Hahahaa! Trump is Backing Down Already!

She doesn't NEED a pardon lol. That bs won the election and is now MOOT. Move on. lol.
IF Hillary is offered a pardon for any crimes she might have committed, she will take it so fast your softball size head would spin.
It's over. He won, dupe.

He has caused many divisions among people and families, its not over. He has best make up for it. I can't stand my family members who voted for him, the holy rollers who wouldn't dare miss mass on Sunday, hypocrites. I have no idea how anyone could vote for him, honestly, I have nothing in common with anyone who voted for him.
Never discuss politics or religion except on anonymous MBs...
Well lets see men get women pg, or am I missing something here. Women do not get prostate ca, and yet we pay for it. Men can get breast ca, but its more a female thing, so who pays. The average baby delivery is not that much, unless a women has a preemie or ill child. Really do you want to go with this, have you ever been on the ACA? Are you also forgetting that people on the ACA are employed and pay taxes same as you do? Unless they are lower income for Medicaid, they pay taxes and work.

My point is that no one's premiums went down. instead, they all rose to match the high rate. Is that the improvement you wanted? Do you consider it an improvement? How is that better than paying for the coverage you want or need. Now, everyone is covered for having a baby, including men and postmenopausal women. Oh, and cancer treatments get dropped b3cause its too expensive, lol.

No one is making you buy insurance in the ACA, but it somewhere else, but you need to buy it.

I don't want to pay for fat asses that eat donuts all day and don't exercise, and lay around and smoke and smoke pot either, but I have no choice. I also do not want to pay for drinkers. But I have no choice. Good God this can go on and on.

That's because choice has been removed. I was (prior to ACA) able to buy affordable insurance that I needed: no baby coverage, no dr visit coverage, just catastrophic and labs. That has been removed.

Your a female no?

Yes, I am a female who cannot carry a child even through the first trimester. I don't get a period though, so I consider it a fair trade. I had several miscarriages before I just opted for an IUD.

I dont need maternity coverage, nor does my husband. I can afford the coverage I need but it is no longer legal. That is not an improvement by any stretch of the imagination.

You have a lot of questions for someone who refuses to answer any.
They were rising faster before ACA. This is the only way it works. Trump knows.
FDA ain't going away.

No mass deportations.

No wall.

Trump will be out by December....

Trump will never win the Primary.....

Trump will never beat Hilary....

What do we call Trump now.....Mr. President......
Drumpf has no beliefs of his own. He will rubber stamp anything the nutters send him and both Ryan and McConnell have said they will repeal and replace with Hurry Up And Die. They have also said they will gut Medicare, SS, end Medicaid, turn VA into voucher so they can't get any care at all, screw over single mothers as well as women in general and on and on and on.

But hey, just as likely he won't do anything at all. He DID say (twice) that Mike Sharia Law Pence would run the country while he was out "making America great again".

Just about the only think Drumpf seems to care about is sucking up to Pooting.
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Hahahahaaaa....That didn't take long. What a fucking liar the righties elected. Starting to cave after 72 hours and he's not even in the Oval Office yet:

Donald Trump, in Exclusive Interview, Tells WSJ He Is Willing to Keep Parts of Obama Health Law

That's likely because he's starting to hear from Repubs in the legislature that in their particular states, a blanket demolishment of the ACA will kill them politically.

Yeah, like in states like Kentucky that are red, but millions of people are receiving Medicaid through the ACA. So if that gets repealed, and millions of Republicans lose their health insurance... watch how fast those voters change to Democrats next election.

You don't get Medicaid through the ACA. It has been around for years.
Before ACA, people were forced on to welfare to get Medicaid. DUMB
So all these Trump supporters glossed over what I said earlier... seriously what are people that support Trump going to think when he appoints a former Goldman Sachs big wig, and former evil George Soros employee as his Sec. of the Treasury?
I just tried Trump's latest product....Liberal tears in a bottle....mmmmmmm good.....
FDA ain't going away.

No mass deportations.

No wall.

Trump will be out by December....

Trump will never win the Primary.....

Trump will never beat Hilary....

What do we call Trump now.....Mr. President......

What do we call Trump now.....

Emperor Trump

There, fixed it for you.

Don't worry..you will like where Emporerer Trump sends all the lefties.....I hear it is nice this time of year in Cuba...
He always said some parts of it were in keeping with the times we are living in so stop trying to turn his words around. Now we enter the freak out season for distraught liberals. Double check everything you hear them say. The lies and falsehoods and exaggerations will be flyin.
2aguy and Luddly doubling down. :)

This is for 2aguy

(And yes, I know Jade Helm and chem trails are still a very real danger where you live = LaLaLand)

Hahahahaaaa....That didn't take long. What a fucking liar the righties elected. Starting to cave after 72 hours and he's not even in the Oval Office yet:

Donald Trump, in Exclusive Interview, Tells WSJ He Is Willing to Keep Parts of Obama Health Law
You're on drugs. It says he might consider leaving parts of it, probably temporarily so some people don't loose their health coverage. But there's two months to go, you should pace yourself.

And he's not a dictator, either, dumbass. It doesn't matter what he might consider.

Well if true, then why all.the meltdowns from your side?
They're pussies, what did you expect. They elected the biggest wimp president this country has ever seen. Hell, Putin made him his personal bitch.
FDA ain't going away.

No mass deportations.

No wall.

Trump will be out by December....

Trump will never win the Primary.....

Trump will never beat Hilary....

What do we call Trump now.....Mr. President......

What do we call Trump now.....

Emperor Trump

There, fixed it for you.

Don't worry..you will like where Emporerer Trump sends all the lefties.....I hear it is nice this time of year in Cuba...

Jeezus H Fucking Christ - why don't you RWNJ traitors READ the US Constitution?

Drumpf lied to you.

He cannot do most of what he promised he would do.

If you still don't know that, ask your buddy Pooting.

And learn how to spell.

IOW, go back to 5th grade.

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