HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

As I also give what you might believe the consideration it deserves. However, you did respond to my post.

Stop dragging down my thread with your feuding. Talk about the thread subject or get out of here. That's an order.
As I also give what you might believe the consideration it deserves. However, you did respond to my post.

Stop dragging down my thread with your feuding. Talk about the thread subject or get out of here. That's an order.
Who the fuck do you think you are?

I started the thread and that means i make the rules. THINK
You're a mindless idiot and the Mods set the rules. FUCKING THINK...
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.
Yup....thank you for proving that the law applies across the board.
As I also give what you might believe the consideration it deserves. However, you did respond to my post.

Stop dragging down my thread with your feuding. Talk about the thread subject or get out of here. That's an order.
Who the fuck do you think you are?

I started the thread and that means i make the rules. THINK
Sorry to hear about your small penis.
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.
Or make a cake for Isis. Or nambla.
Why do RWrs always come up with NAMBLA? What are their minds on?
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.

Any conservatives here disagree with that?

Allow racial discrimination back?

Next you liberals will say if i throw a private party i must allow EVERYONE to enter my house.!!
You have a business license to throw parties at your house?

(thank you for proving once again that RWrs suck at analogies)
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.
The best occasion you ever experienced to soil yourself....
I would like to see the rest of the case- what are Saxby's religious beliefs that were violated?

Unless the court decided that the KKK was a Christian religious organization......sort of a Southern "Knights of Columbus"..........
You guys know that the "Tribune Herald", the internet blog this story first appeared in, is a satire site, don't you?

Like The Onion, or Marie Harf.

It never happened.

BTW, that pizza place in Indiana? It never refused to cater to any wedding, gay or otherwise.

It doesn't cater, period. Never has. And it lets anyone who wants to buy a pizza, buy one. They can either eat it there, or take it home if they want.

That whole episode too, was ginned up by a Democrat "reporter" looking for excuses to scream at Republicans. They found a young girl at that shop, who said she didn't want to take part in a gay wedding. She wasn't the owner and didn't set policy.

But the "reporter" had been going door to door for days, looking for anyone she could pretend was a bigot. And she found NOTHING, in all that time. So she finally went to some tiny town nobody had ever heard of... and still found nothing. Nobody cared about gays one way or another.

And then she finally found one young girl.

The whole "story" came from that.

How many times have you put this same bull shit out??
You act as if this is not truth but fiction, did you check for other sourcess?
Well of course not or you would not have climbed on your soap box and ranted so incoherently as to make this easy.

First let me preface this by saying that you have proclaimed this repeatedly and no one but me has yet to address your bull sht...
Well at least the other fucking morons on your side didn't bite into it.

Can you say "Tribune Herald"??

KKK wins lawsuit against bakery for discrimination Tribune Herald
Last edited:
After being told repeatably your OP is a lie - a FAKE story, you cling.

Hilarious. :lol:

You're the one lying. This happened and even you know it. You just don't like the story. HAHA
Holy shit. You actually believe the fake story -- posted by a site that labels itself as FAKE.

You run with than, Klan boy. LOLOLOLOL

YOU also are a mindless fucking moron, see Tribune Harold and Washington Weekly News articles before claiming hollow victory.
Hey einstein. The KKK didn't care about the cake. They were making a legal point. Everyone understands that but you.

First Einstein is capitalized as a proper noun......And of course, I got the point, just like point of those morons' hoods.
As I also give what you might believe the consideration it deserves. However, you did respond to my post.

Stop dragging down my thread with your feuding. Talk about the thread subject or get out of here. That's an order.
Who the fuck do you think you are?

I started the thread and that means i make the rules. THINK
ER...no...You started the thread and that means......you started the thread and we get to laugh at you.

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