Halperin: Trump Poised To Win Iowa, New Hampshire and Then Run The Table!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
realclearpolitics.com ^
Bloomberg's Mark Halperin said Trump could end the race after the New Hampshire primary. On Tuesday night, prior to Sarah Palin's endorsement of the Republican frontrunner, Halperin said on MSNBC that Trump is well poised to win Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and then run the table. "I think at this point, if you said, of all the people in the race, who's the one most likely to win both Iowa and New Hampshire, today you'd have to say it's Trump," Halperin commented.

realclearpolitics.com ^
Bloomberg's Mark Halperin said Trump could end the race after the New Hampshire primary. On Tuesday night, prior to Sarah Palin's endorsement of the Republican frontrunner, Halperin said on MSNBC that Trump is well poised to win Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and then run the table. "I think at this point, if you said, of all the people in the race, who's the one most likely to win both Iowa and New Hampshire, today you'd have to say it's Trump," Halperin commented.


Cruz will win Iowa
According to the highly regarded poll from the Des Moines Register, Cruz leads Trump 25 percent to 22 percent, with Rubio at 12 percent and Ben Carson at 11. Trump, however, takes the lead in the latest Gravis and Public Policy Polling releases. The RealClearPolitics averagesshow Trump with a 0.4-point lead over Cruz at 27.3 to 26.9 percent, with Rubio running third at 11.9 percent and Carson fourth at 9.

GOP Polls for Jan. 16: State of the Race in Iowa & New Hampshire
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.
Expected poll finding from the DM Register, Trump BANNED THEM from all his rally's months ago!....But who won the Iowa in 2012... Santorum! Seems Iowa isn't a strong forcaster of Presidential candidates!
According to the highly regarded poll from the Des Moines Register, Cruz leads Trump 25 percent to 22 percent, with Rubio at 12 percent and Ben Carson at 11. Trump, however, takes the lead in the latest Gravis and Public Policy Polling releases. The RealClearPolitics averagesshow Trump with a 0.4-point lead over Cruz at 27.3 to 26.9 percent, with Rubio running third at 11.9 percent and Carson fourth at 9.

GOP Polls for Jan. 16: State of the Race in Iowa & New Hampshire
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.

He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually
According to the highly regarded poll from the Des Moines Register, Cruz leads Trump 25 percent to 22 percent, with Rubio at 12 percent and Ben Carson at 11. Trump, however, takes the lead in the latest Gravis and Public Policy Polling releases. The RealClearPolitics averagesshow Trump with a 0.4-point lead over Cruz at 27.3 to 26.9 percent, with Rubio running third at 11.9 percent and Carson fourth at 9.

GOP Polls for Jan. 16: State of the Race in Iowa & New Hampshire
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.

He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually

Jroc, he's LEARNED what you have to do in order to WIN in Iowa.... Principles be damned, the PRIZE at the end is what your eye is on!
According to the highly regarded poll from the Des Moines Register, Cruz leads Trump 25 percent to 22 percent, with Rubio at 12 percent and Ben Carson at 11. Trump, however, takes the lead in the latest Gravis and Public Policy Polling releases. The RealClearPolitics averagesshow Trump with a 0.4-point lead over Cruz at 27.3 to 26.9 percent, with Rubio running third at 11.9 percent and Carson fourth at 9.

GOP Polls for Jan. 16: State of the Race in Iowa & New Hampshire
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.

He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually

Jroc, he's LEARNED what you have to do in order to WIN in Iowa.... Principles be damned, the PRIZE at the end is what your eye is on!
Cruz didn't sell out. if Trump wins, i'll support him, but he sold out on ethanol

To paraphrase Donald Trump, only the pathetic losers and dummies in the political establishment could think it’s a good idea to take 40% of the corn crop and shove it into our engines, thereby raising the cost of food and fuel—the two staples of middle class households in America.
Just how devastating is the ethanol mandate?

According to a study cited by the Heartland Institute, families are forced to pay $2,055 more for food every year because 40% of the corn crop – the antecedent of the food chain – is used for fuel. A study from PricewaterhouseCoopers found that restaurants pay $18,000 more per year.

Ethanol is so impotent as a fuel for automobiles that when Rep. Ron DeSantis offered an amendment to repeal the mandate, he was told by the Congressional Budget Office that it would increase the deficit by decreasing tax revenue. How? By alleviating consumers from purchasing diluted fuel and allowing them to actually fill up their tanks with unvarnished gasoline, motorists wouldn’t have to refill their tanks as often as they do now. That would result in less revenue for the government!

