Half the USA believe Pubs are stalling the economy- the EU too...


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Hurting the rest of the world too. Incredibly selfish and myopic. Much like how they allowed the bubble that started the Depression. And forget the big lie about the gay guy. 80%+ of loans in the bubble had nothing to do with F+F. Today, the EU downgraded their growth in 2012 to 0.5% from 1.8%. BRILLIANT!, Pub lords of disfunction, Jobs jobs jobs my butt...
People get your hypocrisy and BS propaganda, with a bullet...

Half of all Americans think Republicans are purposefully ...
Mitch McConnell says Republicans aren't sabotaging the economy, ... by PPP: 50% think GOP intentionally stalling economy ... On the eve of the 'Personhood' test in ...
Half of all Americans think Republicans are purposefully sabotaging economy | AlterNet...
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Going UP with a bullet- only 20 -30% still are convinced by the Pub propaganda machine, so all this suffering is for absolutely nothing.
Wasn't it Democrats who covered Fannie and Freddie's asses when all the shit was going down?

And Obama- a lost soul way over his head. The idiot doesn't have a clue.

As for polls- the American public on average is just that, average. And the goddamn media- whores for the Democrats.
George W. Bush inherited a strong economy, a budget surplus, and a nation at peace.

Eight years later, he left Obama with a shattered economy, a trillion dollar deficit, and two useless wars.

Obama saved the country from another Great Depression, rebuilt GM, reformed healthcare, reformed Wall Street, doubled the stock market, created 19 straight months of private sector job growth, got Bin Laden, got Gaddafi, and got us out of Iraq.

Obama deserves to be re-elected.
The Republicans are doing everything they can to tank the economy.

But it won't work.

Americans are starting to get it.

Obama will win re-election.
Wasn't it Democrats who covered Fannie and Freddie's asses when all the shit was going down?

And Obama- a lost soul way over his head. The idiot doesn't have a clue.

As for polls- the American public on average is just that, average. And the goddamn media- whores for the Democrats.

Actually, Frank and Dodd did run interference for Fannie & Freddie BUT the GOP had, for the most part complete control of the government and they got snookered by two lefties???
Can we be real here? Both parties contributed to "all the shit" that was going down..
Yes, Obama is way over his head. Unfortunately, the GOP doesn't have much to offer. In other words, again the American voter has the choice of the lesser between two evils.
OH and never discount "average" Americans, that's the group of voters who swing elections one way or the other. They are the main target of the 100's of millions of election year dollars spent to win elections. And to make things really interesting, average Americans, ala Main Street America is pissed.
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Fuck that little prick Obama. He's single handedly ruined America's image worldwide. He's targeted the most vibrant sector of our economy- oil and gas- for tens of billions in tax penalties. He doesn't know which way from up. He's the one that PUT this country into the recession that it's in. He's nothing but a liberal media darling. Suck on his bullshit teat all you want.
Fuck that little prick Obama. He's single handedly ruined America's image worldwide. He's targeted the most vibrant sector of our economy- oil and gas- for tens of billions in tax penalties. He doesn't know which way from up. He's the one that PUT this country into the recession that it's in. He's nothing but a liberal media darling. Suck on his bullshit teat all you want.

Have another drink, Rummy.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

It had nothing to do with Obama.
Both parties are putting their PUPPETMASTERS interests ahead of national interests.

Doubt that?


Who got saved?

Banks and bond holder

Who got screwed?

Everybody else.
This President has experienced historic obstructionism. He's had fewer judicial nominees confirmed than any President in history. It does not bode well for the Republicans that people ARE paying attention and recognize that.
Fuck that little prick Obama. He's single handedly ruined America's image worldwide. He's targeted the most vibrant sector of our economy- oil and gas- for tens of billions in tax penalties. He doesn't know which way from up. He's the one that PUT this country into the recession that it's in. He's nothing but a liberal media darling. Suck on his bullshit teat all you want.

Have another drink, Rummy.

Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

It had nothing to do with Obama.

