Hamas announces a ceasefire!

We'll we all know Isreal will fall as predicted in the bible as the end of days, and it will be surrounded by it's enemy's, so we all know what will happen to the Jews who don't believe in Jesus Christ as the son of the living God that through him is the pathway to heaven and him alone.

So... with this said, why would you guys be defending their religion or them when they sin and when their religion cuts out half the bible? Look I believe in human rights for all people, but when you do something that harms another in any way there is punishment for that by man and God. Do I care about racism? No. Is it my right to be a racist and to not like others due to skin or ethnic regon? Of course. Do I have the right to hurt you with it? No.

Didn't you say that you say that you were one of the most intelligent posters on USMB?

To be honest the guy makes some pretty valid points and has some funny threads in the flame thread. but after what I saw here I just lost all respect.

what is sad is a person like you that has been spewing misinformation has 25,000 post of bullshit. That's not my tragedy that is a tragedy for this board USMB. I'm way above you and you aren't even on my feet. You dug your grave and I'm just filling it for you.

How are you above me?

You should have stayed in the flame zone, where you are the black belt of bullshit.
No. Jesus was a Jew, but then he was babtized by John and became a Christian and he proved he was the son of God by dying on the cross to be resurrected, which he did and ascended into heaven. Jesus spoke out against the Jews and it was the Pharases who judged him to be crucified. There's a parable in the bible of Jesus teaching the high Jewish priest in his home by having a sinner whip his feet with purfum and the Jewish leaders were saying how can he let a sinful women do that? The Jewish temple was split in have and crumbled after Jesus died on the cross, and there is a reason for that. See my point?

What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:
Jesus, himself, is the Son of God...who was murdered by the Jews and rose again as a savior to all humankind.
No. Jesus was a Jew, but then he was babtized by John and became a Christian and he proved he was the son of God by dying on the cross to be resurrected, which he did and ascended into heaven. Jesus spoke out against the Jews and it was the Pharases who judged him to be crucified. There's a parable in the bible of Jesus teaching the high Jewish priest in his home by having a sinner whip his feet with purfum and the Jewish leaders were saying how can he let a sinful women do that? The Jewish temple was split in have and crumbled after Jesus died on the cross, and there is a reason for that. See my point?

What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:

Jeusus FIRST was tried by the Jewish high priests who paid Judas coin to decive him so the romans could arrest him and bring Jesus to them to be judged. After he was judged then the romans cruzified him on popular opinion.
Btw.. don't even bother trolling me. I'm way to good at this. You're pathetic.
We'll we all know Isreal will fall as predicted in the bible as the end of days, and it will be surrounded by it's enemy's, so we all know what will happen to the Jews who don't believe in Jesus Christ as the son of the living God that through him is the pathway to heaven and him alone.

So... with this said, why would you guys be defending their religion or them when they sin and when their religion cuts out half the bible? Look I believe in human rights for all people, but when you do something that harms another in any way there is punishment for that by man and God. Do I care about racism? No. Is it my right to be a racist and to not like others due to skin or ethnic regon? Of course. Do I have the right to hurt you with it? No.

Didn't you say that you say that you were one of the most intelligent posters on USMB?

To be honest the guy makes some pretty valid points and has some funny threads in the flame thread. but after what I saw here I just lost all respect.

what is sad is a person like you that has been spewing misinformation has 25,000 post of bullshit. That's not my tragedy that is a tragedy for this board USMB. I'm way above you and you aren't even on my feet. You dug your grave and I'm just filling it for you.

How are you above me?

You should have stayed in the flame zone, where you are the black belt of bullshit.
People like him,. who claim they are more intelligent than you and above you, are more than likely less intelligent than you and below you. The guy is a complete loon.
Can't change behavior by simply telling them it is right or wrong. They have to learn to understand and accept the other.
For some ultra-orthodox many western jews are not jewish enough because they are reform. Fanatics of any group have to learn to be more middle ground and accept that not everyone sees things the way they do. Religion, culture, politics all have their extremes. Majority fall somewhere in the middle.
US is still dealing with these issues after almost 250 years. Israel is a third our age.
Arabs have a problem with those who are different, be they kafir or muslim. Even tribal rivalries still exist throughout the region.
You see black and white because that is what you know. The issue of the Ethiopians is not so simple as color.
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook.