Hence, we have an entire venture socialist, government/corporate racket embedded in our economy that relies upon coercing individuals to purchase a terrible product. Much like Obamacare has wreaked havoc on affordable insurance plans, we have an energy mandate that bankrupts food producers, restaurants, and consumers, all so a few cronies can slurp off the gravy train

Horowitz: Ethanol is the Anchor Baby of our Economic System
According to the highly regarded poll from the Des Moines Register, Cruz leads Trump 25 percent to 22 percent, with Rubio at 12 percent and Ben Carson at 11. Trump, however, takes the lead in the latest Gravis and Public Policy Polling releases. The RealClearPolitics averagesshow Trump with a 0.4-point lead over Cruz at 27.3 to 26.9 percent, with Rubio running third at 11.9 percent and Carson fourth at 9.

GOP Polls for Jan. 16: State of the Race in Iowa & New Hampshire
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.

He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually

Jroc, he's LEARNED what you have to do in order to WIN in Iowa.... Principles be damned, the PRIZE at the end is what your eye is on!
Cruz didn't sell out. if Trump wins, i'll support him, but he sold out on ethanol

To paraphrase Donald Trump, only the pathetic losers and dummies in the political establishment could think it’s a good idea to take 40% of the corn crop and shove it into our engines, thereby raising the cost of food and fuel—the two staples of middle class households in America.
Just how devastating is the ethanol mandate?

According to a study cited by the Heartland Institute, families are forced to pay $2,055 more for food every year because 40% of the corn crop – the antecedent of the food chain – is used for fuel. A study from PricewaterhouseCoopers found that restaurants pay $18,000 more per year.

Ethanol is so impotent as a fuel for automobiles that when Rep. Ron DeSantis offered an amendment to repeal the mandate, he was told by the Congressional Budget Office that it would increase the deficit by decreasing tax revenue. How? By alleviating consumers from purchasing diluted fuel and allowing them to actually fill up their tanks with unvarnished gasoline, motorists wouldn’t have to refill their tanks as often as they do now. That would result in less revenue for the government!

Hence, we have an entire venture socialist, government/corporate racket embedded in our economy that relies upon coercing individuals to purchase a terrible product. Much like Obamacare has wreaked havoc on affordable insurance plans, we have an energy mandate that bankrupts food producers, restaurants, and consumers, all so a few cronies can slurp off the gravy train

Horowitz: Ethanol is the Anchor Baby of our Economic System

You DO what you have to do to WIN.... You can always, as Reagan did after 1948, CHANGE YOUR MIND!!!
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.

He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually

Jroc, he's LEARNED what you have to do in order to WIN in Iowa.... Principles be damned, the PRIZE at the end is what your eye is on!
Cruz didn't sell out. if Trump wins, i'll support him, but he sold out on ethanol

To paraphrase Donald Trump, only the pathetic losers and dummies in the political establishment could think it’s a good idea to take 40% of the corn crop and shove it into our engines, thereby raising the cost of food and fuel—the two staples of middle class households in America.
Just how devastating is the ethanol mandate?

According to a study cited by the Heartland Institute, families are forced to pay $2,055 more for food every year because 40% of the corn crop – the antecedent of the food chain – is used for fuel. A study from PricewaterhouseCoopers found that restaurants pay $18,000 more per year.

Ethanol is so impotent as a fuel for automobiles that when Rep. Ron DeSantis offered an amendment to repeal the mandate, he was told by the Congressional Budget Office that it would increase the deficit by decreasing tax revenue. How? By alleviating consumers from purchasing diluted fuel and allowing them to actually fill up their tanks with unvarnished gasoline, motorists wouldn’t have to refill their tanks as often as they do now. That would result in less revenue for the government!

Hence, we have an entire venture socialist, government/corporate racket embedded in our economy that relies upon coercing individuals to purchase a terrible product. Much like Obamacare has wreaked havoc on affordable insurance plans, we have an energy mandate that bankrupts food producers, restaurants, and consumers, all so a few cronies can slurp off the gravy train

Horowitz: Ethanol is the Anchor Baby of our Economic System

You DO what you have to do to WIN.... You can always, as Reagan did after 1948, CHANGE YOUR MIND!!!

