killer passed a complete background check for his security job, a background check for each weapon he bought, and the FBI did a complete background check, including 3 interviews and an under cover approach…..and passed all of it…..the Feds failed

Kyle, you shithead, didn’t murder anyone….he shot 3 criminals including one serial child rapist

Americans use their legal guns to stop rapes, robberies, murders,stabbings, and beatings saving more lives than criminals take….you idiot.
Criminals account for 0.1% of incidents, you need to get that out of your system. It's a deflection tactic because you know American's guns are fucked up.

Maybe on your planet. But not on this one. You are literally full of poo.
Why do you believe someone should explain why they want to exercise a Constitutionally protected right?

Ooooh......oooooh.....pick me! Pick me!:desk:

Because he is a fascist...and a fascist does not believe in individual Rights or freedom....they only believe in the power of the Central Government to do what they want to do without resistance by the population...
They are not mutually exclusive, son.
A person is a criminal. Not all persons are criminals, like what you're inferring.
What it is, the deflection from the topic is, "Der, it"s der kriminals that ave guns an cause Der pwoblems". But they're a tiny minority, it's what you would class normal people, Joe public that cause the bulk of the problem. Simply because you're lazy dazy on who owns them, where and how they're used, and how they're stored. Hence your gun problem.

So go off down criminal routes, Rights route and all that bollox, but it's down to the right people having appropriate guns, using them in appropriate places and storing them appropriately. That's the bit that doesn't get into your skull. Learning your alphabet is fucking harder than understanding gun problems.
What it is, the deflection from the topic is, "Der, it"s der kriminals that ave guns an cause Der pwoblems". But they're a tiny minority, it's what you would class normal people, Joe public that cause the bulk of the problem. Simply because you're lazy dazy on who owns them, where and how they're used, and how they're stored. Hence your gun problem.

So go off down criminal routes, Rights route and all that bollox, but it's down to the right people having appropriate guns, using them in appropriate places and storing them appropriately. That's the bit that doesn't get into your skull. Learning your alphabet is fucking harder than understanding gun problems.

Wow...that's dumb.

The tiny number of criminals in democrat party controlled cities are causing 95% of our gun crime......they are released, over and over again, no matter their gun crimes, by democrat party politicians and judges......

Law abiding people don't use any of their guns for crime, you they aren't driving the crime idiot...

D.C. study...
A study finds that suspects in violent crime in the District share a lot of characteristics.

The National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform looked at the numbers for homicides and nonfatal shooting in D.C. in 2019 and 2020, and found that “most gun violence is tightly concentrated on a small number of very high-risk young Black male adults that share a common set of risk factors.”

Those factors include involvements in street crews, a previous criminal justice history and connection to a recent shooting. Often, they’ve been the victims of crime themselves. While the motive for the shooting “may not be a traditional gang war,” the report says, “often shootings are precipitated by a petty conflict over a young woman, a simple argument, or the now-ubiquitous social media slight.”
More than 90% of victims and suspects in 2019 and 2020 were male and about 96% were Black.

The study also found that another 86% of victims and suspects have been involved with the criminal justice system and the average age of victims is 31, while the average age of suspects is 27 years old.

They found that, in terms of prior arrests, “victims and suspects were remarkably similar.”


Bonus content.......the actual study...

About 96 percent of victims and suspects in both homicides and nonfatal shootings were Black, despite Black residents comprising only 46 percent of the overall population in the District (Table 1).

Approximately 86 percent of homicide victims and suspects were known to the criminal justice system prior to the incident. Among all victims and suspects, about 46 percent had been previously incarcerated (Figure 2).
At least 23.3 percent of all homicide victims and suspects were under active supervision (i.e., CSOSA, PSA, or DYRS)1. At least 64 percent of all victims and suspects had been under any prior or active supervision and at least 76% of homicide suspects had active or prior supervision.

Overall, most victims and suspects with prior criminal offenses had been arrested about 11 times for about 13 different offenses by the time of the homicide. This count only refers to adult arrests and juvenile arrests were not included.

