Hang him!


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2008
I cant believe he is just losing his job and reputation. Check this shit out...

"I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness, and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized," Keillor told the newspaper in an email. "I sent her an email of apology later, and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it."

Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

I think hes lying. I think he thought the chick was hot so he touched her back. Clearly we should destroy his entire life for this heinous act. If his fingers actually touched skin on her back, maybe we should be talking prison time. Thats got to be worth at least 20 years, right?

Seriously though, what the fuck is going on?! Peoples lives are being torn down over nonsense. He touched her back? I dont fucking care if he licked his lips and groaned while he did it. Men are allowed to make moves. If they make a bad move, maybe they get slapped, but thats the end of it. If it isnt sexual assault or Weinstein level sexual harrassment, i dont give a shit.
I cant believe he is just losing his job and reputation. Check this shit out...

"I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness, and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized," Keillor told the newspaper in an email. "I sent her an email of apology later, and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it."

Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

I think hes lying. I think he thought the chick was hot so he touched her back. Clearly we should destroy his entire life for this heinous act. If his fingers actually touched skin on her back, maybe we should be talking prison time. Thats got to be worth at least 20 years, right?

Seriously though, what the fuck is going on?! Peoples lives are being torn down over nonsense. He touched her back? I dont fucking care if he licked his lips and groaned while he did it. Men are allowed to make moves. If they make a bad move, maybe they get slapped, but thats the end of it. If it isnt sexual assault or Weinstein level sexual harrassment, i dont give a shit.
I voice a paranoid conspiracy theory, this all has to do with taking down Trump. They are sacrificing the pawns to get the King. Or it is just the continuation of the attack on white men.
I voice a paranoid conspiracy theory, this all has to do with taking down Trump. They are sacrificing the pawns to get the King. Or it is just the continuation of the attack on white men.

I think you might be partly right.

But I dont think it is a deliberate gambit so much as they started a brush fire that has spread to fifteen counties.
Men achieve a powerful position and seem to think that the perk that comes with it is that they are allowed to sexually harass women with impunity. Long past time for that to end. And time for President Pussy Grabber to face his just desserts.
I cant believe he is just losing his job and reputation. Check this shit out...

"I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness, and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized," Keillor told the newspaper in an email. "I sent her an email of apology later, and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it."

Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

I think hes lying. I think he thought the chick was hot so he touched her back. Clearly we should destroy his entire life for this heinous act. If his fingers actually touched skin on her back, maybe we should be talking prison time. Thats got to be worth at least 20 years, right?

Seriously though, what the fuck is going on?! Peoples lives are being torn down over nonsense. He touched her back? I dont fucking care if he licked his lips and groaned while he did it. Men are allowed to make moves. If they make a bad move, maybe they get slapped, but thats the end of it. If it isnt sexual assault or Weinstein level sexual harrassment, i dont give a shit.

It is all about destroyng men. I'd understand if the guy got forceful but she should have want to the fucking police even then. To wait years over being patted on the back is fucking wrong and no one should be fired over it.
The difference with Trump, as I see it, is that what he is basically accused of is making some pretty poor statements, as he calls them locker room statements. So if said in private whom did he offend?
I cant believe he is just losing his job and reputation. Check this shit out...

"I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness, and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized," Keillor told the newspaper in an email. "I sent her an email of apology later, and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it."

Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

I think hes lying. I think he thought the chick was hot so he touched her back. Clearly we should destroy his entire life for this heinous act. If his fingers actually touched skin on her back, maybe we should be talking prison time. Thats got to be worth at least 20 years, right?

Seriously though, what the fuck is going on?! Peoples lives are being torn down over nonsense. He touched her back? I dont fucking care if he licked his lips and groaned while he did it. Men are allowed to make moves. If they make a bad move, maybe they get slapped, but thats the end of it. If it isnt sexual assault or Weinstein level sexual harrassment, i dont give a shit.
I voice a paranoid conspiracy theory, this all has to do with taking down Trump. They are sacrificing the pawns to get the King. Or it is just the continuation of the attack on white men.
How can it be a conspiracy? You have women from all over the country, in all walks of life, and who don't even know each other making allegations. The idea it is a conspiracy is nonsense. It's just that the dam has broken and things that women have bottled up for ages are now coming out.
I cant believe he is just losing his job and reputation. Check this shit out...

"I meant to pat her back after she told me about her unhappiness, and her shirt was open and my hand went up it about six inches. She recoiled. I apologized," Keillor told the newspaper in an email. "I sent her an email of apology later, and she replied that she had forgiven me and not to think about it."

