Half of US guns are owned by 3% of the public

This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

And then you have a 9 year old girl taken to the shooting range by her parents who is then given an uzi by the instructor, which the girl triggers and shoots the instructor in the head with killing him instantly. And now a 9 year old girl has to live with that sound, smell, and sight for the rest of her life, knowing she killed someone, even if it wasn't her fault. And, the instructor's family is suing the shooting range. Oh what a happy friendly bunch of good guy citizens. And this isn't the only incident.

Let's tell the whole story shall we.

Yes. The instructor broke every rule in the book and he suffered the ultimate penalty for his stupidity. My hope is the girl gets some good therapy because it wasn't her fault in the slightest. The problem is you never tell the whole story. The family of the instructor can sue all they want. Every expert on the planet is going to testify against them and they will lose. It was HIS fault he got dead. Stupidity is a capitol offense in the real world.
It should start in school. Right after learning about safe sex, kids learn about gun safety.

This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

Addicts .......start em young and they are hooked for life
Yeah an on line survey of people stupid enough to opt in to a junk mail survey mailing list

And you think it's accurate?

I wouldn't be surprised if the survey was in fact accurate. Especially with all the goofball gun nuts they have around these days.

Even years before everybody went gun crazy I kept a few guns around. A shotgun for bird season. A high powered rifle for big game. A 22 rifle for target shooting, and a hand gun I strapped on while bird hunting.
I guess you could say that every gun I owned back than had a purpose. And that purpose was for hunting. Not killing people.
You don't know shit.

Every gun owner I know is either military, ex military, active police and retired or a civilian with experience and proficiency in the use of their firearms.

Not one is gun crazy. Not one fondles their firearms as professed on this board by the resident morons.

I've stated before that there are those who should not own or be in the vicinity of a firearm.

Who are those and how are they identified - "those who should not own or be in the vicinity of a firearm"?
"The new survey, conducted in 2015 by public health researchers from Harvard and Northeastern universities"

Published by this Leftwing rag.


Doesn't invalidate the survey........try again
in America, we do know that 30% are die hard liberals and will do whatever the liberal elites tell them to do. So most of them don't own guns, but will rely on the government to save them. Now the rest of the US citizens have a brain and know that if the liberals take away the 2nd amendment and disarm US, then the liberal by the force of the government will do like any other socialist country and this is to get rid of our rights and take over the country. This is why Obama , and all the rest of the retarded liberal elites talk about disarming US, yet the pushback is so intense the liberal back off. But Obama still has 3months left, and has at the UN, announced plans to get the constitution denounced and a Global Unification to replace it. At that time, all liberals will be declared ISIS sympathizers. Watch what you ask for liberals, because your not going to like it when the sleeping giant is awakened, as the Japanese found out.

that's baseless hackery. but thatnks for playing

now continue to bow down to the NRA.

Nobody is bowing to the NRA.


"bowing", maybe not. But members of congress take the money from the NRA and know if they do not oppose gun control that money will go to their opponent.

Doesn't invalidate the survey........try again
in America, we do know that 30% are die hard liberals and will do whatever the liberal elites tell them to do. So most of them don't own guns, but will rely on the government to save them. Now the rest of the US citizens have a brain and know that if the liberals take away the 2nd amendment and disarm US, then the liberal by the force of the government will do like any other socialist country and this is to get rid of our rights and take over the country. This is why Obama , and all the rest of the retarded liberal elites talk about disarming US, yet the pushback is so intense the liberal back off. But Obama still has 3months left, and has at the UN, announced plans to get the constitution denounced and a Global Unification to replace it. At that time, all liberals will be declared ISIS sympathizers. Watch what you ask for liberals, because your not going to like it when the sleeping giant is awakened, as the Japanese found out.

that's baseless hackery. but thatnks for playing

now continue to bow down to the NRA.

Nobody is bowing to the NRA.

Why did you get rid of your guns?

Why do you think he did?

Oh yeah everything on the internet is true

carry on

And even more true is the bazillions of buffoons like you with your endless bs assumptions.
Speaking of the buffoon with endless assumptions.

