Gwar - Disembowling Palin! Art or Incitement and/or Threat of Violence...

GWAR still exists? Seriously?

Tasteless, disgusting, irresponsible....but protected.

As far as taking it seriously, frankly I can't imagine the couple dozen fans they have would be sober enough to remember or care.

Exactly! It was very tasteless, and Gwar is just trying to get publicity.
This is protected speech as stated earlier.

It is also fucking bullshit and is irresponsible.

The children of Palin should never have to see such crap in the public.

This band is a pack of assholes and should have their performances boycotted.

They do harm to their own positions with such voilent imaging.

How I wish the right had the class to renounce violence like the left here is doing.

That's their schtick..and it's a joke.

They do terrible head banging music..dress up like monsters and shower the audience is fake blood and gore.

No one..and I mean no one takes it seriously.

I hope not.

They are assholes for trying to bring violence into the political theater

It's a goof.

Frankly..I am surprised anyone is taking it seriously.
GWAR still exists? Seriously?

Tasteless, disgusting, irresponsible....but protected.

As far as taking it seriously, frankly I can't imagine the couple dozen fans they have would be sober enough to remember or care.

That's their schtick..and it's a joke.

They do terrible head banging music..dress up like monsters and shower the audience is fake blood and gore.

No one..and I mean no one takes it seriously.

I hope not.

They are assholes for trying to bring violence into the political theater

It's a goof.

Frankly..I am surprised anyone is taking it seriously.

I dont think that anyone is taking it seriously, what I am seeing in it, is the hypocracy of those who are always squealing for women's rights and how porn is damaging to women, or violence against women groups.... where are they for Sarah?

Oh thats right..... she stands on the "right" side of the isle, so she is fair game. :eusa_eh:
I hope not.

They are assholes for trying to bring violence into the political theater

It's a goof.

Frankly..I am surprised anyone is taking it seriously.

I dont think that anyone is taking it seriously, what I am seeing in it, is the hypocracy of those who are always squealing for women's rights and how porn is damaging to women, or violence against women groups.... where are they for Sarah?

Oh thats right..... she stands on the "right" side of the isle, so she is fair game. :eusa_eh: really must be fun at parties..

And we are the PC ones?

It's a goof.

Frankly..I am surprised anyone is taking it seriously.

I dont think that anyone is taking it seriously, what I am seeing in it, is the hypocracy of those who are always squealing for women's rights and how porn is damaging to women, or violence against women groups.... where are they for Sarah?

Oh thats right..... she stands on the "right" side of the isle, so she is fair game. :eusa_eh: really must be fun at parties..

And we are the PC ones?


Until you've partied with me STFU....

Besides, WTF does that have to do with what I said? :lol: Jeez you are "shallow". :lol:
Damn, didn't realize GWAR was still relevent in the music world!
They're not. (were they ever?)
Hence this attempt to 'shock' and get attention.

Gwar is kinda like this:

Hmmmmm......never heard of them. Had to look them up on the internet. Strange since I was in my 20's when they first came on the scene. But then, I like good music and didn't really care for the loud, head banging, dope smoking type.
Since when is Gwar actual music?

I thought is was a 'musical outreach project' for the special ed kids...
...which would be worthy of prosecution?

I am sorry, but making a little speech about how bad this country is and that its under attack and then doing a mock disembowling of Sarah Palin is NOT ART! In fact its criminal incitement of violence against Palin (a public figure) and a DIRECT THREAT of immediate violence against her! Both are crimes worthy of prosecution!

Imagine if this was a mock Obama disembowlment. First, the race card would be tossed out there. Then Sharpton and Jackson would be protesting in the streets. Next, they would be criminally prosecuted.

OK, you might say Obama is the President. But say its was Jesse Jackson. All the same steps in the above paragraph would still happen!

If you listen to Gwar your a sick individual. GET HELP!!! That means you Mr Shaman and Shangha!

Note: This is coming from a guy who still loves Metallica and listens to Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, System of the Down and Rage Against the Machine when working out!
I dunno...I might laugh if it was Jesse Jackson.
GWAR has always sucked.

