HAHAHAHAAA...The media...they do try don't they?


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Hilarious...the MSM just can't stop themselves from trying to support their political views..

Today's headlines..

ABC NEWS..."Recession fears ease as unemployment falls"...um..yeah..unemployment "fell" .1%..not exactly something to praise. :cuckoo:

CBS NEWS..."Unemployment drops to 9.1%; 117,000 jobs added...fear of recession eases"

MSNBC..."Sigh of relief...US economy adds 117,000 jobs in July!"..."U.S. Stocks surge ahead on positive jobs report" (DOW -43..not sure what surge they are talking about)


Hooray for our leaders!!! Problems are over!!!
Hilarious...the MSM just can't stop themselves from trying to support their political views..

Today's headlines..

ABC NEWS..."Recession fears ease as unemployment falls"...um..yeah..unemployment "fell" .1%..not exactly something to praise. :cuckoo:

CBS NEWS..."Unemployment drops to 9.1%; 117,000 jobs added...fear of recession eases"

MSNBC..."Sigh of relief...US economy adds 117,000 jobs in July!"..."U.S. Stocks surge ahead on positive jobs report" (DOW -43..not sure what surge they are talking about)


Hooray for our leaders!!! Problems are over!!!

hey, you know the drill, under bush 6% was Armageddon but....;)

Iam, you aint seen nothing yet, wait till next year when nut cutting time is really close, like Sept. and its north of say 8.5%, every friggin nugget no matter how inconsequential normally will be spun as some wondrous gift from and because of obama..........they will be peddling that sap while they willfully ignore the complete and absolute bottom of all negativity campaigns as fluffy plouffe' and obama trash the rep. nominee beyond all get out...its giing to be a riot to watch and follow. :lol:
Hilarious...the MSM just can't stop themselves from trying to support their political views..

Today's headlines..

ABC NEWS..."Recession fears ease as unemployment falls"...um..yeah..unemployment "fell" .1%..not exactly something to praise. :cuckoo:

CBS NEWS..."Unemployment drops to 9.1%; 117,000 jobs added...fear of recession eases"

MSNBC..."Sigh of relief...US economy adds 117,000 jobs in July!"..."U.S. Stocks surge ahead on positive jobs report" (DOW -43..not sure what surge they are talking about)


Hooray for our leaders!!! Problems are over!!!

Well, the liberal media has been floating in a sea of fail since November last year. Any good news on the jobs front is seen as a port in the storm.
I don't believe these numbers will bear scrutiny. The economy needs 250,000 jobs added per month in order for the unemployment number to stay neutral, and unemployment decreased with an increase in jobs of 117,000? That kind of number would result in a large increase in unemployment, not a decrease.
Hilarious...the MSM just can't stop themselves from trying to support their political views..

Today's headlines..

ABC NEWS..."Recession fears ease as unemployment falls"...um..yeah..unemployment "fell" .1%..not exactly something to praise. :cuckoo:

CBS NEWS..."Unemployment drops to 9.1%; 117,000 jobs added...fear of recession eases"

MSNBC..."Sigh of relief...US economy adds 117,000 jobs in July!"..."U.S. Stocks surge ahead on positive jobs report" (DOW -43..not sure what surge they are talking about)


Hooray for our leaders!!! Problems are over!!!

hey, you know the drill, under bush 6% was Armageddon but....;)

Iam, you aint seen nothing yet, wait till next year when nut cutting time is really close, like Sept. and its north of say 8.5%, every friggin nugget no matter how inconsequential normally will be spun as some wondrous gift from and because of obama..........they will be peddling that sap while they willfully ignore the complete and absolute bottom of all negativity campaigns as fluffy plouffe' and obama trash the rep. nominee beyond all get out...its giing to be a riot to watch and follow. :lol:

Liberal math... A smaller decrease is an increase, just like an increase smaller than they want is a cut.
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The fawning slobbering propaganda outlet formerly known as the Associated Press or (A.P.) is a better spin agent for democrats than Obama's stuttering press secretary. When Bush was in office you couldn't tell the difference between the A.P. and Al Jazzera.
I don't believe these numbers will bear scrutiny. The economy needs 250,000 jobs added per month in order for the unemployment number to stay neutral,
What on Earth are you talking about? You don't need to add any jobs for the UE rate to stay the same. The UE rate is Unemployment/Labor Force. For July, both Unemployment and the Labor Force went down and the UE rate went down.
Bloomberg Warns Of Widespread Rioting...
Bloomberg warns high unemployment rate could lead to widespread rioting
September 16, 2011 - Soon many could be feeling the physical pain of the bad economy.
Sounding alarm bells about the nation's high unemployment rate, Mayor Bloomberg warned this morning that there could be widespread mayhem in the streets if Washington lawmakers don't start creating jobs for millions of Americans who are out of work. "We have a lot of kids graduating college, can't find jobs," Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show. "That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here."

