Half of Young Americans Say Israel Should Be ‘Ended and Given to Hamas’: Poll

Stupid gullible white kids, aligned with minorities who are anti-Semites.
What a wonderful future!!

Many people have the delusion that if you are born in a place, you own that place.

Palestinians believe that they owned Palestine because they were born there.

Native Americans believe that they owned all of America just because they were there.

I was born in New York. Would somebody please tell me which part of New York I own? Fifth Ave. perhaps?

In every civilization land ownership is a complex and sophisticated concept.

No, the Palestinians did not own Palestine, nor Native American own America.

In both cases if they had been willing to live peacefully with the other people that lived there, they would still live there.
He's right. Since 1947 the Palestinians have called for the extermination of all Jews in Israel.

In many ways what has happen is poetic justice.
lol. You too.

The Palestinians have no ability to exterminate the Israelis. The Israelis have the ability to exterminate the Palestinians. It’s happening right now.

Stop being stupid.
lol. You too.

The Palestinians have no ability to exterminate the Israelis. The Israelis have the ability to exterminate the Palestinians. It’s happening right now.

Stop being stupid.

The Palestinians have been TRYING to exterminate the Israelis since 1947, but all they can do is commit mass murder.

The Israelis have been trying to find a peaceful solution, but the Palestinians keep trying to murder them.

The fact that the Palestinians keep trying and failing, losing one war after another, shows how stupid the Palestinians are.
lol. You too.

The Palestinians have no ability to exterminate the Israelis. The Israelis have the ability to exterminate the Palestinians. It’s happening right now.

Stop being stupid.

BTW- Speaking of stupid - you seem to be ignoring the Oct. 7 attack by the Palestinians against the Israelis.
BTW- Speaking of stupid - you seem to be ignoring the Oct. 7 attack by the Palestinians against the Israelis.
lol. You really think what Israel has done is justified because of Oct 7. Now that is some kind of mental gymnastics.
lol. You really think what Israel has done is justified because of Oct 7. Now that is some kind of mental gymnastics.
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Yes, it's absolutely justified. Not only justified, but absolutely necessary.

There is no reason that Israelis should have to live in fear of being murdered by Palestinians. If it takes wiping out the Palestinians to stop it, then the Israelis have no choice.

The Palestinians have brought this upon themselves.
Yes, it's absolutely justified. Not only justified, but absolutely necessary.

There is no reason that Israelis should have to live in fear of being murdered by Palestinians. If it takes wiping out the Palestinians to stop it, then the Israelis have no choice.

The Palestinians have brought this upon themselves.
Sick fuck. You’ll deny you supported genocide in time. Coward.
Because that isn't genocide.
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, but it’s wrong. You’ll deny you supported this outright massacre of civiloans.

Nearly 30,000 bombs have been dropped on Gaza and half of them are “unguided” munitions or so-called “dumb bombs”. That’s over 50 tonnes in high explosive ordnance, or three times the lethal force that was dropped on Hiroshima by the Americans in 1945.

The wanton murder of women and children by the Israeli regime shows that it has no regard for international law nor the commission of crimes against humanity.

Given the barbarity of Israel’s onslaught, it is not surprising that its forces are killing its own people. This is not merely due to “error” or what is called “friendly fire”.

The Israeli military is bombing civilian targets with deliberate genocidal intent. Its snipers are shooting medics and patients through hospital windows.

There are reports of Israeli commandos raiding shelters and executing women and children at close range.

In this unbridled slaughter of innocents and orgy of mass murder it is to be expected that the Israeli forces are killing Israeli hostages because these forces are killing everyone. Anyone that appears in the gun sites of Israeli forces is to be obliterated.

And the Israeli regime and its American apologists have the gall to call the Israeli killers-in-uniform “the most moral army in history”.

Out-of-Control Israeli Regime Killing Own People… Well, Why Not? - LewRockwell
Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night, but it’s wrong. You’ll deny you supported this outright massacre of civiloans.

Nearly 30,000 bombs have been dropped on Gaza and half of them are “unguided” munitions or so-called “dumb bombs”. That’s over 50 tonnes in high explosive ordnance, or three times the lethal force that was dropped on Hiroshima by the Americans in 1945.

The wanton murder of women and children by the Israeli regime shows that it has no regard for international law nor the commission of crimes against humanity.

Given the barbarity of Israel’s onslaught, it is not surprising that its forces are killing its own people. This is not merely due to “error” or what is called “friendly fire”.

The Israeli military is bombing civilian targets with deliberate genocidal intent. Its snipers are shooting medics and patients through hospital windows.

There are reports of Israeli commandos raiding shelters and executing women and children at close range.

In this unbridled slaughter of innocents and orgy of mass murder it is to be expected that the Israeli forces are killing Israeli hostages because these forces are killing everyone. Anyone that appears in the gun sites of Israeli forces is to be obliterated.

And the Israeli regime and its American apologists have the gall to call the Israeli killers-in-uniform “the most moral army in history”.

Out-of-Control Israeli Regime Killing Own People… Well, Why Not? - LewRockwell
But it still isn't genocide. You discredit yourself and cheapen the word genocide, with your hyperbole.
But it still isn't genocide. You discredit yourself and cheapen the word genocide, with your hyperbole.
This is GENOCIDE. Shut off the TV.


“Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Genocide Watch- What is Genocide?
This is GENOCIDE. Shut off the TV.


“Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Genocide Watch- What is Genocide?
If it were Genocide there would be no Gaza.

You are a broken record.

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