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Half Way There

Having intended a review of 'the first hundred days' of the Trump administration......who could have guessed how much this man would accomplish???

So....today, March 10, 2017, being the 50th day.....let's quickly do a summary.

1. "Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes" Trump Administration Strips Funding For Illegal Aliens, Reallocates Money to Victims of Their Crimes

2. "Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms" Trump revokes Obama guidelines on transgender bathrooms

3. "Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Propaganda Media"Hannity: Trump Is Exposing Our Abusively Biased Media

4. "Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office" Donald Trump’s Top 10 Accomplishments in His First Month in Office

5. "So far.....Donald Trump is more conservative than George Bush, or George H. W. Bush!"
Mark Levin....@6:36 pm, on 2/22/2017
Levin, if all recall, was strongly 'Never Trump.'

6. Keystone Pipeline'We have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.'

7."Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate" Trump With Netanyahu: Palestinians Must Stop Teaching Hate | Matzav.com
Can you imagine those words from the snake, Obama???

8. Cut 2 regs for every new one...end administrative state...Reaganism"We have undertaken a historic effort to massively reduce job‑crushing regulations, creating a deregulation task force inside of every Government agency; imposing a new rule which mandates that for every 1 new regulation, 2 old regulations must be eliminated; and stopping a regulation that threatens the future and livelihoods of our great coal miners."

9."President Trump plans to hire 10,000 more Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents and 5,000 Customs and Border Protection agents as soon as possible." Trump's tall order: Hiring 15,000 ICE and border patrol agents

Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share" Trump demands other NATO members pay their fair share

11. Federal hiring freeze 'We have placed a hiring freeze on non-military and non-essential Federal workers.'

12. "Since my election, Ford, Fiat-Chrysler, General Motors, Sprint, Softbank, Lockheed, Intel, Walmart, and many others, have announced that they will invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs." speech Donald Trump's Congress speech (full text) - CNNPolitics.com

13. " I have also imposed new sanctions on entities and individuals who support Iran's ballistic missile program, and reaffirmed our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel." Hear that, Obama???

14. "...Antonin Scalia, will forever be a symbol of American justice. To fill his seat, we have chosen Judge Neil Gorsuch, a man of incredible skill, and deep devotion to the law. He was confirmed unanimously to the Court of Appeals, and I am asking the Senate to swiftly approve his nomination."

15. Trump's first full month in office brings massive employment boom as U.S. companies added whopping 298,000 new jobs in February
Trump's first full month brings massive employment boom | Daily Mail Online

16. "152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises" 152,528,000: Record Number of Employed in February; Participation Rate Rises
a. "The unemployment rate fell one-tenth of a percentage point to 4.7 percent, even as more people entered the labor market, encouraged by the hiring spree." Strong U.S. job growth, rising wages set stage for Fed rate hike

17. President Trump has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

18. "House GOP releases plan to repeal, replace Obamacare CNBC.com"

19. "For instance, the [Obama] FBI and Justice Department received a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant in October to help further the Russia investigation. Officials stressed there were no intercepts of Trump’s phone or emails.
...they used traditional investigative techniques to review a computer server tied to the the soon-to-be-president's businesses in Trump Towers in New York but located elsewhere. " FBI probe of Donald Trump and Russia during election yielded no evidence of crimes
Sooo....Trump correct about Obama surveilling his campaign!



I'm getting tired of winning!!!!
It's too much winning!!!!

Where's the ban on abortion? Where's the ban on same sex marriage?

Where's the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights act?
House Republicans would let employers demand workers’ genetic test results

A little-noticed bill moving through Congress would allow companies to require employees to undergo genetic testing or risk paying a penalty of thousands of dollars, and would let employers see that genetic and other health information.

Giving employers such power is now prohibited by legislation including the 2008 genetic privacy and nondiscrimination law known as GINA. The new bill gets around that landmark law by stating explicitly that GINA and other protections do not apply when genetic tests are part of a “workplace wellness” program.

