Handing Iraq back to Al Qaeda: How do our Iraq War vets feel about it?

War Veterans Watch In Horror As Iraqi Towns They Fought For Fall To ISIS Terrorists « CBS San Francisco

War Veterans Watch In Horror As Iraqi Towns They Fought For Fall To ISIS Terrorists

by Brandon Mercer
June 12, 2014 8:07 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — “It’s like a punch in the gut,” is how one Bay Area Iraq War veteran describes news today that Mosul, Tikrit, Ninevah, and so many other Iraqi cities fell to the terrorist army known as ISIS.

At a veterans’ event in Fort Mason, Army human resources specialist Starlyn Lara reacted to the insurgents’ success.

“You know it’s really hard, because part of what you learn in the military is mission success, mission accomplishment and never to accept failure,” the two-time Iraq War veteran said. “It can make you feel a lot of loss was in vain.”

Does anyone know ANY Iraq veteran who thinks giving the country back to the terrorists, is a GOOD idea?

Nobody thinks it's a GOOD idea. The question is does anybody think we should give up more blood and treasure and does anybody think sending troops into battle again will make a difference? If the answer is yes, it's worth going back, how many troops are we willing to bring home in boxes and injured and how do we pay for it?
War Veterans Watch In Horror As Iraqi Towns They Fought For Fall To ISIS Terrorists « CBS San Francisco

War Veterans Watch In Horror As Iraqi Towns They Fought For Fall To ISIS Terrorists

by Brandon Mercer
June 12, 2014 8:07 PM

SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX) — “It’s like a punch in the gut,” is how one Bay Area Iraq War veteran describes news today that Mosul, Tikrit, Ninevah, and so many other Iraqi cities fell to the terrorist army known as ISIS.

At a veterans’ event in Fort Mason, Army human resources specialist Starlyn Lara reacted to the insurgents’ success.

“You know it’s really hard, because part of what you learn in the military is mission success, mission accomplishment and never to accept failure,” the two-time Iraq War veteran said. “It can make you feel a lot of loss was in vain.”

Does anyone know ANY Iraq veteran who thinks giving the country back to the terrorists, is a GOOD idea?

Nobody thinks it's a GOOD idea. The question is does anybody think we should give up more blood and treasure and does anybody think sending troops into battle again will make a difference? If the answer is yes, it's worth going back, how many troops are we willing to bring home in boxes and injured and how do we pay for it?

it's always amusing when a leftard suddenly wants to know how things will be paid for

idiots n hypocrites
Does anyone know ANY Iraq veteran who thinks giving the country back to the terrorists, is a GOOD idea?

Nobody thinks it's a GOOD idea. The question is does anybody think we should give up more blood and treasure and does anybody think sending troops into battle again will make a difference? If the answer is yes, it's worth going back, how many troops are we willing to bring home in boxes and injured and how do we pay for it?

it's always amusing when a leftard suddenly wants to know how things will be paid for

idiots n hypocrites

What is interesting is that someone who post as much as you do rarely has anything of substance or intellect to say.
Handing back?

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until after the US invasion.

Conservative idiots forget the facts in their rush to condemn President Obama.

It was President Bush who negotiated the end of the war, including the date when American troops were to be out except for troops left behind for training purposes.

They also forget that Iraq refused to grant US troops immunity from prosecution from Iraqi laws which mean that, if we stayed, our country would have been required to turn over American soldiers to Iraqi authorities if and when they were accused of a crime. Can you imagine what conservatives would say if Obama agreed to that and American soldiers were paraded in front of cameras as they're prosecuted and possibly executed for crimes that might be little more than a kangaroo court? So, since president Obama was forced to make a choice, he made the choice that would not subject Americans to Iraqi arrest, trial, and prison (where they would almost certainly be killed or injured) and/or execution.
This is just damn sad watching Iraq fall..After all our military did to free the people from a raving dictator and have as an ally in the midst of the other raving madness in the middle east...now a country rich with oil will be in the hands of terrorist and all our sacrifices will have been vain

Obama, Kerry, Hagel and Clinton be damned
Oh, that's right.

Those were Boy Scouts that Saddam was training in those camps.

National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States

Do you leftist fanatics EVER pause for breath between lies?

Read your own link dumb ass. It explains in detail how Saddam considered al Qaeda and Bin Laden as enemies and kept them out of Iraq. Al Qaeda came to Iraq after Bush filled the country with targets riding around in unarmored vehicles and no body armor. Remember the "bake sales for our troops" conducted by moms and dads to by their kids body armor? Al Qaeda came to Iraq to train and suck America out of it's blood and treasure the way they said they would after 9/11.