Bloomberg also said the damage may be done -- especially to recent college grads -- as the nation's unemployment rate hovers around 9 percent. "The damage to a generation that can't find jobs will go on for many, many years," Bloomberg said. Despite that, the mayor gave Obama praise for coming up with a jobs bill. "At least he's got some ideas on the table, whether you like those or not," he said. The $447 billion jobs plan is crucial if Obama wants to revive his sagging poll numbers as he sets off on his 2012 reelection bid.

Obama had hoped his massive $800 billion stimulus plan -- aimed at creating jobs -- would help unemployment fall below 8 percent. A poll out earlier this week showed that Americans are skeptical of Obama's latest efforts. The poll showed a majority of Americans don’t believe Obama’s jobs plan will make a dent in the unemployment rate. Overall, 51 percent of respondents don’t think the plan will reduce the rate, while only 40 percent thought it would.

Voters overall disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy by 62-33. Individual elements of Obama’s jobs plan get big majorities of support -- indicating the flaw might be in Obama and the way he’s trying to sell the plan. According to another poll by CNN/ORC, the payroll-tax cut the president proposed gets 65 percent support, aid to states gets 74 percent and funds for school construction get 64 percent.

Read more: Bloomberg warns high unemployment rate could lead to widespread rioting - NYPOST.com

See also:

Unemployment Rates Rose in Majority of States Last Month
September 16, 2011 WASHINGTON (AP) — Unemployment rates rose in a majority of states in August for a third straight month, further proof that job growth is weak nationwide.
The Labor Department says unemployment rates increased in 26 states. They fell in 12 and remained unchanged in 12.

Nevada had the nation's highest unemployment rate among states at 13.4 percent. It rose from 12.9 percent in July. North Dakota had the lowest unemployment rate, at 3.5 percent. That's up from 3.3 percent in July.

Nationwide, hiring fell significantly in August. The economy added no new net jobs, and the unemployment rate stayed at 9.1 percent for the second straight month.

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The mainstream media has abandoned any semblance of integrity in it's slavish attempt to support Barry's failed administration.
Hilarious...the MSM just can't stop themselves from trying to support their political views..

Today's headlines..

ABC NEWS..."Recession fears ease as unemployment falls"...um..yeah..unemployment "fell" .1%..not exactly something to praise. :cuckoo:

CBS NEWS..."Unemployment drops to 9.1%; 117,000 jobs added...fear of recession eases"

MSNBC..."Sigh of relief...US economy adds 117,000 jobs in July!"..."U.S. Stocks surge ahead on positive jobs report" (DOW -43..not sure what surge they are talking about)


Hooray for our leaders!!! Problems are over!!!

And that number was revised down to 85,000. :neutral:

The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for June was revised from +46,000 to +20,000, and the change for July was revised from +117,000 to +85,000.
Bloomberg Warns Of Widespread Rioting...
Bloomberg warns high unemployment rate could lead to widespread rioting
September 16, 2011 - Soon many could be feeling the physical pain of the bad economy.
Sounding alarm bells about the nation's high unemployment rate, Mayor Bloomberg warned this morning that there could be widespread mayhem in the streets if Washington lawmakers don't start creating jobs for millions of Americans who are out of work. "We have a lot of kids graduating college, can't find jobs," Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show. "That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here."

Bloomberg also said the damage may be done -- especially to recent college grads -- as the nation's unemployment rate hovers around 9 percent. "The damage to a generation that can't find jobs will go on for many, many years," Bloomberg said. Despite that, the mayor gave Obama praise for coming up with a jobs bill. "At least he's got some ideas on the table, whether you like those or not," he said. The $447 billion jobs plan is crucial if Obama wants to revive his sagging poll numbers as he sets off on his 2012 reelection bid.

Obama had hoped his massive $800 billion stimulus plan -- aimed at creating jobs -- would help unemployment fall below 8 percent. A poll out earlier this week showed that Americans are skeptical of Obama's latest efforts. The poll showed a majority of Americans don’t believe Obama’s jobs plan will make a dent in the unemployment rate. Overall, 51 percent of respondents don’t think the plan will reduce the rate, while only 40 percent thought it would.