I respectfully disagree about the NRA. I think there are many on this board who think it is sacrosanct.

No one I know thinks it is sacrosanct. Not one. That is a meme perpetrated by the progressives who wish to destroy any organization that fights for the rights of gun owners. No one in the NRA community wants bad people to get guns. Period. That too is a lie put forth by the propagandists. What the NRA wants to see is the laws already on the books....all 20,000 of them ENFORCED. Try enforcing those already on the books before you pass new ones.

This latest lie about the NRA not wanting terrorists to be disbarred from guns is a contemptible lie. The law specifically looked at those on the terrorist watch list. And lo and behold there are 72 members of the Dept of Homeland Security who are on the watchlist. So were at least two Congressmen. Once on the list it is notoriously difficult to get off of it (thanks to bureaucratic incompetence) so here is a case where the progressives had no problem denying the Constitutional Rights of innocent citizens of this country in the name of a law that would have had no measurable effect on bad guys getting guns anyway.

Face it jillian, the progressives have no problem violating the Constitution. You as an attorney should be concerned about that I would think.

Let me introduce you to two who believe the 2nd A. is sacrosanct:
M14 shooter and 2aguy. There are more.
Published by this Leftwing rag.


Doesn't invalidate the survey........try again
in America, we do know that 30% are die hard liberals and will do whatever the liberal elites tell them to do. So most of them don't own guns, but will rely on the government to save them. Now the rest of the US citizens have a brain and know that if the liberals take away the 2nd amendment and disarm US, then the liberal by the force of the government will do like any other socialist country and this is to get rid of our rights and take over the country. This is why Obama , and all the rest of the retarded liberal elites talk about disarming US, yet the pushback is so intense the liberal back off. But Obama still has 3months left, and has at the UN, announced plans to get the constitution denounced and a Global Unification to replace it. At that time, all liberals will be declared ISIS sympathizers. Watch what you ask for liberals, because your not going to like it when the sleeping giant is awakened, as the Japanese found out.

that's baseless hackery. but thatnks for playing

now continue to bow down to the NRA.

Nobody is bowing to the NRA.


"bowing", maybe not. But members of congress take the money from the NRA and know if they do not oppose gun control that money will go to their opponent.

They get waaaaay more money from anti gun groups. Don't you think it weird that the .01 percent of the one percenters, that you claim to hate, are the ones pushing gun control?
in America, we do know that 30% are die hard liberals and will do whatever the liberal elites tell them to do. So most of them don't own guns, but will rely on the government to save them. Now the rest of the US citizens have a brain and know that if the liberals take away the 2nd amendment and disarm US, then the liberal by the force of the government will do like any other socialist country and this is to get rid of our rights and take over the country. This is why Obama , and all the rest of the retarded liberal elites talk about disarming US, yet the pushback is so intense the liberal back off. But Obama still has 3months left, and has at the UN, announced plans to get the constitution denounced and a Global Unification to replace it. At that time, all liberals will be declared ISIS sympathizers. Watch what you ask for liberals, because your not going to like it when the sleeping giant is awakened, as the Japanese found out.

that's baseless hackery. but thatnks for playing

now continue to bow down to the NRA.

Nobody is bowing to the NRA.

Why do you think he did?

Oh yeah everything on the internet is true

carry on

And even more true is the bazillions of buffoons like you with your endless bs assumptions.
Speaking of the buffoon with endless assumptions.

I respectfully disagree about the NRA. I think there are many on this board who think it is sacrosanct.

No one I know thinks it is sacrosanct. Not one. That is a meme perpetrated by the progressives who wish to destroy any organization that fights for the rights of gun owners. No one in the NRA community wants bad people to get guns. Period. That too is a lie put forth by the propagandists. What the NRA wants to see is the laws already on the books....all 20,000 of them ENFORCED. Try enforcing those already on the books before you pass new ones.

