Hamas and Gaza and how I see it


VIP Member
Dec 25, 2013
The situation of the people of Gaza is the same as it was for the people of Nazi Germany. Hamas is the government of Gaza, and the people of Gaza are just as responsible for the actions of their government as the people of Nazi Germany were for theirs. Unfortunately, so much suffering has to happen but there is no other way anything else will just prolong suffering for generations.

Some people say that Hamas is worse than the Nazis? I agree they’re comparable with the NAZIs. Hamas came to power the same way the Nazis did, they were elected. I know there was a civil war, but Hamas won the war and is now the rulers of Gaza. The people of Gaza accepted their rule and that makes them their government. And I have no doubt that Hamas would exterminate the Jewish people if they had the ability to do it and we could do nothing about it but protests. It is up to the Jews to protect themselves and I think that’s what they will do.

If Israel is ever to have peace, they have to eliminate Hamas; to do that, they must invade Gaza and destroy parts of Gaza. Those high-rise buildings are the high ground that Hamas will use to kill troops with snipers and tanks for anti-tank weapons as well as kill Israeli drones. Every building that is destroyed now saves Israeli soldier’s lives in the future. Once the buildings are down, the IDF can use drones to detect enemy activity and take them out with artillery and gunships rather than sacrificing their troops. I think it’s reasonable that the IDF does not have to wait until their soldiers are killed before they knock down those buildings, so destroying the buildings of Gaza is a justifiable act of war.
Once they identify tunnel accesses they should flood them with gasoline or diesel fuel and ignite it. As they are moving through an area, when they take fire inside a building they should fall back and let the IAF drop it to the ground.
Not only is Hamas like NAZIs, but they are actually the direct offshoot OF Nazis.

The Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj al Husseini, worked alongside the Nazis to round up Jews in the Balkans to be sent to the extermination camps.

If the name al Husseini is familiar, that is because it is the actual given name of the Egyptian terrorist we called Yassar Arafat.
Yassar Arafat and his gang started it all in the 50s’ when they invented Airline hijacking and terrorism.

They should have been put out of business then and set off to Jordan or other.

The world made the decision to put Israel right there. Live with it, deal with it or be eliminated Should have been the worlds message. No more games.

here we are millions of events later yet still playing around with stubborn Arab lunatics. I don’t like a lot of things but I have to move in, shut up and accept it. Wipe out HAMAS and try to minimize GAZA deaths. Then take it all over and send them off if you can. Any other choices?
Yassar Arafat and his gang started it all in the 50s’ when they invented Airline hijacking and terrorism.

They should have been put out of business then and set off to Jordan or other.

The world made the decision to put Israel right there. Live with it, deal with it or be eliminated Should have been the worlds message. No more games.

here we are millions of events later yet still playing around with stubborn Arab lunatics. I don’t like a lot of things but I have to move in, shut up and accept it. Wipe out HAMAS and try to minimize GAZA deaths. Then take it all over and send them off if you can. Any other choices?

