Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly are Union members

Oh sure, Rush climbs up the union tree, makes money, then curses it from atop his perch. Climbed the ladder, gathered up his bread and convincing you that that ladder is a bad ladder. Then tells you to fight with him to kick the ladder over hahaha....

And what does Hannity say......*crickets*

This is too funny, O'Reilly sees the benefit in unions go ask him. Rush does too or else he wouldnt have been apart of it. Personal Responsibilty. Period.

If only they had a choice to opt out. :cuckoo:

He did...no one forced him and he contributed and flouriched from those same unions.

The FACTS have been presented in this thread as to the "opt out" option in his profession. You can choose to be obtuse.

He flourished because of his talent. That must be very hard for you to hear.
I don't criticize oil companies...

But if they gush oil into our waters, I don't apologize either

Cool, but that wasn't the question. You are criticizing Rush for being a hypocrite. He had to join a union to do the job he did. You advocate he have no say in the political process because it's hypocrisy to join a union, even if forced to.

The question isn't whether you criticize oil companies, it's do you criticize liberals who do criticize oil companies and buy gas anyway. Do you call them hypocrites as you say that about Rush?

Rush got his cushy, no work job through the union..Just like all union employees

You don't think he was hired because of his good looks and pleasant personality do you?
OK, I admit it wasn't a difficult prediction. I knew you were a hypocrite in this. I was just giving you a chance to show your hypocrisy. You hold your opponents to a high standard and those who agree with you to none.

BTW, people with integrity start by holding themselves to a standard first. I am obviously skeptical you will ever have integrity. But I do believe you should be given the chance.
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Did I reply to you the first time or the second time? Do you think this discussion board evolves around you? I think you do.:lol:

Do you think this is a closed thread? Do you think only certain people read your rants? Do you think you can make sense once in a while? I thought not..:cool:

And YOU do?

I thought not.


Well I make more sense than you. But this is not a hard thing to do. As I said, anybody who has a misogynistic, racist in their avatar can't be shuffling a full deck....
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20 million dead Russians and 50 million dead Chinese, the nation of Cambodia and Eastern Europe may disagree with you.

And if those countries were socialist, you would be right. They were not. And Venezuela is nothing like those countries....
Please show proof on how the Soviet Union, China and Cambodia were/are not socialist. I'm sure it would come as a great shock to those who lived there.

Or are we playing the delusion "Zere are no Zocialists here... We are all Zocial Democrats!"

The main tenets of socialism are that the means of production AND allocation of products and services are equal amongst everybody. Everybody puts in and get out of it the same thing.

Ask yourself these questions if those regimes meet the definition of socialism:
1) Does the govt own every thing? yes
2) Do the public also have ownership of everything? No
3) Did Stalin have a dacha on the Black Sea, and did the Red Square street sweeper also have a dacha on the Black Sea? No
4) Did the said street sweeper have as much power as Stalin? No.

In order for your definition of socialism to be met, all the answers have to be yes. They were not socialist regimes, nor were they communist. They were totalitarian. Big difference.....
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Heard your rambling the first time...

Did I reply to you the first time or the second time? Do you think this discussion board evolves around you? I think you do.:lol:

Do you think this is a closed thread? Do you think only certain people read your rants? Do you think you can make sense once in a while? I thought not..:cool:

Did I reply to you? Are you right winger? are you his puppet? Do you think right winger cannot speak for itself? Since right winger made the same comment twice I responded twice. So fuck off.
Like it or NOT? Limbaugh OWNS his enterprise...and calls his own shots.

You statist cretins just are over-reaching as usual...

Rush would be nothing without his union brothers looking out for him. He would be changing tires in Iowa if it weren't for his cushy, do nothing union job

3RD reply too you
Actually Rush has that cushy job because he's a commodity that has great ratings, if his ratings were in the shitter like most liberal media his sponsors would pull their ads and he would be no more.
Do you think this is a closed thread? Do you think only certain people read your rants? Do you think you can make sense once in a while? I thought not..:cool:

And YOU do?

I thought not.


Well I make more sense than you. But this is not a hard thing to do. As I said, anybody who has a misogynistic, racist in their avatar can't be shuffling a full deck....

Without listeners Rush would not have any ratings without ratings Rush would not have any advertisers, without any advertisers Rush would not have a show.
And if those countries were socialist, you would be right. They were not. And Venezuela is nothing like those countries....
Please show proof on how the Soviet Union, China and Cambodia were/are not socialist. I'm sure it would come as a great shock to those who lived there.

Or are we playing the delusion "Zere are no Zocialists here... We are all Zocial Democrats!"

The main tenets of socialism are that the means of production AND allocation of products and services are equal amongst everybody. Everybody puts in and get out of it the same thing.

Ask yourself these questions if those regimes meet the definition of socialism:
1) Does the govt own every thing? yes
2) Do the public also have ownership of everything? No
3) Did Stalin have a dacha on the Black Sea, and did the Red Square street sweeper also have a dacha on the Black Sea? No
4) Did the said street sweeper have as much power as Stalin? No.

In order for your definition of socialism to be met, all the answers have to be yes. They were not socialist regimes, nor were they communist. They were totalitarian. Big difference.....
Ah! The ideological purity standard!

Good show!

Fail, but good show!

Those three nations still suffered massive death at the hands of ideological purists who's applications, you may not necessarily agree with, did so, in the name of that philosophy.
If only they had a choice to opt out. :cuckoo:

He did...no one forced him and he contributed and flouriched from those same unions.

The FACTS have been presented in this thread as to the "opt out" option in his profession. You can choose to be obtuse.

