Halperin: Trump Poised To Win Iowa, New Hampshire and Then Run The Table!!!


I'm surprised to say this, but I think he's on to something.

But what does that say about the support that Trump has gotten from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, among others?

Does this mean that they are no longer conservatives, that they are really populist nationalists?

Trump isn't a conservative.

Never has been, never will be.

That's why it is so funny that so many "conservatives" think he is.

How many Cons have actually said that?
I have not heard any say that.
Just because you think they think that way, is some form of mind reading and no one can read minds.

Go click on one of Vigilante's 100 daily Trump spam threads and ask if Trump is a conservative.
Were they ever conservatives?

They are entertainers. All entertainers play to the crowd whether it is Amy Schemer or Rush Limbaugh.
I agree with the "entertainers" part, but there's more to them.

They clearly influence the political thought of millions to some extent, yet they remain completely unaccountable for the ramifications.

I don't know if there's a word for that.

Clearly influence?

Who influences whom? Its easy to say the guy with the show is leading the thought. I think that it goes both ways at times. If you're a conservative talkshow host and you see multiple thousands of folks in the crowd listening to someone who says they are a conservative, are you going to keep bringing up all of the liberal stuff or are you going to try to highlight the conservative credentials and play down anything that may not fit in?

I think it goes both ways sometimes. Perhaps not often because there re not a lot of elections compared to shows in a year or two.

Coming from a person who was influenced by a dumb, collage student Who wasn't able to find, or pay for her own birth control....You cant make this stuff up:uhoh3:

Ms. Fluke, who is now a practicing attorney is likely more successful than you could be in 10 life times. But that isn't remotely interesting to me; I'm sure there are thousands who are your better.

Sorry, but I don't warship political hacks..thats a leftist thing

New Conservative Messiah Trump not fitting well? Who do you warship?
Got the same information from a different source...

Donald Trump is poised for the strongest primary performance in modern history

Ironically, Trump not only could win — he could win more decisively than any non-incumbent Republican contestant for the nomination since the dawn of the modern primary system.

Great news for Hillary.
LOL....Hillary looks worse every day, she may be indicted...Maybe Sandra Fluke should run:lol:
Got the same information from a different source...

Donald Trump is poised for the strongest primary performance in modern history

Ironically, Trump not only could win — he could win more decisively than any non-incumbent Republican contestant for the nomination since the dawn of the modern primary system.

Great news for Hillary.
LOL....Hillary looks worse every day, she may be indicted...Maybe Sandra Fluke should run:lol:

Leading by 20+ points nationally, a shoo-in for the nomination; will have a considerable war chest remaining for the General. And the GOP poised to nominate either a man whose insulted everyone he's come across or Ted Cruz, a guy who has accomplished 0.00 in his entire life outside of getting elected to the Senate and is well hated by everyone in the body.

Its as good a situation as Clinton could hope for.

But please keep bringing up Sandra Fluke and what Rushy said about her...


I'm surprised to say this, but I think he's on to something.

But what does that say about the support that Trump has gotten from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, among others?

Does this mean that they are no longer conservatives, that they are really populist nationalists?

Trump isn't a conservative.

Never has been, never will be.

That's why it is so funny that so many "conservatives" think he is.
The MAJORITY of Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians/Independents give ZERO fucks what he is. They like him for what he stands for and want him as the nominee. It's really that simple. You will not find a Trump supporter who says "I love Donald for his conservative values!!"Who decides wtf conservative values are any way? Is there a guidebook? If your pro choice are you automatically eliminated from the conservative club?

Fuck labels.
realclearpolitics.com ^
Bloomberg's Mark Halperin said Trump could end the race after the New Hampshire primary. On Tuesday night, prior to Sarah Palin's endorsement of the Republican frontrunner, Halperin said on MSNBC that Trump is well poised to win Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and then run the table. "I think at this point, if you said, of all the people in the race, who's the one most likely to win both Iowa and New Hampshire, today you'd have to say it's Trump," Halperin commented.


And I think all these political pundant's and the media that are basing their assessment on these polls are going to end up with a lot of EGG on their faces when the real VOTE comes in.

There is a WORLD wide serious problem with polling data today--and this article explains it perfectly. No one answers unknown callers anymore, and we all have cell phones, and 47% of the population doesn't even have a land line anymore.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up

And I think all these political pundant's and the media that are basing their assessment on these polls are going to end up with a lot of EGG on their faces when the real VOTE comes in.

There is a WORLD wide serious problem with polling data today--and this article explains it perfectly. No one answers unknown callers anymore, and we all have cell phones, and 47% of the population doesn't even have a land line anymore.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up


Wishful thinking. ;)


I'm surprised to say this, but I think he's on to something.

But what does that say about the support that Trump has gotten from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, among others?

Does this mean that they are no longer conservatives, that they are really populist nationalists?

Trump isn't a conservative.

Never has been, never will be.

That's why it is so funny that so many "conservatives" think he is.
The MAJORITY of Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians/Independents give ZERO fucks what he is. They like him for what he stands for and want him as the nominee. It's really that simple. You will not find a Trump supporter who says "I love Donald for his conservative values!!"Who decides wtf conservative values are any way? Is there a guidebook? If your pro choice are you automatically eliminated from the conservative club?

Fuck labels.
But there is a disconnect here. Up until Trump it was ALL about labels. It looks as though all these conservatives who support Trump have completely abandoned their "conservative values".

For decades we've been told that conservatism is the way to go, that the country is based on conservative values. Absolute commitment. The more conservatism the better. Then one day this guy shows up who will say absolutely anything and who is clearly not a down-the-line conservative, and he even gets people like Limbaugh, Hannity & Levin defending him.

