Halloween Match-Maker: Virtual Hymnal [Film Concept]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Halloween ode inspired by Dead Again, which I posted in the General Discussion rather than Writing section to toast to Halloween and my love of movies in general.

Cheers (signing off),


American movie star Leo DiCaprio wanted to develop two new radical film concepts, one involving the eco-warrior Captain Planet and the other an offbeat Halloween love-story involving the iconic Halloween horror-film franchise gargoyle Michael Myers, a serial killer. Leo assigned two of his friends to develop the Captain Planet film, while he worked on the Michael Myers 'love-story.' Leo spent many hours sketching art-models and dialogue for the Halloween love-story which would be titled Myers' Rose.


Leo's charcoal rendition of Michael Myers was haunting and straightforward. He wanted the Myers love story to capture a certain pedestrian 'eeriness' which would separate it from a Valentine's Day love-story. Leo conceptualized Michael Myers following a beautiful Swedish woman named Jane Royal and becoming infatuated with her on Halloween. The film would be shot in black-and-white.


Leo's charcoal rendition of the woman Myers would pursue, Jane Royal, was elegant and lyrical. Leo envisioned Jane to be mysterious, sentimental, enchanting, and intelligent. Myers would consider her at first a victim/target but later decide she was his absolute soul-mate. Myers would follow her home on Halloween Eve and stand outside her window (in his signature mask and mechanic's uniform) and decide if he should kill her or romance her.


LEO: You can see how this Myers romance concept is clever...
SPIELBERG: It sounds like an 'artsy indie-flick' made by a film-student!
LEO: Well, a number of films have that 'tone' --- e.g., Clerks, Rashomon, Ed Wood.
SPIELBERG: I don't get why a serial-killer would find 'true love.'
LEO: Just think --- Halloween moonlight awakens the sentimental soul.
SPIELBERG: In Michael Myers, the iconic masked psychopath?
LEO: Why not? Wasn't Norman Bates obsessed with his mother?
SPIELBERG: I'm not sure you can mix psychosis with enchantment.
LEO: Well, we'd have to consider why Myers would fine Jane 'special.'
SPIELBERG: I know you made an artsy-film about a complicated poet (Total Eclipse).
LEO: This would be very similar in 'scope' --- a vignette about the 'appeal' of the spirit.
SPIELBERG: I'll take a look at your sketches and script and take it to a garden-party.
LEO: You're hosting a garden-party with your film-studio friends, huh? Can I attend?
SPIELBERG: No, let me just present your idea to them myself and call you back.
LEO: Alright, Steven; do please give this some extra thought...it could be spiritual.


Spielberg and his film-studio friends turned down Leo's film concept about Michael Myers finding true love, but Spielberg felt bad for his friend Leo and decided to send him a nice white model train set (to remind him that the 'idea' of a black-and-white film about Myers finding romance was indeed potentially ingenuous). When Leo got the white model train set in the mail and felt grateful for the gift even though his Myers-romance film concept was rejected, he meditated on the value of imagination in modern film-making. Leo wondered if there was 'aesthetic space' (somewhere) to at least cast a Myers-romance 'miracle' --- perhaps as a fan-fic on the Internet! Leo decided to start scripting a dialogue between Myers and Jane...on a train.


MYERS: You're very beautiful...
JANE: I noticed you wearing a mask earlier...why?
MYERS: I always wear that mask in autumn (for Halloween).
JANE: Do you like trains?
MYERS: Very much...I didn't expect to meet someone like you!
JANE: I'm a school-teacher; I'm writing a novel about depression.
MYERS: I think I suffer from depression sometimes.
JANE: You commented on my appearance; are you an artist?
MYERS: I'm an amateur sculptor; I'd love to make a bust of you.
JANE: I suppose I'd have to visit your studio to serve as your model.
MYERS: Would that be of interest to you?
JANE: My name is Jane; your idea is...intriguing.
MYERS: My name is Michael; I'm a man leaving his past behind.
JANE: Are you one of those closet-weirdos with a past no one wants to record?
MYERS: No; I'm merely a 'wanderer' trying to find a new kind of motivation.
JANE: You're more sensitive than other men who've approached me with offers.
MYERS: I won't hurt you...
JANE: For the moment, let's enjoy this train ride together.
MYERS: That sounds perfect; I can make some quick sketches of your face.
JANE: If I find out you're a serial-killer, I'll complain to God himself.
MYERS: Traffic makes for all kinds of 'etiquette-paranoia.'
JANE: In that case, let's toast to born-again Christians.



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