Gypsies and stealing.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2010
Fuck Y'all I'm From Texas!
Romanian Gypsies have been found in Florida running a huge shoplifting organisation.

These people have no respect for the USA nor fear of our law enforcement. They see the USA as a joke, a grab bag. Their hands should be chopped off, an ID transponder inserted under their skin then deported.
Romanian Gypsies have been found in Florida running a huge shoplifting organisation.
Thieving gypsies are also from Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, etc. although the ones from Serbia have a more honest & working reputation. We've got more than you can shake a stick at over here, some of them are good ones but mostly the bad ones. I am rather surprised you've even got them in the US. It's time for you to kick ass and show us how it's done.

I was waiting for a bus outside of a shopping center a couple of months ago when this gypsy came with a handbag. He opened it up and started to rummage through it pulling out new items with the price tags still on them. He ripped the tags off the jewelry (throwing the tag on the ground) and put them on. He had very clearly just stolen them. If you go to fast-food places (McDonald's, Burger King, Kentucky Fried Chicken, some cafés) a gypsy will come in (always the same guy) every hour or so with a phony name tag (to make him seem official) asking for donations to a nonexistent organization. There are gypsies in front of every large food shop. But they have territories and I have even seen arguments between them if one of them begs in front of another one's spot.
I'm sure Mort will find this interesting and renounce his people promptly.
Never happen.
Ahh who am I kidding,he'll just come up with excuses.
Without a doubt.
It sure seems they're willing to travel long distances to carry out their crimes.
"The traveling people" they are called. There was some do-gooder politician years ago who claimed the gypsies aren't organized thieves (despite the popular belief about them) and claimed to have made an "observation" to back up her view. So, I decided to make my own "observation":

One day when I passed by a beggar gypsy woman, I saw a gypsy man approach her with one of those binders. He spoke to her in their language so I don't know what he said but I saw what he did. He opened the binder that was filled with photographs of children. He thumbed through all the photos, chose one, and handed it to her to use as a sympathy prop and make it seem she needed money to care for "her children". He then walked away ..... I followed him. After a while, he came to a brick building and went inside. I went to have a closer look but did not dare to enter. It had kind of a club atmosphere. There were about a hundred gypsy men (only men) inside smoking, drinking coffee, playing cards, and talking (loudly) on their mobile telephones. Once in a while, some would come out and drive away in nice Mercedes-Benz cars. I asked one guy if it was a club or a café. He replied, "Go fuck yourself."
Just don’t hang around them when wolfbane blooms and the moon is full and bright…
No worries. I have a silver bullet in my pocket, a rosary around my neck, a tattoo of a pentagram on my shoulder and I carry a wooden stake in my hand at all times.
They used to come to a hotel I worked at for a week at a time, all in roll back trucks. They were banned after they left and we found we were missing thousands and thousands of bottles of shampoo, individual toilet paper rolls, coffee packs and such. The day after they check out our supply closets were cleaned out. They would check in with boxes and bags, and check out with them all covered up. Guess they got greedy the last time and took it all instead of just some.

Which explains why a couple times a year I'd see them renting like an empty store front, like those Halloween Express places do, and just sell endless amounts of oddball shit. They steal it all and then sell it somewhere else, then steal from there and go somewhere else to sell it.
There's a Chinese buffet in town that has some really good food. It's all you can eat at a fair price. On two separate occasions, I saw a gypsy couple (about early 40-ish) load up as many plates as they could carry with a mountain (I am not exaggerating!) of food on each plate. They'd put it all on the table and go immediately back to do it again. Then they'd sit down and eat about 2% of what they took, leaving all the rest on the table to be thrown out. An honest example would be taking 50 spring rolls and eating one each. Then they'd leave the restaurant. I spoke to the old Chinese man who owns the place and he said he was going to have to limit them "in some way", he wasn't sure how. The next time I went to eat there I found that it had closed down. "Out of business". Why did they close down ..... I don't know.

*** This is 2023.

*** Even in jest, we should be respectful of all groups.

*** That is why the most insulting word in American English is banned. If I had my druthers, I would also ban the first letter of that word, too.

*** So people really should use the word Romani to refer to the people under discussion.

*** Yes, just as I am wary of a certain group of people because of their reputation for violence, I am also wary of Romani, although NOT all of them are criminals.

*** Here in my city, COVID destroyed the taxi business. But some years back when it was flourishing, most of the drivers were immigrants (I shall not name their country). Maybe 50% or more of them had installed a secret button that they discreetly pushed to make the meter register a higher price than was honest. That was just as bad as what some Romani do nowadays.

Dishonest human beings -- citizens and immigrants -- should be ashamed of themselves. Sadly, they have no conscience.
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