HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

This is why abortion was legalized. Peoples pocketbooks outweighed their religious objections. Tells me americans worship capitalism more than god.

Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.

And I'm sorry but we humans shouldn't even have poverty. Why do we? Because capitalism needs ditch diggers to work cheap. Capitalism and religion dont jive you dig? I know you think god loves you but he doesnt I promise. Youre basically a modern day roman citizen. Christians shutter when you claim to be one. It was theists like you that made me realize gods dont exist. You are the american taliban.

Many conservative Christians want a social network to be provided by people rather than government for one major reason: if its provided by people, the individuals get to set the rules. Take a look at third world countries and 'Christian Charities'. In many (but not all) instances, if you want the fucking food and medicine, you'd damn well better listen to the sermons. And eventually 'see the light'.

There are laudable exceptions to this practice. But the ability to use food, shelter and medicine as a club to force people to abide your religious beliefs is part of the goal of conservative Christian attempts to dismantle the social safety net. They use the same moral plastic wrap as Libertarians.....as starvation and death to the elements isn't caused by them, but the body of the individual, they're not technically applying 'force' in imposing their will.

And any form of exploitation or abuse up to the application of actual force is legitimate. At least by the standards they use.
Dont even reply to that koshole. You nailed it and he basically replied " I know I am what are you?". Na na na na na. Boy he told you.

Kosh? He's one of two posters I have on ignore. I debated him one evening for about 6 hours. His every reply was the same.

Let me guess.....Left wing drone. Fringe left. Some reference to nazis, killing people or fascism?

If I'm wrong, I'll take him off ignore. If I'm not, then I've already heard everything he has to say on every topic.
That's exactly what he replied. Lol. Dont worry bro your heads probably on straight from what I've read so far. If not I'll let you know when you are wrong and I've admitted when I'm wrong or just talking shit and often I'm stoned.
A woman or the one she let stick it to her should pay. Those of us that had no part in it shouldn't pay a dime regardless of what happens to her or her kids.

I pay for the children I produced, gladly. I also pay for those I didn't produce and that shouldn't happen. See if you can understand the difference.
I thought you were saying since the man has no choice if the woman aborts he shouldn't have to pay if she decides to have the kid. In fact I'm sure that's what you were saying.

This was my statement: "The problem isn't with the men who fathered the children paying for the choice the woman made. The problem with those of us that didn't paying for her choice."

Seems pretty clear to me that I think the sperm donor should pay but those of us that didn't do with her what it took for her to get pregnant shouldn't pay. Despite my personal contention with abortion, I don't care how many a woman has as long as she pays. I also don't care how many children someone has as long as that choice isn't one I'm forced to fund when the one making the choice can't afford it.
This is why abortion was legalized. Peoples pocketbooks outweighed their religious objections. Tells me americans worship capitalism more than god.

Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.

And I'm sorry but we humans shouldn't even have poverty. Why do we? Because capitalism needs ditch diggers to work cheap. Capitalism and religion dont jive you dig? I know you think god loves you but he doesnt I promise. Youre basically a modern day roman citizen. Christians shutter when you claim to be one. It was theists like you that made me realize gods dont exist. You are the american taliban.

Why do we have poverty. People make choices in life that produces that result. For example, the high school dropout quits without having a diploma. A direct result of that choice is low level skills and low level pay. It's not society's place to be forced to pay for that person's mistake.
A woman or the one she let stick it to her should pay. Those of us that had no part in it shouldn't pay a dime regardless of what happens to her or her kids.

I pay for the children I produced, gladly. I also pay for those I didn't produce and that shouldn't happen. See if you can understand the difference.
I thought you were saying since the man has no choice if the woman aborts he shouldn't have to pay if she decides to have the kid. In fact I'm sure that's what you were saying.

This was my statement: "The problem isn't with the men who fathered the children paying for the choice the woman made. The problem with those of us that didn't paying for her choice."

Seems pretty clear to me that I think the sperm donor should pay but those of us that didn't do with her what it took for her to get pregnant shouldn't pay. Despite my personal contention with abortion, I don't care how many a woman has as long as she pays. I also don't care how many children someone has as long as that choice isn't one I'm forced to fund when the one making the choice can't afford it.
This is why abortion was legalized. Peoples pocketbooks outweighed their religious objections. Tells me americans worship capitalism more than god.

Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.
I dont like conservatives who claim to be charitable but wants his government to do nothing.

Know why government has to step in? Because you and Rush dont give enough. Not nearly enough.

The fact is if you really care about life then you would never punish kids because their parents are stupid or lazy.

And I'll say it again. We have abortion because although it conflicts with your religion you care more about tax breaks than you do helping those poor children.

Anyways you stupid conservative hypocrites need to pony up and have iud's covered free in healthcare. Cheaper than welfare foodstamps. Better than abortion and more effective than rubbers and pills.
I love how you are torn. God or money. You choose $. Me too.

I don't like bleeding heart Liberal who think the government forcing one person to support another is the same as charity. Charity involves a willful act by the giver not a mandate by the taker. There is no such thing as mandated charity.

So, now you think it's your place to determine what someone else should give and if it's not enough to your liking, you think it's OK of the government to take it? Tell you what. If you don't think I give enough, come to my door and personally try to take it. What I give is my business, not yours. Don't think I give enough, fuck off. It's none of your damn business.

Why should the government take more that I can give to MY kids because someone kid's parents are lazy? MY kids come first. If their parents aren't doing the job, tough shit. It's not my fault and not my place to offset their pitiful job as parents.

I care about MY children. They come first. If the parents that didn't would start, the rest of us wouldn't be forced to do what is their job for THEIR kids. I take care of the ones I helped produce. If I didn't get the pussy from the one that had them, they damn sure aren't my responsibility.

If a woman wants the sole choice of what she does with her body, she gets the sole costs. It's not a matter of either welfare or contraceptives. It's a neither. All those involve the choice of a woman with her body. That means SHE gets the cost. If she or her kids go without, too damn bad. As long as I'm taking care of mine, that's all that matters.
Know why government has to step in? Because you and Rush dont give enough. Not nearly enough.

I don't like n*ggers or fags that think they are entitled, we all have our pet peeves in life.

The fact is if you really care about life then you would never punish kids because their parents are stupid or lazy.

Too bad the kids have to suffer because their parents are uneducated crack heads / alcoholic / pot smokers.
The only punishment in life would be being born to fucking stupid shit bo's like you, too fucking dumb to work and take care of a family properly.
They have their hands out begging, talking about, we's ignorant, please help the poor ignorant n*ggers feed their children, all the while carrying an I phone 5 and having araived in you Cadillac Escalade ...............
Parents of these children make bad choices, the child's main stumbling block in life would be the worthless parents he / she is born to.

And I'll say it again. We have abortion because although it conflicts with your religion you care more about tax breaks than you do helping those poor children.

No we have abortion to give women choices in life and to take care of those babies created by family incest such as a father raping his daughter till he gets her pregnant.
Of course not you just another dumb n*gger with an axe to grind ....................

Anyways you stupid conservative hypocrites need to pony up and have iud's covered free in healthcare.

Hey you dumb fucking moron, IUD's are covered under Obamacare .................
I thought you were saying since the man has no choice if the woman aborts he shouldn't have to pay if she decides to have the kid. In fact I'm sure that's what you were saying.

This was my statement: "The problem isn't with the men who fathered the children paying for the choice the woman made. The problem with those of us that didn't paying for her choice."

Seems pretty clear to me that I think the sperm donor should pay but those of us that didn't do with her what it took for her to get pregnant shouldn't pay. Despite my personal contention with abortion, I don't care how many a woman has as long as she pays. I also don't care how many children someone has as long as that choice isn't one I'm forced to fund when the one making the choice can't afford it.
This is why abortion was legalized. Peoples pocketbooks outweighed their religious objections. Tells me americans worship capitalism more than god.

Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.

And I'm sorry but we humans shouldn't even have poverty. Why do we? Because capitalism needs ditch diggers to work cheap. Capitalism and religion dont jive you dig? I know you think god loves you but he doesnt I promise. Youre basically a modern day roman citizen. Christians shutter when you claim to be one. It was theists like you that made me realize gods dont exist. You are the american taliban.

