Hagel to withdraw

Hagel Confirmation Fight Heats Up Amid Talk of a Filibuster

WASHINGTON — Despite Republican threats of a filibuster, Senate Democrats on Thursday called for a vote in the afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary.

Published: February 14, 2013

Conservatives @ USMB are even more irrelevant then conservatives on the national stage.

Look at the OP from how many days ago.
It's all over but the mopping up.

Hagel to Withdraw? | The Weekly Standard

"The prospect of a Hagel regime at DOD is a real problem now because the next SecDef will need to do two things: Work with Congress to reduce the defense budget thoughtfully, and work with the military to re-shape the military to make it relevant to future conflict. At the moment, Hagel appears to lack the political capital to do the former, as well as the intellectual appetite to do the latter."

What a shame. Hagel is so incompetent, he would be perfect for the job.

Mark Twain said history doesn't repeat itself...but it rhymes.

I sure would like to see Hagel defeated, or withdraw his name.

But remember the position of the Left on this one:

John Tower was George H. W. Bush's nominee for Secretary of Defense in 1989, but he was rejected by the Senate by a vote of 53 to 47.

Guess who was picked next?

A fella' named Dick Cheney.
Think the Libs were happy?
Hagel Confirmation Fight Heats Up Amid Talk of a Filibuster

WASHINGTON — Despite Republican threats of a filibuster, Senate Democrats on Thursday called for a vote in the afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary.

Published: February 14, 2013

Conservatives @ USMB are even more irrelevant then conservatives on the national stage.

Look at the OP from how many days ago.
The irrelevant ones are you idiot libtards who have no sense at all.
Right Wing Echo Chamber
It's all over but the mopping up.

Hagel to Withdraw? | The Weekly Standard

"The prospect of a Hagel regime at DOD is a real problem now because the next SecDef will need to do two things: Work with Congress to reduce the defense budget thoughtfully, and work with the military to re-shape the military to make it relevant to future conflict. At the moment, Hagel appears to lack the political capital to do the former, as well as the intellectual appetite to do the latter."

What a shame. Hagel is so incompetent, he would be perfect for the job.

The Real World

Hagel Confirmation Fight Heats Up Amid Talk of a Filibuster

WASHINGTON — Despite Republican threats of a filibuster, Senate Democrats on Thursday called for a vote in the afternoon to end debate on the nomination of Chuck Hagel to be defense secretary.

Published: February 14, 2013

Conservatives @ USMB are even more irrelevant then conservatives on the national stage.

Look at the OP from how many days ago.

And in other Wingnut News: Obamacare is ruled unconstitutional and Romney/Ryan beat Obama/Biden in a landslide
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If I read the tea leaves being discussed on Fox News this morning right, the senators will use the Hagel nomination for leverage to get Obama to release requested information on Benghazi and a couple of other issues. I don't honestly know how ethical that is, but it certainly would not be the first time such a tactic was used by either party.
What is their justification for fighting Hagel so hard. Who do they want?

Hagel has been very anti-Israel, pro-Palestinians in the past and this is a concern for the Republicans. He also has sent very mixed messages over the years on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran and was very unprepared and muddled in his answers at the hearing. And there are unanswered questions re his dealings with some questionable folks around the world, most especially in the Middle East, questions he has so far refused to answer.

So most of the GOP is opposed to the nomination, but will ultimately vote to confirm him. They are getting as much mileage out of it as they can to force the President's hand in releasing requested information on Benghazi, etc. by holding up the process. This is a standard practice in the Senate no matter who is in charge, however.

I think the initial test vote was Tuesday to break a GOP filibuster so the confirmation can proceed on a straight up or down majority vote. The final tally was 58-40--one Senator voting present but not for or against. Harry Reid then changed his vote to "no" with the Republicans which allows him to bring the issue up again--some quirk in the Senate rules.
Careful what you folks wish for..

This is unprecedented. And while it may seem good fun now..wait till it's your guy sitting the the White House.

I said the same thing about Bush's new found powers..except I said..wait till it's our guy sitting in the White House.

And the worst congress in a century is succeeded by the 113th Congress, who immediately find brand new ways to obstruct government.

Well done ass-hats.
What is their justification for fighting Hagel so hard. Who do they want?

Hagel has been very anti-Israel, pro-Palestinians in the past and this is a concern for the Republicans. He also has sent very mixed messages over the years on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran and was very unprepared and muddled in his answers at the hearing. And there are unanswered questions re his dealings with some questionable folks around the world, most especially in the Middle East, questions he has so far refused to answer.

So most of the GOP is opposed to the nomination, but will ultimately vote to confirm him. They are getting as much mileage out of it as they can to force the President's hand in releasing requested information on Benghazi, etc. by holding up the process. This is a standard practice in the Senate no matter who is in charge, however.

I think the initial test vote was Tuesday to break a GOP filibuster so the confirmation can proceed on a straight up or down majority vote. The final tally was 58-40--one Senator voting present but not for or against. Harry Reid then changed his vote to "no" with the Republicans which allows him to bring the issue up again--some quirk in the Senate rules.


Rush Limbaugh Hyperbole with a Glenn Beck cherry on top!

Careful what you folks wish for..

This is unprecedented. And while it may seem good fun now..wait till it's your guy sitting the the White House.

I said the same thing about Bush's new found powers..except I said..wait till it's our guy sitting in the White House.


Why would we have to wait till our guys sitting in the White House? All we have to do is look back at the Bush administration to see Democrats doing the same thing they are complaining about now. It gets old.
What is their justification for fighting Hagel so hard. Who do they want?

Hagel has been very anti-Israel, pro-Palestinians in the past and this is a concern for the Republicans. He also has sent very mixed messages over the years on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iran and was very unprepared and muddled in his answers at the hearing. And there are unanswered questions re his dealings with some questionable folks around the world, most especially in the Middle East, questions he has so far refused to answer.

So most of the GOP is opposed to the nomination, but will ultimately vote to confirm him. They are getting as much mileage out of it as they can to force the President's hand in releasing requested information on Benghazi, etc. by holding up the process. This is a standard practice in the Senate no matter who is in charge, however.

I think the initial test vote was Tuesday to break a GOP filibuster so the confirmation can proceed on a straight up or down majority vote. The final tally was 58-40--one Senator voting present but not for or against. Harry Reid then changed his vote to "no" with the Republicans which allows him to bring the issue up again--some quirk in the Senate rules.

So they don't care who he nominates (which actions would dictate otherwise) - they haven't put forward a more acceptable nominee?

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