The first airline hijacking was done by Israel.
Palestinians have record-breaking numbers of PhDs.
Yeah, but not in the good record breaking kind of way. Being the suckiest group of people on the planet isnt something you should want Guinness to endorse. :laugh:
If Israel is ever to have peace, they have to eliminate Hamas; to do that, they must invade Gaza and destroy parts of Gaza. Those high-rise buildings are the high ground that Hamas will use to kill troops with snipers and tanks for anti-tank weapons as well as kill Israeli drones. Every building that is destroyed now saves Israeli soldier’s lives in the future. Once the buildings are down, the IDF can use drones to detect enemy activity and take them out with artillery and gunships rather than sacrificing their troops. I think it’s reasonable that the IDF does not have to wait until their soldiers are killed before they knock down those buildings, so destroying the buildings of Gaza is a justifiable act of war.
Could the Israelis use those buildings as observation/listening posts with real time response capability?
If Israel is ever to have peace, they have to eliminate Hamas
Hamas leadership is not in Gaza. Chances are many of the Gaza foot soldiers have used the tunnel system under Gaza to escape. With much of Hamas being outside of Gaza, attacking Gaza will not eliminate Hamas.
In Gaza? Really? Do you even believe the propaganda you parrot?
funny you should ask-----I read the propaganda she parrots LONG LONG ago---way back in the late 50s and early 60s It was spread all over my town in little pamphlets.
When I got into my teens MAD MAGAZINE came out----
that publication could not compete with the stupidity of
what I came to know as ISLAMO NAZI propaganda----BUT -
then I met up with lots of muslims from south east Asia---
hospital interns in a place in which I had a little weekend job------I discovered that there were LITERATE PEOPLE who actually BELIEVED the crap----SURADA IS NOT ALONE
The first airline hijacking was done by Israel.
You are an idiot… The first airline highjacking occurred in 1931 a full 17 years before the state of Israel became a reality.. It was the plo that took it to an art form in the late 1960’s making life miserable for millions and millions of people with their crap.. Always hurting the innocent always threatening woman and children never taking responsibility for their actions…
Palestinians have record-breaking numbers of PhDs.
PHD can stand for other things beside diplomas such as Piled Higher and Deeper in bull crap given the constant lying and distorting of facts and celebrating in the deaths of innocent Israeli citizens but crying crocodile tears and whining to the sky when they are the ones on the receiving end…
PHD can stand for other things beside diplomas such as Piled Higher and Deeper in bull crap given the constant lying and distorting of facts and celebrating in the deaths of innocent Israeli citizens but crying crocodile tears and whining to the sky when they are the ones on the receiving end…
I have worked with many highly educated muslims from both South east Asia and various parts of africa. ALL of them were---
educated in the filth that Surada parrots and which I read as a child
in propaganda pamphlets in the 1950s in the town of my childhood---a bastion of nazism----until it became very profitable to use farmland to build little houses for baby boom families like mine. I was amazed. Seemingly intelligent people believed that stuff. Some seemed to overcome the filth pumped into their heads as children--but it is my impression that it CLINGS and gets passed on to their
children..........and one and on and on. The USA is in trouble
The situation of the people of Gaza is the same as it was for the people of Nazi Germany. Hamas is the government of Gaza, and the people of Gaza are just as responsible for the actions of their government as the people of Nazi Germany were for theirs. Unfortunately, so much suffering has to happen but there is no other way anything else will just prolong suffering for generations.

Some people say that Hamas is worse than the Nazis? I agree they’re comparable with the NAZIs. Hamas came to power the same way the Nazis did, they were elected. I know there was a civil war, but Hamas won the war and is now the rulers of Gaza. The people of Gaza accepted their rule and that makes them their government. And I have no doubt that Hamas would exterminate the Jewish people if they had the ability to do it and we could do nothing about it but protests. It is up to the Jews to protect themselves and I think that’s what they will do.

If Israel is ever to have peace, they have to eliminate Hamas; to do that, they must invade Gaza and destroy parts of Gaza. Those high-rise buildings are the high ground that Hamas will use to kill troops with snipers and tanks for anti-tank weapons as well as kill Israeli drones. Every building that is destroyed now saves Israeli soldier’s lives in the future. Once the buildings are down, the IDF can use drones to detect enemy activity and take them out with artillery and gunships rather than sacrificing their troops. I think it’s reasonable that the IDF does not have to wait until their soldiers are killed before they knock down those buildings, so destroying the buildings of Gaza is a justifiable act of war.

The Palestinians are the long standing natives, going back over 10,000 years.
They are the only ones who have a right to be there and are the only ones to have paid for any land there

When you look back at the Jewish immigration of the 1930s, you see them murdering Palestinians, blowing up the King David hotel, massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin, etc.
The first airline hijacking was done by Israel.
You’re such a HAMAS propagandist.

The first hijacking was done by someone imprisoned in a Hungarian labor camp, and he hijacked his way to West Germany. He had a Jewish-sounding name.

I guess from now on whenever a Jew does something wrong, you HAMAS sympathizers will say “Israel did it.”
Yassar Arafat and his gang started it all in the 50s’ when they invented Airline hijacking and terrorism.

They should have been put out of business then and set off to Jordan or other.

The world made the decision to put Israel right there. Live with it, deal with it or be eliminated Should have been the worlds message. No more games.

here we are millions of events later yet still playing around with stubborn Arab lunatics. I don’t like a lot of things but I have to move in, shut up and accept it. Wipe out HAMAS and try to minimize GAZA deaths. Then take it all over and send them off if you can. Any other choices?

The Zionist immigrated to Palestine under false pretenses, claiming to never have sovereignty ambitions.
Then they murdered the British high command by blowing up the King David Hotel, so the British could not stop them from massacring Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
Menachim Begin also gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte.

The US created the UN in order to steal half of Palestine for Israel, but that should be null and void since Israel failed to stay on their side of the UN partition, and invaded Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967.

The problem has always been the Zionists, and it always will be.
They are not Jews, since Judaism says we should wait for the Messiah before looking for Zion on earth.

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