Hamas: It’s Not Our Responsibility to Protect Gazans

^^ Anti-Semitic moron with no argument. Hamas shouldn’t have started shit. Don't leave when you’re warned what’s coming, that’s on you. I have killed nobody you drooling retard. Hating terrorists like you isn’t Islamophobic either. Continue defending terrorists. We see what you are.
Yeah we should ignore the indiscriminate killing of a defenseless people. Maybe you can, but I’m different.
Hey shithead, you and your pals here are ignoring the FACT that Hamas started this. And you bigots have yet to say one word against them. Crying for terrorists. Not a good look.
I think it’s apparent many here are okay with killing women and children. I find this appalling, so you’ll have to forgive me for getting angry.
And we get angry at Anti-Semites like you, Coyote, sparky, and the rest of the bigots. You’re okay with Jewish women and children being killed so STFU asshole.
How babies must you kill before your racist hatred is satisfied?
You claim I’ve killed babies? Your Anti-Semitism just blinds you to reality. Racist? That’s you pissant. I hold no love for your Hamas fellows. That’s not racist. Here, may this trigger you even more...

75 years of ethnic cleansing can not be opposed without weapons, right? End the occupation and the rockets will be replaced.

Zionist think tank publishes blueprint for Palestinian genocide | MR Online

"In 2004, Zionist demographer Arnon Sofer of Haifa University laid out detailed plans for the isolation of Gaza directly to Ariel Sharon’s government.

"This entailed withdrawing Israeli forces from the area entirely and constructing a stringent system of surveillance and security to ensure nothing and no one went in or out without Zionist proviso. He predicted a perpetual bloodbath:

"When 2.5 million people live in a closed-off Gaza, it’s going to be a human catastrophe. Those people will become even bigger animals than they are today…

"The pressure at the border will be awful. It’s going to be a terrible war. So, if we want to remain alive, we will have to kill and kill and kill.

"All day, every day… the only thing that concerns me is how to ensure the boys and men who are going to have to do the killing will be able to return home to their families and be normal human beings."
Translation, Israel should not exist, so lets murder people, its cool.
So you think my opposition to Israel killing Gazan children means I support Hamas killing Israeli children. Are you too related to W and Biden?

You think vengeance is the appropriate action. You must know this has been a cycle of violence for decades. Tit-for-tat. Why keep repeating what we know doesn’t work.

I can't imagine why Israel would be upset about the murder of thousands of citizens. They should just give Palestinians a chocolate bar, and say no big deal. Are you nuts?
Translation, Israel should not exist, so lets murder people, its cool.
Let’s be clear, hamas, and their friends in iran and the demafacist party, don’t believe Israel shouldn’t exist, they think it should exist under a tyrantical regime they control
I can't imagine why Israel would be upset about the murder of thousands of citizens. They should just give Palestinians a chocolate bar, and say no big deal. Are you nuts?
See what a blatant and obvious liar you are? You’re justifying murdering civilians with total nonsense. Hamas is no more capable of destroying Israel than they could destroy Texas. Hamas is just the worst gang in an Israeli open air prison but you want all the prisoners murdered, including a million children.

See what a blatant and obvious liar you are? You’re justifying murdering civilians with total nonsense. Hamas is no more capable of destroying Israel than they could destroy Texas. Hamas is just the worst gang in an Israeli open air prison but you want all the prisoners murdered, including a million children.

You and your friends hate Israel, and think it is ok to kill them. You are wrong.
You claim I’ve killed babies? Your Anti-Semitism just blinds you to reality. Racist? That’s you pissant. I hold no love for your Hamas fellows. That’s not racist. Here, may this trigger you even more...

View attachment 851828
I find this neocon tactic too boring to respond:

Americans opposed to:

- Patriot Act and NSA spying: "pro-terrorist"

- Invasion of Iraq: "pro-Saddam"

- Regime change wars in Syria/Libya: "pro-Assad"/"pro-Gadaffi"

- US role in Ukraine: "pro-Putin"

Who falls for this still? YOU
See what a blatant and obvious liar you are? You’re justifying murdering civilians with total nonsense. Hamas is no more capable of destroying Israel than they could destroy Texas. Hamas is just the worst gang in an Israeli open air prison but you want all the prisoners murdered, including a million children.

Hamas Is Underground So Why Is Israel Leveling Gaza Buildings?​

Hamas is underground?

You won't stop attacking Israel, ever. Murder is not an appropriate response for the actions of the UN.
The UN may have created Israel, but it has never endorsed ethnic cleansing:

"Map of territories occupied by Israel (1967)"

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 - Wikipedia

"United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967, in the aftermath of the Six-Day War..."

"i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict"
The UN may have created Israel, but it has never endorsed ethnic cleansing:

"Map of territories occupied by Israel (1967)"

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 - Wikipedia

"United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967, in the aftermath of the Six-Day War..."

"i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict"
Why hasn’t the UN ever requested other nations that gained territory after winning a war, give the land back to invading losers?
The UN may have created Israel, but it has never endorsed ethnic cleansing:

"Map of territories occupied by Israel (1967)"

United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 - Wikipedia

"United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 (S/RES/242) was adopted unanimously by the UN Security Council on November 22, 1967, in the aftermath of the Six-Day War..."

"i) Withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict"

The UN did not create Israel.

I’m afraid you are always duped by your pointless cutting and pasting from wiki.
Translation, Israel should not exist, so lets murder people, its cool.
Jews have been murdering Arab Christians and Muslims in Palestine since 1948 in pursuit of Greater Israel. If they don't stop, Arabs, Persians, and Turks will make them wish they had.

Nasrallah’s Big Speech

"Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah—Iran’s terrorist proxy in Lebanon—is set to deliver the most important speech of his life on Friday afternoon (11/3/23).

"There are signs Nasrallah is preparing to announce an all-out war against Israel, opening a second major front where the Israeli military will face an adversary that is better armed and more entrenched than Hamas in Gaza."
Jews have been murdering Arab Christians and Muslims in Palestine since 1948 in pursuit of Greater Israel. If they don't stop, Arabs, Persians, and Turks will make them wish they had.

Nasrallah’s Big Speech

"Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah—Iran’s terrorist proxy in Lebanon—is set to deliver the most important speech of his life on Friday afternoon (11/3/23).

"There are signs Nasrallah is preparing to announce an all-out war against Israel, opening a second major front where the Israeli military will face an adversary that is better armed and more entrenched than Hamas in Gaza."

Your cheap threats on behalf of others are funny.

"Hassan Nasrallah, the secretary general of Hezbollah—Iran’s terrorist proxy in Lebanon—…

Very strange who you rabid Jew haters idolize as your heroes.
You have things a bit upside down. While you’re fine with the intentional killing of Israeli women and children by your Islamic terrorist heroes, you express fake islamo-rage that Israel responds to attacks.

The Israeli military advised civilians to leave the war zone created by your heroes but as usual, you find “defenseless people” to be a useful propaganda tool.
Where would they go? This is like the Warsaw ghetto.

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