Had Dementia / Compromised Joe Not Run In 2020, Who Would Have Been The Dem Candidate?

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That's up to the voters, and they were going with Bernie.

Its actually up the Democrat National Convention, that draws up the rules and determines who will get the nomination. Eugene McCarthy won the 1968 Democrat primaries, but the Convention decided that the Democrats were going with Humphrey so that's who they nominated.

Joseph France won the 1932 Republican primaries, but the GOP convention decided to go with Hoover, so that's who got the nomination.
Republicans and trump supporters liked trump because they believed he was fighting for them and draining the swamp.

So why don’t they like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders? They would absolutely fight for middle class Americans.
Because these people hate poor people, disabled people and frankly think the worker should be a literal slave and ******. I am not kidding.
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