Hagel: The White House Tried to ‘Destroy’ Me


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
It was Aug. 30, 2013, and the U.S. military was poised for war. Obama had publicly warned Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad that his regime would face consequences if it crossed a “red line” by employing chemical weapons against its own people. Assad did it anyway, and Hagel had spent the day approving final plans for a barrage of Tomahawk cruise missile strikes against Damascus. U.S. naval destroyers were in the Mediterranean, awaiting orders to fire.

Instead, Obama told a stunned Hagel to stand down. Assad’s Aug. 21chemical attack in a Damascus suburb had killed hundreds of civilians, but the president said the United States wasn’t going to take any military action against the Syrian government. The president had decided to ignore his own red line — a decision, Hagel believes, that dealt a severe blow to the credibility of both Obama and the United States.

“Whether it was the right decision or not, history will determine that,” Hagel told Foreign Policy in a two-hour interview, his first extensive public comments since he was forced out of his position in February.

“There’s no question in my mind that it hurt the credibility of the president’s word when this occurred.”

In the days and months afterward, Hagel’s counterparts around the world told him their confidence in Washington had been shaken over Obama’s sudden about-face. And the former defense secretary said he still hears complaints to this day from foreign leaders.

Hagel: The White House Tried to ‘Destroy’ Me

Read the entire article, it is a long one, but it is worth the read.


What a fucking disaster of a man, and his pathetic, stupid ass moronic, blind sheep just defend him at every turn.

Neither Hagel or any other secretary of defense stands a chance at that job when the enemy is their boss...

More than one analyst believes that Turkey was responsible for the sarin gas attack and tried to pin it on Assad.
I love how all these Republicans who just hated Hagel when he was a thorn in Bush's side during the Iraq War, now think he's the bees knees when he's whining about Obama.

Hagel has always been a prima donna in love with his own press clippings.
There is no proof at all that Assad was behind the Sarin gas attacks, and the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights is a scam ,

Since the start of its anti-terror campaign in Syria, Russia has got in SOHR reports, which were quickly picked up by major Western media outlets. One of the latest wires from the Observatory, alleging that "Russian warplanes killed 30 civilians in Homs including women and children,” made headlines worldwide on October 1.

Interestingly enough, the same wire published on the Arabic version of the SOHR website on the same date did not mention any Russian warplanes. It said: "27 civilians dead in airstrikes by Assad regime air forces.

EXCLUSIVE: Man who runs SOHR admits to RT he last visited Syria 15 years ago
That's nothing. they tried to destroy anyone who they deemed against them. Citizens included. (look at the IRS, the BLM sent 200 armed agents to try and squash one citizen rancher) etc. that's how Obama operates. that's how he got his seat in Chicago. they released sealed documents against his opponent.
That's nothing. they tried to destroy anyone who they deemed against them. Citizens included. (look at the IRS, the BLM sent 200 armed agents to try and squash one citizen rancher) etc. that's how Obama operates. that's how he got his seat in Chicago. they released sealed documents against his opponent.

That citizen rancher was squatting and not paying his taxes. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? Then his military comes to fight with the US. What a nightmare and how disgusting he and his backers were. Um, what was his name again??
And Hillary will be just as nasty as Obama has been. she goes after people who isn't on her side. we've seen it during the hound dogs Presidency. she sat up there while he put down and degraded Monica Lewinsky.

and want to crow they are the party for women folk. I just laugh my ass off
That's nothing. they tried to destroy anyone who they deemed against them. Citizens included. (look at the IRS, the BLM sent 200 armed agents to try and squash one citizen rancher) etc. that's how Obama operates. that's how he got his seat in Chicago. they released sealed documents against his opponent.

That citizen rancher was squatting and not paying his taxes. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? Then his military comes to fight with the US. What a nightmare and how disgusting he and his backers were. Um, what was his name again??

you can make all the excuses for them you want. maybe they'll come for you one day
that was a matter between him and courts. that Obama used 200 armed agents against him. was a government trying to squash the people it represents
And Hillary will be just as nasty as Obama has been. she goes after people who isn't on her side. we've seen it during the hound dogs Presidency. she sat up there while he put down and degraded Monica Lewinsky.

and want to crow they are the party for women folk. I just laugh my ass off

More importantly, she is a clear and present security risk. Our enemies (and allies even) have so much on her. Those of us that know, clearly understand that she clearly used her own unsecured emails. We know there are massive amounts of information that can be used against HER and this country. Yes, blackmail.

