Hands Up, Cop Still Shoots (video)

Long before the police arrived he was told over the phone in Spanish to not come outside with the gun
he had his hands up

With a gun in one of them. He didn't comply with very clear orders to 'drop the gun'.

But, if you want to drop to your knee over this, please be my guest.

You are correct. The fact that his hands were in the air is meaningless. The only thing that matters is that he was holding a gun which he refused to drop after multiple orders to do so. Apparently other posters don't realize how quickly a hand can drop and pop off a round at the policeman. If the man had dropped the gun he could have done anything with his hands – put them in the air, put them by his side, waived them, done jumping jacks – and he would still be alive. It's not about where his hands were; it's all about the gun.

The legal standard for the police regarding the use of deadly force is rather simple. Deadly force is allowed when – at the time such force is used – the officer reasonably believed it was necessary to protect himself or innocent third parties from death or serious bodily injury. A man with a gun in his hand when confronted by police is a threat to the policeman's life.

(Note: The police can also use deadly force to effect the arrest or prevent the escape of a dangerous felon, described as someone who has either inflicted or threatened to inflict death or serious bodily injury.)

I don't expect that criminal charges will be filed against the officer.

Where do all of you see a gun? You just know it from a news story? I've watch the video on a 27 inch monitor and cannot see a gun. If the guy had a gun he was an idiot. If you plan on shooting it out, you were much better off staying inside rather than coming out in full view.

I saw it in the video.

There certainly is something in the left hand.
By the time that dumbass emerged from the house, Any cop that was not in a position of cover and was not already wearing a sufficient bullet proof vest, etc. . . Should have been fired on the spot. How much danger were they really in, so long as he had his hands above his head?

I absolutely hate taking the suspect's side nut it is what it is. I challenge any police instructor who uses cop shooting videos to train police cadets to make the case that this shooting was justified.
And I agree, but I haven't heard the entire story. If he just walked outside with the gun the cops were in the wrong, but I don't know.

The jury will not doubt be getting the "full story." I trust that they will do the right thing.
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
Firearm in hand, refuses orders to drop the weapon, walks out of the house towards officers with said gun in hand.

I don't care if his other hand was in the air, it was a good shoot.

Smells like suicide by cop.
it is illegal for an illegal to have a gun period
Says who?

the law stupid

obviously you have never filled out a 4473 have you dunce

Under the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, you cannot have a gun for personal or business use if you:

1. Were convicted of a crime punishable by being in prison for more than one year;
2. Are a fugitive from justice;
3. Are addicted to, or illegally use, any controlled substance;
4. Have been ruled mentally defective by a court, or are committed to a mental institution;
5. Are an illegal alien living in the United States unlawfully;
6. Received a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Armed Forces;
7. Renounced your U.S. citizenship, if you are a U.S. citizen;
8. Are subject to a court restraining order that involves your 'intimate partner,' your partner's child, or children; or
9. Were convicted of domestic violence in any court of a misdemeanor.
Thanks...I did not know that.
you are welcome
Guns are available, police are paranoid...they don't know what to expect.
Other countries, no guns....officers at worst they pepper spray the guy handcuff him and it's over. Again that's in civilised societies and poor countries alike not here.

No. In another country they would just shoot him dead and get back in their patrol cars and drive off.
And I agree, but I haven't heard the entire story. If he just walked outside with the gun the cops were in the wrong, but I don't know.

The jury will not doubt be getting the "full story." I trust that they will do the right thing.
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
I know, watching the video. It looks like the cop was guilty, but all I've seen is the video. I have no idea what circumstances the reason the cop was there, what went on prior to the shooting. All I see are a bunch of liberals wanting the cop automatically prosecuted. After all the lying, editing 911 tapes. Reporting that Treyvon was such an innocent kid. I don't trust liberals to be fair and balanced.
What led up to this confrontation?

