Hamas will be obliterated soon


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
An indirect result of Trump being elected president. You have a real Zionist in the White House now. No amount of whining at the UN, and no Arab / Muslim country is going to do jack shit to save this IslamoNazi cancer this time, they have bigger fish to fry.

Gaza: Will the next war be the last?

In a recent, controversial interview with Al-Quds newspaper, Israeli defence minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed that the next war on the Gaza Strip would be the last. Was this just bluster, or does it represent a shift in Israeli strategy towards Gaza and Hamas? Analysts are divided. "No one has a clear-cut answer about this," Adnan Abu-Amer, political commentator and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Gaza's Al-Ummah University, told Al Jazeera. But if there is a war, he continued, "it will be fiercer than ever, and Israel won't let it last 51 days".
An indirect result of Trump being elected president. You have a real Zionist in the White House now. No amount of whining at the UN, and no Arab / Muslim country is going to do jack shit to save this IslamoNazi cancer this time, they have bigger fish to fry.

Gaza: Will the next war be the last?

In a recent, controversial interview with Al-Quds newspaper, Israeli defence minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed that the next war on the Gaza Strip would be the last. Was this just bluster, or does it represent a shift in Israeli strategy towards Gaza and Hamas? Analysts are divided. "No one has a clear-cut answer about this," Adnan Abu-Amer, political commentator and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Gaza's Al-Ummah University, told Al Jazeera. But if there is a war, he continued, "it will be fiercer than ever, and Israel won't let it last 51 days".

I'm sure if Israel is going to make a move it will be in the next 2 years or so when the know the US won't pull out support or blockade them
A real Zionist?! Wait until his buddies--Putin and the Ayatollah--find out. :rolleyes:
An indirect result of Trump being elected president. You have a real Zionist in the White House now. No amount of whining at the UN, and no Arab / Muslim country is going to do jack shit to save this IslamoNazi cancer this time, they have bigger fish to fry.

Gaza: Will the next war be the last?

In a recent, controversial interview with Al-Quds newspaper, Israeli defence minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed that the next war on the Gaza Strip would be the last. Was this just bluster, or does it represent a shift in Israeli strategy towards Gaza and Hamas? Analysts are divided. "No one has a clear-cut answer about this," Adnan Abu-Amer, political commentator and Dean of the Faculty of Arts at Gaza's Al-Ummah University, told Al Jazeera. But if there is a war, he continued, "it will be fiercer than ever, and Israel won't let it last 51 days".

More than that, we will have a Cabinet on a war footing.

A smart thing in these times.
A real Zionist?! Wait until his buddies--Putin and the Ayatollah--find out. :rolleyes:
Clearly you haven't thought about Pence, and Trump's cabinet members so far.

Besides, Putin and the Ayatollahs don't care about the Palesthitians any longer.
I think Trump is more interested in a quick victory in Iraq against ISIS than the rebellion in Syria or the state of Israeli-Palestinian relations.

I do agree that Trump will probably secretly tell the Israeli's to bomb the sh!t out of Iran. That is likely in the next 2 years. The Israelis will be discrete about it and limit their attacks to nuclear facilities however, with no collateral damage to civilians.

The world will be a safer place after the Israeli bombing raids.
Most of the present Islamic State controlled territory is in Syria:

Islamic State and the crisis in Iraq and Syria in maps - BBC News
Trump will let his good friend Vladimir take care of Syria.

I suspect that will be where they compromise -- at the border between Syria and Iraq.

Remember Trump is a deal maker and this would be a very convenient deal.

I have no doubt that he will support Putin and Assad, yes. And Iraq's western-backed government may get overrun in the process.
I have no doubt that he will support Putin and Assad, yes. And Iraq's western-backed government may get overrun in the process.
I cannot believe BHO stuck his nose into Syria.

Especially after running on a pacifist platform and pulling out of Iraq and A-stan.
I have no doubt that he will support Putin and Assad, yes. And Iraq's western-backed government may get overrun in the process.
I cannot believe BHO stuck his nose into Syria.

Especially after running on a pacifist platform and pulling out of Iraq and A-stan.
My goodness... don't you know anything? Syria is about a gas pipeline to Europe. Specifically which pipeline they will allow to be routed through their country; the Islamic gas pipeline or the Qatar/Saudi pipeline. The Islamic Pipeline is the Shiite pipeline taking gas from Iran and Iraq to Europe. The Qatar/Saudi pipeline is is the Sunni pipeline also headed for Europe. Both pipelines are to go through Syria. Russia is the major supplier of gas to Europe and Europe would like another supplier besides Russia, but with Russia controlling Iran and Syria, that's not going to happen unless they can build the Sunni pipeline across Syria. Syria selected to the Islamic pipeline and rejected the Qatar/Saudi pipeline. Big surprise. So now you know what the real driver is in Syria and why BHO stuck his nose in Syria. The whole ISIS thing is probably a ruse. Follow the money.

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