Hamas TV: Every Muslim mother "must nurse her children on hatred of the sons of Zion

Sad how these things are aired over their T.V.

Hamas TV: Every Muslim mother "must nurse her children on hatred of the sons of Zion"

Hamas TV: Every Muslim mother "must nurse her children on hatred of the sons of Zion" - PMW Bulletins

Thanks for the citation Sally. If you are lucky no one will DEMAND THAT YOU
SUPPLY the name of the mosque in which the incitements to hatred were preached.
In another thread------such a demand was made of me in reference to a hate sermon
I heard in a mosque -----about 45 years ago----in Manhattan, New York. The
"demander" rudely repeated her demand Twice in a kind of vulgar attempt to
discredit my account. That mosque thing was an attack on Christians-----on a GOOD
FRIDAY-----a school holiday in New York City-----the issue that impressed me was the
fact that SO MANY LITTLE BOYS listened to the filth with rapt attention whilst
their fathers NODDED in agreement with every vile word. I could hear ----from the
inside of my head-----screams-------as if I imagined those little boys enacting
pogroms in the future. The mosque was located walking distance from the site
where the WTC would LATER be built. Nursing kids on hatred is nothing new.
Hamas still has a TV station up and running?

The IDF is slipping.
the language of hate is amazing to most in the west. It goes beyond what many think of as freedom of speech, and this from a region that does not have such freedom generally.
Golda Meir:

“We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.”
the language of hate is amazing to most in the west. It goes beyond what many think of as freedom of speech, and this from a region that does not have such freedom generally.

yeah------I was amazed.....actually amazed. I was young and THAT STUPID-----on a GOOD
FRIDAY no less. The audience was largely southeast Asian----I think. at least my two
hosts were. The AMAZING part to me was how nicely they accepted the hate rant---not
a murmur of protest-------not even a soft little groan of dissent. --------uhm......I was sitting in
the back of the room------the room was fairly large but not all that large and when the stuff got
really INTENSE---------I must have kinda got wide eyed--------I looked directly into the eyes of the
speaker--------and he KINDA STARED BACK A BIT ANNOYED. Based on accent I think he was
Egyptian ---(??) not southeast Asian and certainly not Iranian----------It was the time of
FLOWER POWER (oy)--- My hosts did not understand what had bothered me-----afterall---
the speaker did not even mention jews.

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