It has everything to do with race. The Jews, who experienced horrific racism and hate, are returning the favor to blacks. Utterly disgraceful. If it continues, we will need to re-open Aushwitz and have the Germans reprogramme the racist Jews.
Pssst --- Judaism is NOT a race. You need to update your anti-Semitic rants.
What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:
Jesus, himself, is the Son of God...who was murdered by the Jews and rose again as a savior to all humankind.

He was crucified by Romans. Crucifixion was a Roman method of execution.
No. Jesus was a Jew, but then he was babtized by John and became a Christian and he proved he was the son of God by dying on the cross to be resurrected, which he did and ascended into heaven. Jesus spoke out against the Jews and it was the Pharases who judged him to be crucified. There's a parable in the bible of Jesus teaching the high Jewish priest in his home by having a sinner whip his feet with purfum and the Jewish leaders were saying how can he let a sinful women do that? The Jewish temple was split in have and crumbled after Jesus died on the cross, and there is a reason for that. See my point?

What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning u're chim. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus? The high jewish priests.

So you're trashing Jews because of something that MIGHT have happened centuries ago? Did it ever occur to you that not everyone believes in the same things as you do ?
BTW, the Romans murdered Jesus.

No I'm saying the Jewish homeland will FALL as stated in the Christian bible. I'm saying they have no right to kill others for not believing in what they believe just as others have no right to do it to them/.
Can't change behavior by simply telling them it is right or wrong. They have to learn to understand and accept the other.
For some ultra-orthodox many western jews are not jewish enough because they are reform. Fanatics of any group have to learn to be more middle ground and accept that not everyone sees things the way they do. Religion, culture, politics all have their extremes. Majority fall somewhere in the middle.
US is still dealing with these issues after almost 250 years. Israel is a third our age.
Arabs have a problem with those who are different, be they kafir or muslim. Even tribal rivalries still exist throughout the region.
You see black and white because that is what you know. The issue of the Ethiopians is not so simple as color.
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook.

It has everything to do with race. The Jews, who experienced horrific racism and hate, are returning the favor to blacks. Utterly disgraceful. If it continues, we will need to re-open Aushwitz and have the Germans reprogramme the racist Jews.
Pssst --- Judaism is NOT a race. You need to update your anti-Semitic rants.
Where did I say it was a race.
We'll we all know Isreal will fall as predicted in the bible as the end of days, and it will be surrounded by it's enemy's, so we all know what will happen to the Jews who don't believe in Jesus Christ as the son of the living God that through him is the pathway to heaven and him alone.

So... with this said, why would you guys be defending their religion or them when they sin and when their religion cuts out half the bible? Look I believe in human rights for all people, but when you do something that harms another in any way there is punishment for that by man and God. Do I care about racism? No. Is it my right to be a racist and to not like others due to skin or ethnic regon? Of course. Do I have the right to hurt you with it? No.

Didn't you say that you say that you were one of the most intelligent posters on USMB?

To be honest the guy makes some pretty valid points and has some funny threads in the flame thread. but after what I saw here I just lost all respect.

what is sad is a person like you that has been spewing misinformation has 25,000 post of bullshit. That's not my tragedy that is a tragedy for this board USMB. I'm way above you and you aren't even on my feet. You dug your grave and I'm just filling it for you.

How are you above me?

You should have stayed in the flame zone, where you are the black belt of bullshit.

Trolling. I'm way better than you. ;)
What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:

Jeusus FIRST was tried by the Jewish high priests who paid Judas coin to decive him so the romans could arrest him and bring Jesus to them to be judged. After he was judged then the romans cruzified him on popular opinion.
Btw.. don't even bother trolling me. I'm way to good at this. You're pathetic.

