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Hamas says it is committed to resistance until liberation and return of refugees

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas said it was committed to the course of resistance in all its forms until liberation and return of refugees, stressing that the Israeli machine of repression does not frighten the movement.

In a statement on Thursday to mark the 24th anniversary of the first intifada, the movement said: “on this day in 1987 the Palestinian people rose up in the face of the Zionist war machine. The people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem united as one in an epic [confrontation with occupation] during which our people gave the greatest portrait of national unity, most noble examples of sacrifice in defence of land and holy places. They developed new forms of resistance."

The movement stressed that the people are still determined to stay steadfast until the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, despite the enemy's repression.

Hamas further stressed the unity of the Palestinian people, no matter where they live as they are all linked with the Palestinian identity and tied to their homeland.

Hamas says it is committed to resistance until liberation and return of refugees
GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas said it was committed to the course of resistance in all its forms until liberation and return of refugees, stressing that the Israeli machine of repression does not frighten the movement.

In a statement on Thursday to mark the 24th anniversary of the first intifada, the movement said: “on this day in 1987 the Palestinian people rose up in the face of the Zionist war machine. The people in the Gaza Strip, the West Bank and Jerusalem united as one in an epic [confrontation with occupation] during which our people gave the greatest portrait of national unity, most noble examples of sacrifice in defence of land and holy places. They developed new forms of resistance."

The movement stressed that the people are still determined to stay steadfast until the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, despite the enemy's repression.

Hamas further stressed the unity of the Palestinian people, no matter where they live as they are all linked with the Palestinian identity and tied to their homeland.

Hamas says it is committed to resistance until liberation and return of refugees

What a crock of shit; ofcourse hamas is frightened as hell of the Israelis that is why they wont fight in the open like men. Instead they hide behind women and children like scared little pussies and fire rockets.
As far as palestinians standing steadfast together! Well history shows you spend more time and energy fighting eachother than you do the Israelis.
why they wont fight in the open like men

Like the Israelis who hide in their tanks, hide in their armored bulldozers, and hide in their airplanes?
why they wont fight in the open like men

Like the Israelis who hide in their tanks, hide in their armored bulldozers, and hide in their airplanes?

Attack an Israeli millitary base like men and I am sure the Israelis will be happy to show you their planes, tanks and bulldozers.

Israel mooches more stuff. Israel has always lived on the mooch.

Is there a point here?
Like the Israelis who hide in their tanks, hide in their armored bulldozers, and hide in their airplanes?

Attack an Israeli millitary base like men and I am sure the Israelis will be happy to show you their planes, tanks and bulldozers.

Israel mooches more stuff. Israel has always lived on the mooch.

Is there a point here?

(TINMORE speak) for palestinians are too cowardly and dishonorable to fight like men.
Attack an Israeli millitary base like men and I am sure the Israelis will be happy to show you their planes, tanks and bulldozers.

Israel mooches more stuff. Israel has always lived on the mooch.

Is there a point here?

(TINMORE speak) for palestinians are too cowardly and dishonorable to fight like men.

Like the Israelis who hide in their mooched tanks, hide in their mooched armored bulldozers, and hide in their mooched airplanes?
Time Magazine: Globally Isolated and Economically Crippled: Why Hamas is Losing Gaza :lol: :clap2:
Besieged by Israel and the West, which regards it as a terrorist group, and cut off from the Palestinian majority in the West Bank, Hamas has little to offer beyond its jihadist credentials — and the promise of clean government. So it's hardly surprising that the party has been rapidly losing ground in its stronghold. Recent surveys by leading pollsters conclude that if elections were held in Gaza today, Hamas, an acronym in Arabic for the Islamic Resistance Movement, would not be returned to power. A June poll by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research found that Hamas would get just 28% of the vote, a steep decline from the 44% plurality it won in 2006.

Especially alarming for the Islamists is a precipitous drop in support for the party among Gaza's youth: two-thirds of the population is under 25. In a March survey taken in the afterglow of the protests in Cairo's Tahrir Square that led to the ouster of Egypt's dictator, Hosni Mubarak, more than 60% of Gazans age 18 to 27 said they too would support public demonstrations demanding regime change.

Soon after that poll, 10,000 turned out at a rally to voice a more modest demand — that Hamas end the bloody rift with Fatah, the secular party it bested six years ago. Hamas sent thugs to break up the demonstration. "We came out to say the people should be united, and they attack us!" says Shadi Hassan, 22, who lives in a refugee camp and sells cigarettes. "We are suffocated, and we need regime change."