This latest lie about the NRA not wanting terrorists to be disbarred from guns is a contemptible lie. The law specifically looked at those on the terrorist watch list. And lo and behold there are 72 members of the Dept of Homeland Security who are on the watchlist. So were at least two Congressmen. Once on the list it is notoriously difficult to get off of it (thanks to bureaucratic incompetence) so here is a case where the progressives had no problem denying the Constitutional Rights of innocent citizens of this country in the name of a law that would have had no measurable effect on bad guys getting guns anyway.

Face it jillian, the progressives have no problem violating the Constitution. You as an attorney should be concerned about that I would think.

Let me introduce you to two who believe the 2nd A. is sacrosanct:
M14 shooter and 2aguy. There are more.

The 2nd Amendment IS sacrosanct. I said the NRA is not. Learn to read.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
Sure. Where are you from?
A Closer Look At Declining Hunter Participation

Yes, the number of hunters in the United States is declining. In 1970, over 40 million Americans purchased hunting licenses. Today, the number is 12.6 million. This trend is likely to continue. Almost 50% of hunters are over age 47. The steep decline can be attributed to a number of causes including habitat loss, rising costs, complicated regulations, other forms of entertainment, societal changes, demographic changes, and the mass media.

The biggest growth sectors of gun ownership.....women, and blacks........brand new gun owners.....
This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

And then you have a 9 year old girl taken to the shooting range by her parents who is then given an uzi by the instructor, which the girl triggers and shoots the instructor in the head with killing him instantly. And now a 9 year old girl has to live with that sound, smell, and sight for the rest of her life, knowing she killed someone, even if it wasn't her fault. And, the instructor's family is suing the shooting range. Oh what a happy friendly bunch of good guy citizens. And this isn't the only incident.

Let's tell the whole story shall we.

Total number of kids killed by guns in 2014.... 48. How many children in the country.....74.2 million.....more die by drowning.....

Number of guns in private hands.....357,000,000

200 million guns in private hands in 1990s........357 million guns in private hands in 2016......accidental gun deaths have gone down, not up moron.....

Yes....let's tell the truth...shall we....
This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

And then you have a 9 year old girl taken to the shooting range by her parents who is then given an uzi by the instructor, which the girl triggers and shoots the instructor in the head with killing him instantly. And now a 9 year old girl has to live with that sound, smell, and sight for the rest of her life, knowing she killed someone, even if it wasn't her fault. And, the instructor's family is suing the shooting range. Oh what a happy friendly bunch of good guy citizens. And this isn't the only incident.

Let's tell the whole story shall we.

And then you have people texting while driving.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.

Care to bet? ISIS has a budget of over 500 million per year to buy whatever the hell they want. They have everything you could hope to have from small arms all the way up to optically guided anti tank missiles.

Where did you get the figure 500 Million per year, and what evidence do you have as to who provides them the weapons they want?
This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

And then you have a 9 year old girl taken to the shooting range by her parents who is then given an uzi by the instructor, which the girl triggers and shoots the instructor in the head with killing him instantly. And now a 9 year old girl has to live with that sound, smell, and sight for the rest of her life, knowing she killed someone, even if it wasn't her fault. And, the instructor's family is suing the shooting range. Oh what a happy friendly bunch of good guy citizens. And this isn't the only incident.

Let's tell the whole story shall we.

Here is the whole story....

2013....320,000,000 accidental gun deaths.... 505

2014....on our way to 357,000,000 million guns in 2015..... accidental gun deaths 586.....

A change of 37,000,000 million guns......and the number of increase in accidental gun deaths..... 81.

Broker Version 9.4

so, out of 357,000,000 million guns in private hands...there was a grand total of 586 accidental gun deaths.....


33, 736 accidental car deaths.....

31,959 accidental falling deaths....

3,406 accidental drowning deaths....

605 accidental machinery deaths.......

586 accidental gun deaths...of which 48 were children...with 74.2 million children in the country...........down from 69 accidental child gun deaths in 2013..........
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.

Care to bet? ISIS has a budget of over 500 million per year to buy whatever the hell they want. They have everything you could hope to have from small arms all the way up to optically guided anti tank missiles.

Where did you get the figure 500 Million per year, and what evidence do you have as to who provides them the weapons they want?

I'm sorry. My estimate was low. They are making 2 billion per year...