Garrison Keillor fired, says he put hand on woman's back

I think hes lying. I think he thought the chick was hot so he touched her back. Clearly we should destroy his entire life for this heinous act. If his fingers actually touched skin on her back, maybe we should be talking prison time. Thats got to be worth at least 20 years, right?

Seriously though, what the fuck is going on?! Peoples lives are being torn down over nonsense. He touched her back? I dont fucking care if he licked his lips and groaned while he did it. Men are allowed to make moves. If they make a bad move, maybe they get slapped, but thats the end of it. If it isnt sexual assault or Weinstein level sexual harrassment, i dont give a shit.
I voice a paranoid conspiracy theory, this all has to do with taking down Trump. They are sacrificing the pawns to get the King. Or it is just the continuation of the attack on white men.
How can it be a conspiracy? You have women from all over the country, in all walks of life, and who don't even know each other making allegations. The idea it is a conspiracy is nonsense. It's just that the dam has broken and things that women have bottled up for ages are now coming out.
And it seems a few of them are complete bullshit
I’ve noticed many of the media getting fired happen to be up in their years. Could it also be an easy way to get rid of the old guys, since they have contracts?
Now don’t get me wrong. Many of these people I see as predators, which they allowed to run amuck for years, and deserve it. A few though, maybe they are using it to get rid of them for younger faces.
Men achieve a powerful position and seem to think that the perk that comes with it is that they are allowed to sexually harass women with impunity. Long past time for that to end. And time for President Pussy Grabber to face his just desserts.

Funny you probably weren't vocal about it when Billy Boy was playing his game, or Ted Kennedy.

Just comforting someone, a light touch on a knee or a pat on the back isn't sexual harassment. Nor is making a pass. There is a big difference between a touch, pat, hug to comfort or even a light kiss on a cheek to greet someone you know and groping, grabbing or forcing oneself in any manner. Groping and grabbing are aggressive moves.
Just comforting someone, a light touch on a knee or a pat on the back isn't sexual harassment. Nor is making a pass. There is a big difference between a touch, pat, hug to comfort or even a light kiss on a cheek to greet someone you know and groping, grabbing or forcing oneself in any manner. Groping and grabbing are aggressive moves.

The simple solution is to not do this shit in the office or in any business area. if you want to make a pass at someone, ask them out for drinks, dinner or whatever.

It evens out the playing field, and makes your intentions known.

But for the guys who are actually harassers, and not just awkward beta males, its also about the power they have over these women (and sometimes men).
Just comforting someone, a light touch on a knee or a pat on the back isn't sexual harassment. Nor is making a pass. There is a big difference between a touch, pat, hug to comfort or even a light kiss on a cheek to greet someone you know and groping, grabbing or forcing oneself in any manner. Groping and grabbing are aggressive moves.

The simple solution is to not do this shit in the office or in any business area. if you want to make a pass at someone, ask them out for drinks, dinner or whatever.

It evens out the playing field, and makes your intentions known.

But for the guys who are actually harassers, and not just awkward beta males, its also about the power they have over these women (and sometimes men).
I agree it doesn't belong in a work place whether it be a male or female in charge or just employees. That doesn't mean that some people won't do things in work settings either though as a long of people have work as there main interaction place with other peoples. Jill tells Joe how terribly the news she just got was, Joe comforts Jill in a manner of touching the shoulder, hand or back or visa versa Joe has the bad news shares with Jill though still isn't harassment.
Just comforting someone, a light touch on a knee or a pat on the back isn't sexual harassment. Nor is making a pass. There is a big difference between a touch, pat, hug to comfort or even a light kiss on a cheek to greet someone you know and groping, grabbing or forcing oneself in any manner. Groping and grabbing are aggressive moves.

The simple solution is to not do this shit in the office or in any business area. if you want to make a pass at someone, ask them out for drinks, dinner or whatever.

It evens out the playing field, and makes your intentions known.

But for the guys who are actually harassers, and not just awkward beta males, its also about the power they have over these women (and sometimes men).
I agree it doesn't belong in a work place whether it be a male or female in charge or just employees. That doesn't mean that some people won't do things in work settings either though as a long of people have work as there main interaction place with other peoples. Jill tells Joe how terribly the news she just got was, Joe comforts Jill in a manner of touching the shoulder, hand or back or visa versa Joe has the bad news shares with Jill though still isn't harassment.

Better to keep bigger boundaries at work, again you can console without touching. or if someone needs a hug take it outside.

by taking it outside you almost set up a condition of acceptance by both parties without actually saying anything or doing anything (except walking outside)

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