He was drunk, illegal alien, spoke no English, wanted for "gun crimes", holding his family hostage, and did not want to be deported

I can't see any gun in his hand. If they knew he spoke no english, they should have had a Spanish speaking or whatever person there. In this case the guy's arms were up, he appeared compliant, he made no threatening, sudden or suspicious moves that I saw, and I saw no danger the police were in. He was in the open and they were under cover. So why were they shooting? They should have had one or two cops up close safely under cover to speak to and arrest him and another cop far back out of sight in the darkness with a rifle trained on him.

You watch too much TV!
Which cop are you talking about? The one that could've got shot?

Did you not watch the video?

He was shot before he lowered his hands. Wasn't he?

How can you not discern from that fact that the cops must have had their guns trained on his stupid ass for some time before they started shooting?

They don't know what's going through the criminal mind.

I see.... so that makes it fine with you to shoot first before he even tries anything.

Got it.

So one cop should've been shot first? Like I said we don't know the details. I will remain neutral till then.

I don't give a fuck how super human fast you think you are. If you have a gun in your hand and 3 -5 cops have THEIR guns pointed at your center mass. . . You are not going to be fast enough to hit ANY of them without first pointing your gun at one of them. . . . which the mother fucker never had a chance to do.

Geeezus Chriest, this is not rocket surgery.
. Which he never had a chance to do eh ?? So you think they should have gave him a sporting chance to get at least one round off before he fell ?? Is that your beef in this whole thing ??

Let's see.... he has a gun raised above his been and a half dozen cops screaming for him to drop the gun and who knows what else. . . But the cops are (in your view) justified to shoot him even before he can make even the slightest move to comply. . .

Yeah, that makes sense.
. His choice to keep his gun was a huge mistake on his part. The cops may have had the profile from the profile run on him, and he may have had multiple charges/warrants on him, and he may have had gun charges on him as well, so they weren't taking any chances. Can't blame them if the guy had a rap sheet 10 miles long.

Serious question here. . .

Lets agree the dude that was killed was a walking pile of shit and in all likelihood was hellbent on suicide by cop.

Whatever it was that got him to the point where he was there, exiting the house with his hands in the air and a gun in one of them. Cops are screaming drop the gun and get on the ground. Then, we know what happens, they shoot him dead...

My question is this. . . At that moment where he is standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he possibly have done at that point to produce a different result? What could he possibly have done at that point. . . That he would still be alive?

Drop the gun?
Did you not watch the video?

He was shot before he lowered his hands. Wasn't he?

How can you not discern from that fact that the cops must have had their guns trained on his stupid ass for some time before they started shooting?

I see.... so that makes it fine with you to shoot first before he even tries anything.

Got it.

I don't give a fuck how super human fast you think you are. If you have a gun in your hand and 3 -5 cops have THEIR guns pointed at your center mass. . . You are not going to be fast enough to hit ANY of them without first pointing your gun at one of them. . . . which the mother fucker never had a chance to do.

Geeezus Chriest, this is not rocket surgery.
. Which he never had a chance to do eh ?? So you think they should have gave him a sporting chance to get at least one round off before he fell ?? Is that your beef in this whole thing ??

Let's see.... he has a gun raised above his been and a half dozen cops screaming for him to drop the gun and who knows what else. . . But the cops are (in your view) justified to shoot him even before he can make even the slightest move to comply. . .

Yeah, that makes sense.
. His choice to keep his gun was a huge mistake on his part. The cops may have had the profile from the profile run on him, and he may have had multiple charges/warrants on him, and he may have had gun charges on him as well, so they weren't taking any chances. Can't blame them if the guy had a rap sheet 10 miles long.

Serious question here. . .

Lets agree the dude that was killed was a walking pile of shit and in all likelihood was hellbent on suicide by cop.

Whatever it was that got him to the point where he was there, exiting the house with his hands in the air and a gun in one of them. Cops are screaming drop the gun and get on the ground. Then, we know what happens, they shoot him dead...

My question is this. . . At that moment where he is standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he possibly have done at that point to produce a different result? What could he possibly have done at that point. . . That he would still be alive?

