Hands Up, Cop Still Shoots (video)

Yes, cops showing up at your door often mean death for no reason. How many people have called the cops for help with a family member with mental problems, only to see that family member killed? They wonder why people don't respect them.
here it is again--you would handle every situation perfectly...you would not even carry a weapon
you could deal with nuts and DANGEROUS criminals without violence
you would've talked nicely to this nut, and he would've complied with you
That.s the same old tired apologist RW White male BS I hear every time I get into an argument after one of those killer cops murders someone under the color of authority. I don't hate cops I hate cops who murder people..BIG DIFFERENCE. And I know enough about Galindo to know he called the cops to turn a pistol in and was killed by cops when he stepped outside with his pistol in an open carry state.
And I said what I meant and meant what I said.. You know perfectly well that when prosecutors have the evidence to bring a killer cop to trial, we've seen two instances where the evidence didn't mater..whether by jury trial or trial by judge. All it takes is one juror who feels cops shouldn't be convicted of murder to produce a mistrial or hung jury; or, if the defendant chooses a Judge in lieu of a jury trial, evidence like that where a cop's fingerprints were the only prints on a gun alleged to have belonged to the victim is ignored and the cop walks.
but your whole argument is wrong--they didn't MURDER..please prove this..if not, state that it is your opinion and you have no facts to back it up
You sound like the Germans during the holocaust. in their minds the Nazis weren't murdering the Jews. They were exterminating what they saw as parasites. Any descriptive euphemism was ok except to call it what it was: MURDER. Unjustifiable homicide, even when commited by an agent of the state, is, by any other name, still murder.
But white men like you, with your misplaced anger, your xenophobias and your obsession with maintaining white supremacy, have circled the wagons and given your blue knights license to kill with impunity. For you...its an US vs THEM scenario...and the cops are there to protect you against THEM.
Your blue knights are as infallible to you as the Pope is to Catholics. With your dwindling numbers...The cops must kill from time to time. to make examples of White liberals, Blacks, Mexicans and anyone else who might put the final nail in the coffin containing the last vestiges of White hegemony.
Your ilks liberal use of terms like "liberals", "communists" and other pejoratives define you....not the targets of your diabolical derisions.
either provide proof are you arguments are silly
Well gee...coming from a shit stool scholar like you, I am flattered. Every time you attack my credibility it's a star in my cap. That means you're getting desperate.
blah blah blah ...you can't prove it
no proof...you're arguments are worthless
Cant prove what? Name something specific.
It was stupid of him to walk outside with a gun in his hand in the first place. I'm not saying I justify what the cops did. But all you people that think they are guilty. You need to be put in the same position as the cops before you start with your holier than thou attitude.

By the time that dumbass emerged from the house, Any cop that was not in a position of cover and was not already wearing a sufficient bullet proof vest, etc. . . Should have been fired on the spot. How much danger were they really in, so long as he had his hands above his head?

I absolutely hate taking the suspect's side but it is what it is. I challenge any police instructor who uses cop shooting videos to train police cadets to make the case that this shooting was justified.

There is not enough body armor available to protect 100%. Plus civilians in the area are also to be protected from stray bullets.

At the point where he was standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he have done to avoid being shot?

Leave the gun in the house. Throw the gun out prior and exit the house with empty hands.

Not rocket science. A gun in hand is a gun that can be fired.

Read the question again.

You are outside, hands in the air with a gun in one of them, cops are screaming for you to put the gun down. . . What do you do to avoid getting shot at that point?

I ask this because Clearly he was shot before he could comply with their commands.

How long should they wait? 2 minutes, 10 minutes? Until a stray bullet enters a child's room and hits her/him in the skull.

Your question is insane. Only a completely evil moron confronts the police holding a gun.

Here's a question for you. Why do you think the police should risk life and limb when confronting an armed man? Why should they risk the life of innocents that could be put at risk by an evil moron holding a gun?
By the time that dumbass emerged from the house, Any cop that was not in a position of cover and was not already wearing a sufficient bullet proof vest, etc. . . Should have been fired on the spot. How much danger were they really in, so long as he had his hands above his head?

I absolutely hate taking the suspect's side but it is what it is. I challenge any police instructor who uses cop shooting videos to train police cadets to make the case that this shooting was justified.

There is not enough body armor available to protect 100%. Plus civilians in the area are also to be protected from stray bullets.

At the point where he was standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he have done to avoid being shot?

Leave the gun in the house. Throw the gun out prior and exit the house with empty hands.

Not rocket science. A gun in hand is a gun that can be fired.