He flourished because of his talent. That must be very hard for you to hear.

No, no, no. Everyone knows that in the entertainment business it's unions, not talent that gets them the big gigs. :bsflag:
I don't criticize oil companies...

But if they gush oil into our waters, I don't apologize either

Cool, but that wasn't the question. You are criticizing Rush for being a hypocrite. He had to join a union to do the job he did. You advocate he have no say in the political process because it's hypocrisy to join a union, even if forced to.

The question isn't whether you criticize oil companies, it's do you criticize liberals who do criticize oil companies and buy gas anyway. Do you call them hypocrites as you say that about Rush?

Rush got his cushy, no work job through the union..Just like all union employees

You don't think he was hired because of his good looks and pleasant personality do you?

Uh.....Rush is in RADIO.

RADIO is an audio media, not a visual media.

You get your gigs from how you sound and what you say, not your looks.

Just ask Howard Stern.
And if those countries were socialist, you would be right. They were not. And Venezuela is nothing like those countries....
Please show proof on how the Soviet Union, China and Cambodia were/are not socialist. I'm sure it would come as a great shock to those who lived there.

Or are we playing the delusion "Zere are no Zocialists here... We are all Zocial Democrats!"

The main tenets of socialism are that the means of production AND allocation of products and services are equal amongst everybody. Everybody puts in and get out of it the same thing.

Ask yourself these questions if those regimes meet the definition of socialism:
1) Does the govt own every thing? yes
2) Do the public also have ownership of everything? No
3) Did Stalin have a dacha on the Black Sea, and did the Red Square street sweeper also have a dacha on the Black Sea? No
4) Did the said street sweeper have as much power as Stalin? No.

In order for your definition of socialism to be met, all the answers have to be yes. They were not socialist regimes, nor were they communist. They were totalitarian. Big difference.....

In some cases Socialism is a decent way to run a government. But you must be free of corruption for it to work properly. It works in Germany, but not in France and the UK.

Also, what you're talking about isn't just Socialism but a hybrid Dictatorial/Communist government. Bad news for a free society, don't you agree???
This debate is a real scream, boys.

Rush Limbough, featherbedding union tool or Atlas of individualism with brains on loan from God?

I mean seriously?

THIS going-absolutely-nowhere, content-free argument is a worthy of your efforts, why?

Do any of you think that anybody here is seriously going to change their minds about Rush OR Unions based on the posting in this thread?

Did I reply to you the first time or the second time? Do you think this discussion board evolves around you? I think you do.:lol:

Do you think this is a closed thread? Do you think only certain people read your rants? Do you think you can make sense once in a while? I thought not..:cool:

Did I reply to you? Are you right winger? are you his puppet? Do you think right winger cannot speak for itself? Since right winger made the same comment twice I responded twice. So fuck off.
"The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo" (The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo)

At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.
This debate is a real scream, boys.

Rush Limbough, featherbedding union tool or Atlas of individualism with brains on loan from God?

I mean seriously?

THIS going-absolutely-nowhere, content-free argument is a worthy of your efforts, why?

Do any of you think that anybody here is seriously going to change their minds about Rush OR Unions based on the posting in this thread?

So you post on message boards? Seriously?
Do you think this is a closed thread? Do you think only certain people read your rants? Do you think you can make sense once in a while? I thought not..:cool:

Did I reply to you? Are you right winger? are you his puppet? Do you think right winger cannot speak for itself? Since right winger made the same comment twice I responded twice. So fuck off.
"The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo" (The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo)

At the core of evil is the process of dehumanization by which certain other people or collectives of them, are depicted as less than human, as non comparable in humanity or personal dignity to those who do the labeling. Prejudice employs negative stereotypes in images or verbally abusive terms to demean and degrade the objects of its narrow view of superiority over these allegedly inferior persons. Discrimination involves the actions taken against those others based on the beliefs and emotions generated by prejudiced perspectives.

Dehumanization is one of the central processes in the transformation of ordinary, normal people into indifferent or even wanton perpetrators of evil. Dehumanization is like a cortical cataract that clouds ones thinking and fosters the perception that other people are less than human. It makes some people come to see those others as enemies deserving of torment, torture, and even annihilation.

don't ask me ask grump he seems to thnk right wringer can't speak for him self he's answered for right winger twice.
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No one with a brain listens to talking head media be it left or right.
That is the problem today. Americans listen to these brain dead talk show hosts and pays no attentio to the politicians running the debt up.
Those clowns are ENTERTAINERS.
Does anyone really believe Rush Limbaugh has Americans' best interests in mind?
Cool, but that wasn't the question. You are criticizing Rush for being a hypocrite. He had to join a union to do the job he did. You advocate he have no say in the political process because it's hypocrisy to join a union, even if forced to.

The question isn't whether you criticize oil companies, it's do you criticize liberals who do criticize oil companies and buy gas anyway. Do you call them hypocrites as you say that about Rush?

Rush got his cushy, no work job through the union..Just like all union employees

You don't think he was hired because of his good looks and pleasant personality do you?

Uh.....Rush is in RADIO.

RADIO is an audio media, not a visual media.

You get your gigs from how you sound and what you say, not your looks.

Just ask Howard Stern.

Rush got his cushy, do nothing union job because his Uncle Nunzio threatened to break someones knees
This entire argument is based on a false Premise that they are all against Unions.

Everyone of them has said they have no problem with Unions at face Value, and that it is really only when you are talking about the Public Sector and state with Massive Debts that they become a real problem.

So I guess the question is, are these guys paid by the tax payers?


That is the talking point du jour, go back in time a before the current situation and you see the right is anti all unions.

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