Guy pulls gun on motorcycle rider

Driver pulls gun during road rage fight - CNN Video

Just think for a moment. How many other 2nd Amendment lunatics are out there with their finger on the trigger? Texas could turn into a giant shooting gallery with all the gun friendly laws they are passing.
Gun friendly? That tells everything about you.
BTW, the idiot on the bike learned his lesson not to fuck with people on the road then pulling up to their vehicle fucking with them.
The video doesn't run for me but showing illegal behavior to gripe about a constitutional right is the fodder of a fool.
The video doesn't run for me but showing illegal behavior to gripe about a constitutional right is the fodder of a fool.
There was this punk on a bike. (not Harley but one of these Japanese ones) Apparently, he was fucking with this pickup truck on the road. They came to a traffic stop and then he had the nerve to pull up to the truck window fucking with them even more. Then, the surprise came. The window rolled down and he was looking down on the barrel of a pistol. He immediately became a whiny little bitch and that was the end of it. (Well he submitted the video to the cops)
The psychotic tard with an inferiority complex driving a pickup truck, a common occurrence, should face fines, or at least have his firearm seized and his carry permit revoked.
The psychotic tard with an inferiority complex driving a pickup truck, a common occurrence, should face prison time or at least have his firearm seized and his carry permit revoked.
How does driving a pickup truck constitute inferiority complex? There were quite a few punks on bikes. Pay attention.
Guno you may be getting a knock on your door due to your new avatar. I made sure the proper folks are aware.

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