Read the question again.

You are outside, hands in the air with a gun in one of them, cops are screaming for you to put the gun down. . . What do you do to avoid getting shot at that point?

I ask this because Clearly he was shot before he could comply with their commands.

How long should they wait? 2 minutes, 10 minutes? Until a stray bullet enters a child's room and hits her/him in the skull.

Your question is insane. Only a completely evil moron confronts the police holding a gun.

Here's a question for you. Why do you think the police should risk life and limb when confronting an armed man? Why should they risk the life of innocents that could be put at risk by an evil moron holding a gun?

The cops didn't seem to be worried about of their own bullets going stray and hitting anyone on the other side of their target. Did they?
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Why is anyone shocked that Cops shot a stupid, drunk illegal beaner with a gun?
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here it is again--you would handle every situation perfectly...you would not even carry a weapon
you could deal with nuts and DANGEROUS criminals without violence
you would've talked nicely to this nut, and he would've complied with you
but your whole argument is wrong--they didn't MURDER..please prove this..if not, state that it is your opinion and you have no facts to back it up
You sound like the Germans during the holocaust. in their minds the Nazis weren't murdering the Jews. They were exterminating what they saw as parasites. Any descriptive euphemism was ok except to call it what it was: MURDER. Unjustifiable homicide, even when commited by an agent of the state, is, by any other name, still murder.
But white men like you, with your misplaced anger, your xenophobias and your obsession with maintaining white supremacy, have circled the wagons and given your blue knights license to kill with impunity. For you...its an US vs THEM scenario...and the cops are there to protect you against THEM.
Your blue knights are as infallible to you as the Pope is to Catholics. With your dwindling numbers...The cops must kill from time to time. to make examples of White liberals, Blacks, Mexicans and anyone else who might put the final nail in the coffin containing the last vestiges of White hegemony.
Your ilks liberal use of terms like "liberals", "communists" and other pejoratives define you....not the targets of your diabolical derisions.
either provide proof are you arguments are silly
Well gee...coming from a shit stool scholar like you, I am flattered. Every time you attack my credibility it's a star in my cap. That means you're getting desperate.
blah blah blah ...you can't prove it
no proof...you're arguments are worthless
Cant prove what? Name something specific.
it's right there
prove that these are murders, and after that, prove that they were shot because they were black
There is not enough body armor available to protect 100%. Plus civilians in the area are also to be protected from stray bullets.

At the point where he was standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he have done to avoid being shot?

Leave the gun in the house. Throw the gun out prior and exit the house with empty hands.

Not rocket science. A gun in hand is a gun that can be fired.

Read the question again.

You are outside, hands in the air with a gun in one of them, cops are screaming for you to put the gun down. . . What do you do to avoid getting shot at that point?

I ask this because Clearly he was shot before he could comply with their commands.

How long should they wait? 2 minutes, 10 minutes? Until a stray bullet enters a child's room and hits her/him in the skull.

Your question is insane. Only a completely evil moron confronts the police holding a gun.

Here's a question for you. Why do you think the police should risk life and limb when confronting an armed man? Why should they risk the life of innocents that could be put at risk by an evil moron holding a gun?

The cops didn't seem to be worried about of their own bullets going stray and hitting anyone on the other side of their target. Did they?

They are trained to hit what they aim at. Apparently the training paid off.

Please supply the training of the scum with the gun

Thanks in advance.
At the point where he was standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he have done to avoid being shot?

Leave the gun in the house. Throw the gun out prior and exit the house with empty hands.

Not rocket science. A gun in hand is a gun that can be fired.

Read the question again.

You are outside, hands in the air with a gun in one of them, cops are screaming for you to put the gun down. . . What do you do to avoid getting shot at that point?

I ask this because Clearly he was shot before he could comply with their commands.

How long should they wait? 2 minutes, 10 minutes? Until a stray bullet enters a child's room and hits her/him in the skull.

Your question is insane. Only a completely evil moron confronts the police holding a gun.

Here's a question for you. Why do you think the police should risk life and limb when confronting an armed man? Why should they risk the life of innocents that could be put at risk by an evil moron holding a gun?

The cops didn't seem to be worried about of their own bullets going stray and hitting anyone on the other side of their target. Did they?

They are trained to hit what they aim at. Apparently the training paid off.

Please supply the training of the scum with the gun

Thanks in advance.

Google how many times innocents have been caught in cops crossfires. Sometimes they even manage to hit one of their own.

But, I digress.

All of this will come out in the officer's trials.
Leave the gun in the house. Throw the gun out prior and exit the house with empty hands.