That's MR RUMMY to you, bub.
You Foxbots are going to get schooled. So many big lies. Now the Pubs are going to get it LOL.

The Big Lie of the Crisis, Called Out By the Press
The false “banks didn’t do it” meme takes hold on the right, as Romney showed last night

By Ryan Chittum

TAGS: fact checking, he-said she-said, Housing, Mitt Romney, Republicans
Single Page Print Email Comments Digg Facebook Twitter Reddit StumbleUpon Delicious At CNBC’s GOP debate last night, Mitt Romney showed that he, like Michael Bloomberg, buys into the Big Lie of the financial crisis, one that’s unfortunately become conventional wisdom on the right: That the private sector only made hundreds of billions of dollars worth of toxic loans (and then made more than a hundred billion dollars worth of fake toxic loans because it couldn’t get enough toxic product) because the government made it.

Here’s Romney:

And the reason we have the housing crises we have is that the federal government played too heavy a role in our markets. The federal government came in with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd told banks they had to give loans to people who couldn’t afford to pay them back.
This is flat false, as anyone who’s taken a cursory and intellectually half-honest look at the crisis knows. So how did the press cover it?

Pretty darn good, actually.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Romney in its piece and then all but says he’s empirically wrong (emphasis mine):

“Markets work. When you have government play its heavy hand, markets blow up and people get hurt,” Mr. Romney said, blaming Democrats for rules that he said force banks to make ill-advised loans.

Some conservative academics have said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fueled the financial crisis because they had to meet federal quotas to finance low- and moderate-income homeowners.

But academic research has shown that those mandates didn’t spur the types of exotic lending at the heart of the subprime-loan crisis. Many of the worst mortgage lenders weren’t banks and weren’t subject to federal regulation.

The New York Times is even better, running a fact-check sidebar along with its main debate story, and it gives readers five full paragraphs on why these assertions are false. Here are three of them:

Several candidates made the argument at the debate that the government forced mortgage lenders to make bad loans. But in reality, most subprime loans were made by companies that were not subject to any kind of federal regulation.

Furthermore, there was no need to force anyone to make the loans. Financial companies jumped into the market. The major investment banks lined up to purchase subprime lenders, the major retail banks created subprime lending divisions, and a generation of upstart subprime lenders like Ameriquest and Countrywide were briefly celebrated as rising stars of American business.

No executive of a major mortgage company said at the time that the government was forcing them to make subprime loans. They said they did it because they thought they would make money. And even now, after the crash of the housing market, with all the temptation to point fingers, it is awfully hard to find a mortgage executive who echoes the argument of the Republican candidates.

And the Times debunks the “Fannie and Freddie Did It” meme to boot.

CNN issues a “false” ruling, though it perhaps relies too heavily on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission report’s finding.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, doesn’t report the whopper at all, even in a fact-check of candidates’ claims.

I can’t even criticize it for being he said-she said. It just ignores the falsehood.

At least the paper ran Barry Ritholtz’s good column on “What caused the financial crisis? The Big Lie goes viral” last week.

Mostly good work by the press here, I’m happy to say.

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You Foxbots are going to get schooled. So many big lies. Now the Pubs are going to get it LOL.

The Big Lie of the Crisis, Called Out By the Press
The false “banks didn’t do it” meme takes hold on the right, as Romney showed last night

By Ryan Chittum

TAGS: fact checking, he-said she-said, Housing, Mitt Romney, Republicans
Single Page Print Email Comments Digg Facebook Twitter Reddit StumbleUpon Delicious At CNBC’s GOP debate last night, Mitt Romney showed that he, like Michael Bloomberg, buys into the Big Lie of the financial crisis, one that’s unfortunately become conventional wisdom on the right: That the private sector only made hundreds of billions of dollars worth of toxic loans (and then made more than a hundred billion dollars worth of fake toxic loans because it couldn’t get enough toxic product) because the government made it.

Here’s Romney:

And the reason we have the housing crises we have is that the federal government played too heavy a role in our markets. The federal government came in with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and Barney Frank and Chris Dodd told banks they had to give loans to people who couldn’t afford to pay them back.
This is flat false, as anyone who’s taken a cursory and intellectually half-honest look at the crisis knows. So how did the press cover it?