If anyone here does not think blackmail is used on a daily basis, then that is very naive. Most sordid information that is used is not in the public eye. The best thing that can happen is information that could take a person down and it is not revealed.

You know how much shit they have on this witch? Think about the security risk she is. It is staggering. Again, her stupid followers have no clue. Most democrats have no soul whatsoever, so they not only do they not have a problem deliberately lying in order to get their way, they will get rid of a person from their party if they are not willing to.

That is the truth. Their followers are too blindly seduced to accept the ramifications of what I am saying.
I fear this president's use weapons without congress' approval more then his non-use of those weapons. This isn't to defend the president nor disagree with the premise presented in OP. I just see it as a lose-lose situation with added weight when he acts on his own.
That's nothing. they tried to destroy anyone who they deemed against them. Citizens included. (look at the IRS, the BLM sent 200 armed agents to try and squash one citizen rancher) etc. that's how Obama operates. that's how he got his seat in Chicago. they released sealed documents against his opponent.

That citizen rancher was squatting and not paying his taxes. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? Then his military comes to fight with the US. What a nightmare and how disgusting he and his backers were. Um, what was his name again??

you can make all the excuses for them you want. maybe they'll come for you one day
that was a matter between him and courts. that Obama used 200 armed agents against him. was a government trying to squash the people it represents

You are a real piece of work, LOL.

Thanks for starting my day off with a laugh, again.

that's how Obama operates. that's how he got his seat in Chicago. they released sealed documents against his opponent.

HIs opponent never should have lied about what was in those documents.

He claimed the documents were about arrangements for his disabled son.

Instead, it was about mental abuse inflicted on his wife and trips to sex clubs. Because clearly, he couldn't get it up being married to THIS woman without a sex club.


Hey, what was that about the "Party of Family Values" again?

Of course, if you lived in Illinois, you'd know it wasn't Obama who torpedoed Jack Ryan, it was Judy Baar-Topinka, who didn't want to run against him for Governor in 2006.
And Hillary will be just as nasty as Obama has been. she goes after people who isn't on her side. we've seen it during the hound dogs Presidency. she sat up there while he put down and degraded Monica Lewinsky.

and want to crow they are the party for women folk. I just laugh my ass off

More importantly, she is a clear and present security risk. Our enemies (and allies even) have so much on her. Those of us that know, clearly understand that she clearly used her own unsecured emails. We know there are massive amounts of information that can be used against HER and this country. Yes, blackmail.

If anyone here does not think blackmail is used on a daily basis, then that is very naive. Most sordid information that is used is not in the public eye. The best thing that can happen is information that could take a person down and it is not revealed.

You know how much shit they have on this witch? Think about the security risk she is. It is staggering. Again, her stupid followers have no clue. Most democrats have no soul whatsoever, so they not only do they not have a problem deliberately lying in order to get their way, they will get rid of a person from their party if they are not willing to.

That is the truth. Their followers are too blindly seduced to accept the ramifications of what I am saying.
And another nutter idiot is heard from.

You clowns are hilarious.

Another clear case of ODS morphing into CDS.
And Hillary will be just as nasty as Obama has been. she goes after people who isn't on her side. we've seen it during the hound dogs Presidency. she sat up there while he put down and degraded Monica Lewinsky.

and want to crow they are the party for women folk. I just laugh my ass off

More importantly, she is a clear and present security risk. Our enemies (and allies even) have so much on her. Those of us that know, clearly understand that she clearly used her own unsecured emails. We know there are massive amounts of information that can be used against HER and this country. Yes, blackmail.

If anyone here does not think blackmail is used on a daily basis, then that is very naive. Most sordid information that is used is not in the public eye. The best thing that can happen is information that could take a person down and it is not revealed.

You know how much shit they have on this witch? Think about the security risk she is. It is staggering. Again, her stupid followers have no clue. Most democrats have no soul whatsoever, so they not only do they not have a problem deliberately lying in order to get their way, they will get rid of a person from their party if they are not willing to.

That is the truth. Their followers are too blindly seduced to accept the ramifications of what I am saying.
And another nutter idiot is heard from.

You clowns are hilarious.

Another clear case of ODS morphing into CDS.

The mucus that lines the walls of my smaller intestine clearly serves a better purpose and is in fact smarter than you.
Hagel is not the only former Obama administration member to make these types of claims.
yep, they'll be coming out of the wood work soon enough. but what ticks me off is they waited this long to do it. they are still showing they are nothing but lapdogs for the DNC in my book and not thinking of what good for us and our country

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