Not rocket science. A gun in hand is a gun that can be fired.

Read the question again.

You are outside, hands in the air with a gun in one of them, cops are screaming for you to put the gun down. . . What do you do to avoid getting shot at that point?

I ask this because Clearly he was shot before he could comply with their commands.

How long should they wait? 2 minutes, 10 minutes? Until a stray bullet enters a child's room and hits her/him in the skull.

Your question is insane. Only a completely evil moron confronts the police holding a gun.

Here's a question for you. Why do you think the police should risk life and limb when confronting an armed man? Why should they risk the life of innocents that could be put at risk by an evil moron holding a gun?

The cops didn't seem to be worried about of their own bullets going stray and hitting anyone on the other side of their target. Did they?

They are trained to hit what they aim at. Apparently the training paid off.

Please supply the training of the scum with the gun

Thanks in advance.

Google how many times innocents have been caught in cops crossfires. Sometimes they even manage to hit one of their own.

But, I digress.

All of this will come out in the officer's trials.

Google how many times a scum with a guns wild shots kill the innocent. Might want to start with Chicago.
it is illegal for an illegal to have a gun period

It's illegal for illegal to be here, period.

However, I do think that our police is trigger happy and not trained well enough. They shoot to kill, instead to disable, like they do in Europe.

why endanger the cop and other innocent people lives by winging a criminal

dont shoot unless have to shoot

and if you have to shoot

make sure they are down for the count
You sound like the Germans during the holocaust. in their minds the Nazis weren't murdering the Jews. They were exterminating what they saw as parasites. Any descriptive euphemism was ok except to call it what it was: MURDER. Unjustifiable homicide, even when commited by an agent of the state, is, by any other name, still murder.
But white men like you, with your misplaced anger, your xenophobias and your obsession with maintaining white supremacy, have circled the wagons and given your blue knights license to kill with impunity. For you...its an US vs THEM scenario...and the cops are there to protect you against THEM.
Your blue knights are as infallible to you as the Pope is to Catholics. With your dwindling numbers...The cops must kill from time to time. to make examples of White liberals, Blacks, Mexicans and anyone else who might put the final nail in the coffin containing the last vestiges of White hegemony.
Your ilks liberal use of terms like "liberals", "communists" and other pejoratives define you....not the targets of your diabolical derisions.
either provide proof are you arguments are silly
Well gee...coming from a shit stool scholar like you, I am flattered. Every time you attack my credibility it's a star in my cap. That means you're getting desperate.
blah blah blah ...you can't prove it
no proof...you're arguments are worthless
Cant prove what? Name something specific.
it's right there
prove that these are murders, and after that, prove that they were shot because they were black
The only murder this op is related to is that of Galindo. In my professional opinion, the video of the shooting shows a man being murdered by cops. This homicide was NOT justified for a number of reasons already discussed.
What led up to this confrontation?

He was drunk, illegal alien, spoke no English, wanted for "gun crimes", holding his family hostage, and did not want to be deported

so, you're saying he won't be crossing over illegally again?

sounds like a win-win to me. Send his family back, too.
Where have you read Galindo was here illegally? The several links I read didn't suggest he was an illegal.
The only murder this op is related to is that of Galindo. In my professional opinion, the video of the shooting shows a man being murdered by cops. This homicide was NOT justified for a number of reasons already discussed.
You realize that race pimping is not a profession, right?

Mearhead you've been on these boards a loooong time and you still have not learned to use the quote function. I guess your low IQ. causes you to get confused from time to time. Anyhow...I fixed your garbled post for you. I had to do it. Responding to the your mess without it infecting my narrative took a small fix. Now we both look competent again.heh heh heh...
The only murder this op is related to is that of Galindo. In my professional opinion, the video of the shooting shows a man being murdered by cops. This homicide was NOT justified for a number of reasons already discussed.
You realize that race pimping is not a profession, right?

Mearhead you've been on these boards a loooong time and you still have not learned to use the quote function. I guess your low IQ. causes you to get confused from time to time. Anyhow...I fixed your garbled post for you. I had to do it. Responding to the your mess without it infecting my narrative took a small fix. Now we both look competent again.heh heh heh...
You realize that race pimping is not a profession, right?
A gun is what puts a 90lb woman and a 250lb attacker on a level playing field.

Much like a constitutional republic is a gun against the mob rule of a pure democracy.
The Hoi Polloi Should Make It Hell for the Hoity-Toity

What makes you so superior to the majority? You're just a pathetic anal-retentive bootlicker for the Plutes Who Wear the Boots.

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