Pretty darn good, actually.

The Wall Street Journal quotes Romney in its piece and then all but says he’s empirically wrong (emphasis mine):

“Markets work. When you have government play its heavy hand, markets blow up and people get hurt,” Mr. Romney said, blaming Democrats for rules that he said force banks to make ill-advised loans.

Some conservative academics have said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fueled the financial crisis because they had to meet federal quotas to finance low- and moderate-income homeowners.

But academic research has shown that those mandates didn’t spur the types of exotic lending at the heart of the subprime-loan crisis. Many of the worst mortgage lenders weren’t banks and weren’t subject to federal regulation.

The New York Times is even better, running a fact-check sidebar along with its main debate story, and it gives readers five full paragraphs on why these assertions are false. Here are three of them:

Several candidates made the argument at the debate that the government forced mortgage lenders to make bad loans. But in reality, most subprime loans were made by companies that were not subject to any kind of federal regulation.

Furthermore, there was no need to force anyone to make the loans. Financial companies jumped into the market. The major investment banks lined up to purchase subprime lenders, the major retail banks created subprime lending divisions, and a generation of upstart subprime lenders like Ameriquest and Countrywide were briefly celebrated as rising stars of American business.

No executive of a major mortgage company said at the time that the government was forcing them to make subprime loans. They said they did it because they thought they would make money. And even now, after the crash of the housing market, with all the temptation to point fingers, it is awfully hard to find a mortgage executive who echoes the argument of the Republican candidates.

And the Times debunks the “Fannie and Freddie Did It” meme to boot.

CNN issues a “false” ruling, though it perhaps relies too heavily on the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission report’s finding.

The Washington Post, on the other hand, doesn’t report the whopper at all, even in a fact-check of candidates’ claims.

I can’t even criticize it for being he said-she said. It just ignores the falsehood.

At least the paper ran Barry Ritholtz’s good column on “What caused the financial crisis? The Big Lie goes viral” last week.

Mostly good work by the press here, I’m happy to say.

The Big Lie of the Crisis, Called Out By the Press : CJR


"Wall Street" Finances trillions in every conceivable business, but the one that dragged the economy down was where the government set the standards and was the largest lender
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Actually, 80%+ of the toxic loans 2003-2006, when the bubble was produced, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH F+F, Foxbot. Obviously you'll be going down with the big lie ship.

"Everyone but the Pub Propaganda Machine- Murdoch, Moon, Rush, Koch Inc.- ARE LYING!!!" Idiot. The non Pub world is aghast.
Some conservative academics have said that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fueled the financial crisis because they had to meet federal quotas to finance low- and moderate-income homeowners.

But academic research has shown that those mandates didn’t spur the types of exotic lending at the heart of the subprime-loan crisis. Many of the worst mortgage lenders weren’t banks and weren’t subject to federal regulation.

Greedy Boooshies, Pubs, and their Pub pals on Wall St.- give it up, dittoheads...
Wasn't it Democrats who covered Fannie and Freddie's asses when all the shit was going down?

And Obama- a lost soul way over his head. The idiot doesn't have a clue.

As for polls- the American public on average is just that, average. And the goddamn media- whores for the Democrats.

The public thinks it was the Pubs, Mr. H., that pushed Fannie and Freddie. That the Dems were part of it is true, of course, but the Pubs are the goats in this one. And please remember that Mr. and Mrs. Average America vote, son.
Actually, 80%+ of the toxic loans 2003-2006, when the bubble was produced, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH F+F, Foxbot. Obviously you'll be going down with the big lie ship.

"Everyone but the Pub Propaganda Machine- Murdoch, Moon, Rush, Koch Inc.- ARE LYING!!!" Idiot. The non Pub world is aghast.

Jeez, I wonder what happened in 03/04 that shifted the business away from Fannie?

And the government still was the biggest fish in the lending pond and STILL set the standards for AAA paper.

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