Why do we have poverty. People make choices in life that produces that result. For example, the high school dropout quits without having a diploma. A direct result of that choice is low level skills and low level pay. It's not society's place to be forced to pay for that person's mistake.
If everyone went to college you'd be saying its peoples fault they dont have a masters.

The rich need low pay workers to implement their business model.
This was my statement: "The problem isn't with the men who fathered the children paying for the choice the woman made. The problem with those of us that didn't paying for her choice."

Seems pretty clear to me that I think the sperm donor should pay but those of us that didn't do with her what it took for her to get pregnant shouldn't pay. Despite my personal contention with abortion, I don't care how many a woman has as long as she pays. I also don't care how many children someone has as long as that choice isn't one I'm forced to fund when the one making the choice can't afford it.
This is why abortion was legalized. Peoples pocketbooks outweighed their religious objections. Tells me americans worship capitalism more than god.

Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.

And I'm sorry but we humans shouldn't even have poverty. Why do we? Because capitalism needs ditch diggers to work cheap. Capitalism and religion dont jive you dig? I know you think god loves you but he doesnt I promise. Youre basically a modern day roman citizen. Christians shutter when you claim to be one. It was theists like you that made me realize gods dont exist. You are the american taliban.

Why do we have poverty. People make choices in life that produces that result. For example, the high school dropout quits without having a diploma. A direct result of that choice is low level skills and low level pay. It's not society's place to be forced to pay for that person's mistake.
If everyone went to college you'd be saying its peoples fault they dont have a masters.

The rich need low pay workers to implement their business model.

I didn't say everyone should go to college. College isn't for everyone. I mentioned not finishing high school then demanding someone pay them a wage as if they did go to college. The point was that people make choices in life then want someone else to feel sorry for them and pay for those mistakes.

Since various jobs provide various level skills, as long as there are those who make choices that cause them to be low skilled workers, employers will have a pool to pick from for the low skilled jobs. The problem is they'll have to listen to those workers bitch about how they should get more for doing a job a monkey could be trained to do.

If someone makes choices that produces such low skills they can't afford to live, too bad. They made the choices, live with the results.
This is why abortion was legalized. Peoples pocketbooks outweighed their religious objections. Tells me americans worship capitalism more than god.

Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.

And I'm sorry but we humans shouldn't even have poverty. Why do we? Because capitalism needs ditch diggers to work cheap. Capitalism and religion dont jive you dig? I know you think god loves you but he doesnt I promise. Youre basically a modern day roman citizen. Christians shutter when you claim to be one. It was theists like you that made me realize gods dont exist. You are the american taliban.

Why do we have poverty. People make choices in life that produces that result. For example, the high school dropout quits without having a diploma. A direct result of that choice is low level skills and low level pay. It's not society's place to be forced to pay for that person's mistake.
If everyone went to college you'd be saying its peoples fault they dont have a masters.

The rich need low pay workers to implement their business model.

I didn't say everyone should go to college. College isn't for everyone. I mentioned not finishing high school then demanding someone pay them a wage as if they did go to college. The point was that people make choices in life then want someone else to feel sorry for them and pay for those mistakes.

Since various jobs provide various level skills, as long as there are those who make choices that cause them to be low skilled workers, employers will have a pool to pick from for the low skilled jobs. The problem is they'll have to listen to those workers bitch about how they should get more for doing a job a monkey could be trained to do.

If someone makes choices that produces such low skills they can't afford to live, too bad. They made the choices, live with the results.
People don't always end up in low paying jobs by choice or decisions they had control over making. More often than not they are stuck with low paying jobs due to factors beyond their control. And many jobs that as you say "a monkey could be trained to do" can be extremely physically labor intensive to the point of causing permanent health consequences, dangerous or simply dirty and uncomfortable to the point that only desperate people with will take the job because it is the only one available. The only way the greedy business man thing works is when the greedy businessman can blame outside sources and excuses for his greed. Otherwise he has to admit and be viewed as a greedy POS that makes a living not by talent or skill, but by having the low character ethics to willfully be a POS for personal gain.
If everyone went to college you'd be saying its peoples fault they dont have a masters.

The rich need low pay workers to implement their business model.

Once again shit bo, college is not for everyone.

You like to put your thoughts and ideas out, like they are reality and not the fucking fantasies you create in your hate filled head.

