Half of US guns are owned by 3% of the public

Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.

Care to bet? ISIS has a budget of over 500 million per year to buy whatever the hell they want. They have everything you could hope to have from small arms all the way up to optically guided anti tank missiles.

They have 20,000 fighters, maybe. Yes I'm sure they buy ten rifles for every fighter because they love to waste money. Come now, don't defend the indefensible. Even if they did buy ten rifles for every fighter that would be 200,000.

Yes, and a TOW missile costs well over 180,000 apiece. They have loads of those. So yes, they may not have a million guns, but they have far more invested in the weapons they have than any person in this country by far.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"
I don't know about hoarding. Some people like guns, they have a place to shoot and they have the spare cash to buy them.

My father was a locksmith who also was a proficient amateur gunsmith who did minor gun repairs and (back in the fifties) bought surplus German, British and American surplus military rifles, which he refurbished and sold at a nice profit (good deer rifles). It was a substantial part of his income. Our house was always full of guns (much to my mother's annoyance). My brother and I were raised around guns and we both were proficient shooters.

I once owned fourteen guns. When I took up archery it became my primary interest and one-by-one I sold all but two of the guns. I now have three bows and if I wasn't too old to shoot anymore I would have even more. Some tournament archers have racks full of bows, some of which cost as much as $1,200. They're not "hoarders."

I know a fellow in upstate New York who (at last count) owns forty-one guns. He's a collector, not a hoarder. He likes guns and he can well afford to buy the ones he wants.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
Sure. Where are you from?
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
Sure. Where are you from?
A Closer Look At Declining Hunter Participation

Yes, the number of hunters in the United States is declining. In 1970, over 40 million Americans purchased hunting licenses. Today, the number is 12.6 million. This trend is likely to continue. Almost 50% of hunters are over age 47. The steep decline can be attributed to a number of causes including habitat loss, rising costs, complicated regulations, other forms of entertainment, societal changes, demographic changes, and the mass media.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
Sure. Where are you from?
A Closer Look At Declining Hunter Participation

Yes, the number of hunters in the United States is declining. In 1970, over 40 million Americans purchased hunting licenses. Today, the number is 12.6 million. This trend is likely to continue. Almost 50% of hunters are over age 47. The steep decline can be attributed to a number of causes including habitat loss, rising costs, complicated regulations, other forms of entertainment, societal changes, demographic changes, and the mass media.
No doubt about it, we have become pussified as a nation. It is the duty of all fathers to get their kids in the woods and on the river or ocean.
You are on to something there Rightwinger. You make a great argument for the federal government to start funding the NRA the same way they fund Planned Parenthood. The NRA promotes gun safety the same way Palnned Parenthood promotes safe abortions. Since you are clearly concerned about people owning guns not knowing how to safely handle them, it does follow that it would "promote the general welfare" if the federal government started funding gun safety training. And the NRA is very well positioned to provide the training. Once again, great idea on your part.
It should start in school. Right after learning about safe sex, kids learn about gun safety.

This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

Stop them NO, teach them to use them properly and safely YES.
Now that Im thinking about it..........3%.........what a load of shit!! How do they come up with those numbers? A poll? Sure......:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:......when posed the question, duh.........most are going to say "No" and ask themselves, "Who the fuck is conducting this poll?"

I call total bs on this figure........and really, who cares......I got stuff to blow the balls ( and half a head ) off a charging rhino at 100 paces!!:fu:
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
I bet you commie bastards love that, even though it is a lie.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
I bet you commie bastards love that, even though it is a lie.
What is a lie?
You are on to something there Rightwinger. You make a great argument for the federal government to start funding the NRA the same way they fund Planned Parenthood. The NRA promotes gun safety the same way Palnned Parenthood promotes safe abortions. Since you are clearly concerned about people owning guns not knowing how to safely handle them, it does follow that it would "promote the general welfare" if the federal government started funding gun safety training. And the NRA is very well positioned to provide the training. Once again, great idea on your part.
It should start in school. Right after learning about safe sex, kids learn about gun safety.