From CNN...
Inside the $2 billion ISIS war machine

Inside the $2 billion ISIS war machine

Are ISIS earning MORE than $2billion a year? New study of terror group's income suggests previous estimates are far too low

Read more: New study of ISIS income suggests $2billion a year estimate is too low
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

New study of ISIS income suggests $2billion a year estimate is too low
You know what the dumbest point made in this fake study is.......

Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Women’s focus on self-defense is part of a broader trend. Even as the US has grown dramatically safer and gun violence rates have plummeted, handguns have become a greater proportion of the country’s civilian gun stock, suggesting that self-defense is an increasingly important factor in gun ownership.

“The desire to own a gun for protection – there’s a disconnect between that and the decreasing rates of lethal violence in this country. It isn’t a response to actuarial reality,” said Matthew Miller, a Northeastern University and Harvard School of Public Health professor and one of the authors of the study.

This moron says that "acturarial Reality" shows that the violence rate is going down....so that means that owning a gun is based on an unrealistic fear.....right?

So how exactly does one know that they are on the right side of the actuarial reality? How does each woman know that they will not be raped? You know...until it actually...really happens....and then it is too late to buy a gun to stop it.....

this is the brain dead understanding of anti gun researchers....
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"
Don't piss me off then.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

And the US Constitution gives them the right to do so, what's your point?

Doesn't invalidate the survey........try again
in America, we do know that 30% are die hard liberals and will do whatever the liberal elites tell them to do. So most of them don't own guns, but will rely on the government to save them. Now the rest of the US citizens have a brain and know that if the liberals take away the 2nd amendment and disarm US, then the liberal by the force of the government will do like any other socialist country and this is to get rid of our rights and take over the country. This is why Obama , and all the rest of the retarded liberal elites talk about disarming US, yet the pushback is so intense the liberal back off. But Obama still has 3months left, and has at the UN, announced plans to get the constitution denounced and a Global Unification to replace it. At that time, all liberals will be declared ISIS sympathizers. Watch what you ask for liberals, because your not going to like it when the sleeping giant is awakened, as the Japanese found out.

that's baseless hackery. but thatnks for playing

now continue to bow down to the NRA.

Nobody is bowing to the NRA.

Why did you get rid of your guns?

Why do you think he did?

Oh yeah everything on the internet is true

carry on

And even more true is the bazillions of buffoons like you with your endless bs assumptions.
Speaking of the buffoon with endless assumptions.

I respectfully disagree about the NRA. I think there are many on this board who think it is sacrosanct.

No one I know thinks it is sacrosanct. Not one. That is a meme perpetrated by the progressives who wish to destroy any organization that fights for the rights of gun owners. No one in the NRA community wants bad people to get guns. Period. That too is a lie put forth by the propagandists. What the NRA wants to see is the laws already on the books....all 20,000 of them ENFORCED. Try enforcing those already on the books before you pass new ones.

This latest lie about the NRA not wanting terrorists to be disbarred from guns is a contemptible lie. The law specifically looked at those on the terrorist watch list. And lo and behold there are 72 members of the Dept of Homeland Security who are on the watchlist. So were at least two Congressmen. Once on the list it is notoriously difficult to get off of it (thanks to bureaucratic incompetence) so here is a case where the progressives had no problem denying the Constitutional Rights of innocent citizens of this country in the name of a law that would have had no measurable effect on bad guys getting guns anyway.

Face it jillian, the progressives have no problem violating the Constitution. You as an attorney should be concerned about that I would think.

if you don't think that a good number of people on this board think that any regulation of gun ownership violates the constitution despite heller being clear that only a total ban is unconstitutional, then you're not reading the posts here. and if you believe yourself that some whining jerk having to have a background check violates the constitution that is also incorrect.

as for progressives being ok with violating the constitution.... that's silly and deflection. and anyone who intends to vote for the GOP nominee doesn't give a darn abut the constitution. i'll also point out that the right only cares about the 2nd amendment and isn't particularly fond of the 1st, 4th, 5th etc and particularly hates out body of constitutional caselaw which clearly DOES tell you what is constitutional, whether you agree with what the court says or not.
And of course...anti gunners lie...even their researchers.....since facts and reality don't support anything they say about guns....