The business model is what it is, entry level jobs are just that entry level jobs, usually requiring weak minds but strong backs.
People don't always end up in low paying jobs by choice or decisions they had control over making. More often than not they are stuck with low paying jobs due to factors beyond their control.

Yep life sucks don' t it, tough being born into poverty or ignorance. A broken home with parents who are off drinking and drugging...............
There have been many a poor soul of all colors and races born into unfortunate circumstances, we have to grit our teeth, grab our ass's and struggle to get ahead in the rat race.
It is not impossible and many have done it all by themselves without government interference.
Self respect / responsibilities play a huge part in this process no matter where you start.

And many jobs that as you say "a monkey could be trained to do" can be extremely physically labor intensive to the point of causing permanent health consequences, dangerous or simply dirty and uncomfortable to the point that only desperate people with will take the job because it is the only one available.

No, ever heard of OHSHA or NIH??

Not even a good talking point, back in the day, worker conditions were deplorable, today not so much.
Name one job that has "dangerous or simply dirty and uncomfortable: working conditions, that people do not have a choice about taking...............
To bad you fucking cave dwelling morons don't have TV's or cable ...................
There is a show called "Deadliest Catch", might want to watch it ...................
I don't think you would be willing to walk on any of those crab boats and get any deck hand to tell you they are their because they are desperate and that is the only job available.
Do you ever think these things out before you post your MORONIC SHIT??

The only way the greedy business man thing works is when the greedy businessman can blame outside sources and excuses for his greed. Otherwise he has to admit and be viewed as a greedy POS that makes a living not by talent or skill, but by having the low character ethics to willfully be a POS for personal gain.

Your MORONIC SHIT goes on to rant about greed, no dumb fuck, this is called profit.
When you invest your money and time in a BUSINESS then the return is called PROFIT.
The market sets this amount, if a business is profitable then it is a successful business model, if not it fails.
You talk about greed as if you want to determine how much these hard working / intelligent people should be paid.
Like you want to penalize them for being successful while you are stupid and worthless.
Let's admit it, you would be a business owner if you were not so stupid,m no you probably spend all your money on booze and crack.
The only one viewing anyone as greedy would be your little stupid fucking envious ass, grow the fuck up, get your stupid ass educated and become a productive member of society, dickhead....................
People don't always end up in low paying jobs by choice or decisions they had control over making. More often than not they are stuck with low paying jobs due to factors beyond their control.

Yep life sucks don' t it, tough being born into poverty or ignorance. A broken home with parents who are off drinking and drugging...............
There have been many a poor soul of all colors and races born into unfortunate circumstances, we have to grit our teeth, grab our ass's and struggle to get ahead in the rat race.
It is not impossible and many have done it all by themselves without government interference.
Self respect / responsibilities play a huge part in this process no matter where you start.

And many jobs that as you say "a monkey could be trained to do" can be extremely physically labor intensive to the point of causing permanent health consequences, dangerous or simply dirty and uncomfortable to the point that only desperate people with will take the job because it is the only one available.

No, ever heard of OHSHA or NIH??

Not even a good talking point, back in the day, worker conditions were deplorable, today not so much.
Name one job that has "dangerous or simply dirty and uncomfortable: working conditions, that people do not have a choice about taking...............
To bad you fucking cave dwelling morons don't have TV's or cable ...................
There is a show called "Deadliest Catch", might want to watch it ...................
I don't think you would be willing to walk on any of those crab boats and get any deck hand to tell you they are their because they are desperate and that is the only job available.
Do you ever think these things out before you post your MORONIC SHIT??

The only way the greedy business man thing works is when the greedy businessman can blame outside sources and excuses for his greed. Otherwise he has to admit and be viewed as a greedy POS that makes a living not by talent or skill, but by having the low character ethics to willfully be a POS for personal gain.