The bill was approved by a House committee on Wednesday, with all 22 Republicans supporting it and all 17 Democrats opposed. It has been overshadowed by the debate over the House GOP proposal to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but the genetic testing bill is expected to folded into a second ACA-related measure containing a grab-bag of provisions that do not affect federal spending, as the main bill does.
House Republicans would let employers demand workers’ genetic test results

Gotta love that GOP agenda...

BZZZZZ so what it was part of oshitcare so what ???? You mean they are not doing away with that part huh?
Where's the ban on abortion? Where's the ban on same sex marriage?

Where's the repeal of the 1964 Civil Rights act?

Coming soon and up your ass But no repeal of any civil rights, just no SPECIAL rights for ANYONE!!!!!!
"U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
Ahead of meeting between Trump and China’s Xi Jinping, deficit with Asian giant narrows.
...the U.S. trade gap with one of its biggest trading partners, China, has narrowed nearly 5% in the first two months of this year compared with the same period a year earlier."
U.S. Trade Gap Shrinks as Exports Rise
"Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner
“It’s actually up to 67 percent drop compared to last year,” David V. Aguilar, a former chief of the Border Patrol and former acting commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, told the Senate Homeland Security Committee."
Illegal immigration down 67 percent under Trump: Former commissioner
"U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

Today's a two-fer for Trump:

a. "The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday
  • Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
  • Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
  • 'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said..."
Syria airstrike: Russia retaliates after US airstrikes | Daily Mail Online

b. "In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
The Republican-led Senate on Friday gave Donald Trump the biggest triumph of his young presidency, confirming his Supreme Court nominee over stout Democratic opposition and restoring a conservative majority on the highest U.S. judicial body."
In big win for Trump, Senate approves his conservative court pick
Through how many administrations has the 'Hermit Kingdom' been a threat to the world?

Along comes Trump, he issues a threat to the fat boy....and
"North Korea did not, however, carry out another nuclear test or ballistic missile launch, against widespread speculation that it would seek to celebrate Kim Il Sung’s 105th birthday with a bang."
North Korea’s display of new missiles is worrying, analysts say

And this:
"Right now, Trump has some cards to play, said Kim of the Asan Institute.

“He might say: ‘If you want one less battleship in the region, what are you going to give me?’ ” he said — a reversal of the usual situation, in which North Korea asks what it can get from its adversaries in return for changing its behavior."

What a breath of fresh air compared to the incompetent poser who just left office!!
Lest we still have dunces who imagine that the snake, Obama, had the best interests of the United States in mind, they should be instructed that Iran was paying North Korea some $3 billion a year (North Korean GDP is about $16 billion North Korea GDP | 1970-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News) to test and build nukes and missiles for Iran.

"Experts say the deal worked out by Secretary of State John F. Kerry carries no known prohibition against North Korea performing Iran’s nuclear arms research, paid out of the $100 billion to $150 billion the deal frees up in Iranian assets.

“There appears to be little in the Iran nuclear agreement that would prevent Iran from continuing or increasing its personnel and financial investments in North Korea’s future missile and nuclear warhead programs,” Mr. Niksch told a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee in July. “It seems to me that North Korea may receive from Iran upwards of $2 [billion] to $3 billion annually from Iran for the various forms of collaboration between them.”
John Brennan: U.S. watching for nuclear cooperation between Iran, North Korea

What scum Obama is and was, huh?
Now lets talk of trumps failures
Trump’s First Month In Office Has Been An Incompetent Total Failure
By Jason Easley on Mon, Feb 20th, 2017 at 12:07 pm

Contrary to what the White House is touting as accomplishments, President Donald Trump's first month in office has been marked by broken promises and failure to achieve anything.

they view as Trump’s first-month accomplishments. The list can be summarized as meeting with CEOs and signing dozens of Executive Orders. What missing from Trump’s first month is any lasting legislative accomplishment. Obama had the stimulus that helped to prevent another Great Depression, George W. Bush was well on his way to having his tax cut passed and ready for signature, but Donald Trump has nothing. Republicans can’t agree on a tax cut plan and how to repeal and replace Obamacare, so neither of those things may happen in Trump’s first 100 days.

