Gypsy's Stealing White Girls

Hey BD Poop, whats more important, my spelling or the welfare of these white children?

You only speak for the welfare of the white children?

What would you have said if the child were black or brown (from India)?

I'm guessing you wouldn't have cared unless they were white.

Way to show your bigotry.
I care about the welfare of all children, but yea I do look out for the welfare of white children more, just as I care for my own children more.

Plus, I probably care more about black children than most blacks do
They probably bought her from a trafficker.

Or perhaps, in at least one case, the kid was the biological child of the family and you're a racist dick who jumps to conclusions based on bigotry, stupidity and hate.

If it should turn out she is their kid.
If there's one thing that Americans don't understand when it comes to Europe, it's how much the majority of people over here hate gypos. They aren't misunderstood nomads leading a non-conformist and 'alternative' lifestyle. They're parasites who traffic people and heroin. They'll also steal anything that isn't nailed down. The only Americans who seem to have an idea of how these 'people' should be treated are Jews, which is probably something to do with their ancestors being later arrivals than most, with stern warnings being passed down.

Gypsies are taught only two things in life: how to count and steal.
Clearly these Gypsys need to be checked out much more

Wow, two cases (at least one being bollocks) and you need to watch the whole lot.
If one or two Americans kidnap someone; do we need to watch Americans?
Clearly these Gypsys need to be checked out much more

Wow, two cases (at least one being bollocks) and you need to watch the whole lot.
If one or two Americans kidnap someone; do we need to watch Americans?

Are you fucking insane? Gypsies should be closely monitored from birth.

You, if you wish to forward such an argument, should explain your reasons.
Perhaps you can explain why and, if it's regarding crime, details crimes they're guilty of that other racial groups are not.

Thank you in advance for your detailed reply.
Clearly these Gypsys need to be checked out much more

Wow, two cases (at least one being bollocks) and you need to watch the whole lot.
If one or two Americans kidnap someone; do we need to watch Americans?

Are you fucking insane? Gypsies should be closely monitored from birth.

Just as a note; you are aware the Irish case was stupid police and DNA evidence proved it was their biological child; aren't you?
If there's one thing that Americans don't understand when it comes to Europe, it's how much the majority of people over here hate gypos. They aren't misunderstood nomads leading a non-conformist and 'alternative' lifestyle. They're parasites who traffic people and heroin. They'll also steal anything that isn't nailed down. The only Americans who seem to have an idea of how these 'people' should be treated are Jews, which is probably something to do with their ancestors being later arrivals than most, with stern warnings being passed down.

Gypsies are taught only two things in life: how to count and steal.

Agreed totally Swagger. As someone who has been living in Greece for the past 5 months and has family near where the Roma camp was raided, I can attest to the depravity and sickening behaviour perpetrated by these 'Roma'. They are not viewed as a persecuted and misunderstood minority by most Europeans. They are viewed for exactly what they are, thieves and beggars with no redeemable qualities whatsoever.
They are taught from as early as possible to beg and steal and make a buck in any way without doing any actual work. The children are not sent to school and forced to adopt this ridiculous nomadic existence. I see them as merely pests with no positive affects or contributions to any nation they wander into. A savage bunch of cutthroats to boot. It is common knowledge in Greece that they are now heavily involved in the drug trade whilst claiming government benefits simultaneously.
Though I must state that this case in Greece has nothing to do with 'white girls'; Gypsies will take any human they can get their hands on and cultivate them into efficient street beggars.
Yeah, sure. The problem is only in Greece while Roma thrive everywhere else. Please, the problem of the Roma is wherever they are found, and in Europe they are found just about everywhere.

At some point a pervading problem needs to be acknowledged and despite the attempts of the ignorant politically correct, it is not simply a matter of racism.
Maria's parents found...
Tests prove Roma couple are mystery girl's parents
Oct 25,`13 -- The mystery is solved - but the future of the young girl known only as Maria is still uncertain.
DNA tests have confirmed that a Bulgarian Roma couple living in an impoverished village with their nine other children are the biological parents of the girl found in Greece with another Roma couple, authorities said Friday. Genetic profiles of Sasha Ruseva, 35, and her husband, Atanas, matched that of Maria, Interior Ministry official Svetlozar Lazarov said Friday. Ruseva says she gave birth to a baby girl four years ago in Greece while working as an olive picker but gave the child away because she was too poor to care for her. She since has had two more children after Maria.

Maria has been in a charity's care since authorities raided a Roma settlement in Greece last week and found she was not related to the Greek Roma couple she was living with. Her discovery triggered a global search for her parents, fears of possible child trafficking and interest from authorities dealing with missing children cases in Poland, France, the United States and elsewhere. Human rights groups have also raised concerns that the news coverage about Maria and the actions taken by authorities were fueling racist sentiment against the European Union's Gypsy minority, who number around 6 million.


''The Smile of the Child'' shows a 4-year-old girl at an unknown location. Greek authorities on Friday, Oct. 18, 2013 have requested international assistance to identify the four-year-old girl found living in a Gypsy camp with a couple arrested and charged with abducting her from her birth parents. A police statement says the child was located Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2013 near the town of Farsala, central Greece, during a nationwide crackdown on illegal activities in Gypsy camps.