Reading the report is helpful:

Saddam assessed Usama bin Ladin and al-Qaida as a threat rather than a potential partner to be exploited to attack the United States. Bin Ladin wanted to attack Iraq after it occupied Kuwait in 1990 rather than have the Saudi government depend on foreign military forces.

And then things changed, of course:

After the fall of the Taliban, al-Zarqawi slips out through Iran to northern Iraq, linking up with local terrorism groups. He achieves global notoriety when Colin Powell names him in his February 2003 U.N. speech laying out the U.S.'s case for invading Iraq.

TIMELINE: Zarqawi's road to perdition. - TIME



Thank you, thank you, thank you! I didn't have to go pull out my Commission Report and wade through. Once, again, thank you. This is just proof how others failed themselves and fell for the lies they were fed rather than to research the info for themselves.
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This is just damn sad watching Iraq fall..After all our military did to free the people from a raving dictator and have as an ally in the midst of the other raving madness in the middle east...now a country rich with oil will be in the hands of terrorist and all our sacrifices will have been vain

Obama, Kerry, Hagel and Clinton be damned

Bush essentially put Iraq into the Iranian sphere of influence. No Churchill, he. If there's ONE country that doesn't want the Iraqi Shiite gov't to fall, it's the Iranian Shiite gov't. Let Iran save Iraq and get a bloody nose in the process.

Or do you suggest we help Iran out and save their new client state for them?
Handing back?

Al Qaeda wasn't in Iraq until after the US invasion.

Conservative idiots forget the facts in their rush to condemn President Obama.

It was President Bush who negotiated the end of the war, including the date when American troops were to be out except for troops left behind for training purposes.

They also forget that Iraq refused to grant US troops immunity from prosecution from Iraqi laws which mean that, if we stayed, our country would have been required to turn over American soldiers to Iraqi authorities if and when they were accused of a crime. Can you imagine what conservatives would say if Obama agreed to that and American soldiers were paraded in front of cameras as they're prosecuted and possibly executed for crimes that might be little more than a kangaroo court? So, since president Obama was forced to make a choice, he made the choice that would not subject Americans to Iraqi arrest, trial, and prison (where they would almost certainly be killed or injured) and/or execution.
....except for troops left behind for training purposes.


Obama dropped that out.


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This is just damn sad watching Iraq fall..After all our military did to free the people from a raving dictator and have as an ally in the midst of the other raving madness in the middle east...now a country rich with oil will be in the hands of terrorist and all our sacrifices will have been vain

Obama, Kerry, Hagel and Clinton be damned

I heard a couple of interviews with soldiers that were over there when they were being pulled out...Iraqui's by and large begged them NOT to leave. They know what we did for them. Obama and the left apparently didn't give a shit.

Now look at it? Obama is blowing up the entire region...his foreign policy is like giving a kid a book of matches in a refinery.

These assholes screw up everything they touch.
The rewriting of history is in full swing. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.


It was Obama's call to stop training the ISF

Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.
This is just damn sad watching Iraq fall..After all our military did to free the people from a raving dictator and have as an ally in the midst of the other raving madness in the middle east...now a country rich with oil will be in the hands of terrorist and all our sacrifices will have been vain

Obama, Kerry, Hagel and Clinton be damned

I heard a couple of interviews with soldiers that were over there when they were being pulled out...Iraqui's by and large begged them NOT to leave. They know what we did for them. Obama and the left apparently didn't give a shit.

Now look at it? Obama is blowing up the entire region...his foreign policy is like giving a kid a book of matches in a refinery.

These assholes screw up everything they touch.

The only people that wanted us to stay were living/working/making a fortune off us in the green/safe zones. Everywhere else, say 95% of Iraq hate us for what we did. They are not better off than they were when Saddam was in power, stupid.
Obama should tell the vets that no more of America's best will be once again needlessly wasted in the ME.

The Islamic fights can bleed each other for a change.
The rewriting of history is in full swing. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.


It was Obama's call to stop training the ISF

Why bother they are all corrupt and cowards. That's why we should have left Saddam in power. Only a ruthless dictator can govern those people.

Sorry troops Bush put you in a no win situation. We call them quagmires.

you say that to one of the military men and women's face who was over there , better yet tell that to their families face
you should say sorry to our troops for Obama allowing their sacrifices all go to shit because he a damn coward and listens to people like you.... and I think he wants to see it fall into hands of terrorist
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Stephanie is a jingoist and is willing to have our troops killed and hurt for nothing.

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