Haitian migrants' reckless driving turns Springfield into combat zone with '8 to 10' accidents a day: residents

Or you could calm the fuck down. Have you ever been to China?

I would have but I don't want to end up like a couple of my Canadian citizens who were wrongfully and arbitrarily charged with false allegations which took a couple of years to clear up.

What does me not having been to China have to do with my opinion of their surge in geopolitical and economic theatre?

What does me not having been to China have to do with my opinion of their surge in geopolitical and economic theatre?

Because if you spent enough time there you would see how Keystone Cop, false facade their great development really is. You sit in a corner hugging your knees and quivering over their "mighty army," while I saw huge fields filled with scores of grossly underweight college kids in "daddy's suit" oversized uniforms stumbling through military drills that wouldn't make it into a cartoon. When it took five people to sell me a set of books in a bookstore, a street vendor was cracked in the head with the butt of a rifle for trying to sell me a jacket, and millions of homes were demolished to build a dam (which also unearthed ancient mummies), I knew we'd be ok.

Calm the fuck down.
Because if you spent enough time there you would see how Keystone Cop, false facade their great development really is. You sit in a corner hugging your knees and quivering over their "mighty army," while I saw huge fields filled with scores of grossly underweight college kids in "daddy's suit" oversized uniforms stumbling through military drills that wouldn't make it into a cartoon. When it took five people to sell me a set of books in a bookstore, a street vendor was cracked in the head with the butt of a rifle for trying to sell me a jacket, and millions of homes were demolished to build a dam (which also unearthed ancient mummies), I knew we'd be ok.

Calm the fuck down.

There is nothing you have conveyed here that I don't know.

What you fail to understand is that this exemplifies precisely how the CCP will win. You see, China is their government. Their government is willing to lose 400M of their own citizens, this has been publicly expressed by a high ranking Chinese official.

So, the plight of the citizens, much like the West is increasingly becoming; is of little concern to the CCP as long as they aren't armed and able to overthrow their power.

They are taking money that could be used for these citizens to build their military. They understand that taking Taiwan would not only be immensely popular domestically but it would increase their global economic might exponentially. Controlling 90% of the most advanced chips that are needed.

You have to understand, with proper leadership, China would not only not have becoming a juggernaught, but, the West would also be stronger than ever. In 1989, the U.S was responsible for 40% of global trade. THAT is power. It is now 20%.

Wake up. Japan, Vietnam and Philippines aren't comfortable right now. I give Bidens admin credit for taking China on, contrary to what I thought they would. This has been offset by an open border and the IRA which created massive inflation and hurt the Middle Class so critical to winning
There is nothing you have conveyed here that I don't know.

What you fail to understand is that this exemplifies precisely how the CCP will win. You see, China is their government. Their government is willing to lose 400M of their own citizens, this has been publicly expressed by a high ranking Chinese official.

So, the plight of the citizens, much like the West is increasingly becoming; is of little concern to the CCP as long as they aren't armed and able to overthrow their power.

They are taking money that could be used for these citizens to build their military. They understand that taking Taiwan would not only be immensely popular domestically but it would increase their global economic might exponentially. Controlling 90% of the most advanced chips that are needed.

You have to understand, with proper leadership, China would not only not have becoming a juggernaught, but, the West would also be stronger than ever. In 1989, the U.S was responsible for 40% of global trade. THAT is power. It is now 20%.

Wake up. Japan, Vietnam and Philippines aren't comfortable right now. I give Bidens admin credit for taking China on, contrary to what I thought they would. This has been offset by an open border and the IRA which created massive inflation and hurt the Middle Class so critical to winning

Let me ask again: have you ever been to China?
Don't be stupid. Stop swallowing panic propaganda.

Sure it might be propaganda. However, when high ranking officials speak, especially in communist systems; it is because their speech was approved. We can't just disregard that, Mao lost 60M+ in order to try and become a military power (which failed, largely due to Russia).

Look up the name John O'Neill. He was a former FBI agent obviously better informed than I was in terms of his channels, but he was also disregarded, partially because of his own crass attitude which requires a particular person to massage and work with.

Regardless of his personality deficiencies, he was accurate about Bid Laden and 9/11, sadly and ironically to the point of losing his life during the attack.

I'm no O'Neill, but I know what I suspect based on history and their clear methodology designed to lull the West to sleep while mocking us to our face. Just look at how they operated in years past, just speaking out against China would cost your nations economy or corporation. Just ask Hollywood or the knee benders of the NBA.

All by design. They laugh at the dumb barbarians as they expand their military faster than almost any nation in history in peace times and send Honey Traps to weak, naive Western men.
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Let me ask again: have you ever been to China?

Do I need to have lived in China to understand the Mao years?

The forced One Child policy?

The Uyghurs and re-education camps?

The suppression of free speech, religion, Falun Gong?

The organ harvesting?

China is smarter than you perhaps. A great civilization but communism destroyed them. According to many Taiwan is the true China in history and culture.
These people are in the U.S. illegally. Do democrat administrations offer drivers licenses voting registration and free cars to criminals?

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