One day it's all about conservative values, the next day it's anti-establishment, or whatever this is. Priorities have clearly changed. That's what is so confusing.
Last edited:
realclearpolitics.com ^
Bloomberg's Mark Halperin said Trump could end the race after the New Hampshire primary. On Tuesday night, prior to Sarah Palin's endorsement of the Republican frontrunner, Halperin said on MSNBC that Trump is well poised to win Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and then run the table. "I think at this point, if you said, of all the people in the race, who's the one most likely to win both Iowa and New Hampshire, today you'd have to say it's Trump," Halperin commented.


And I think all these political pundant's and the media that are basing their assessment on these polls are going to end up with a lot of EGG on their faces when the real VOTE comes in.

There is a WORLD wide serious problem with polling data today--and this article explains it perfectly. No one answers unknown callers anymore, and we all have cell phones, and 47% of the population doesn't even have a land line anymore.
Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up


In fairness, the same criticisms were made by conservatives in 2012, and the polls turned out to be pretty accurate, in fact underestimating Obama's vote. So there is little doubt Trump is leading and very well could be the candidate.

But let's have a few votes first.

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a brokered convention.
But there is a disconnect here. Up until Trump it was ALL about labels. It looks as though all these conservatives who support Trump have completely abandoned their "conservative values".

For decades we've been told that conservatism is the way to go, that the country is based on conservative values. Absolute commitment. The more conservatism the better. Then one day this guy shows up who will say absolutely anything and who is clearly not a down-the-line conservative, and he even gets people like Limbaugh, Hannity & Levin defending him.

One day it's all about conservative values, the next day it's anti-establishment, or whatever this is. Priorities have clearly changed. That's what is so confusing.

Because the GOP has stacked the deck against a conservative primary candidate.

With Trump, you get a real outsider; a true citizen/statesman...not another establishment candidate. That's an amazing accomplishment...real change. And 70% of a loaf bread...if we hold the Senate, some real tax reform and immigration reform and a level playing field for American workers.

Sure, he's a little more liberal than we would like...but he also breaks the establishments control, which more than makes up for it.

The CONSOLATION prize is the most truly conservative candidate we've had in my lifetime.

That's win/win in my book!


I'm surprised to say this, but I think he's on to something.

But what does that say about the support that Trump has gotten from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, among others?

Does this mean that they are no longer conservatives, that they are really populist nationalists?

Trump isn't a conservative.

Never has been, never will be.

That's why it is so funny that so many "conservatives" think he is.
The MAJORITY of Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians/Independents give ZERO fucks what he is. They like him for what he stands for and want him as the nominee. It's really that simple. You will not find a Trump supporter who says "I love Donald for his conservative values!!"Who decides wtf conservative values are any way? Is there a guidebook? If your pro choice are you automatically eliminated from the conservative club?

Fuck labels.
But there is a disconnect here. Up until Trump it was ALL about labels. It looks as though all these conservatives who support Trump have completely abandoned their "conservative values".

For decades we've been told that conservatism is the way to go, that the country is based on conservative values. Absolute commitment. The more conservatism the better. Then one day this guy shows up who will say absolutely anything and who is clearly not a down-the-line conservative, and he even gets people like Limbaugh, Hannity & Levin defending him.

One day it's all about conservative values, the next day it's anti-establishment, or whatever this is. Priorities have clearly changed. That's what is so confusing.
See therein lies the problem. People are assuming conservatives have completely abandoned these supposed conservative values. They have abandoned nothing. The 'silent majority' do not subscribe to conservative values. I cannot tell you how many conservatives I have talked to who are pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro gays in the military etc etc. They are very socially liberal. They reject it and don't want it in politics.

Mark Cuban sums it up perfectly and his views probably reflect what a lot of conservatives/republicans/libertarians/independents feel as well. Please read it, its good.

MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican, but the party has one big problem

I'm surprised to say this, but I think he's on to something.

But what does that say about the support that Trump has gotten from Limbaugh, Hannity and Levin, among others?

Does this mean that they are no longer conservatives, that they are really populist nationalists?

Trump isn't a conservative.

Never has been, never will be.

That's why it is so funny that so many "conservatives" think he is.
The MAJORITY of Republicans/Conservatives/Libertarians/Independents give ZERO fucks what he is. They like him for what he stands for and want him as the nominee. It's really that simple. You will not find a Trump supporter who says "I love Donald for his conservative values!!"Who decides wtf conservative values are any way? Is there a guidebook? If your pro choice are you automatically eliminated from the conservative club?

Fuck labels.
But there is a disconnect here. Up until Trump it was ALL about labels. It looks as though all these conservatives who support Trump have completely abandoned their "conservative values".

For decades we've been told that conservatism is the way to go, that the country is based on conservative values. Absolute commitment. The more conservatism the better. Then one day this guy shows up who will say absolutely anything and who is clearly not a down-the-line conservative, and he even gets people like Limbaugh, Hannity & Levin defending him.

One day it's all about conservative values, the next day it's anti-establishment, or whatever this is. Priorities have clearly changed. That's what is so confusing.
See therein lies the problem. People are assuming conservatives have completely abandoned these supposed conservative values. They have abandoned nothing. The 'silent majority' do not subscribe to conservative values. I cannot tell you how many conservatives I have talked to who are pro choice, pro gay marriage, pro gays in the military etc etc. They are very socially liberal. They reject it and don't want it in politics.

Mark Cuban sums it up perfectly and his views probably reflect what a lot of conservatives/republicans/libertarians/independents feel as well. Please read it, its good.

MARK CUBAN: I want to be a Republican, but the party has one big problem

Actually most practicing Christians are not pro any of those things. Most Black and "Hispanic" Americans are on the conservative side of those issues you listed. Mark Cuban can be whatever he wants to be. Who cares?

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