Gut-Busting Laughter

Mentally Stable????
Donald Trump oddly pointed to the media’s coverage of Ronald Reagan as the president scrambled to bolster his image as mentally fit, characterizing himself as a “very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Trump attacked the media in a tweet Saturday for “taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.” The implication is that concerns about Reagan’s mental health in his administration were off the mark. But they weren’t.

Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Been hearing that for years...

I've looked, but I can't seem to find an answer...

When did little Ron get his medical degree?
When you have to scream at them for them to be able to hear they need a hearing aid...Did I say it loud enough for you?
and that has what to do with the discussion?
Mentally Stable????
Donald Trump oddly pointed to the media’s coverage of Ronald Reagan as the president scrambled to bolster his image as mentally fit, characterizing himself as a “very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Trump attacked the media in a tweet Saturday for “taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.” The implication is that concerns about Reagan’s mental health in his administration were off the mark. But they weren’t.

Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Been hearing that for years...

I've looked, but I can't seem to find an answer...

When did little Ron get his medical degree?

It doesn’t take a medical degree to know your parent isn’t as mentally sharp or capable as in the past. That Reagan was subsequently diagnosed if proof that Ron Jr. was right.
Mentally Stable????
Donald Trump oddly pointed to the media’s coverage of Ronald Reagan as the president scrambled to bolster his image as mentally fit, characterizing himself as a “very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Trump attacked the media in a tweet Saturday for “taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.” The implication is that concerns about Reagan’s mental health in his administration were off the mark. But they weren’t.

Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Been hearing that for years...

I've looked, but I can't seem to find an answer...

When did little Ron get his medical degree?
Some folks can see the obvious ,,,,,some can't
Very true. Your hatred of all things republican makes you wrong on nearly all issues. It is obvious, but you seem to miss it completely.
Mentally Stable????
Donald Trump oddly pointed to the media’s coverage of Ronald Reagan as the president scrambled to bolster his image as mentally fit, characterizing himself as a “very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Trump attacked the media in a tweet Saturday for “taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.” The implication is that concerns about Reagan’s mental health in his administration were off the mark. But they weren’t.

Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Been hearing that for years...

I've looked, but I can't seem to find an answer...

When did little Ron get his medical degree?

Now now, Little Ronnie's been very successful at ... umm ... hmm ... er ... again, what exactly HAS he been successful at? Besides whoring out his name?
Whoring out his name? BILLY BILLY BILLY WHO has been better than Trump at WHORING out his name???

Trump's name is because of the actions DJT took.....Reagans name is not based on the actions of Ron Jr, if you cant see the difference, then you are:
Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered
So your "evidence" that Reagan had Alzheimers while in office, is that unnamed "observers" were "concerned", and that some of them "wondered" something?

In other words, you made it all up, and then invented anonymous "witnesses" to try to back up your wishful thinking?
Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered
So your "evidence" that Reagan had Alzheimers while in office, is that unnamed "observers" were "concerned", and that some of them "wondered" something?

In other words, you made it all up, and then invented anonymous "witnesses" to try to back up your wishful thinking?

Dont' forget, his son, the doctor, :lmao: saw signs long before anyone else did.
200 interviews on the record. Many on audio-tape.
Only a few have come forward to deny their remarks for this book.
Steve Bannon is already apologizing for his remarks, so they must be true.
No one in the WH denies the guy had access for 18 months to the West Wing.
No one in the WH is filing a lawsuit for libel or slander.
But the WH did file a cease-and-desist order as soon as the news broke about the book, before they even read it.
Add all that up, Trumpanzees, if you can add that high.
I think it's TMI for you idiots.
I have the book on my Kindle and into Chapter 5. It is not some sort of Kitty Kelly tell-all about the Queen. It's very detailed almost to the point of tedium. The cable news anchors have done a grab-bag approach and taken comments out of context. Once you read them within their context, it's all perfectly crystal clear.
Mentally Stable????
Donald Trump oddly pointed to the media’s coverage of Ronald Reagan as the president scrambled to bolster his image as mentally fit, characterizing himself as a “very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Trump attacked the media in a tweet Saturday for “taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.” The implication is that concerns about Reagan’s mental health in his administration were off the mark. But they weren’t.

Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Been hearing that for years...

I've looked, but I can't seem to find an answer...

When did little Ron get his medical degree?
Some folks can see the obvious ,,,,,some can't
Very true. Your hatred of all things republican makes you wrong on nearly all issues. It is obvious, but you seem to miss it completely.
Yes hate is the proper word I used to just feel sorry for republicans But no more
I have the book on my Kindle and into Chapter 5. It is not some sort of Kitty Kelly tell-all about the Queen. It's very detailed almost to the point of tedium. The cable news anchors have done a grab-bag approach and taken comments out of context. Once you read them within their context, it's all perfectly crystal clear.
Thanks but the republicans are blinded to the truth
No one in the WH denies the guy had access for 18 months to the West Wing.

Who was that?

Love it.
White House won't release visitor logs in response to questions about author Michael Wolff's access
by Steven Nelson | Jan 4, 2018, 4:24 PM

White House won't release visitor logs in response to questions about author Michael Wolff's access

you made the claim 18 months.

was he 'visiting' while Obama was there?
Mentally Stable????
Donald Trump oddly pointed to the media’s coverage of Ronald Reagan as the president scrambled to bolster his image as mentally fit, characterizing himself as a “very stable genius and “being, like, really smart.”

Trump attacked the media in a tweet Saturday for “taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence.” The implication is that concerns about Reagan’s mental health in his administration were off the mark. But they weren’t.

Although White House doctors insisted Reagan was mentally fit, many observers at the time were concerned about his forgetfulness, and some even wondered if he was exhibiting signs of Alzheimer’s in office. Reagan himself even admitted during a televised address on the Iran-Contra scandal that he often had a hard time remembering things, notes The Washington Post. Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 1994, five years after he left the White House.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Reagan’s youngest son, Ron, said in his 2011 book, My Father at 100, that he believed his dad showed symptoms of the confusion and forgetfulness of Alzheimer’s while he was president.

Been hearing that for years...

I've looked, but I can't seem to find an answer...

When did little Ron get his medical degree?
Family members don't need a medical degree to notice symptoms of Alzheimers, Will.
First you should know the disease
All this book author clown will do is turn out more Trump voters in 2018, go right ahead libs piss us off and see what happens we'll kick the crap out of you people again :muahaha:
Yeah this time you'll lose by 6 million
Good thing the electoral college decides it then, huh? ;) ;)

They are still butthurt over a year later is funny.

There needs to be about two palettes of butthurt cream delivered to the private quarters of the White House.
No one martyrs themselves more than Trump. Or whines.
And it's beyond my comprehension that the asshole actually took to the mic yesterday to say, a year after his election, that he really is intelligent. Really!
Obama must be laughing his ass off right now.
No one in the WH denies the guy had access for 18 months to the West Wing.

Who was that?

Love it.
White House won't release visitor logs in response to questions about author Michael Wolff's access
by Steven Nelson | Jan 4, 2018, 4:24 PM

White House won't release visitor logs in response to questions about author Michael Wolff's access

you made the claim 18 months.

was he 'visiting' while Obama was there?

I meant 18 months access to Trump during the campaign, senior campaign staff and then to the White House all gratis from Steve Bannon.
No one is denying that.

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