HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.
Wow. A georgia court thinks bigotry is a religion. Big surprise.
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.

In some ways it is kind of like slavery. A white guy forces a black guy to do some work for him. Does anyone see the irony in this. It is even done in a southern state. Are we trying to bring back slavery?
Yeah just like slavery. Except for the part where they get paid and where they don't get whipped for bad service
I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.
Wow. A georgia court thinks bigotry is a religion. Big surprise.

No. Fake story.
Wow. A georgia court thinks bigotry is a religion. Big surprise.
You know that the "Tribune Herald", the internet blog this story first appeared in, is a satire site, don't you?

Like The Onion, or Marie Harf.

It never happened.

BTW, that pizza place in Indiana? It never refused to cater to any wedding, gay or otherwise.

It doesn't cater, period. Never has. And it lets anyone who wants to buy a pizza, buy one. They can either eat it there, or take it home if they want.

That whole episode too, was ginned up by a Democrat "reporter" looking for excuses to scream at Republicans. They found a young girl at that shop, who said she didn't want to take part in a gay wedding. She wasn't the owner and didn't set policy.

But the "reporter" had been going door to door for days, looking for anyone she could pretend was a bigot. And she found NOTHING, in all that time. So she finally went to some tiny town nobody had ever heard of... and still found nothing. Nobody cared about gays one way or another.

And then she finally found one young girl.

The whole "story" came from that.
It's the law, I am just puzzled by the stupidity of it all. If you are with the KKK, why in the hell would you want to give money to a black person, why not employ your fellow whitey.

The same with gays wanting an anti-gay marriage person money to bake them a cake, why give the money? Just find a maker that isn't bigoted toward you.

The nutters on both sides are amusing.
Like it is with the gay militants it's not about the money it's about the power of force. They get their cake but their greatest reward is being able to stand around it and tell all their friends how good it made them feel to force a Christian to make it, or in this case a black person was forced to bake a KKK cake for them. The item isn't the prize.
They'd be eating shitty cake if they forced me to bake it.
This is getting insane.
No it's not. Conservatives like you just don't understand the issue.

Of course we do, in your stupid opinion your"right" to buy a cake supersedes anyone's "right" to practice their religion.

That about cover it?
Baking cakes for cash is not serving God. That is serving a Profit, not a Prophet.

You don't get to tell people how to serve God. That's why we have a First Amendment, asshole.
No, we get to define what serving God is and isn't, and we do, and not just for tax codes either, employ,ent law is a good example. While you might be able to require that the Pastor to be a Baptist, the janitor is just a guy who cleans toilets so he can be whatever. He's not a minister, nor does he have ministerial duties. Look it up, it's the law.

Employment Law Church Law Tax

I love it when liberal idiocy is used against liberals. The solution ? Let PRIVATE businesses refuse service to anyone they please.


april 2 2015
A Georgia court recently found that a bakery owner who happened to be black was guilty of discrimination because she refused to bake a racist cake for an upcoming KKK gathering.

And this is not a joke.

A Georgia court has ruled in favor of Marshall Saxby, the Grand Wizard of a local KKK chapter, in a lawsuit stemming from two years ago when a local bakery denied him service.

The three judge panel concluded unanimously that the bakery had violated civil rights laws by discriminating against Saxby when they refused to sell him a cake for his organization’s annual birthday party.

Elaine Bailey, who owns Bailey Bakeries, refused to bake a cake for the ceremony because it violated her religious beliefs.

Saxby filed the lawsuit claiming that Bailey’s refusal of service was discriminatory against his religious beliefs.
Wow. A georgia court thinks bigotry is a religion. Big surprise.

Go pick some cotton Joe.
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lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.


Poor, poor whitey!
Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.

Well, there is rather a war going now isn't there Mac?

Everywhere, obviously. Walk a mile in their shoes eh?
Well, there's the war of you zealots in the PC Police vs. the hardcore conservatives.

The rest of us, the majority, are just shaking our heads and wishing you folks would find another hobby before it's too late.


You are not the majority. Trust me on that.
Mac1958, you are not among the majority of The Public, not anywhere near it on this issue.
View attachment 39007
I don't know about christians but racial pricing is standard in africa. White people are always charged 5 times what a black pays.

Then move to Africa. We don't need your unpatriotic ass here.

I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Are you a tea bagger?

Looks like you and Bulldog could service each other.

Are you a tea bagger?

They all proudly claimed to be teabaggers until somebody told them what it meant. Now they are embarrassed and it hurts their feelings to remind them.

Yes, imagine how it feels to find out a name you adopted based on purely benign connotations turns out to be some perverse homosexual practice. Why would anyone be upset about that?

I understand that part perfectly. What I find amazing is people who have engaged in character assassination for years would expect the recipients of their vile claims to just pretend it didn't happen. Sorry, but I haven't seen much consideration of such things from the right.

Liberals are the only ones I know of who have engaged in character assassination for years.
Where was Obama born and who's bill Aires? Rev wright? Poor Monica.

Fortunate Obama has no real skeletons

Well, it's quite clear Obama lacks a spine.

Just sayin'.
View attachment 39007
Then move to Africa. We don't need your unpatriotic ass here.

I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Are you a tea bagger?

Looks like you and Bulldog could service each other.

View attachment 39013

,,,and Jake could complete the menage a trois.
View attachment 39007
I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Are you a tea bagger?

Looks like you and Bulldog could service each other.

View attachment 39013

,,,and Jake could complete the menage a trois.

Throw in PMH, and they could have a teabaggin' daisy chain!
They all proudly claimed to be teabaggers until somebody told them what it meant. Now they are embarrassed and it hurts their feelings to remind them.

Yes, imagine how it feels to find out a name you adopted based on purely benign connotations turns out to be some perverse homosexual practice. Why would anyone be upset about that?

I understand that part perfectly. What I find amazing is people who have engaged in character assassination for years would expect the recipients of their vile claims to just pretend it didn't happen. Sorry, but I haven't seen much consideration of such things from the right.

Liberals are the only ones I know of who have engaged in character assassination for years.
Where was Obama born and who's bill Aires? Rev wright? Poor Monica.

Fortunate Obama has no real skeletons

Well, it's quite clear Obama lacks a spine.

Just sayin'.
If you swallow the rights narrative it is. If he was Reagan or any republican they'd be praising his coolness.
View attachment 39007
I see that Bulldog is still Beggin' for a Baggin' in his sig.

View attachment 39006

It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Are you a tea bagger?

Looks like you and Bulldog could service each other.

View attachment 39013

,,,and Jake could complete the menage a trois.
As long as I'm in the middle.
View attachment 39007
It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Are you a tea bagger?

Looks like you and Bulldog could service each other.

View attachment 39013

,,,and Jake could complete the menage a trois.
As long as I'm in the middle.

That made me throw up a little bit in my Mouth
View attachment 39007
It's good to know you are still thinking about me. What is it now, 8 or 10 times, or even more that you posted that same picture when it had nothing to do with the thread? Are you stalking me or just flirting?

Every time I see you post "teabagger" or "bagger", you are going to get it right back at you.
Are you a tea bagger?

Looks like you and Bulldog could service each other.

View attachment 39013

,,,and Jake could complete the menage a trois.

Throw in PMH, and they could have a teabaggin' daisy chain!
Put me on a swing and we can reinact the scene from behind the green door.

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