Voters overall disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy by 62-33. Individual elements of Obama’s jobs plan get big majorities of support -- indicating the flaw might be in Obama and the way he’s trying to sell the plan. According to another poll by CNN/ORC, the payroll-tax cut the president proposed gets 65 percent support, aid to states gets 74 percent and funds for school construction get 64 percent.

Read more: Bloomberg warns high unemployment rate could lead to widespread rioting - NYPOST.com

Bloomberg...what a dope.

Perhaps if he had paid more attention to running his state and less to running gun stings in other states, there would be less unemployment in New York.

Texas has created more jobs than the other 49 states combined...just sayin'.
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As joblessness soars, so do the unemployment hawks...
The Fed's unemployment hawks
September 17, 2011: Forget about inflation hawks. It's the unemployment hawks who are quietly winning the debate at the Federal Reserve.
The Fed's dual mandate to promote both maximum employment and price stability creates a natural conflict as policymakers debate the best action to stabilize the economy. But rarely in the central bank's history has that debate been so pronounced. Three district bank presidents are vocal in their worries that the Fed will cause inflation by buying up Treasuries and pumping hundreds of billions into the economy. They are one reason the central bank has avoided definitive action at the last few meetings. And with the latest Consumer Price Index showing the highest level of inflation in three years, inflation hawks are sure to start squawking again. But they're likely to be overruled when the Fed meets next week. As the job market remains flat, and the economy continues to slow, the central bank is expected to announce some kind of additional steps to address the slowing U.S. economy and stubbornly high unemployment rate.

The most vocal unemployment hawk has been Chicago Fed President Charles Evans, who said in a speech earlier this month that persistently high unemployment needs to be the central bank's focus right now. He said that if inflation was several percentage points above the desired level the way unemployment has been for the last few years, Fed members "would be acting as if their hair was on fire. We should be similarly energized about improving conditions in the labor market." And he's not the only one voicing support for more action.

San Francisco Fed President John Williams essentially dismissed the risk of inflation in a recent speech and argued the Fed's attention needs to be focused instead on jobs and weak growth. Though Williams is currently an alternate member of the Federal Open Market Committee, he will join the rate-setting panel next year. "The real threat is an economy that is at risk of stalling and the prospect of many years of very high unemployment, with potentially long-run negative consequences," he said. "There are a number of potential steps the Fed could take to ease financial conditions further and move us closer to our mandated goals of maximum employment and price stability." Among those steps is a third round of Treasury purchases, known as quantitative easing, or QE3, although most economists think the Fed will stop short of adding to an already bloated balance sheet.

But shifting the Fed's Treasury holdings from shorter-term to longer-term bonds, a policy known as "Operation Twist" is likely, according many economists, as is eliminating the interest paid to banks on their excess reserves. Fed watchers say one of the things that will help unemployment hawks tip the scales is that they are backed by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Vice Chairman Janet Yellen and New York Fed President William Dudley. "Those three are ready to act, and they're able to take along the others in the center of the debate," said Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist for Capital Economics.

The problem for the unemployment hawks is it's not clear whether the steps they have available will have much impact on hiring. "We have to be realistic. Short-term rates are at zero and long-term rates are at 60-year lows. We've got mortgage rates at record lows," said Bernard Baumohl of the Economic Outlook Group, a Princeton, N.J., research firm. "If that cheap credit is unable to stimulate growth, there is nothing more the Fed can do." Ashworth says that's one reason the unemployment hawks aren't getting more attention -- no one really believes the steps they're advocating can make much of a difference. "A modest drop in rates might help at margin, but it's not like long-term rates are high to start with," he said. "Basically there's not much they can do right now."

Hilarious...the MSM just can't stop themselves from trying to support their political views..

Today's headlines..

ABC NEWS..."Recession fears ease as unemployment falls"...um..yeah..unemployment "fell" .1%..not exactly something to praise. :cuckoo:

CBS NEWS..."Unemployment drops to 9.1%; 117,000 jobs added...fear of recession eases"

MSNBC..."Sigh of relief...US economy adds 117,000 jobs in July!"..."U.S. Stocks surge ahead on positive jobs report" (DOW -43..not sure what surge they are talking about)


Hooray for our leaders!!! Problems are over!!!


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