Even party stalwarts agree that they've lost the street. "The majority of people want a change, yes," says Ahmed Yusuf, a former deputy foreign minister for Hamas who now runs a think tank called House of Wisdom. "They are not happy with the way Hamas is governing Gaza. Wherever you look is miserable life." Forty percent of Gazans live in poverty. The rate of unemployment is approaching 50%, among the highest in the world, and is likely to worsen as the population of 1.6 million doubles in the next 20 years. "Because they believe in God, they don't think a lot about the future," says Gaza economist Omar Shaban, who heads the Pal-Think think tank. "You won't find someone in Hamas who is thinking about 2045. They say, 'Oh, God will provide.'"

Globally Isolated and Economically Crippled: Why Hamas is Losing Gaza - TIME
Quote: Originally Posted by P F Tinmore
Like the Israelis who hide in their mooched tanks, hide in their mooched armored bulldozers, and hide in their mooched airplanes?

You're allowed to be dumb. :lol:

Boeing Aerospace, 3rd Largest Military Contractor in the World...
Israel has a large and modern air force and a successful commercial aviation sector. Israel is also important to Boeing because of its position as a world aerospace leader. The Israeli aerospace industry in the public and private sectors provides a high level of innovation and expertise in the design and manufacture of a wide variety of defense, space and communications products. With some of the world’s highest per capita numbers of engineers and scientists, Israel is at the forefront of technological advancement, with a highly skilled and educated work force and a strong commitment to research and development.
Boeing Israel: Overview

Israel: Third Largest Military Exporter in the World http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3481578,00.html
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Israel gets 6-8 billion $ a year in US government welfare.

Business Week: Israel Punches Above Weight As GDP Beats Developed World

Never mind the collapse in confidence in Europe...The Israeli economy just keeps growing faster than the rest of the developed world. The International Monetary Fund this week raised its forecast for the country and cut its estimate for the global economy on the impact of the European debt crisis. Israel's gross domestic product will expand 4.8 percent this year, according to the Washington-based lender. That's up from an April forecast of 3.8 percent and triple the pace for the average of the 34 advanced economies.

Citigroup Inc. said on Sept. 18 it would establish a new Israeli research center and Standard & Poor's a week earlier raised the country's credit rating. It cited the discovery of two gas fields off the coast of Israel that hold an estimated 25 trillion cubic feet of the fuel. Mellanox Technologies Ltd., the 12-year-old Israeli adapter maker part-owned by Oracle Corp., says sales will grow 80 percent in the third quarter. “The Israeli economy is very vibrant,” Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz said in a Sept. 20 interview with Bloomberg Television. “We enjoy very low unemployment and nice economic growth and this is mainly because we managed to develop very advanced high tech industries and very strong exports.”

Technology Capital: The stock market in Israel, whose population of 7.8 million is similar to Switzerland's, was upgraded to developed-market status by MSCI Inc. in May 2010, the same month the 63-year-old country was accepted into the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The country has about 60 companies traded on the Nasdaq Stock Market, the most of any nation outside North America after China and is also home to the largest number of startup companies per capita in the world. Israel ranks third in terms of projected growth this year among MSCI's list of 24 developed economies, after 6 percent for Hong Kong and 5.3 percent for Singapore, according to the IMF

Israel's exports are high-added value exports like informatics and technology,” said Jean-Dominique Butikofer, a fund manager who helps oversee about $1 billion of emerging- market debt at Union Bancaire Privee in Zurich, including quasi- sovereign Israeli bonds. “They're not exporting Gucci bags. If there's a slowdown, these are the kind of assets that are good to have.

Talent Pool: Venture-capital backed Israeli technology companies raised $364 million in the second quarter of this year, a 77 percent jump from the $206 million raised in the year-earlier period, according to PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Moneytree report. Seventy-six companies raised funding in the three-month period, compared with only 60 last year, the report said. “One reason that the economy continues to do well is the component of innovation and ability to adapt to a changing environment,” Citigroup Israel Managing Director Ralph Shaaya said in explaining the New York-based bank's decision to locate a research center in Israel. ‘There is a rich pool of talent in the high tech sector. The propensity for innovation is high.”

The economy may already be feeling the bite. Exports, excluding ships, aircrafts, and diamonds, declined for the fourth month out of five in August to their lowest since January, according to seasonally adjusted figures. This didn't deter Standard & Poor's from raising Israel's credit rating earlier this month to A+, its fifth-highest investment-grade rating, just a few weeks after cutting the U.S. and before cutting Italy. S&P cited the two gas fields, Tamar and Leviathan, off its Mediterranean coast. “You have a situation where the global economy is clearly running into a roadblock and having a tough time while the Israeli economy is going to bend but it isn't going to break,” said Daniel Hewitt, senior emerging-market economist at Barclays Capital in London. “We think Israel can maintain positive growth. Israel has a strong economy with a strong base.”

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GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas said it was committed to the course of resistance in all its forms until liberation and return of refugees, stressing that the Israeli machine of repression does not frighten the movement.
Hamas and its occupational drivel, of course.

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