Journalists Should Be More Skeptical Of That New Gun Study

Which brings us back to that fancy new poll everyone’s talking about. Perhaps a review of the raw data used in the poll could give us some clues about the reliability of its results. Maybe its response rates could help us understand how many people pollsters had to call before getting a straight answer from anyone.

Unfortunately, that data is not available, nor will it be made available any time soon. The researchers behind this new poll, who generously leaked its topline results to major global news organizations, did not see fit to make that data available for public review. No, according to those researchers, that raw poll data will remain under wraps until fall. Of 2017:

The full results of the Harvard/Northeastern gun ownership study are undergoing peer review and are slated to be published in the autumn of 2017 by the Russell Sage Foundation. While the full peer review is not complete, Azrael said, the current results have gone through an initial round of comments and revisions from a group of leading firearms researchers.

This type of behavior raises all kinds of troubling questions about the underlying data, as well as the motives of the researchers who put it together.

If peer review is incomplete, why on earth are the study’s conclusions already being released?

And if these reviewers are widely respected experts in the field, why must they remain anonymous, even as the study’s conclusions are being broadcast to the world?

And finally, on what planet does it take more than a year to review the results of a simple poll?

None of the likely answers reflects well on the people who put this study together, because this is not how scientists conduct themselves. This is how political actors conduct themselves. This is how people with political motives and political objectives conduct themselves.
in America, we do know that 30% are die hard liberals and will do whatever the liberal elites tell them to do. So most of them don't own guns, but will rely on the government to save them. Now the rest of the US citizens have a brain and know that if the liberals take away the 2nd amendment and disarm US, then the liberal by the force of the government will do like any other socialist country and this is to get rid of our rights and take over the country. This is why Obama , and all the rest of the retarded liberal elites talk about disarming US, yet the pushback is so intense the liberal back off. But Obama still has 3months left, and has at the UN, announced plans to get the constitution denounced and a Global Unification to replace it. At that time, all liberals will be declared ISIS sympathizers. Watch what you ask for liberals, because your not going to like it when the sleeping giant is awakened, as the Japanese found out.

that's baseless hackery. but thatnks for playing

now continue to bow down to the NRA.

Nobody is bowing to the NRA.

Why do you think he did?

Oh yeah everything on the internet is true

carry on

And even more true is the bazillions of buffoons like you with your endless bs assumptions.
Speaking of the buffoon with endless assumptions.

I respectfully disagree about the NRA. I think there are many on this board who think it is sacrosanct.

No one I know thinks it is sacrosanct. Not one. That is a meme perpetrated by the progressives who wish to destroy any organization that fights for the rights of gun owners. No one in the NRA community wants bad people to get guns. Period. That too is a lie put forth by the propagandists. What the NRA wants to see is the laws already on the books....all 20,000 of them ENFORCED. Try enforcing those already on the books before you pass new ones.

This latest lie about the NRA not wanting terrorists to be disbarred from guns is a contemptible lie. The law specifically looked at those on the terrorist watch list. And lo and behold there are 72 members of the Dept of Homeland Security who are on the watchlist. So were at least two Congressmen. Once on the list it is notoriously difficult to get off of it (thanks to bureaucratic incompetence) so here is a case where the progressives had no problem denying the Constitutional Rights of innocent citizens of this country in the name of a law that would have had no measurable effect on bad guys getting guns anyway.

Face it jillian, the progressives have no problem violating the Constitution. You as an attorney should be concerned about that I would think.

if you don't think that a good number of people on this board think that any regulation of gun ownership violates the constitution despite heller being clear that only a total ban is unconstitutional, then you're not reading the posts here. and if you believe yourself that some whining jerk having to have a background check violates the constitution that is also incorrect.

as for progressives being ok with violating the constitution.... that's silly and deflection.

And since morons like you think everything except a total ban is acceptable....we will not trust you with the laws that limit law abiding gun owners and their Right to self defense....

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