Drop the gun?
I wonder why he walked out with it to begin with.
BREAKING! Galindo called police because he wanted to turn the gun over to them. He wasn't an illegal alien.. This shooting was a tragedy... A rush to judgement...Damn.it...
Damn ...damn damn

"The wife of a man fatally shot by Charlotte-Mecklenburg police at his home Wednesday says her husband called 911 that night and asked for authorities to pick up a gun that he wanted to surrender."
A confusing 911 call led police to his Charlotte home. Now, this father of 5 is dead.
And I agree, but I haven't heard the entire story. If he just walked outside with the gun the cops were in the wrong, but I don't know.

The jury will not doubt be getting the "full story." I trust that they will do the right thing.
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
BWHAHAHAHA...facts and truth are as foreign to you as loyalty to the union is to confederate flag wavers.
The jury will not doubt be getting the "full story." I trust that they will do the right thing.
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
I know, watching the video. It looks like the cop was guilty, but all I've seen is the video. I have no idea what circumstances the reason the cop was there, what went on prior to the shooting. All I see are a bunch of liberals wanting the cop automatically prosecuted. After all the lying, editing 911 tapes. Reporting that Treyvon was such an innocent kid. I don't trust liberals to be fair and balanced.
. Michael Brown took the prize for liberal dishonesty at it's worst. It went from there to get 5 Dallas innocent cop's killed, and the BLM chanting in the street how they wanted pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, and then comes Kaepernick etc. Pathetic.
Did you not watch the video?

He was shot before he lowered his hands. Wasn't he?

How can you not discern from that fact that the cops must have had their guns trained on his stupid ass for some time before they started shooting?

I see.... so that makes it fine with you to shoot first before he even tries anything.

Got it.

I don't give a fuck how super human fast you think you are. If you have a gun in your hand and 3 -5 cops have THEIR guns pointed at your center mass. . . You are not going to be fast enough to hit ANY of them without first pointing your gun at one of them. . . . which the mother fucker never had a chance to do.

Geeezus Chriest, this is not rocket surgery.
. Which he never had a chance to do eh ?? So you think they should have gave him a sporting chance to get at least one round off before he fell ?? Is that your beef in this whole thing ??

Let's see.... he has a gun raised above his been and a half dozen cops screaming for him to drop the gun and who knows what else. . . But the cops are (in your view) justified to shoot him even before he can make even the slightest move to comply. . .

Yeah, that makes sense.
. His choice to keep his gun was a huge mistake on his part. The cops may have had the profile from the profile run on him, and he may have had multiple charges/warrants on him, and he may have had gun charges on him as well, so they weren't taking any chances. Can't blame them if the guy had a rap sheet 10 miles long.

Serious question here. . .

Lets agree the dude that was killed was a walking pile of shit and in all likelihood was hellbent on suicide by cop.

Whatever it was that got him to the point where he was there, exiting the house with his hands in the air and a gun in one of them. Cops are screaming drop the gun and get on the ground. Then, we know what happens, they shoot him dead...

My question is this. . . At that moment where he is standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he possibly have done at that point to produce a different result? What could he possibly have done at that point. . . That he would still be alive?

Drop the gun?
When you call the cops to tell them you want to turn a gun over to them ...that isn't done on a 911 line. The man hadn't done anything wrong so why would he expect the responding officers to come to his door with weapons drawn and barking orders. That was a non emergecy situation that was mishandled by the dispatcher and the cops.
BREAKING! Galindo called police because he wanted to turn the gun over to them. He wasn't an illegal alien.. This shooting was a tragedy... A rush to judgement...Damn.it...
Damn ...damn damn

"The wife of a man fatally shot by Charlotte-Mecklenburg police at his home Wednesday says her husband called 911 that night and asked for authorities to pick up a gun that he wanted to surrender."
A confusing 911 call led police to his Charlotte home. Now, this father of 5 is dead.
. Something still smells here, because why would police show up as if this guy was a very bad cat, unless he had priors, and was finally deciding to give up a career of violence maybe ?? Family smamily, even they might not know the guy's activities outside the home. Still could be suicide by cop. Who knows the motivation of the guy beyond what we know ? Only the lawyers can solve the case, but we won't solve it with knee jerk reactions, speculation, and conspiracy theories.
. Which he never had a chance to do eh ?? So you think they should have gave him a sporting chance to get at least one round off before he fell ?? Is that your beef in this whole thing ??

