HAHA. Court forces black baker to bake cake for KKK party

A black baker does not have to bake a cake for the KKK.
Why not?


lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Yup. She can refuse to put any language on the cake she doesn't believe in, but she has to make the cake. No surprises here.
Including the language "Adam loves Steve"....or the expression of any type indicating a so-called "gay marriage"
Why not?


lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.


Because, as I said earlier, the KKK, nor any other political ideology is a protected class.

How do you reconcile the idea of protected classes with the "equal protection" clause of the 14th amendment.?
Baking cakes for cash is not serving God. That is serving a Profit, not a Prophet.

You don't get to tell people how to serve God. That's why we have a First Amendment, asshole.
No, we get to define what serving God is and isn't, and we do, and not just for tax codes either, employ,ent law is a good example. While you might be able to require that the Pastor to be a Baptist, the janitor is just a guy who cleans toilets so he can be whatever. He's not a minister, nor does he have ministerial duties. Look it up, it's the law.

Employment Law Church Law Tax

If the church wants the janitor to be a baptist, then it can. Nothing you said shows that government gets to determine what religious beliefs are valid and which aren't.
No Sweetheart, that is untrue. I gave you the link, look it up.

And the government already defines what is and isn't religion, for where it matters at least. Sorry, that's reality.

Here ya go, you dumb Nazi asshole. From your article:

Key Point 8-12.4 Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers engaged in commerce and having at least 15 employees from discriminating in any employment decision on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, or religion. The Act permits religions organizations to discriminate in employment decisions on the basis of religion. This exemption permits such organizations to discriminate on the basis of moral or scriptural standards so long as they do consistently and not in a way that adversely impacts employees who are members of a group that is protected under an applicable state or federal discrimination law.
True, but that depends upon what the employee does. Supreme Court Upholds Religious Exemption To Employment Discrimination Laws

AND: 2 Lies of Church Employment - Adam McLane
A black baker does not have to bake a cake for the KKK.
Why not?


lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.

Well it was a hypopathetical scenario that you yourself answered in your pathetic politically correct hypocritical manner.

Much like the pizza place. Who, have been ridiculed by intolerant hypocritical left wingfaggots. Like you.
I was correcting you when you made the statement the black baker had to make a cake for the KKK.

You're welcome.
No, we don't applaud, you don't know what a liberal is. No actual liberal would applaud a court for forcing it’s citizens to bake cakes. What you mean is authoritarian leftists applaud
Liberals, like me, know how to balance the rights of the individual against the needs of society and the things necessary to govern a nation. And you have no clue how we can do such a thing because in your mind it is all or nothing, which isn't anything like the truth.

What a bunch of crap. It's simple, simpleton. I'm a liberal, you're an authoritarian leftist. Clear as day. Government forcing it's citizens to bake cakes is by definition not liberal
What I said is entirely true. What you believe yourself to be is nothing like the truth.

Study the Founders, Liberal Elites, and nothing at all like you but very much like me. They understood the balancing acts required to have free men but still within the boundaries of a functioning and somewhat equitable society.

Neither mob rule, nor total freedom, AKA, anarchy.

Exactly. Jefferson was referring to the liberal freedom from government to be able to force you to do things like bake cakes. Liberalism is about negative rights. He was referring to freedom from what you advocate, which is the right to force other people to do your bidding backed up by guns. Authoritarian leftists believe in positive rights over their fellow citizen victims
We has referring to that fact that under mob rule, democracy, no one has rights for long. Put down the Ayn Rand and read Jefferson. He's much better at helping you understand the real world.

I just explained Jefferson to you. That you think Jefferson had anything in common with modern leftists is ... well ... so you. In other words, delustional
A black baker does not have to bake a cake for the KKK.
Why not?


lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.


It also violates the 14th Amendment which says all people must be treated equally. The whole "protected class" doctrine says explicitly that some people get more protection than others. It seems under liberalism some people are more equal than others.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.
Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.

Only if white people allow it. Whites need to grow a pair and fight for our rights like all other races do.
Why not?


lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Bullshit. Whites are protected just as much as blacks are.
lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.

Well, there is rather a war going now isn't there Mac?
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.

Well, there is rather a war going now isn't there Mac?

Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.

Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.

Well, there is rather a war going now isn't there Mac?

Everywhere, obviously. Walk a mile in their shoes eh? Look around, as Whitey desperately tries to hold on to his traditional position, standing on the backs of everyone else.
I'd have baked them the cake but then subtly led them to suspect there might be something extra in it. A KKK asshole going to black-owned business for a cake is pretty insulting.
Replace KKK with gay and black with Christian. Does it still apply?
Every body is part of most all protected classes.

Nope. White males are not a protected class. Government is free to persecute us ad nauseum, and it does.
Get used to it. It's "get whitey" from here on out.

Not "improve America" or "raise standards" or "watch people reach their potential", but that doesn't matter.

Well, there is rather a war going now isn't there Mac?

Everywhere, obviously. Walk a mile in their shoes eh?
Well, there's the war of you zealots in the PC Police vs. the hardcore conservatives.

The rest of us, the majority, are just shaking our heads and wishing you folks would find another hobby before it's too late.

A black baker does not have to bake a cake for the KKK.
Why not?


lol. They are so pathetic
Said the dude who fell for a fake story.
Hey, Owl, paperview is right, we have "protected classes" in America. Remember that we divide people up into groups and protect those the PC Police sense political advantage in "protecting".

Such "protecting" only serves to increase animosities and widen divisions -- obviously -- but the PC Police are not interested in actually improving things.


It also violates the 14th Amendment which says all people must be treated equally. The whole "protected class" doctrine says explicitly that some people get more protection than others. It seems under liberalism some people are more equal than others.
Everyone falls into a protected class. If you are a member of a race (you are), sex, (you are), ethnicity,(you have one) , religion, sexual preference (most do...), etc. you are protected.

You get just as much a "benefit" if you are discriminated against, (or, in the case of hate crimes, for example, cause of action & enhanced penalties, etc..)

The reason you perceive it as such as, is surprise! it's generally been the minority that is the victim of such. e.g. Anti religion discrimination historically is more prone to occur against a Jew, for example than a Christian, proportionally. It doesn't mean if you are in the majority, you are not protected if you are a victim caused by a minority class.

This isn't really hard to understand.
I want Jews to bake a Nazi cake, Gays an AIDS cake and Satanists a Muslim AND a Christian cake.

Everyone should be FORCED to comply because this is Murica!

Thanks Veterans!

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