Hannity Fires Cumulus, Liberal Media Wrong Again

OMG 40 stations? Break out the tissues. :lol:

Give me a break Pogo. Clear Channel is ready to replace 80% of those stations and Hannity will still be on over 500 stations carried thru Premiere.

According to Del Colliano, Clear Channel is “100% behind Hannity and will replace 80% of the Cumulus stations as soon as the current deal is up.”

This will allow Hannity to stay on 500-plus stations carried through Premiere.

Hannity Fires Cumulus, Liberal Media Wrong Again | NewsBusters
Maybe, but the Clear Channel/Premiere station in my area WWOR does not have the coverage of the Cumulus station he is on now, WABC. So he will still lose audience even if he has the same number of stations.

He'll move to Clear Channel's WOR and take his audience with him. No big smurf.

ETA: Hannity and Savage are very different conservative talkers. Savage won't make a dent in Hannity's audience. We are really talking completely different styles.

Your right about that... Hannnity isn't a raving nut like Savage.
I met Hannity at an eatery in NYC about 2 years ago
Really nice guy
Very down to earth

I met him 12 years ago, while he was in negotiations with his radio show. He was a nice guy. I worked for his money manager, so the conversation was mostly about his future earning potential. While I'm sure he and most people at his level are not necessarily in it just for the money, financial compensation is a major part of the equation. He's way more financially successful than he ever thought he'd be and God bless him for it (I say the same about Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow), but I think "the cause" is starting to get frustrating for him.

I know his "magic number" back then was less than $20 Million and now he makes that every year. So why does he do it? Probably because he can, and because money is the standard by which success is measured, not something one earns to take care of a lifestyle and family.

I'm not sure I relate, I'm still trying to get to my magic number of $5 Million.
I'd like to extend my congratulations to Sean Hannity for quitting before getting fired.


At least he was smart enough not be waterboarded after promising to do it for charity.

Like, that would have sucked.

I'd like to extend my congratulations to Sean Hannity for quitting before getting fired.


At least he was smart enough not be waterboarded after promising to do it for charity.

Like, that would have sucked.


You want important promises broken, lets talk Obama's promise of a recovery or him not seeking a second term. He broke that promise big time!

NSA, according to Obama is not spying on Americans, another lie.

Obama has lied and with held facts about Benghazi.

Obama lied about changing Washington DC.

Most transparent administration in U.S. history, another lie.

Public would have 5 days to look at a bill before it was signed. Hmmmm....

Now, you want to go after liars, lets go after Obama, his lies are far worse than some TV host.
I'd like to extend my congratulations to Sean Hannity for quitting before getting fired.


At least he was smart enough not be waterboarded after promising to do it for charity.

Like, that would have sucked.


You want important promises broken, lets talk Obama's promise of a recovery or him not seeking a second term. He broke that promise big time!

NSA, according to Obama is not spying on Americans, another lie.

Obama has lied and with held facts about Benghazi.

Obama lied about changing Washington DC.

Most transparent administration in U.S. history, another lie.

Public would have 5 days to look at a bill before it was signed. Hmmmm....

Now, you want to go after liars, lets go after Obama, his lies are far worse than some TV host.

Oh goodie, the Hypocrisy Fallacy, a/k/a Tu Quoque. Thanks for that trip down memory lane.

We must remember it's O'bama that makes Sean Hannity welch on his waterboard offer. For four years. No doubt as soon as O'bama is out of office in 2017 Hannity will be on the table gurgling, finally free to honor his word.
At least he was smart enough not be waterboarded after promising to do it for charity.

Like, that would have sucked.


You want important promises broken, lets talk Obama's promise of a recovery or him not seeking a second term. He broke that promise big time!

NSA, according to Obama is not spying on Americans, another lie.

Obama has lied and with held facts about Benghazi.

Obama lied about changing Washington DC.

Most transparent administration in U.S. history, another lie.

Public would have 5 days to look at a bill before it was signed. Hmmmm....

Now, you want to go after liars, lets go after Obama, his lies are far worse than some TV host.

Oh goodie, the Hypocrisy Fallacy, a/k/a Tu Quoque. Thanks for that trip down memory lane.

We must remember it's O'bama that makes Sean Hannity welch on his waterboard offer. For four years. No doubt as soon as O'bama is out of office in 2017 Hannity will be on the table gurgling, finally free to honor his word.

Neither issue had anything to do with the thread. So Hannity didn't go through with water boarding. BFD, it means nothing in anyone's life, Obama lying has an impact.

Nice fake outrage.
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LOL...more lefty screwballs circle-jerking themselves into blindness over the reality of the size of Hannity's audience.

Remember that Golden Rule: He who has the gold rules! Lot's of gold in Sean's ad revenue and he can park it at whatever stations/networks he chooses.

Uh... right. That's why he's abandoning Cumulus stations --the second largest owner in the country-- and starting over. Good plan there.

Btw you don't "park at whatever station you choose". You have to sell it. Hannity's managers could see Cumulus wasn't happening, and now they'll have to restart wherever they can. And trust me, with Cumulus not interested, his selling price went down.

He was on 40 stations...out of 500 total.... So 8% is a HUGE number? You're funny...
I'm sure Hannity and his group will find more stations and viewers. Hell, Cumulus wants them back.

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