I'm sure that after reading your posts in this thread, most people would say you're pathetic....and they would be absolutely correct. You are a loon!
Can't change behavior by simply telling them it is right or wrong. They have to learn to understand and accept the other.
For some ultra-orthodox many western jews are not jewish enough because they are reform. Fanatics of any group have to learn to be more middle ground and accept that not everyone sees things the way they do. Religion, culture, politics all have their extremes. Majority fall somewhere in the middle.
US is still dealing with these issues after almost 250 years. Israel is a third our age.
Arabs have a problem with those who are different, be they kafir or muslim. Even tribal rivalries still exist throughout the region.
You see black and white because that is what you know. The issue of the Ethiopians is not so simple as color.
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook.

It has everything to do with race. The Jews, who experienced horrific racism and hate, are returning the favor to blacks. Utterly disgraceful. If it continues, we will need to re-open Aushwitz and have the Germans reprogramme the racist Jews.
Pssst --- Judaism is NOT a race. You need to update your anti-Semitic rants.
Where did I say it was a race.

You didn't. LOL. These idiots are trying desperately so desperately to nail you. However, the only thing they have is the oven comment.
What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning u're chim. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus? The high jewish priests.

So you're trashing Jews because of something that MIGHT have happened centuries ago? Did it ever occur to you that not everyone believes in the same things as you do ?
BTW, the Romans murdered Jesus.

No I'm saying the Jewish homeland will FALL as stated in the Christian bible. I'm saying they have no right to kill others for not believing in what they believe just as others have no right to do it to them/.

So Jews are killing others because they don't believe what they believe now ? Can you document this ??

BTW, just because something is written in the Bible, doesn't mean it's actually going to happen.
Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:
Jesus, himself, is the Son of God...who was murdered by the Jews and rose again as a savior to all humankind.

He was crucified by Romans. Crucifixion was a Roman method of execution.
at the request of the Jews. And the Jews had a chance to save Jesus...they chose to save a murderer instead. Get your facts straight. Jews killed Jesus and Jews want to kill blacks as demonstraited recently.
Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:

Jeusus FIRST was tried by the Jewish high priests who paid Judas coin to decive him so the romans could arrest him and bring Jesus to them to be judged. After he was judged then the romans cruzified him on popular opinion.
Btw.. don't even bother trolling me. I'm way to good at this. You're pathetic.

I'm sure that after reading your posts in this thread, most people would say you're pathetic....and they would be absolutely correct. You are a loon!

No substance or response to my post? Shocking! Lol.. You guys are so done. You have nothing.
What are you talking about? Jesus was a devout practicing Jew until the day he died. His followers called him rabbi and were Jews as well. They made Jesus into the Messiah of the Old Testament. Whether you believe that or not makes you a Christian.

Christianty did not come until hundreds of years after this death.

Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:

Jeusus FIRST was tried by the Jewish high priests who paid Judas coin to decive him so the romans could arrest him and bring Jesus to them to be judged. After he was judged then the romans cruzified him on popular opinion.
Btw.. don't even bother trolling me. I'm way to good at this. You're pathetic.

So your saying that a bunch of Jews in cohoots with Judas managed to outsmart the Son of God? Rrrriiiight. Is that the big lesson you got from the New Testament? Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning u're chim. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus? The high jewish priests.

So you're trashing Jews because of something that MIGHT have happened centuries ago? Did it ever occur to you that not everyone believes in the same things as you do ?
BTW, the Romans murdered Jesus.

No I'm saying the Jewish homeland will FALL as stated in the Christian bible. I'm saying they have no right to kill others for not believing in what they believe just as others have no right to do it to them/.

So Jews are killing others because they don't believe what they believe now ? Can you document this ??

BTW, just because something is written in the Bible, doesn't mean it's actually going to happen.

