Haley Calls Navalny a ‘Hero,’ Saying Trump Must Answer for His Death

Only Trump shits on our soldiers.
No idea what this means "

75% of males do not qualify for the military? Citation required along with explanation. Have standards risen so?

We do police duties as you call it to insure our world dominance for our economic dominance. No other reason.
We can be crushed economically and lose our freedoms in a war with no bullets fired.
Trump does not understand this either and would not listen when this was explained to him.
This is in no small part what made him the most dangerous to us, president we have ever had.

Trump 2024!
Trump doesn't really have respond to this murder.

His base is obediently and mindlessly with him no matter what, and at least 30% of the populace couldn't tell you where the nation's fucking Capitol is.

The ignorance that exists in this country has protected him, and will continue to.
Yes and we can blame the liberal education system in our country. They are teaching 8 years olds they can change their gender. Liberalism destroys everything it touches.
Haley sounds better every day, at least she is not of the same character as Trump and Putin.
Nikki Haley has become the new Democrat Darling. She presents no vision of her own, all she does is bash Trump 24/7 which is why she is now a frequent guest on CNN.
Trump doesn't really have respond to this murder. Or much of anything else, for that matter.

His base is obediently and mindlessly with him no matter what, and at least 30% of the populace couldn't tell you where the nation's fucking Capitol is.

The ignorance that exists in this country has protected him, and will continue to.
trump is a quivering bowl of jelly when someone mentioned the name Putin to him. He is scared to death of Vlad.

And this Russian asset wants to be our president again, with access to top secret information. The man who owns hundreds of millions of dollars and now is "For Sale" wants to be able to decide who can look at our greatest national secrets.
This is a mega ignorant post.
You don't undersrand geopolitics and the strategies involved at all. The economic implications would quickly collapse our economy
I’m not interested in international politics. I don’t believe it’s an appropriate activity to begin with. Collapse this failed economy and rebuild it PROPERLY…. Domestically, Isolationist abd Nationalist.
Honest, it is uneducated people like you who Trump courts. Can't see past the end of your nose, never learned a damned thing in school, never attended college
Im not a Trump voter. I’m a Conservative Fascist Authoritarian.

I have a college degree. One based on a career, not woke political trash shoved down kids throats at $75K a year.
Hate and ignorance in red. Pathetic
Hate, definitely. Ignorance… not really. Just a very different viewpoint from yours.
I’m not interested in international politics. I don’t believe it’s an appropriate activity to begin with. Collapse this failed economy and rebuild it PROPERLY…. Domestically, Isolationist abd Nationalist.

The greatest economy the world has ever produced is failed?
Not interested in international politics? Strategic alliances, trade agreements, defense organizations boar you? Then you need to thank God others pick up your slack.
You cannot build in isolationism.
Whoever feed you these things is a moron.
You need to wake the fuck up.
Your thoughts as expressed is a fantasy.
trump is a quivering bowl of jelly when someone mentioned the name Putin to him. He is scared to death of Vlad.

And this Russian asset wants to be our president again, with access to top secret information. The man who owns hundreds of millions of dollars and now is "For Sale" wants to be able to decide who can look at our greatest national secrets.
And ironically, these huge fines make him even MORE vulnerable to being squeezed.
I already do. I stay as much away from direct personal contact with your society as I can. I deal in cash as much as possible. I don’t buy unnecessary shit.,
I find anything but a cot and a hole in the ground to be unnecessary.

Walk the walk hypocrite!
The greatest economy the world has ever produced is failed?
Yes. When the Government is paying to feed and house people, especially non-citizens the system has failed. When people find they can reliably survive without working, the system has failed. When businesses can be forced to hire workers based on gender, race, or other non-qualification criteria, the system has failed. When people are forced to buy products like insurance, the system has failed.
Not interested in international politics? Strategic alliances, trade agreements, defense organizations boar you?
No. They DISGUST me.
You cannot build in isolationism.
Whoever feed you these things is a moron.
You need to wake the fuck up.
Your thoughts as expressed is a fantasy
Who’s looking to build? I want to TEAR SHIT DOWN. I want to go back to the old days and the old ways. Just without the religion.
Russia is at war and so they might be justified on dealing with the protesters in the same way that America at war dealt with Kent State.

America might have served it's purpose by dealing with the leader of the protests, instead of the protesters?
I expect trump will invite Poootin to DC if trump is re-elected. Remember, he actually tried to do that the last time he was in the WH. I bet the MAGA party will line up like little sheep to kiss Poootin's hand, perhaps the won that administered the poison to kill his opponents.
Poootin will gladly bail him out, if he is willing to give up some US top secrets on share some intel from our allies.
So the question is Jim, was America right to massacre protesters at Kent State, or was Russia more right to allegedly whack a leader of the protests?

Keeping in mind that both America and Russia were/are at war.
Nikki Haley on Saturday called Aleksei A. Navalny, the outspoken Russian opposition leader, “a hero” and amped up the pressure on former President Donald J. Trump to respond to the news of his death. She said Mr. Navalny had died at the hands of President Vladimir V. Putin and that Mr. Trump needed to “answer to that.”

Speaking with reporters outside her rally at a park in Irmo, S.C., Ms. Haley praised Mr. Navalny for calling out Mr. Putin for corruption and fixing elections. She said he had fled his country only to return “to fight the good fight.”

“And then he was arrested, and now Putin has done to him what Putin does to all of his opponents — he kills them,” she said, before turning to Mr. Trump, her rival in the G.O.P. primary. “And Trump needs to answer to that. Does he think Putin killed him? Does he think Putin was right to kill him? And does he think Navalny was a hero?”

Biden: "No doubts" Putin is behind Navalny's death

It is good that Haley is holding Trump's feet to the fire. It is surprising that Republicans are so in awe of Putin. What is it they admire about that guy? Russia is at least 30% bigger than Ukraine with four times more active personnel and yet... two years later... Ukraine is still alive and kicking.

Why doesn't xiden or Haley herself have to answer to that. Trump has no more control than they do. That bitch will never get my vote.

MAGA will not critisize the murderer, Poootin. They are in the pocket of the Poootin asset, trump. And they are more afraid of trump and his cult, than trump is afraid of Poootin. Here is the circle of Power. trump-MAGA-Poootin-Musk
Musk is helping Putin win in Ukraine. MAGA and trump are blocking aid to Ukraine.
Wow, Putin attacks his political opponents and jails them and kills them?

Amazing. Democrats would never do that.

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