This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"
People have a right to own as many firearms as they can afford, so this is a SHIT thread.
Missed the point didn't you?
The point is that 300 million guns are in the hands of relatively few gun owners.
So. What's your point?
It should start in school. Right after learning about safe sex, kids learn about gun safety.

This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

And then you have a 9 year old girl taken to the shooting range by her parents who is then given an uzi by the instructor, which the girl triggers and shoots the instructor in the head with killing him instantly. And now a 9 year old girl has to live with that sound, smell, and sight for the rest of her life, knowing she killed someone, even if it wasn't her fault. And, the instructor's family is suing the shooting range. Oh what a happy friendly bunch of good guy citizens. And this isn't the only incident.

Let's tell the whole story shall we.
This is my rifle...this is my gun
Followed by marksmanship competitions.
Yeah, it is like a drug user. They first start off with weed, then move up to crack cocaine, then they move on to LSD or Heroin. Why do liberals allow such actions for druggies, but then legal gun owners, scare the shit of them? I would be more worried about the drug user, but maybe drug users like rightwinger, don't want us to have guns, so he can rob us blind for his funding of his drugs. Damn , now I figured why he is hell bent on knowing who has guns and who doesn't.

They start with slingshots and water pistols and then move up to bb guns
Before you know it, they are into .22s and experimenting with shotguns
Then they move up to the hard stuff Glocks and AR-15s

We got to stop them before it's too late

I've trained my grandson in the use of firearms.

He is 10. He is quite capable of handling his firearms.

His 1st 50 cc at 3, with training wheels, His 1st 250 at 7 and is now capable of handling my Harley 883 Sportster.

He is waiting with baited breath to take his first jump.

Sometimes I think you Progressive Marxists are afraid of your own shadows.

And then you have a 9 year old girl taken to the shooting range by her parents who is then given an uzi by the instructor, which the girl triggers and shoots the instructor in the head with killing him instantly. And now a 9 year old girl has to live with that sound, smell, and sight for the rest of her life, knowing she killed someone, even if it wasn't her fault. And, the instructor's family is suing the shooting range. Oh what a happy friendly bunch of good guy citizens. And this isn't the only incident.

Let's tell the whole story shall we.
I would never put an Uzi in the hands of a nine year old girl.

1 incident, unfortunate as it is, will not stop me from training my family in the use of firearms.

The instructor should have known better.
Gun inequality: US study charts rise of hardcore super owners

Americans own an estimated 265m guns, more than one gun for every American adult, according to the most definitive portrait of US gun ownership in two decades. But the new survey estimates that 133m of these guns are concentrated in the hands of just 3% of American adults – a group of super-owners who have amassed an average of 17 guns each.

These are the gun owners who horde guns and ammunition to feel "safe"

I'm betting Isis doesn't own 1 million guns and this 3% are terrified of Isis, who are 8,000 miles away.

One caveat, I could see someone owning multiple firearms of a collection of old guns and rifles. Old flintlocks etc, but many of these people need to 'feel' safe by owning many modern weapons as the article says. It is an affliction. It is the same affliction someone like Kim Jong Un has but only on a smaller scale.
Much like wealth, gun ownership seems concentrated in a small percentage

The American gun culture is diminishing. The days of a father teaching his sons to shoot are diminishing. Hunting is diminishing
Sure. Where are you from?
A Closer Look At Declining Hunter Participation

Yes, the number of hunters in the United States is declining. In 1970, over 40 million Americans purchased hunting licenses. Today, the number is 12.6 million. This trend is likely to continue. Almost 50% of hunters are over age 47. The steep decline can be attributed to a number of causes including habitat loss, rising costs, complicated regulations, other forms of entertainment, societal changes, demographic changes, and the mass media.

Did you bother to read the reasons for that? Constant attacks from the media. Surprise, surprise, surprise. But, the hunting groups are fighting back and are beginning to reverse the trend. Especially among women. That actually surprised me. Sadly there has also been a large increase in bow hunting which actually leads to more suffering for the hunted animals. That is not good.

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