The Bulgarian prosecutor's office and Greek authorities were "seeking clarification on whether the mother agreed to sell the child," the Interior Ministry said in a statement. The Rusevs and their other children live in a dilapidated, mud-floored house outside the remote Bulgarian village of Nikolaevo, 280 kilometers (175 miles) east of the capital, Sofia. The Roma, or Gypsy, quarter here houses some 2,000 people. Most here are jobless, living in extreme poverty, trying to stay warm in shabby houses. Children played Friday in mud-covered streets as pigs, cats and hens ambled by.

Minka Ruseva, a 14-year-old who is one of the Rusev family's children, stood in front of their dilapidated two-room house. Minka said she saw pictures of Maria on TV and thought she was her sister. "I like her very much, she looks very much like me and I want her back home. We will take care of her and I can help my mother," she said. Stoyan Todorov, a neighbor of the Rusevs', complained of the hardships that he and his family face every day. He said Bulgarian authorities do not care about helping the Roma and come "only on the eve of elections, hoping to get our votes." "Look how we are living in total misery," he continued. "Years ago, a man was murdered in our neighborhood and nobody paid attention. Now there are crowds of concerned people here because of one girl." As he spoke, he pointed at the scores of reporters from across Europe who had descended on the remote area. "The truth is that we do not have the money to look after our kids," Todorov said.

Yeah, sure. The problem is only in Greece while Roma thrive everywhere else. Please, the problem of the Roma is wherever they are found, and in Europe they are found just about everywhere.

At some point a pervading problem needs to be acknowledged and despite the attempts of the ignorant politically correct, it is not simply a matter of racism.

Adolf said:
… the Jews who formed less than one per cent. of the population tried to monopolize the cultural leadership of the people and flooded the intellectual professions, such as, for example, jurisprudence and medicine. The influence of this intellectual Jewish class in Germany had everywhere a disintegrating effect . For this reason in order to bar the spread of this process of disintegration it became essential to take steps to establish a clear and clean separation between the two races.

Yes, it was the same for Germany and those pesky Jews.
Where ever they are; they go around disintegrating.

Maybe they should be wiped out or sent to holiday camps to be gassed.
It's happened again!

The parents both have brown hair and brown eyes. Kayla has red hair and blue eyes.

Police estimate Kayla to be 3 years old. Kayla herself says she is three and claims the people she is traveling with are her “Mommy” and “Dada.”

Police were also alarmed by the conditions Kayla was living in. “We found her in a temporary shelter with minimal running water. She was dirty and disheveled, wearing torn pants. She also had a skinned knee.”

Kayla’s caregivers claim the conditions are “a really nice RV” and that the family had been hiking just before police arrived.

Several people worldwide have stepped forward to claim Kayla might be their missing child. DNA tests are pending.

Red-Headed Stepchild Removed From Brunette Parents? Care | Nine Inch News
It's happened again!

The parents both have brown hair and brown eyes. Kayla has red hair and blue eyes.

Police estimate Kayla to be 3 years old. Kayla herself says she is three and claims the people she is traveling with are her “Mommy” and “Dada.”

Police were also alarmed by the conditions Kayla was living in. “We found her in a temporary shelter with minimal running water. She was dirty and disheveled, wearing torn pants. She also had a skinned knee.”

Kayla’s caregivers claim the conditions are “a really nice RV” and that the family had been hiking just before police arrived.

Several people worldwide have stepped forward to claim Kayla might be their missing child. DNA tests are pending.

Red-Headed Stepchild Removed From Brunette Parents? Care | Nine Inch News

I wonder if you're blonde and where Ranger Smith came into this.
I think you may just be being silly, intentionally or otherwise, here.
It's happened again!

The parents both have brown hair and brown eyes. Kayla has red hair and blue eyes.

Police estimate Kayla to be 3 years old. Kayla herself says she is three and claims the people she is traveling with are her “Mommy” and “Dada.”

Police were also alarmed by the conditions Kayla was living in. “We found her in a temporary shelter with minimal running water. She was dirty and disheveled, wearing torn pants. She also had a skinned knee.”

Kayla’s caregivers claim the conditions are “a really nice RV” and that the family had been hiking just before police arrived.

Several people worldwide have stepped forward to claim Kayla might be their missing child. DNA tests are pending.

Red-Headed Stepchild Removed From Brunette Parents? Care | Nine Inch News

I wonder if you're blonde and where Ranger Smith came into this.
I think you may just be being silly, intentionally or otherwise, here.

Satire - a little something found in the DNA of people with a sense of humor.
I wonder if you're blonde and where Ranger Smith came into this.
I think you may just be being silly, intentionally or otherwise, here.

Satire - a little something found in the DNA of people with a sense of humor.

My Apologies; I didn't realise you were a member of the National Dyslexics Association.

Oh! Do tell. How did you reach that conclusion. I am all ears.

I mean, surely you didn't just embarrass yourself by not knowing satire when you saw it, and try to make said non-awareness about me?

Because that's pretty damn juvenile, Fred.

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