As Politico reported, Trump’s first month in office was full of broken campaign promises, “Despite dizzying sound and fury, the president failed to halt immigration from Muslim countries, to label China a currency manipulator, to deliver a serious plan for funding his border wall or to repeal Obamacare—all among his many promises during last year’s campaign. He even weakened ethics rules affecting lobbyists, in the guise of a promised ban. The Muslim travel ban, Trump’s most consequential and controversial executive order, one of 23 signed so far, lies dead in the courts. He has achieved no noticeable progress on tax reform.”

The most notable achievement of Trump’s first month is that his administration is being investigated by numerous congressional committees for potential collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s administration remains largely unstaffed because Trump hasn’t appointed or nominated anyone to fill them.
"Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.
The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."
Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel
"Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump launched an investigation on Thursday to determine whether Chinese and other foreign-made steel threatens U.S. national security, raising the possibility of new tariffs and triggering a rally in U.S. steel stocks.
The move is another step in Trump's "America First" policies in which he has tried to boost U.S. manufacturers and preserve American jobs."
Trump launches trade probe targeting Chinese steel
is our armada still in Australia or headed to NK? Trump is an idiot and I'm being kind
Now lets talk of trumps failures
Trump’s First Month In Office Has Been An Incompetent Total Failure
By Jason Easley on Mon, Feb 20th, 2017 at 12:07 pm

Contrary to what the White House is touting as accomplishments, President Donald Trump's first month in office has been marked by broken promises and failure to achieve anything.

they view as Trump’s first-month accomplishments. The list can be summarized as meeting with CEOs and signing dozens of Executive Orders. What missing from Trump’s first month is any lasting legislative accomplishment. Obama had the stimulus that helped to prevent another Great Depression, George W. Bush was well on his way to having his tax cut passed and ready for signature, but Donald Trump has nothing. Republicans can’t agree on a tax cut plan and how to repeal and replace Obamacare, so neither of those things may happen in Trump’s first 100 days.

As Politico reported, Trump’s first month in office was full of broken campaign promises, “Despite dizzying sound and fury, the president failed to halt immigration from Muslim countries, to label China a currency manipulator, to deliver a serious plan for funding his border wall or to repeal Obamacare—all among his many promises during last year’s campaign. He even weakened ethics rules affecting lobbyists, in the guise of a promised ban. The Muslim travel ban, Trump’s most consequential and controversial executive order, one of 23 signed so far, lies dead in the courts. He has achieved no noticeable progress on tax reform.”

The most notable achievement of Trump’s first month is that his administration is being investigated by numerous congressional committees for potential collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s administration remains largely unstaffed because Trump hasn’t appointed or nominated anyone to fill them.

Well.....in that case, let's see what we are comparing Trump to....

This may be of particular interest to you, as you tend to use the term 'racist'...

1. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

2. (CNSNews.com) – The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

3. "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated,.... black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline,.... mostly black areas have lost health clinics, social service agencies and other areas of support..." Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

4. The National Urban League issued an "excellent" report card for President Obama's eight years, but highlighted numerous and important "failures," so many that they totaled 42 percent of its review.

"While we scored many of the administration's achievements with our highest rating, 'Superior,' President Obama's tenure as a whole had shortcomings due to some notable missed opportunities and outright failures, such as the economic development of urban centers, gun violence and the foreclosure rate and bank closure rate in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods. On these and other issues, we rated the Obama administration 'Fair' or 'Poor,'" wrote Urban League President Marc H. Morial.

The 16-page report card reviewed eight areas of policy impacting urban areas and African Americans, and found that Obama's success to failure rate at 57.5 percent to 42.5 percent.

Morial said Obama received the "second highest" overall grade of "excellent." Urban League cites Obama 'failures' for black America in 'excellent' report card

5. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."