In Washington, DC, most gun violence is tightly concentrated on a small number of very high risk young Black male adults that share a common set of risk factors, including: involvement in street crews/groups; significant criminal justice history including prior or active community supervision; often prior victimization; and a connection to a recent shooting (within the past 12 months).

While the majority of people involved in shootings, as victim or suspect, are members or associates of street groups/gangs, the motive for the shooting may not be a traditional gang war. Often shootings are precipitated by a petty conflict over a young woman, a simple argument, or the now ubiquitous social media slight.

This small number of very high risk individuals are identifiable, their violence is predictable, and therefore it is preventable.

Based on the assessment of data and the series of interviews conducted, NICJR estimates that within a year, there are at least 500 identifiable people who rise to this level of very high risk, and likely no more than 200 at any one given time. These individuals comprise approximately 60-70% of all gun violence in the District. Nealy 250 specific individuals were identified through the GVPA process but more importantly, the risk factors that make someone at very high risk has been identified in order to develop an on-going process to focus intervention efforts on those at very high risk. Violence Problem Analysis Summary Report.pdf
What it is, the deflection from the topic is, "Der, it"s der kriminals that ave guns an cause Der pwoblems". But they're a tiny minority, it's what you would class normal people, Joe public that cause the bulk of the problem. Simply because you're lazy dazy on who owns them, where and how they're used, and how they're stored. Hence your gun problem.

So go off down criminal routes, Rights route and all that bollox, but it's down to the right people having appropriate guns, using them in appropriate places and storing them appropriately. That's the bit that doesn't get into your skull. Learning your alphabet is fucking harder than understanding gun problems.
So in your fucked up world, the normal everyday citizens that owns guns and don't commit crimes are the problem.
Got it.

Dude, you have no clue on what your are even babbling about.
Sometimes it's better to remain silent and thought a fool, than it is
to speak and remove all doubt.
So in your fucked up world, the normal everyday citizens that owns guns and don't commit crimes are the problem.
Got it.

Dude, you have no clue on what your are even babbling about.
Sometimes it's better to remain silent and thought a fool, than it is
to speak and remove all doubt.

Your last part, you should be silent.
What it is, the deflection from the topic is, "Der, it"s der kriminals that ave guns an cause Der pwoblems". But they're a tiny minority, it's what you would class normal people, Joe public that cause the bulk of the problem. Simply because you're lazy dazy on who owns them, where and how they're used, and how they're stored. Hence your gun problem.

So go off down criminal routes, Rights route and all that bollox, but it's down to the right people having appropriate guns, using them in appropriate places and storing them appropriately. That's the bit that doesn't get into your skull. Learning your alphabet is fucking harder than understanding gun problems.

No, the part that doesn't get into your skull is there is no such thing as the " right people".

That is a class statement. Everyone is the " right people" here, until they break the law.

We have 300 MILLION firearms, all peacefully going about their day. Every day. And we have a very small violent population that breaks the law.

Only an idiot would try and take guns away from the law abiding. The criminals don't obey laws, so the only people your kind of laws help ARE the criminals.

Shit stains like you don't accept the truth.
The truth is very hard for you far right gun thugs to take; I know. The NRA and that thief Wayne La'Pierre gave you guys all that koolaid to drink while they set about bastardizing our constitution.

You guys drank it, did the NRA's bidding and then asked for more.
At breakfast time, let's talk about guns. Issue not resolved, so lunchtime, let's talk about guns. Still not resolved, so let's talk about guns at supper time.

Government could go tyrannical (yawn), so let's talk guns. DON'T TAKE MY GUNS, I'LL KILL YOU. So next day, let's talk guns. Problem still not resolved, let's talk guns.

Every country doesn't have guns (according to Americans), just the US, so problem not resolved, let's talk guns. Inevitable civil war will happen at any moment (just like the world is going to end), so let's talk guns


My question, why are you SO fucking obsessed with guns? I have never ever been to a country, nor on another country's forum where guns are so obsessive.

What is up with you guys? What's the question you're trying to resolve, can we finally discover the answer that puts the debate to bed?

Is that possible??
I use them as penis extenders........... If you believe that I have a shitload of bridges for sale.........

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