So..................You are saying Jews don't murder? Really dude? What a joke. Lol...
Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:
Jesus, himself, is the Son of God...who was murdered by the Jews and rose again as a savior to all humankind.

He was crucified by Romans. Crucifixion was a Roman method of execution.
at the request of the Jews. And the Jews had a chance to save Jesus...they chose to save a murderer instead. Get your facts straight. Jews killed Jesus and Jews want to kill blacks as demonstraited recently.

"Jews want to kill Blacks"

Because a Black man was arrested aggressively, you come to the conclusion that Jews want to kill Black people?

How many more times are you going to lie in this thread alone ?
Can't change behavior by simply telling them it is right or wrong. They have to learn to understand and accept the other.
For some ultra-orthodox many western jews are not jewish enough because they are reform. Fanatics of any group have to learn to be more middle ground and accept that not everyone sees things the way they do. Religion, culture, politics all have their extremes. Majority fall somewhere in the middle.
US is still dealing with these issues after almost 250 years. Israel is a third our age.
Arabs have a problem with those who are different, be they kafir or muslim. Even tribal rivalries still exist throughout the region.
You see black and white because that is what you know. The issue of the Ethiopians is not so simple as color.
No, it is as smple as color. Look at how the Jewry is represented here. You have Jroc spewing anti-black propaganda every chance he gets then you have the likes of Ghook.

It has everything to do with race. The Jews, who experienced horrific racism and hate, are returning the favor to blacks. Utterly disgraceful. If it continues, we will need to re-open Aushwitz and have the Germans reprogramme the racist Jews.
Pssst --- Judaism is NOT a race. You need to update your anti-Semitic rants.
Where did I say it was a race.

You didn't. LOL. These idiots are trying desperately so desperately to nail you. However, the only thing they have is the oven comment.
And the oven comment was open ended...I didn't say what they are claiming...they are just twisating words to feel better about their hate for the negro.
Only the jews believe this. Not Christians. How about you explain for the class why that is and why every Christian bible has what is called the NEW testament.

Christians believe this too. To be'ieve in the New Testament you have to believe in the Old Testament. According to Christanity, which came after Jesus died, Jesus was the fulfillment of the Old Testament.

We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:

Jeusus FIRST was tried by the Jewish high priests who paid Judas coin to decive him so the romans could arrest him and bring Jesus to them to be judged. After he was judged then the romans cruzified him on popular opinion.
Btw.. don't even bother trolling me. I'm way to good at this. You're pathetic.

So your saying that a bunch of Jews in cohoots with Judas managed to outsmart the Son of God? Rrrriiiight. Is that the big lesson you got from the New Testament? Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

Now I got you. You just exposed your trolling. I'm done with this conversation. It will stand on it's own merits and wow did I make you look retarded. Bye bye. ;)
We do believe in the old but the new testament is what we go off of not the old. Remember Jesus was crucified, resurrected in the new testament not the old. Jesus showed the Jewish people the new way to live by God and at the end they didn't like it due to their ego's and pride and murdered Jesus by condemning him. Who paid Judus to deceive Jesus?

Jesus was himself a Jew who had 11 other loyal Jewish followers.
Are you saying that a Jew was able to outsmart the son of God and get him killed by Romans? Seriously, we are talking about the son of the creator of the universe and billions of galaxies. :cuckoo:
Jesus, himself, is the Son of God...who was murdered by the Jews and rose again as a savior to all humankind.

He was crucified by Romans. Crucifixion was a Roman method of execution.
at the request of the Jews. And the Jews had a chance to save Jesus...they chose to save a murderer instead. Get your facts straight. Jews killed Jesus and Jews want to kill blacks as demonstraited recently.

"Jews want to kill Blacks"

Because a Black man was arrested aggressively, you come to the conclusion that Jews want to kill Black people?

How many more times are you going to lie in this thread alone ?
yeah...aggressively arresting someone is equal to beating the shit out of them because they are black and not Jewsh enough for racist Jews.

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