6. Record 12,202,000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force
April 3, 2015 - 10:42 AM

Record 12,202,000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force
Now lets talk of trumps failures
Trump’s First Month In Office Has Been An Incompetent Total Failure
By Jason Easley on Mon, Feb 20th, 2017 at 12:07 pm

Contrary to what the White House is touting as accomplishments, President Donald Trump's first month in office has been marked by broken promises and failure to achieve anything.

they view as Trump’s first-month accomplishments. The list can be summarized as meeting with CEOs and signing dozens of Executive Orders. What missing from Trump’s first month is any lasting legislative accomplishment. Obama had the stimulus that helped to prevent another Great Depression, George W. Bush was well on his way to having his tax cut passed and ready for signature, but Donald Trump has nothing. Republicans can’t agree on a tax cut plan and how to repeal and replace Obamacare, so neither of those things may happen in Trump’s first 100 days.

As Politico reported, Trump’s first month in office was full of broken campaign promises, “Despite dizzying sound and fury, the president failed to halt immigration from Muslim countries, to label China a currency manipulator, to deliver a serious plan for funding his border wall or to repeal Obamacare—all among his many promises during last year’s campaign. He even weakened ethics rules affecting lobbyists, in the guise of a promised ban. The Muslim travel ban, Trump’s most consequential and controversial executive order, one of 23 signed so far, lies dead in the courts. He has achieved no noticeable progress on tax reform.”

The most notable achievement of Trump’s first month is that his administration is being investigated by numerous congressional committees for potential collusion with Russia during the 2016 election. Trump’s administration remains largely unstaffed because Trump hasn’t appointed or nominated anyone to fill them.

Well.....in that case, let's see what we are comparing Trump to....

This may be of particular interest to you, as you tend to use the term 'racist'...

1. Tavis Smiley: 'Black People Will Have Lost Ground in Every Single Economic Indicator' Under Obama

2. (CNSNews.com) – The unemployment rate for black Americans is more than double that of white Americans, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).... In the numbers released today, covering the month of June, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for black Americans age 16 and over was 10.7%, reported the BLS. The unemployment rate for white Americans in the same age group and time-frame was 5.3%, said the BLS. Black Unemployment 10.7%, More Than Double White Unemployment 5.3%

3. "CHICAGO (Reuters) - Predominantly African-American neighborhoods in Chicago have seen poverty rise and services diminish even as the nation's third largest city has become less racially segregated,.... black areas are seeing economic stagnation or decline,.... mostly black areas have lost health clinics, social service agencies and other areas of support..." Exclusive: Poverty up, services diminished in Chicago's black neighborhoods - study

4. The National Urban League issued an "excellent" report card for President Obama's eight years, but highlighted numerous and important "failures," so many that they totaled 42 percent of its review.

"While we scored many of the administration's achievements with our highest rating, 'Superior,' President Obama's tenure as a whole had shortcomings due to some notable missed opportunities and outright failures, such as the economic development of urban centers, gun violence and the foreclosure rate and bank closure rate in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods. On these and other issues, we rated the Obama administration 'Fair' or 'Poor,'" wrote Urban League President Marc H. Morial.

The 16-page report card reviewed eight areas of policy impacting urban areas and African Americans, and found that Obama's success to failure rate at 57.5 percent to 42.5 percent.

Morial said Obama received the "second highest" overall grade of "excellent." Urban League cites Obama 'failures' for black America in 'excellent' report card

5. Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."

6. Record 12,202,000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force
April 3, 2015 - 10:42 AM

Record 12,202,000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force
It's OK chic I realized you weren't going to make more excuses for trump Of course all will get better under his administration
"U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

New applications for U.S. unemployment benefits recorded their biggest drop in nearly two years last week, pointing to a further tightening in the labor market.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 25,000 to a seasonally adjusted 234,000 for the week ended April 1, the Labor Department said on Thursday. The drop was the largest since the week ending April 25, 2015."
U.S. weekly jobless claims post largest drop in almost two years

This has been going on for some time. Claims for unemployment insurance has been dropping and this is a continuation of that decline.

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