Their whole act has always been about silly shock-value imagery and stage-show, accompanied by crappy music. I don't think anyone has ever considered what they might say particularly seriously, or taken the things they do during their shows seriously. And I say this as someone who happily went to a Deicide concert where we had actual guts thrown on us :) (That was fun, if disgusting!)
These guys found a way to make money.....well, at one time they did, during their 'hayday'. The more people pay attention to how 'awful' this is, the more money they'll make. Why not have appalling images and vocals? They found a group of people willing to and demand.
They're just like the rest of us infidile Americans....trying to make a buck. It's not like they're MAKING you watch it OR you HAVE to listen to it!! Maybe GWAR should create a group like MADD (Mother Against Drunk Driving) just to make themselves even more controversial. I think it's funny how people get so upset over nothing.
And yet, the left has a hissy fit about the song 'Barak the magic negro'. Go figure.

Blind racial slur is somehow a little bit worse than fake-disemboweling a quasi-political figure on stage as part of a musical show that people pay to go and SEE! This wasn't some rally, this was music, and as much as you all may disagree with it, it is parody, it is a joke, and while simply looking at a youtube video may make you think it is hypocritical, you are bringing something apolitical into the political realm. This is a band that mocks society as a whole, and Palin today, has becoming a prominent figure in our society. Case closed. This is different than people who sit around and want to hurt Obama as much as possible, and make statements such as that which you have quoted as serious insults towards our CURRENT PRESIDENT. In my opinion, what Gwar did and what those people who said "Barack the magic negro' are not even in the same fucking ballpark. The people who said that about Barack are pathetic. Gwar is just funny. If you over-reactionaries think that their live show will have some actual spillover into popular sentiment or may motivate someone to carry out that act, then you are simply an alarmist who uses fear to condemn what is essentially free speech, ESPECIALLY when it is art, and what they did was art, as it is defined, whether you agree it was or not- it was part of an onstage performance of a musical act, and music is most definetely considered art, and any live show material used is simply an extension of that, or what they feel as a band, and communicating what one feels through such a display, can not be called anything other than art, and what they were communicating is a distaste and disgust for Palin, not a desire to disembowel her, done in parody, because it is so obvious that no one actually want to disembowel her. That is absurd, hence, why it is art.
Well, if THEY did that, it would make THEM look like a bunch of stupid fucking assholes. Gwar is just funny.
...which would be worthy of prosecution?

I am sorry, but making a little speech about how bad this country is and that its under attack and then doing a mock disembowling of Sarah Palin is NOT ART! In fact its criminal incitement of violence against Palin (a public figure) and a DIRECT THREAT of immediate violence against her! Both are crimes worthy of prosecution!

Imagine if this was a mock Obama disembowlment. First, the race card would be tossed out there. Then Sharpton and Jackson would be protesting in the streets. Next, they would be criminally prosecuted.

OK, you might say Obama is the President. But say its was Jesse Jackson. All the same steps in the above paragraph would still happen!

If you listen to Gwar your a sick individual. GET HELP!!! That means you Mr Shaman and Shangha!

Note: This is coming from a guy who still loves Metallica and listens to Marilyn Manson, Nine Inch Nails, System of the Down and Rage Against the Machine when working out!
As far as I know, they usually do kill Obama during their show.

They "kill" a whole lot of celebrities on stage. It's part of their show. If you don't like it, don't fucking go see GWAR.

Seriously, do you seek out things to be "outraged" about?
This is protected speech as stated earlier.

It is also fucking bullshit and is irresponsible.

The children of Palin should never have to see such crap in the public.

This band is a pack of assholes and should have their performances boycotted.

They do harm to their own positions with such voilent imaging.

How I wish the right had the class to renounce violence like the left here is doing.

That's their schtick..and it's a joke.

They do terrible head banging music..dress up like monsters and shower the audience is fake blood and gore.

No one..and I mean no one takes it seriously.

I hope not.

They are assholes for trying to bring violence into the political theater

They're not "trying to bring violence into the political theatre" - GWAR is a heavy metal band, not a politician. If anything, they're bringing violence into a "heavy metal" theatre.

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