Hagel to withdraw

Why would we have to wait till our guys sitting in the White House? All we have to do is look back at the Bush administration to see Democrats doing the same thing they are complaining about now. It gets old.

While, admittedly, that is true, the Republicans more than doubled the amount of obstructions of the Democrats from the Bush era.

Not really.

Bush, in terms of policy and appointments, was one of the most successful Presidents in history.


Shows how well people could compromise before my way or else Obama came along.
I doubt Hagel will withdraw. This right-wing nonsense is giving Democrats much political capital for 2014.

Correct :clap2:

Right Wing Echo Chamber
It's all over but the mopping up.

Hagel to Withdraw? | The Weekly Standard

"The prospect of a Hagel regime at DOD is a real problem now because the next SecDef will need to do two things: Work with Congress to reduce the defense budget thoughtfully, and work with the military to re-shape the military to make it relevant to future conflict. At the moment, Hagel appears to lack the political capital to do the former, as well as the intellectual appetite to do the latter."

What a shame. Hagel is so incompetent, he would be perfect for the job.

The Real World

Hagel Confirmation Fight Heats Up Amid Talk of a Filibuster

WASHINGTON — Despite Republican threats of a filibuster, Senate Democrats on Thursday called for a vote in the afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary.

Published: February 14, 2013

Conservatives @ USMB are even more irrelevant then conservatives on the national stage.

Look at the OP from how many days ago.

And in other Wingnut News: Obamacare is ruled unconstitutional and Romney/Ryan beat Obama/Biden in a landslide
It was all about Chicago politics where Hussein would select a left wing anti-semite and hope for a quick confirmation because the candidate was once a republican. The last thing democrats wanted was a real debate and possible media scrutiny. Hagel will withdraw and fade into obscurity.

So it really doesn't matter which party is in power in Congress, the filibusters have increased dramatically.

Is this because of more terrible Congresses? Or less competent Presidents? Or the fact that we no longer elect public servants to high officer but rather elect career politicians who use their positions to increase their personal power, prestige, influence, and wealth?

You wish to blame all the bad stuff on the Republicans. But is that being part of the solution? Or part of the problem?

You said earlier that obstruction of government was a bad thing and te Republicans govern terribly. But the Founders intended the Constitution to severely limit the power of the federal government so that the people would govern themselves.

Have you ever been taught that concept at any time in your formative years?
So it really doesn't matter which party is in power in Congress, the filibusters have increased dramatically.

Is this because of more terrible Congresses? Or less competent Presidents? Or the fact that we no longer elect public servants to high officer but rather elect career politicians who use their positions to increase their personal power, prestige, influence, and wealth?

You wish to blame all the bad stuff on the Republicans. But is that being part of the solution? Or part of the problem?

You said earlier that obstruction of government was a bad thing and te Republicans govern terribly. But the Founders intended the Constitution to severely limit the power of the federal government so that the people would govern themselves.

Have you ever been taught that concept at any time in your formative years?

I believe I was the one that pointed out that Democrats had also dramatically increased the amount of obstruction. It's just that the Republicans have brought it to a whole new level.

I'm sure that if Romney had won the white house, and Republicans had taken the Senate, there would have been quite a large amount of filibusters from the Democrats as well.

But really, this latest debacle really takes the cake. The Hagel nomination block is truly based on petty little personality conflicts and bullshit.

It's quite obvious that the use of the filibuster has become so damn commonplace that it's invoked in every circumstance, making the job of actually governing virtually impossible.

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