Your MORONIC SHIT goes on to rant about greed, no dumb fuck, this is called profit.
When you invest your money and time in a BUSINESS then the return is called PROFIT.
The market sets this amount, if a business is profitable then it is a successful business model, if not it fails.
You talk about greed as if you want to determine how much these hard working / intelligent people should be paid.
Like you want to penalize them for being successful while you are stupid and worthless.
Let's admit it, you would be a business owner if you were not so stupid,m no you probably spend all your money on booze and crack.
The only one viewing anyone as greedy would be your little stupid fucking envious ass, grow the fuck up, get your stupid ass educated and become a productive member of society, dickhead....................
Hurling insults and vulgarity is time consuming and wasteful. You should have just raised a white flag. It sounds like my description of a greedy unethical character pushed one of your buttons. Did the description fit you?
Your analysis of my work history and lifestyle was a little off. I semi retired in a destination point beach resort at the age of 46. I partner in resort type businesses that bring both financial gain and entertainment.
Perhaps you missed the part about me having a personal contention with abortion. Since I am not the one a person having an abortion has to answer to, caring is irrelevant.

I don't have a problem helping those in need based on my religious beliefs. I have a problem being told who that should be and how much it should be by someone claiming that my religious beliefs demand I do it the way someone else thinks I should. Help should come because the one giving it chooses to do so not because some bleeding heart that wants to take credit as if the money came from them wants it mandated. While the amount may be the same, I don't have a problem giving where I see the need. I have a problem being forced to give where someone else sees that need on my behalf.

And I'm sorry but we humans shouldn't even have poverty. Why do we? Because capitalism needs ditch diggers to work cheap. Capitalism and religion dont jive you dig? I know you think god loves you but he doesnt I promise. Youre basically a modern day roman citizen. Christians shutter when you claim to be one. It was theists like you that made me realize gods dont exist. You are the american taliban.

Why do we have poverty. People make choices in life that produces that result. For example, the high school dropout quits without having a diploma. A direct result of that choice is low level skills and low level pay. It's not society's place to be forced to pay for that person's mistake.
If everyone went to college you'd be saying its peoples fault they dont have a masters.

The rich need low pay workers to implement their business model.

I didn't say everyone should go to college. College isn't for everyone. I mentioned not finishing high school then demanding someone pay them a wage as if they did go to college. The point was that people make choices in life then want someone else to feel sorry for them and pay for those mistakes.

Since various jobs provide various level skills, as long as there are those who make choices that cause them to be low skilled workers, employers will have a pool to pick from for the low skilled jobs. The problem is they'll have to listen to those workers bitch about how they should get more for doing a job a monkey could be trained to do.

If someone makes choices that produces such low skills they can't afford to live, too bad. They made the choices, live with the results.
People don't always end up in low paying jobs by choice or decisions they had control over making. More often than not they are stuck with low paying jobs due to factors beyond their control. And many jobs that as you say "a monkey could be trained to do" can be extremely physically labor intensive to the point of causing permanent health consequences, dangerous or simply dirty and uncomfortable to the point that only desperate people with will take the job because it is the only one available. The only way the greedy business man thing works is when the greedy businessman can blame outside sources and excuses for his greed. Otherwise he has to admit and be viewed as a greedy POS that makes a living not by talent or skill, but by having the low character ethics to willfully be a POS for personal gain.

The it wasn't as a result of their choice argument is nothing more than an excuse. That's why I used the high school dropout as an example. The person dropping out made the choice and that choice, statistically, provides a low wage.

A business owner paying someone a certain amount for a job where the skills to do it are worth that amount isn't greedy. People like you argue for fair pay yet when it happens, you argue that someone should be paid more than the skills they offer are worth when being paid fairly isn't getting it done. Which one is it? I don't have a problem with fair pay but if I'm the one doing the paying, it's my place to determine what is fair not yours.
I see you're another one that thinks those on the upper end don't have talent or skill. Low character belongs to the person like you that thinks someone who has low skills should get paid more than those skills are worth and if they aren't, they aren't being treated fairly. If you have the skills on a level to what a monkey can do, you get paid like the monkey would if it was doing the job. That's not unethical, that's called life. Don't like it, tough.
Hurling insults and vulgarity is time consuming and wasteful. You should have just raised a white flag. It sounds like my description of a greedy unethical character pushed one of your buttons. Did the description fit you?
Your analysis of my work history and lifestyle was a little off. I semi retired in a destination point beach resort at the age of 46. I partner in resort type businesses that bring both financial gain and entertainment.

So me and 65 are both busting your ass and you are too stupid to realize you are losing................

Yeah, run that white flag up, ROFLMFAO .................

