Haley Calls Navalny a ‘Hero,’ Saying Trump Must Answer for His Death

Strange you would consider a Russian of any type as a martyr.


Matt Damon's ginger cousin?
Typical MAGA, reveling in ignorance!
Meh, if I never heard tell of him that's just the deal....I never heard tell of him. :dunno:

Then again it speaks to not giving two shits about Russia nor their former vassal state.
F U, a-hole! He was a patriot, something MAGA knows nothing about.
Nimrata Randhawa cares more about Russian political prisoners than peaceful January 6 American ones. Again, the guy didn’t have a chance in hell of winning against Putin.
Are Russian propagandists feeding Haley with information? The anti-Trumpers seem to know a hell of a lot about the inner workings of the Russian government these days.
BTW: While I'm pondering this, why is it the name Gonzalo Lira is all but forgotten - but this Navalny guy is a household term?

Couldn't possibly be a result of Operation Mockingbird and the CIA infested media.

Nikki Haley on Saturday called Aleksei A. Navalny, the outspoken Russian opposition leader, “a hero” and amped up the pressure on former President Donald J. Trump to respond to the news of his death. She said Mr. Navalny had died at the hands of President Vladimir V. Putin and that Mr. Trump needed to “answer to that.”

Speaking with reporters outside her rally at a park in Irmo, S.C., Ms. Haley praised Mr. Navalny for calling out Mr. Putin for corruption and fixing elections. She said he had fled his country only to return “to fight the good fight.”

“And then he was arrested, and now Putin has done to him what Putin does to all of his opponents — he kills them,” she said, before turning to Mr. Trump, her rival in the G.O.P. primary. “And Trump needs to answer to that. Does he think Putin killed him? Does he think Putin was right to kill him? And does he think Navalny was a hero?”

Biden: "No doubts" Putin is behind Navalny's death

It is good that Haley is holding Trump's feet to the fire. It is surprising that Republicans are so in awe of Putin. What is it they admire about that guy? Russia is at least 30% bigger than Ukraine with four times more active personnel and yet... two years later... Ukraine is still alive and kicking.
I dont mind calling putin an autocrat if not an outright dictator

But I will never be president and wont have to negotiate with putin at some future date

Which btw applies to nikki haley also
So everyone is condeming Puting for Navalny death and now that they have all had their look how tough I am virtue signaling feel good about themselves moment then what? Are all or any of them going to do anything to punish Putin or hold him accountable I highly doubt it all talk and no action is not any different than no talk at all.
So everyone is condeming Puting for Navalny death and now that they have all had their look how tough I am virtue signaling feel good about themselves moment then what? Are all or any of them going to do anything to punish Putin or hold him accountable I highly doubt it all talk and no action is not any different than no talk at all.
Nikki Haley on Saturday called Aleksei A. Navalny, the outspoken Russian opposition leader, “a hero” and amped up the pressure on former President Donald J. Trump to respond to the news of his death. She said Mr. Navalny had died at the hands of President Vladimir V. Putin and that Mr. Trump needed to “answer to that.”

Speaking with reporters outside her rally at a park in Irmo, S.C., Ms. Haley praised Mr. Navalny for calling out Mr. Putin for corruption and fixing elections. She said he had fled his country only to return “to fight the good fight.”

“And then he was arrested, and now Putin has done to him what Putin does to all of his opponents — he kills them,” she said, before turning to Mr. Trump, her rival in the G.O.P. primary. “And Trump needs to answer to that. Does he think Putin killed him? Does he think Putin was right to kill him? And does he think Navalny was a hero?”

Biden: "No doubts" Putin is behind Navalny's death

It is good that Haley is holding Trump's feet to the fire. It is surprising that Republicans are so in awe of Putin. What is it they admire about that guy? Russia is at least 30% bigger than Ukraine with four times more active personnel and yet... two years later... Ukraine is still alive and kicking.
blame the victim of his crimes?

There was no victim blaming...
Navalny suffered from OJ Simpson Syndrome such as when OJ was acquitted for murder in 1995 then FOOLISHLY remained in the USA to let forces get revenge instead of OJ leaving here/move to Nigeria then never look back for the rest of his life.

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