Run on conservatism, not cronyism. We don't need to make deals with the crony capitalist. Reagan didn't change his philosophy when he was in his 60s running for president, sorry bad analogy
Jan 16 is old news now. If on the 16th 3 points separated Cruz and Trump, then Trump could very easily have closed and exceeded that by now. If Trump takes Iowa and New Hampshire he may very easily run the table. He has enormous leads in South Carolina and Florida.

He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually

Jroc, he's LEARNED what you have to do in order to WIN in Iowa.... Principles be damned, the PRIZE at the end is what your eye is on!
Cruz didn't sell out. if Trump wins, i'll support him, but he sold out on ethanol

To paraphrase Donald Trump, only the pathetic losers and dummies in the political establishment could think it’s a good idea to take 40% of the corn crop and shove it into our engines, thereby raising the cost of food and fuel—the two staples of middle class households in America.
Just how devastating is the ethanol mandate?

According to a study cited by the Heartland Institute, families are forced to pay $2,055 more for food every year because 40% of the corn crop – the antecedent of the food chain – is used for fuel. A study from PricewaterhouseCoopers found that restaurants pay $18,000 more per year.

Ethanol is so impotent as a fuel for automobiles that when Rep. Ron DeSantis offered an amendment to repeal the mandate, he was told by the Congressional Budget Office that it would increase the deficit by decreasing tax revenue. How? By alleviating consumers from purchasing diluted fuel and allowing them to actually fill up their tanks with unvarnished gasoline, motorists wouldn’t have to refill their tanks as often as they do now. That would result in less revenue for the government!

Hence, we have an entire venture socialist, government/corporate racket embedded in our economy that relies upon coercing individuals to purchase a terrible product. Much like Obamacare has wreaked havoc on affordable insurance plans, we have an energy mandate that bankrupts food producers, restaurants, and consumers, all so a few cronies can slurp off the gravy train

Horowitz: Ethanol is the Anchor Baby of our Economic System

You DO what you have to do to WIN.... You can always, as Reagan did after 1948, CHANGE YOUR MIND!!!

Run on conservatism, not cronyism. We don't need to make deals with the crony capitalist. Reagan didn't change his philosophy when he was in his 60s running for president, sorry bad analogy

No matter what, he's in the race to win, and that is exactly what he is doing!
He wont take Iowa..Sarah Palin is not going to help him..Although now he's falling back to crony capitalist ethanol support ...Disappointing actually

Jroc, he's LEARNED what you have to do in order to WIN in Iowa.... Principles be damned, the PRIZE at the end is what your eye is on!
Cruz didn't sell out. if Trump wins, i'll support him, but he sold out on ethanol

To paraphrase Donald Trump, only the pathetic losers and dummies in the political establishment could think it’s a good idea to take 40% of the corn crop and shove it into our engines, thereby raising the cost of food and fuel—the two staples of middle class households in America.
Just how devastating is the ethanol mandate?

According to a study cited by the Heartland Institute, families are forced to pay $2,055 more for food every year because 40% of the corn crop – the antecedent of the food chain – is used for fuel. A study from PricewaterhouseCoopers found that restaurants pay $18,000 more per year.

Ethanol is so impotent as a fuel for automobiles that when Rep. Ron DeSantis offered an amendment to repeal the mandate, he was told by the Congressional Budget Office that it would increase the deficit by decreasing tax revenue. How? By alleviating consumers from purchasing diluted fuel and allowing them to actually fill up their tanks with unvarnished gasoline, motorists wouldn’t have to refill their tanks as often as they do now. That would result in less revenue for the government!

Hence, we have an entire venture socialist, government/corporate racket embedded in our economy that relies upon coercing individuals to purchase a terrible product. Much like Obamacare has wreaked havoc on affordable insurance plans, we have an energy mandate that bankrupts food producers, restaurants, and consumers, all so a few cronies can slurp off the gravy train

Horowitz: Ethanol is the Anchor Baby of our Economic System

You DO what you have to do to WIN.... You can always, as Reagan did after 1948, CHANGE YOUR MIND!!!

Run on conservatism, not cronyism. We don't need to make deals with the crony capitalist. Reagan didn't change his philosophy when he was in his 60s running for president, sorry bad analogy

No matter what, he's in the race to win, and that is exactly what he is doing!

We'll see, he needs to stop with the crazy talk, saying Cruz is like Hillary ...Give me a friken break

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