Let's see.... he has a gun raised above his been and a half dozen cops screaming for him to drop the gun and who knows what else. . . But the cops are (in your view) justified to shoot him even before he can make even the slightest move to comply. . .

Yeah, that makes sense.
. His choice to keep his gun was a huge mistake on his part. The cops may have had the profile from the profile run on him, and he may have had multiple charges/warrants on him, and he may have had gun charges on him as well, so they weren't taking any chances. Can't blame them if the guy had a rap sheet 10 miles long.

Serious question here. . .

Lets agree the dude that was killed was a walking pile of shit and in all likelihood was hellbent on suicide by cop.

Whatever it was that got him to the point where he was there, exiting the house with his hands in the air and a gun in one of them. Cops are screaming drop the gun and get on the ground. Then, we know what happens, they shoot him dead...

My question is this. . . At that moment where he is standing there with his hands in the air. . . What could he possibly have done at that point to produce a different result? What could he possibly have done at that point. . . That he would still be alive?

Drop the gun?
When you call the cops to tell them you want to turn a gun over to them ...that isn't done on a 911 line. The man hadn't done anything wrong so why would he expect the responding officers to come to his door with weapons drawn and barking orders. That was a non emergecy situation that was mishandled by the dispatcher and the cops.
. Could be... Not for us to decide, but for the lawyers to decide after all facts are gathered completely.
The jury will not doubt be getting the "full story." I trust that they will do the right thing.
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
BWHAHAHAHA...facts and truth are as foreign to you as loyalty to the union is to confederate flag wavers.
Liberals don't care about facts, in the Treyvon case.
Fact, NBC edited out of 911 tapes when the dispatcher asked what color the person was.
Fact, pictures of a much younger of Treyvon were used. They couldn't use the recent pictures of him, because it proved he was just a thug.
Fact, the media left out all of his violent actions and drug possession while in school.
Liberals had an agenda and nothing was going to stop your kind to push it through. Luckily we have the internet now to reveal your lying ways.
All it takes is one "harmonica" to get a hung jury if there is a criminal trial.
actually--FYI--I was called for jury duty where the lawyers even said, the only evidence was the cops' story and the suspect's story
the judge asked ''who could be fair to both sides?' I raised my hand and told him I would need more evidence than just a he-said she-said deal...I would not find the suspect guilty or believe the cops on just witnesses' stories
..I'm not such a bad-evil guy
the suspect was BLACK..one cop was white ..the other black
Your anecdote involves a live cop and a live citizen. Why would you think that your tale is analogous to a cop on trial for murder?
what makes you think I wouldn't be fair/just/etc?
because I state facts/truth?
you must think stating facts/truth is being hateful??!!??
I know, watching the video. It looks like the cop was guilty, but all I've seen is the video. I have no idea what circumstances the reason the cop was there, what went on prior to the shooting. All I see are a bunch of liberals wanting the cop automatically prosecuted. After all the lying, editing 911 tapes. Reporting that Treyvon was such an innocent kid. I don't trust liberals to be fair and balanced.
. Michael Brown took the prize for liberal dishonesty at it's worst. It went from there to get 5 Dallas innocent cop's killed, and the BLM chanting in the street how they wanted pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon, and then comes Kaepernick etc. Pathetic.
Michael Brown's shooting might or might have been justified based on the conflicting
accounts of witnesses...including the black witnesses who recanted earlier testimony that favored Brown and two white construction workers..who also saw events that favored Brown but were never called to testify by the prosecutor. Given that data, I don't know WTF to believe.

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