Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

No one has to do anything...he hates the unions but he loves what they did for him. He could, O'reilly could and Hannity could leave anytime they want.

That's a lie.

You MUST belong to The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA) to be employed.

The US Government through the FCC enforces this requirement by denying license to stations who employ non-union workers.

Wrong, they could have gone the Fi core route.
So Public Workers should expect to be compensated for their education and/or experience? You destroy public sector unions, private ones are next. Then all our wages get cut to a dollar a day and you won't have a say about it because Republicans took away your rights. You talk bad about Republicans, you get killed. This is their ultimate goal.

If you like having a salary, benefits and a house. You better support unions. If not, get use to slums.

It's pitiful when a grown man loves being dependent.

So you are independently wealthy and dont depend on working to make a living?
Notice how every lib in here ignored me when I asked a simple Question.

Are they members by choice? or is it one of those deals where you have to be in the union to hold the job?

They didnt have to join the union they could have went Fi core.

Fi Core would only protect him from firing himself from his own company if he paid union dues but didn't join the union. Dim wit.

So he started out as the owner of his own company?
RUSH:" Exactly right. Now, we're just assuming here that I will not be kicked out of the Screen Actors Guild in such a circumstance. I mean it was touch-and-go even getting the card.

They eventually decided they wanted my dues, but it was touch-and-go getting the card. "Why don't you just rely on your AFTRA card?" And I said, "Well, the Screen Actors Guild is requiring a presence here." Not all shows do, but -- (interruption)

well, I don't want to admit this publicly, yeah, but under duress. I belong to unions under duress, yes. My union dues are going to elect Democrats. I mean Bill Buckley had to join AFTRA in order to do Firing Line. He wrote column after column after column opposing the fact that he had to do this on the same grounds that I have complained about it."

rush has admitted to belonging to
unions but he doesn't like it.
He joined because he was forced to
join. Under duress.

He wasnt forced, he could have easily became a non union toilet cleaner but he decided to follow the very prosperous path that comes with being part of the union he belongs to.

Wait you actually think they make 10 Million Dollars a year and have huge audiences because they are members of a union?


He started out making 10 million a year and having a huge audience?
He wasnt forced, he could have easily became a non union toilet cleaner but he decided to follow the very prosperous path that comes with being part of the union he belongs to.

Wait you actually think they make 10 Million Dollars a year and have huge audiences because they are members of a union?


Indeed. Some people are that stupid and assume this as Unions are on the decline. :lol:

Tommy if you had a decent union job you wouldnt have to drink that cheap rot gut that you do.
Oh sure, Rush climbs up the union tree, makes money, then curses it from atop his perch. Climbed the ladder, gathered up his bread and convincing you that that ladder is a bad ladder. Then tells you to fight with him to kick the ladder over hahaha....

And what does Hannity say......*crickets*

This is too funny, O'Reilly sees the benefit in unions go ask him. Rush does too or else he wouldnt have been apart of it. Personal Responsibilty. Period.

If only they had a choice to opt out. :cuckoo:

Fi core
They didnt have to join the union they could have went Fi core.
fi core is screen actors
not radio
at least thats what i got

It is both

Union Financial Core

You keep repeating this mindless point as if you know what you're talking about. If you read your link, it summarizes it this way:

--- "you become a 'fee paying non-member'"

You pay for the union, but you're not a "member." It is a distinction without a difference.

Even then, it protects him from firing himself. It does not require stations to carry him, it does not require AFTRA to not boycott them, it does not require AFTRA members to work for stations that carry him. Your big point is he can pay union dues and not fire himself. Wow, you are really onto something there. I guess when your only toy is an empty paper towel roll, that toy is invaluable to you...
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Rush got his cushy, no work job through the union..Just like all union employees

You don't think he was hired because of his good looks and pleasant personality do you?

Uh.....Rush is in RADIO.

RADIO is an audio media, not a visual media.

You get your gigs from how you sound and what you say, not your looks.

Just ask Howard Stern.

Rush got his cushy, do nothing union job because his Uncle Nunzio threatened to break someones knees
That's a bold statement

Got any proof?

How does it explain why he's the number one talk show host while Air America crashed and burned?
Rush got his cushy, no work job through the union..Just like all union employees

You don't think he was hired because of his good looks and pleasant personality do you?

Uh.....Rush is in RADIO.

RADIO is an audio media, not a visual media.

You get your gigs from how you sound and what you say, not your looks.

Just ask Howard Stern.

Rush got his cushy, do nothing union job because his Uncle Nunzio threatened to break someones knees
Well, after a few good debate, you've quickly descended to the level of rank troll amateur libeler. I do believe it is coming rapidly on the time to ignore you for your psychotic flat out lies.

Uh.....Rush is in RADIO.

RADIO is an audio media, not a visual media.

You get your gigs from how you sound and what you say, not your looks.

Just ask Howard Stern.

Rush got his cushy, do nothing union job because his Uncle Nunzio threatened to break someones knees
That's a bold statement

Got any proof?

How does it explain why he's the number one talk show host while Air America crashed and burned?
He hasn't posted ANY proof for the last 20 posts he's made or so, but he's repeated the same lie 5 times.
At least our dream lands of england, france, norway and sweden actually have the best education, healthcare, and quality of life. Thats something we should strive for, you want to destroy America.

Then why don't you move?

Instead of trying to transform the USA into a European social democracy - just move.
Uh.....Rush is in RADIO.

RADIO is an audio media, not a visual media.

You get your gigs from how you sound and what you say, not your looks.

Just ask Howard Stern.

Rush got his cushy, do nothing union job because his Uncle Nunzio threatened to break someones knees
That's a bold statement

Got any proof?

How Limbaugh got his cushy, do nothing, union job

Where does it say in the Constitution that government workers are 2nd class citizens, prohibited from organizing and being recognized by their employeer!

Where does it say in the constitution that government workers are an aristocracy to be served and catered to by the public?

Where does it say that a govenor can arbitrarily pick and choose which public sector unions he/she wishes to recognize?

Where does it say that you can arbitrarily pick and choose what store you want to buy from? Whether you want Taco Bell of McDonalds for dinner? Whether you're drinking a 12 pack of Bud Lite or Mickey Big Mouths?
That does it. reported and ignored.

RW, you've a lot of recanting to do for this level of entrenched assholeitude.

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