In other words you are too stupid to rebut what I said .......................

You are one of those business owners you speak so badly of, what type of pay scale does this resort type business have??
Hurling insults and vulgarity is time consuming and wasteful. You should have just raised a white flag. It sounds like my description of a greedy unethical character pushed one of your buttons. Did the description fit you?
Your analysis of my work history and lifestyle was a little off. I semi retired in a destination point beach resort at the age of 46. I partner in resort type businesses that bring both financial gain and entertainment.

So me and 65 are both busting your ass and you are too stupid to realize you are losing................

Yeah, run that white flag up, ROFLMFAO .................

In other words you are too stupid to rebut what I said .......................

You are one of those business owners you speak so badly of, what type of pay scale does this resort type business have??
How delusional are you. You think you are busting someones ass in a thread about a fictional situation. The thread is about a non existent event. Going into a vulgar disjointed rant when it is suggested there is unethical and low character in regards to the poster proves the point. Most people would have enough sense not to answer the suggestion of low character and unethical attribute with that kind of response. Add the made up false allegations about the person pushing the buttons and the low character allegation is magnified immensely.
If everyone went to college you'd be saying its peoples fault they dont have a masters.

The rich need low pay workers to implement their business model.

Once again shit bo, college is not for everyone.

You like to put your thoughts and ideas out, like they are reality and not the fucking fantasies you create in your hate filled head.

The business model is what it is, entry level jobs are just that entry level jobs, usually requiring weak minds but strong backs.
Hate? I dont hate. You act like I make minimum wage.
How delusional are you. You think you are busting someones ass in a thread about a fictional situation. The thread is about a non existent event. Going into a vulgar disjointed rant when it is suggested there is unethical and low character in regards to the poster proves the point. Most people would have enough sense not to answer the suggestion of low character and unethical attribute with that kind of response. Add the made up false allegations about the person pushing the buttons and the low character allegation is magnified immensely.

Was there a logical point to that fucking moronic. idiotic rant??
Hurling insults and vulgarity is time consuming and wasteful. You should have just raised a white flag. It sounds like my description of a greedy unethical character pushed one of your buttons. Did the description fit you?
Your analysis of my work history and lifestyle was a little off. I semi retired in a destination point beach resort at the age of 46. I partner in resort type businesses that bring both financial gain and entertainment.

So me and 65 are both busting your ass and you are too stupid to realize you are losing................

Yeah, run that white flag up, ROFLMFAO .................

In other words you are too stupid to rebut what I said .......................

You are one of those business owners you speak so badly of, what type of pay scale does this resort type business have??
How delusional are you. You think you are busting someones ass in a thread about a fictional situation. The thread is about a non existent event. Going into a vulgar disjointed rant when it is suggested there is unethical and low character in regards to the poster proves the point. Most people would have enough sense not to answer the suggestion of low character and unethical attribute with that kind of response. Add the made up false allegations about the person pushing the buttons and the low character allegation is magnified immensely.

There are a variety of similarly veined 'satire websites' that make up events that never happened and then portray them as factual. They almost always overplay their hand, which makes them easy to spot. Well, if you give a fuck about truth and fiction. If not, then you gobble them down without thought or question like the OP.

The purpose of these satire sites is to fuel conservative outrage. The outrage need not have a factual basis, but can be generated on merely a hypothetical. If it *feels* true, its as good as real. The only reason SS has slinked away from this thread with his tail between his legs is because we're here to call him to account. There's consequence.

But in the right wing echo chamber, imagined 'outrages' are as real as factual ones. They all play to the same pool of emotions. With feeling being the basis of reasoning in either case. I mean look at the Benghazi and the IRS 'scandal'. Virtually every conspiracy that the wingers made up about both turned out to be a steaming pile of bullshit. It didn't hold up. But does it matter to their outrage over Benghazi and the IRS?

Not a bit. As the outrage was never fueled by what happened or what is true. But what they *imagined* happened and what *feels* true. Both of which are impervious to things like facts and evidence. Nor need either to exist fat and happily.

All of which these 'satire sites' know and exploit by feeding chum into the murky depths of the echo chamber. And watching fringe conservatives work themselves up into a frothing lather.

It boosts the website revenue, which is generally pay per click or pay per view.

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