Half empty/half full.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
How you seen were we are economically depends on who we are and where we live. Republicans see the obama as a failure and democrats see Obama as a success. Republican see jobs lost. Democrats see jobs created. Republican see thing as worse off then four year ago. Democrats see thing as better off than four years. Depends on how one sees 4 ounces of water in an 8 ounce glass. Whose right and whose wrong depend on who you are and where you live.
How you seen were we are economically depends on who we are and where we live. Republicans see the obama as a failure and democrats see Obama as a success. Republican see jobs lost. Democrats see jobs created. Republican see thing as worse off then four year ago. Democrats see thing as better off than four years. Depends on how one sees 4 ounces of water in an 8 ounce glass. Whose right and whose wrong depend on who you are and where you live.

The damned glass has less in it than it did 4 years ago. It makes little difference whether you call it half empty or half full. 4 more years of this guy and it will be all the way empty.
You seem to have an amazing aptitude for stating the obvious, can you elaberate on your point? I guess I missed it.

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