Haley Calls Navalny a ‘Hero,’ Saying Trump Must Answer for His Death

Your absolutely correct, dead people have a hard time winning elections, furthermore, in a democratically elected fascist oligarchy the votes just keep coming until victory is secured.
Sounds a lot like Detroit, Philly, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Phoenix in 2020. I guess fascism doesn't change depending on location. Thanks for clearing that up.
"Party" and "Biden" don't strike me as words that share the same sentence all too frequently.

"Senile" "Nap" and "Incompetent" yes. But "Party"?

Unless, of course, the "Biden" is immediately preceded by "Hunter".

Then it's off the fucking charts.
Hunter?! :laughing0301: What’s he running for?
So what? Putin still had him killed. There is no doubt about it. Trump will be asked anyway. Nimrata is just getting the first shot at him.
You do notice death, destruction and carnage following all Progressive agendas, don't you? It is not hard to notice. Really! It's there for all to see. It must be how it is packaged. I do not get it. We are also seeing DEI. Quite the eye opener for those not initiated. And it makes any person who earned it, really earned look like part of the group. And that sucks.
Nikki Haley on Saturday called Aleksei A. Navalny, the outspoken Russian opposition leader, “a hero” and amped up the pressure on former President Donald J. Trump to respond to the news of his death. She said Mr. Navalny had died at the hands of President Vladimir V. Putin and that Mr. Trump needed to “answer to that.”

Speaking with reporters outside her rally at a park in Irmo, S.C., Ms. Haley praised Mr. Navalny for calling out Mr. Putin for corruption and fixing elections. She said he had fled his country only to return “to fight the good fight.”

“And then he was arrested, and now Putin has done to him what Putin does to all of his opponents — he kills them,” she said, before turning to Mr. Trump, her rival in the G.O.P. primary. “And Trump needs to answer to that. Does he think Putin killed him? Does he think Putin was right to kill him? And does he think Navalny was a hero?”

Biden: "No doubts" Putin is behind Navalny's death

It is good that Haley is holding Trump's feet to the fire. It is surprising that Republicans are so in awe of Putin. What is it they admire about that guy? Russia is at least 30% bigger than Ukraine with four times more active personnel and yet... two years later... Ukraine is still alive and kicking.
Trump needs to answer for this guy's death? Does Haley think Trump killed him? :cuckoo:
It’s not about the crimes, real or imagined. It’s about knowing what would happen if he went back there. This idiot committed suicide by going back to Russia just as much as if he’d stood on working railroad tracks.

I could not care less about either Navalny nor Putin. Neither is an American, so neith has any value in my book.
And yet…your first response was to blame Navalny and not Putin.

Your orange fuhrer will be proud.
Didn't Putin just endorse Biden because they are so similar? Yeah, he did. Funny how foreign political prosecutions bother you while you cheer on domestic witch hunts. Sad.
Ok, ill play. Wtf are you talking about?
Your absolutely correct, dead people have a hard time winning elections, furthermore, in a democratically elected fascist oligarchy the votes just keep coming until victory is secured.

Why do you post such crap?
Honest, why?
It’s not about the crimes, real or imagined. It’s about knowing what would happen if he went back there. This idiot committed suicide by going back to Russia just as much as if he’d stood on working railroad tracks.

I could not care less about either Navalny nor Putin. Neither is an American, so neith has any value in my book.

Wow, just fuckin wow.
As an American, if you are and not just a Trumpet, you need to care very much about Russia and Putin.

He was a patriot, but he wasn’t perfect. He wasn’t a neo-Nazi, just a nationalist. Of course the Ruzzia shills are going to dig up every piece of dirt they find, while whitewashing everything Putin has done.
Navalny committed suicide by returning to Russia. I have no sympathy for him or his family. He returned to a nation whose government he knew saw him as a criminal. He got exactly what he should have expected.

I think it's possible to conclude his return to Russia was inviting death, and still have some sympathy. He died because he believed in something bigger than himself. I respect that.

By no means was he perfect. He had a fairly lengthy history of posting Islamophobic content online about a decade or so earlier. But he had acknowledged in recent years that he was wrong, and he even apologized for it.

A lot of people here and everywhere else talk about patriotism, love of country...he exemplified with that word means. Having been nearly killed once already, he certainly knew that the risk of death was real, but I think he wanted to awaken and embolden his fellow Russians. He wanted to expose Putin's corruption, recklessness, and brutality to the rest of Russia, and he was willing to die for that cause.

RIP Alexei.

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